Jan. 30, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 30, 2014, 6 p.m.
Hope you liked. reviews always appreciated
Blaine's parents took Kurt and Blaine back with them to Ohio with Cooper and Annalei arriving two days later. Kurt greeted them at the door and he and Cooper hugged tightly.
“How's he doing?” Cooper asked. He knew his brother and knew this would be hard on him.
Kurt smirked at the role-reversal, remembering him asking Cooper the same thing days ago and shook his head. “He's ok physically but mentally he's having a hard time trying to reconcile who he is with what he did. He keeps staring at me and sometimes just bursts into tears and won't touch me or won't stop. I was wondering if you could wipe his memories, and mine.”
“Are you sure? Wiping them might be harder in the end. He'll know something terrible happened but not what.” Cooper asked.
“I was thinking you could leave enough or change them enough to help him understand what happened but the actual act…” Kurt trailed off, looking up at his soon to be brother in law beseechingly.
“Kurt I know what happened was terrible but you two do understand the drug made him do that, right?” Cooper questioned, worried.
Kurt looked away then looked back, his eyes wet. “He-he thinks somewhere inside he's evil.”
“Do you?”
Kurt shook his head. “No but I'm the one that he did it to and I watched him kill that guy. Coop I just want to forget that Blaine, that black-eyed beast and see my Blaine again when I look at him.”
Cooper sighed and looked at Annalei who shrugged sympathetically. “Ok, we'll talk to Blaine and see about wiping yours.”
“Thank you Coop.” Kurt replied and smiled a little.
“The wedding plans of Prince Blaine and Prince Kurt have been put on hold after the brutal attack on the young Princes. Not much is known of the attack but it is thought that members of the previously thought destroyed Despoina clan whom, our viewers will remember were largely responsible for the Third Vampire War, were to blame for the attack. Nothing has been announced by the royal family but our sources say that they are preparing to deal with them and anyone who would do their family, or any others, harm.”
The TV switched off and Cooper turned to his father. “Who told them that?”
Dmitri sighed and rubbed his temple. “Who do you think? The press wanted to know why the Princes had engagement rings on and the announcement went out. One of our agents works at that news channel. Well done with the wiping and replacing by the way. I am glad to know you are healing.” Dmitri smiled at his son, happy to finally have all of his family home.
Cooper smiled back and walked over, wrapping his arms around his father when he opened his arms to him. He'd missed this. He never should have left but the past was pointless worrying over now. That thought had him opening his eyes and gently letting go of his father. “Father I need to ask your opinion. Kurt asked me to erase and change his and Blaine's memories of the attack but I wanted to ask you your thoughts first.”
Dmitri looked at him, considering before he spoke. “I believe caution is the best way to go through with this. Your brother is a sensitive boy, intensified by young Kurt. They are both strong and fragile in equal parts but in this something was placed on them that never should have been and is out of their comprehension. To Blaine harm is an extreme and not something to be shown to his beloved. Choose wisely the things you change, my boy. They cannot be changed back.” Dmitri replied and Cooper wondered if his father was not only talking about memories, but life.
Dmitri walked into the family room and smiled at the sight of his son and soon-to-be son in law sitting on the couch, cuddled up together and admiring their rings. They were kissing every few seconds and nuzzling, with Blaine kissing his mate's neck every other.
The darkness was gathering and Dmitri closed his eyes, hoping for an answer to all the questions that plagued his mind. “Son, there is something I haven't been telling you.” He addressed his youngest, thinking about the meeting he'd just had with his grandfather and uncle.
“What is it?” Blaine asked distractedly.
“First you have to understand, with recent happenings and you travelling to bring Cooper back I didn't want to burden you or Kurt, you have to forgive me.”
Blaine finally looked up from Kurt who was looking at Blaine's father too. “What is it father? You're scaring me.” He asked.
Dmitri sighed. “As you know, your attackers were Despoina. They still believe they are nothing to do with us or our society and feel they are above us and look for anything they can do to weaken us. I have been getting reports that since Kurt came into public knowledge that they have been gathering supporters and now with Cooper back at home they've taken it as a battle-cry.”
“A WHAT?” Blaine yelled, both boys standing.
“Blaine we must be prepared for war.” Dmitri stated.
Blaine shook his head. “No. I promised Kurt the last war would be our last.” He said, taking Kurt's hand in his and remembering their conversation all that time ago.
The taller vampire glared at his son, astonished. “Blaine you cannot possibly promise him that.”
“I will not be the cause of war within our race, father.” Blaine replied hotly.
Dmitri regarded his son, wondering what Blaine's quick mind had thought up. “What do you suggest?”
“We need to inform the Council, all clans; leaders need to gather their people and the humans need to keep themselves safe. I suggest calling out the Despoina, between us, our house and Kurt's we should be able to find them all. We will go to them and if there is to be a fight we'll fight but this won't be a war, this will be a battle, a warning, a statement.” Blaine declared.
“You will be a great ruler, my son.” Dmitri said, addressing both boys and smiling.
Blaine smiled back furtively. “I take after my father.”
“Do you still want me to wipe your memories?” Cooper asked from the doorway, previously unnoticed, he'd walked in a few minutes ago after his father.
Blaine sighed and shook his head, rubbing his thumb over Kurt's hand and looking at him sadly. “No, leave them; I'll need them to remind me why this is happening.”