April 5, 2013, 5:34 a.m.
April 5, 2013, 5:34 a.m.
They made out for a while, right there, pressed against the aged wood of the barn wall. Kurt wasn't sure if Blaine pulled his leg to wrap around his hip, or if he moved it of his own accord, but their groins were pressed together, and both of them were hard, and God, Kurt was actually making out with a boy who was interested in him. Who was turned on by him. Whom he didn't have to talk into dating him, practically tricking him into it, using high school social hierarchy as blackmail-
No. This, what he and Blaine were doing, it wasn't dating. Blaine wasn't someone he would date, even if he believed Blaine were the kind of guy who did things like dating and boyfriends. The closest thing Kurt thought Blaine had ever done to dating was having casual sex with the same person more than once.
But what they were doing now—it didn't feel casual. And while there was an undercurrent of urgency, there was no rushing, either. They both understood that this, this was it, and they needed to savor it and make it count.
But eventually, things got too heated, and Blaine pulled away, only to bury his face against Kurt's neck. He was breathing harshly, great gulps of air that splashed hot on Kurt's pulse and did nothing to calm his own breathing or rapidly beating heart. One of Blaine's hands was splayed across Kurt's back under his shirt, and they had been rutting against each other for several minutes. Now Blaine did his best to separate their pelvises, and Kurt was unbelievably sorry for the loss of heat and friction.
"Were you serious," Blaine asked against his throat, "about tonight? Being it? Because, if this is my only chance... I'd really like to do more than just hump against you like a dog in heat."
Kurt was thought he should be insulted, but he wasn't sure how, because what little brainpower he had left was caught up in thoughts of doing more, and what exactly that entailed, and he didn't think he could get any harder, but apparently, he'd been wrong.
"I... yeah." Kurt licked his lips, and loved watching Blaine's eyes zero in on his tongue. "What—I don't—what do you want? To do? I've never...had sex." He wasn't sure why he was admitting this to Blaine Anderson, of all people, except to explain how terrifyingly bad he was sure he'd be at it.
"Okay. Well...okay." Blaine seemed nervous, too, but was better at hiding it than Kurt. "Let's—would you let me...fuck you?"
Blaine grimaced a little at the word, but really, as crass as it might sound, Kurt thought it was very appropriate. They weren't in love, and he couldn't imagine Blaine saying ‘make love to you' anyway. Fucking was really the best way to describe it—and besides that, just hearing Blaine say the words, and the images they conjured, made Kurt tingle.
"Yeah, yes," Kurt agreed in a rush. "Just—remember, I've never done this before, so when I'm really bad—"
"Neither have I," Blaine interrupted. Kurt gave him a very extreme 'bitch I don't believe you' look, and in turn, Blaine rolled his eyes, looking frustrated. "Yes, I've had sex, but I've never—done this before."
That sent an entirely different kind of tingle through Kurt. He was going to be Blaine's first. And Blaine would be his. That was... kind of amazing.
Clothes were taken off, and Kurt was glad he'd brought in his blanket to sit on, because laying down on hay while naked would not have been comfortable.
Blaine had a small leather satchel he dug through until he produced some lube. "I need to—uhh...prep you," he said, not looking at Kurt. Seriously, this side of Blaine was utterly adorable, and Kurt loved it. Why couldn't he be like this all the time?
"Okay," Kurt responded. Blaine seeming embarrassed, or even shy, about the whole thing, in turn made Kurt feel more bold and confident. "What about a condom?"
Blaine froze for just a second, then shrugged. "Don't have one on me."
Kurt gave Blaine an incredulous look—which is quite a feat for someone completely naked. "You've got lube in your bag, but no condoms? Really?"
Blaine rolled his eyes in exasperation. "I'm clean," he said impatiently. "I'm a Skank, that doesn't mean I'm a slut."
Tell that to Quinn, Kurt thought snarkily, but wisely kept his mouth shut. Probably not wise to bad-mouth the best friend of the guy who's about to fuck you.
"Just take a deep breath, and exhale slow. I'm gonna start with one finger, so you know what it feels like," Blaine told him, and Kurt nodded.
It felt incredibly weird, was what it felt like. Not just to have something inside him that he wasn't used to, but to have someone else doing it. That was Blaine's finger inside him. Which just made Kurt think about Blaine's cock inside him.
When he put a second finger in, Kurt watched as Blaine bit his lip. "Don't—God—don't clench up, okay? Just—if you have to, just bear down, don't squeeze."
"For someone who's never done this before," Kurt said breathlessly, "you sure seem to know a lot about it."
"It's called the internet," Blaine said, also sounding strung-out and breathless. "I figured I'd need to know what to do at some point...just never imagined it would be so soon, or like this."
When Blaine had stretched him enough to add a third finger, Kurt groaned—it felt amazing, but he was so over the prepping; he wanted to get to the main show. "I'm ready, I'm ready! If I don't get to come soon, I'm going to explode!"
"You're not ready," Blaine practically panted. "Trust me. But...making you come isn't a bad idea."
Kurt opened his mouth, but whatever he was going to say got lost when, in the next instant, Blaine had sunk his mouth over Kurt's cock, and good fucking Lord, did the guy even have a gag reflex? He was bobbing his mouth up and down on Kurt's cock, one hand holding his hip, while the other worked inside him, twisting and stretching three fingers, every few strokes brushing against a spot that made Kurt cry out. His hands were tangled in Blaine's hair, and his hips couldn't seem able to decide if he should push up into the wet warmth of Blaine's mouth, or down onto Blaine's fingers.
Three agonizing minutes later, Kurt was having the most amazing orgasm ever. He lay, boneless, for unknown moments. He now understood why people talked about ‘coming their brains out,' because if it hadn't come out his dick, he was pretty sure it had oozed out his ears. He twitched as Blaine pulled out his fingers, then whined; he felt so incredibly empty now, after growing accustomed to the odd intrusion. "Blaine..." He reached out blindly, finding Blaine's neck and instantly starting to pet and caress along the back and side. Kurt wasn't usually much of a cuddler, or really touchy-feely, but he was so loose and relaxed, he really just wanted to snuggle and be close.
But then Blaine was kissing him hungrily, and pulling his legs apart, knees up, and settling between them. Kurt remembered that just because he'd come, didn't mean Blaine had. Somehow, he got his brain to work enough to understand that Blaine had made him come for just this reason—so he was relaxed and wouldn't tense up when Blaine started to fuck him.
"I wanted to give you time to recover some," Blaine muttered, trailing kisses along Kurt's cheek and jaw. "So it wouldn't be too much, too soon."
Kurt shook his head, draping his arms around Blaine's shoulder and wrapping his legs more snugly around his waist. "Not too much," he murmured.
Even after being stretched for so long, and so well, and the looseness that came with orgasm, Kurt still gasped a little at the sensation of Blaine pushing the head of his cock inside his hole. He could tell Blaine had slicked himself with lube, but there was still a stretch and pull as he forced his hips forward, centimeter by centimeter. It felt like his cock just kept getting bigger, and Kurt had to consciously focus on his muscles, getting them to relax instead of tensing up as Blaine just kept filling him up, more, and more, and more. He thought about his yoga cool-down exercises, focusing on individual muscles and willing them to relax, relax. And then, just when he thought Blaine was never going to stop, their pelvises came into contact.
Kurt just lay there, focusing on his breathing, until he was ready to slowly start taking in the entire feeling of Blaine inside him. The incredible stretch and strain of his muscles. The feeling of fullness inside him. And last, the incredible intimacy of Blaine's body pressed flush against him, from his balls all the way up to his nose, pressed into Kurt's neck as he tried to hold still and just breath, letting Kurt adjust to the sensations. Letting himself adjust, as well.
This feeling was amazing, but after a few long moments, Kurt had the undeniable urge to move. He could feel his leg muscles getting tighter, and all he wanted to do was shift, but he wasn't sure if he should. Well, he was pretty sure he should, he just wasn't sure what that was going to do for Blaine's control right now, and the last thing Kurt wanted was for Blaine to finish, and leave him unsatisfied. (Something he had some first-hand experience with, thanks to dating Finn.) Kurt wasn't quite hard again, but he thought if Blaine could hold out for a while, he could probably come again. Kurt usually disliked his body's fast recovery time, and sometimes high-running libido, but right now, he was really okay with it.
"Blaine...please..." Kurt gritted his teeth. "Please move." His hips twitched involuntarily, and both of them moaned. It seemed to set off a chain reaction, because then Blaine shifted, causing Kurt to shift, and before he consciously realized it, they were moving against each other, Blaine moving inside him and sucking kisses along his neck.
Kurt was fully hard again now, and they were pressed so close together that every movement rubbed his cock against Blaine's stomach, and it felt great, but it wasn't quite enough. Just as Kurt was wondering how to get a little more friction, Blaine started to pull his upper body away. Kurt whined a little at the loss, but it quickly turned into a gasp and then an embarrassingly loud moan as Blaine's hips shifted and he was hitting Kurt's prostate. A few seconds later, he'd wrapped his hand around Kurt's cock, coated in pre-come and pumping his length in time with his thrusts, and the whole thing was overwhelming. Kurt threw his head back, his back arching, but a minute later he was wrapping his hand around Blaine's neck and pulling him down for a heated kiss, filled with too much tongue and spit and a little teeth and absolutely no finesse, but it was perfect.
And then Kurt was coming, breathing harshly against Blaine's lips, and Blaine was stroking him through it, still pumping away inside him for a minute, until, just as Kurt was coming down and getting a little too sensitive, he could actually feel Blaine coming as well, pulsing inside him as his hips stuttered, then stilled.
Blaine rested his forehead against Kurt's collarbone for a few seconds, breathing harshly, before he rolled over and flopped gracelessly on his side, pressed against Kurt.
It was quiet for a while, but it wasn't uncomfortable or awkward. Kurt was surprised at how comfortable and un-awkward it really was, considering he'd just lost his virginity to someone he didn't even like most of the time. Finally, Kurt broke the silence with an observation.
"I'm covered in spunk."
Blaine started laughing, a rich and light sound that inexplicably made Kurt feel warm inside, in a completely different way than his recent orgasm had.
"Yeah," Blaine agreed, still chuckling a little, "that'll happen when you have sex."
And then, before Kurt could do or say anything, Blaine sat up enough to lean forward, down over Kurt's stomach, and licked a wide path up his abdomen to his chest, lapping up some of the come still laying wetly on him. All the while, his eyes were locked with Kurt's.
Kurt's body jerked, and he moaned brokenly. "Don't do that..." he said hoarsely. "I don't think I can get hard again so soon after two orgasms...but you keep doing that and my body's gonna try."
Blaine hummed in acknowledgment, but went back and licked another spot of come off him anyway. Kurt mewled and twitched, trying half-heartedly to get away from him. "I knew it," he said, faux-seriously. "I knew you were really evil. You just used sex to get into my good graces, and now you're going to kill me."
Blaine laughed softly again. "Death by orgasm?" He made a contemplative face. "I could think of worse ways to die."
Blaine reached for his t-shirt, getting ready to clean them off, but Kurt startled him by suddenly sitting up, grabbing his shoulder and hip and rolling them until he straddled Blaine's belly. Blaine stared up at him, eyes wide with surprise and a little confusion.
Kurt grinned wickedly. Sitting up and moving, he could feel the remnants of semen slowly dripping out of his hole, and it was delightfully sinful. "One night, right?" he breathed. Blaine's eyes widened some more in surprise, then flickered and he nodded.
"I figure we could have one more go, at least. Might as well make the most of it, yeah?"
Blaine moaned. "Fuck, Kurt..." He moved to sit up and roll them over, but Kurt tightened his thighs and pushed down on his shoulders. Blaine looked surprised again, probably at Kurt's strength—it was a lot of work lifting a pyramid or doing basket tosses, and Kurt knew he was a lot stronger than he looked. He used that to his advantage, now.
"Uh-uh. This time, I'm on top."
He didn't mean he wanted to fuck Blaine—because, while the idea did sound intriguing, he really liked feeling Blaine inside him.
Blaine insisted he stretch Kurt a little again—Kurt was pretty sure at this point it was just more foreplay, and not really necessary, but he certainly wasn't complaining when Blaine had three fingers spread and twisting inside him, making obscene wet noises with the remaining come left inside him—all the while Kurt stayed straddling Blaine's waist, holding his shoulders for support, Blaine staring at him the entire time. They kissed some, languid and deep, tongues and lips brushing and sliding together.
Kurt rode Blaine, staring at his face as much as he could, wanting to memorize the awestruck look he kept giving Kurt.
Blaine came first this time, which only made sense; Kurt had already come twice, so he was in no real hurry. His arousal was an ache low in his body, a flame turned down low, smoldering, but not quite ready to burst through him.
Blaine raised him off his cock, and Kurt mewled a little at the loss; he was well-stretched now, and could already feel Blaine's come starting to slide out of him. Blaine ran his hands up Kurt's sides and back, then murmured, "Get on your hands and knees."
Kurt felt a little uncertain, but the look Blaine was giving him made him feel comfortable enough to do as asked, and a few moments later, he was so glad he did; Blaine ran his fingers over Kurt's hole, massaging some of his come into Kurt's skin, before Kurt felt the wet brush of what could only be Blaine's tongue, licking over him. "Oh, God, Blaine," Kurt moaned, falling onto his elbows, his ass sticking up in the air.
"You like that?" Blaine murmured, before licking at him again. Kurt whimpered a little. Blaine kept licking around his sensitive hole, spreading Kurt's cheeks apart with his hands to get in further.
The first time he actually pressed his tongue inside, Kurt gave a shout, pushing his hips back instinctively. Blaine lapped and sucked at him, at one point even delicately scraping his teeth against Kurt's hole, and suddenly, Kurt had to come. "Please—Blaine, please..."
And Blaine reached around his hip with one hand, taking Kurt's shaft in a strong grip and stroking him quickly, in time with the thrusts of his tongue, and that was it. Kurt came for the third time that night, and he was pretty sure he blacked out, at least for a few seconds, because suddenly he was panting and laying down on his side, with no memory of getting off his knees. Blaine moved into his field of vision, looking at him a little cautiously, as if making sure Kurt was alright. It took him a minute, but Kurt finally muttered, "...wow."
Blaine gave a surprised bark of laughter, settling down on his side facing Kurt, still staring at him. "Yeah," he said softly. "Wow."
After everything they'd just done together, it was the look on his face now that made Kurt uncomfortable. It settled, low in his stomach, like a lead ball and butterflies all at once. It was a look that Kurt didn't think should be associated with 'fucking'; it was too soft and too open, and he was pretty sure Blaine wouldn't want him to see it. He had to remind himself, now, that this was still Blaine Anderson, and this incredible experience didn't change anything between them.
Something must have shown on his face, because Blaine seemed to draw back a little, and asked, "What?"
Kurt shook his head, rolling over onto his back so he wouldn't have to look at that heartbreakingly beautiful expression anymore. "This doesn't... change anything, you know," he finally said softly. There was silence for a long, stretched out moment, and Kurt closed his eyes. He knew, suddenly, that he shouldn't have said that.
"No," Blaine said, the hard edge Kurt was used to hearing back in his voice. He was surprised how much it hurt to hear, but he almost never heard it when they ended up talking while alone. "No, I guess it doesn't." Kurt opened his eyes as he heard Blaine start to move around. He watched, surprisingly un-self-conscious about his own nudity as Blaine started picking up his clothes and putting them back on.
"Blaine...I didn't--"
"No, you're right." An angry edge had started to creep into his voice, now. He yanked on his pants a little too viciously to be casual. "You're right. Just because we had mind-blowing sex, it really doesn't change anything. I'll still be the outcast, and you'll still be McKinley's perfect head cheerleader. A little slumming one night won't sully your reputation too much," he sneered. Kurt jerked, and suddenly, clothes sounded like a very good idea.
"In fact," Blaine continued, "it might even help your reputation. Give you that little bit of street-cred. Congratulations, you fucked an undesirable, and lived to tell the tale."
"That—wasn't what I meant!" Kurt was standing now, wearing just his jeans, feeling suddenly constricted in the skin-tight fabric.
"I know!" Blaine yelled angrily. His shoulders dropped a little, but his voice was still harsh. "I know, but that's what it was, no matter what either of us meant. And I can't decide if I'm madder at you, for agreeing to the stupid idea in the first place, or me, for thinking..." He shook his head, and the air of defeat and finality of the gesture made Kurt inexplicably want to start crying. He didn't even have the heart to remind himself that he didn't like Blaine.
Blaine turned and started to leave. "I'll see you in class."
When Blaine was gone, Kurt crumpled onto the ground. He stared around the old, dark barn, too confused or upset to even start crying.
How had this happened?
*horrible fake British accent* please, can I have some more? Please???
Soon! In the next... 12 hours from now, most likely. I have tomorrow off, so I'll be posting more, and then probably writing out the next chapter. So there will definitely be more soon! ♥
I love how Blaine was so caring and making sure that Kurt wouldn't be physically hurt before doing anything even when Kurt had said he was ready. It was so nice to see even more of sweet Blaine and to see Kurt truly feel comfortable around him. I felt so bad for Blaine when Kurt told him it didn't change anything because he seemed so heartbroken. I can't wait to see what happens next so I am off to read the next chapter.
No I want my babys happy ...