March 3, 2013, 7:33 p.m.
March 3, 2013, 7:33 p.m.
They'd been on exactly four dates. The third and fourth were just as pleasurable, just as fun, and a little more hot and heavy. Kurt found out that Adam was anextremelygood kisser. And he was very attractive. But they weren't dating, per say. They weren't serious. They were seeing each other. Nothing had gone south of the waistline. Adam knew Kurt was a few years younger than him, and sex, or anything else, wasn't going to happen unless Kurt was serious with someone. And Adam was fine with that.
Kurt had noticed something during their last make-out sesh, though. He hadn't wanted to stay and hang out with Adam. He hadn't wanted to spend time with him outside their dates. Adam was cool, and they had similar interests considering they were both NYADA students. He was definitely gorgeous. But with Blaine, he was with his best friend. He never wanted to leave Blaine after kissing him like that. He was always left with a rosy, tingly feeling throughout his entire body.
It was at that moment when he realized just how much he was comparing Adam to Blaine. He realized he wasn't even close to over Blaine. Yeah, it was normal that he was comparing his ex to his new flame. But when he opened his eyes after kissing Adam, he expected to see emotion. Deep hazel-brown eyes staring back at him. He expected to be cuddled with and have his nose nuzzled. He expected a hand to come up to his cheek have a thumb brush his jaw line. He expected to be turned on as hell and ready to jump into bed.
God. He expected Blaine. He wanted Blaine. He wasvisualizingBlaine when he kissed Adam. His best friend. The boy he never wanted to say goodbye to. The boy who told him he'd been looking for him forever.
The last time he'd seen Adam, kissed Adam, was two days ago. And after that realization, after he had a pretty heady make out session with him and realized how he really felt, he'd abruptly left. He hadn't answered Adam's texts, or calls. He'd avoided him at school. He knew Adam deserved an explanation. He was acting like a complete asshole. Kurt took out his phone, and started typing a text.
Adam, I'm sorry I've been a jerk. I'm really not over my last relationship. I'm sorry for stringing you along.
Kurt knew he should be having this conversation face to face, but his head was stuck on Blaine. He was leaving for Ohio TOMORROW. He hadn't talked to Rachel about any of this. He knew she was hardcore aboard the Adam train, especially because the reason Kurt and Blaine broke up was because Blaine had cheated on him.
But in the last couple of days, Kurt had really thought about things. He really thought about the time they'd been together right before Blaine had... done what he did. Kurt hadn't answered Blaine's calls half the time. He'd put work before him. He'd put his new life before the love of his life. He thought about some of Blaine's calls, and realized he had stopped saying "I love you" to Blaine on the phone. He hadn't had any idea of what was going on in Blaine's life because he was so absorbed with his own. Thinking about it now, no, Blaine definitely shouldn't have cheated and it was a complete jackass thing to do. Insensitive, cruel, and awful. He should've talked to Kurt. But... he had pushed Blaine away. He had been incredibly selfish, and had made Blaine feel isolated and alone at McKinley. He was partly at fault. He knew that, now. He wasn't sure what that meant for him and Blaine, but he knew he had to tell Blaine what he'd realized. That was the part that made him nauseous. The thought of seeing Blaine again gave him butterflies. Those gorgeous eyes, his strong arms, his mesmerizing voice. God, he had to call him.
Kurt's phone beeped. It was Adam.
You should've told me that the other day when you left. I understand, though. It's not like we were dating. Tell a guy upfront in the future though.
Good. At least Adam wasn't hurt. He understood. He'd talk to him, see him, and have a conversation with him when he got back from Ohio. It was 5pm... what would Blaine be doing right now? Hopefully home, studying, or something boring where he could pick up the phone. He'd told him about Adam via text message when they'd gone on their first date. Blaine had been nice, cordial. But Kurt knew it probably bugged the hell out of him. That's why he texted. He didn't want to put Blaine on the spot. He was still his best friend. Kurt pressed speed dial 3. Blaine had been speed dial 3 for over two years. His stomach flipped, his heart beat a little faster as he listened to the phone ring.
This is really good so far. It was great to see Kurt realize that he wasn't over Blaine and to see him actually man up and let Adam know what was going on. I am off to read the next chapter to see how Kurt and Blaine's talk goes.