March 3, 2013, 7:33 p.m.
March 3, 2013, 7:33 p.m.
Kurt was ecstatic. He was going to get to sing with Blaine, again! Not just with, he was going to be able to sing TO him at the same time. He was going to make sure Blaine knew what was going on in his head. He looked at the time on his phone.
"Shit! I really have to finish packing." He still hadn't picked out his exact outfit for the wedding. It needed to be completely him, but striking and flattering to give him that extra confidence boost around Blaine. After going through his closet for about a half an hour, he decided on a slate-grey suit, and a light pink tie. He had a plane to catch in the morning... time to get ready for bed.
Kurt did his nightly moisturizing regimine, and in between layers he went over the lyrics and his part in "I Finally Found Someone." He was hoping on a wing and a prayer that this song would help him find his way back to his someone... to Blaine. As he layed down to sleep, his mind was filled with visions of Blaine smiling, Blaine kissing him, Blaine looking at him with emotion only his eyes could convey, Blaine saying, "I love you too, Kurt..."
As Blaine started figuring out what the heck he was going to wear for the wedding, he found himself wanting Kurt's opinion on several different outfits, different bowties, different shoes... he really missed his boyfriend, his best friend, the love of his life. Even though there were still two days before the wedding, he really wanted everything to be as perfect as it could be. Whatever that meant.
He stopped looking at his clothes and fell back onto his bed, hands covering his eyes. He was still so angry at himself for cheating on Kurt. He hadn't slept with Eli, he hadn't really done anything but make out with him and let their hands wander. But when it hit that point, he had realized how wrong it felt, not just because of what he was doing to Kurt, but because of how it physicallyfelt.There was no emotion. There was no longing. There was nothing, and it meant nothing. It was such a big realization for him, and it came fifteen minutes too late. He still hadn't forgiven himself, how could he expect Kurt to forgive him?
He was probably kidding himself that Kurt wanted to sing this song for any more of a reason than to sing it for Will and Emma. Still, he agreed to sing it with him. He missed singing with Kurtsomuch. He wasn't sure he was going to be able to get through the song without tearing up and spilling his heart out to Kurt, but he'd just have to deal with it.
Any time spent with Kurt was better than none.
When Kurt got to the airport the next morning, he was humming. He didn't even realize it until someone in the check-in line turned back and gave him a weird look. He couldn't help it! He was going to see Blaine tonight, most likely. They needed to rehearse for their duet. As Kurt was pulling out his phone to text Blaine about meeting up for a rehearsal, Rachel called.
"Hi roomie." Kurt sang into his phone.
"Where ARE you? Your plane doesn't leave until 9am, and that's another three hours. And I need help finding my cobalt blue heels. Did you do something with them?" Rachel was obviously in a hurry.
"Rachel, I'm already at the airport. I wanted to be here early, I'm excited to go home!" He really was. He hadn't told Rachel about his duet with Blaine, though. He wasn't sure how she'd react.
"Really? I thought you might be kind of... apprehensive about seeing Blaine. Oh, Kurt, WHERE are my shoes?"
"Rachel, they're stacked in the living room along with everything else you've left around the apartment in the last two weeks. And I am apprehensive about seeing Blaine, but in a good way. I asked him to sing a duet with me at the wedding." Kurt moved along with the rest of the people in line. It was a good thing he got there early, because it was taking forever. There was only one counter attendant and all the automatic machines were down.
"Kurt, seriously? Do you think that's a good idea? Aren't you dating Adam? Why didn't you tell me about this!" Rachel fumed.
"I didn't tell you about it because I knew this was going to beexactlyyour response, Rachel! I broke things off with Adam. I'm still in love with Blaine. Yes, he cheated on me, but Rachel, I was partly to blame for that entire thing. I totally neglected our relationship. So don't start your crap right now, please. I'm excited to see him, and I'm not going to let you ruin that." Kurt really wasn't in the mood for an argument, so hopefully Rachel would just let it go.
"I'm sorry, Kurt. I don't want to upset you. You know that I was excited about you dating Adam, but it's your heart, and your heart alone. Just... be careful, ok?" Rachel was genuinely concerned about his happiness.
"I will be, Rachel. Get your stuff packed. YOUR plane leave in TWO hours from JFK. I'm at Newark. See you in Lima." They hung up.
"Next!" The attendant called.
Kurt hurried to the desk. "Hi, how are you today?" Kurt beamed.
"Fine, sir. Thank you. May I see your ID and confirmation number, please?" the attendant held out his hand. After getting his boarding pass, Kurt headed off to security. He really just wanted to get on that plane and fly home to Blaine. He'd text him as soon as he got through security.
Blaine woke up that morning feeling somewhere between excited and terrified. He hadn't been able to actually fall asleep the night before until 2am, so when his alarm went off at 6:30 he was less than ecstatic. But as his thoughts cleared through the cloudiness of sleep, he was suddenly wide awake.Kurt.He thought.Kurt's flying home, today!Butterflies in his stomach completely erased the fog of having not gotten enough sleep. He jumped in the shower with a smile, excited for the day, hopefully he'd get to see Kurt tonight!
When Blaine came out of the shower, his phone was blinking. This early in the morning, it was probably Tina asking him if he wanted to get coffee before school. He loved Tina, but this crush was sort of getting out of control. But he looked at his phone, and the unread message was from Kurt, eliciting an instant smile from Blaine's features.
Hi B. My plane is scheduled to get into Columbus at 3pm... so that means getting home around 5:30 or so. Do you want to try to rehearse around 8?
YES! He WAS going to get to see Kurt tonight. He tapped out a quick message in reply.
8 sounds perfect. Where do you want to rehearse?
He was hoping Kurt would say he wanted to rehearse here, at his house, since his parents were going to be gone. They could sing as loud as they wanted, and at Kurt's they'd probably end up bugging the hell out of Burt, Finn, and Carole. Plus, if they were alone here it would give them a chance to talk. That is, if Kurt wanted to talk. He hoped he did. He sent up a silent prayer to whoever might be listening that Kurt wanted to be with him again. That was all Blaine wanted. To be back with his amazing, talented, beautiful boyfriend. That's what he'd wanted all along. He just wished he'd realized that before making such a monumental mistake with Eli.