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Realize: Chapter 6

T - Words: 1,223 - Last Updated: Mar 03, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Mar 03, 2013 - Updated: Mar 03, 2013
260 0 1 0 0

Blaine was simplybuzzingat school. He couldn't stop fiddling with his phone, his bowtie, his bag, everything and anything. He was so nervous about seeing Kurt. What if it was just a friendship thing? That song wassoromantic. He hoped it meant more. If Kurt still wanted to be just friends, he would handle it. It would suck, but he would handle it because he'd rather have his best friend in his life than not at all.

"Ughhhhh...." Blaine walked into the room for an early morning Glee practice and flopped down in a chair. No one was in there yet; he was always the first one to arrive. Ten minutes early as usual, even this early in the morning.

"Dude...what's up?" Sam's voice made Blaine jump.

"God, Sam, you scared me. There's never anyone else in here this early." Blaine chastised him.

"Sorry. What's with the dramatic sigh?" Sam walked over and sat down in the chair next to him.

"I haven't told anyone yet, so just... keep it to yourself." Blaine warned him.

Sam rolled his eyes, "Dude, you know you can trust me. What's going on?"

Blaine raised his eyebrows and pinched his lips together with anticipation. "Kurt's flying home tonight for the wedding. And... he asked me to sing a duet with him. Not just any duet, a super romantic song and I'mfreakingout because I can't tell if this is just us being best friends or if it's more than that." Blaine's speech came out at a hundred miles an hour.

"Damn!" Sam stated. "What song is it?"

"It's 'I Finally Found Someone'. Barbara Streisand and Bryan Adams. I mean two of the lines are, 'It started out over coffee, we started out as friends, it's funny how from simple things the best things begin'. I know it's for Mr. Schue's wedding, but Sam, that's EXACTLY how Kurt and I started out. I'm flipping. I really want to be with him. I really want this song to mean more than just a duet at the wedding."

Sam looked at Blaine, really searched him. Blaine's eyes were sparkling, mixed with emotion and unshed tears at the possibility of being with Kurt again. Sam put his hand on Blaine's shoulder.

"Man, that's amazing. Kurt has always said things with song; we're all like that. I'm sure it's what you're hoping for, dude." Sam smiled, and then faltered a bit. "Wait, aren't you going with Tina as your 'date' though? Have you told her yet? I'm sure she'll be fine with it seeing as it's Kurt and all."

Blaine did a face palm. "Damnit! I totally spaced. I've been so excited about Kurt coming in tonight I didn't even think about that! I'm such an ass of a friend. She'll understand though, right?"

Sam nodded. "Dude, totally. It's Kurt."

At that point, everyone from glee club started walking in, noisy as ever, excited about the wedding tomorrow, excited to rehearse all their stuff. As Blaine saw Tina come in, he grabbed her by the elbow.

"Tina! I have to talk to you." Blaine smiled.

"Yeah, Blainesies, what's up?" Tina beamed at him.

"Ok... don't be mad. Kurt called me last night."

Tina's smile faltered. "Really?"

Blaine didn't even notice her expression. "Yeah. He wants to sing a duet with me at the wedding, and it was kind of like he was asking me to be his date. This could be my second chance with the Love. Of. My. Life. But I feel like an ass for ditching you. Are you mad?"

Tina sighed, and put on a fake smile. Blaine was one of her closest friends, now. She had to do what was best for him, even if it killed her. She put her hands on Blaine's shoulders. "Of course, Blaine! Of course."

Blaine pulled her into a big hug. "Thank you thank you thank you! Uh, you are just the best. Have I told you that? Oh, keep this to yourself though, no one really knows, it's supposed to be a surprise." Blaine kissed her on the cheek, and practically danced back to his chair.

Tina took a minute, and sighed. "It's Kurt and Blaine," Shethought."I need to be supportive of them, no matter what. Time for another fake smile, Tina."She plastered one on her face, and took a seat next to Blaine.

"Damnit!" Kurt was furious. His plane was being delayed for "mechanical difficulties". What the hell did that even mean? They didn't know how long the delay was going to be, and no one was giving him any information. He sat down in the row of seats nearest to him.

"I'm never flying Delta again..." he muttered, under his breath.

The woman next to him laughed, "You too, huh? This happens to me every time I fly with them. Not necessarily mechanical difficulties, but there's always a delay or a cancellation."

Kurt sighed as he pulled out his phone, "Yeah. Ireallyneed to get back to Ohio tonight at a decent hour."

Kurt shot off a quick text to Blaine.

B, my flight is delayed thanks to mechanical difficulties. I have no idea when I'm leaving. I'll keep you updated.

The woman looked at him, "Yeah, you look pretty disappointed. But I have to tell you, I LOVE your shoes."

"Thank you!" Kurt looked up at her then, and gasped. "Oh my god," he whispered. "You're... you're Barbara Streisand! Barbara Streisand just complimented my boots!"

She laughed, "Shhh. I'm incognito. It's nice to meet such a well dressed fan."

Kurt was practically speechless. "I can't even TELL you what a huge fan I am. I go to school at NYADA, I'm a vocal performance major, you've been an idol all my life! I'm sorry... I'm just star-struck. How are you even at a public airport right now? Don't you have a private jet? I mean you should, you're music royalty."

"Sometimes it gets a little lonely. Occasionally, I like to act like I have a normal life. Meet normal people, like you. I'm practically retired, you know. So, hi. I'm Barbara." She stuck out her hand.

Kurt took it, graciously. "Hi." He said, still breathless. "I'm Kurt Hummel. Fashion police, Broadway worshiper, and a huge fan."

"Well it's nice to meet you, Kurt. So what has you in such a hurry to get to Ohio?" She smiled at him.

Kurt blushed. "This is so crazy. I'm actually on my way home to my teacher's wedding, where I'm singing a duet – one of YOUR duets – with my ex-hopefully-soon-to-be-boyfriend again."

She smiled at him again, "Aw, that's so sweet! What duet are you singing?"

" 'I Finally Found Someone.' We were best friends for such a long time, and then we dated for over a year and a half, and then I moved to New York, and I pushed him away, he kissed someone else, and things fell apart. But... he's my soul mate. I have to get him back." It all came out in a rush.

"Oh my god... I'm telling the story of my love life to Barbara Streisand," he laughed.

She put her hand on his. "Well, you have to start at the beginning. That song is so romantic. I have a while before my plane leaves for LA, and you seem to have a while, since your plane is delayed. Tell me everything. It's been forever since I've heard a good love story."

"Wow... ok, sure!" He turned to face her. "It started off my junior year of high school, when I had to transfer to a different school..."


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This was awesome. Kurt met Barbara, Rachel would be so jealous. I also really enjoyed how supportive Sam was with Blaine in this chapter.