Life at Dalton
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Life at Dalton: Chapter 13

M - Words: 4,175 - Last Updated: Mar 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Nov 18, 2012 - Updated: Mar 06, 2013
224 0 0 0 0

Chapter Thirteen

Kurt spent another five minutes in Blaine’s room before he went downstairs. He just wanted to go to the kitchen to grab something to eat but when he came down the stairs, he ran into Cooper almost immediately. The man looked at him with an unreadable expression on his face but there was still fear in his eyes. Maybe he thought that Blaine would punish him for coming anywhere near Kurt.

“You’re going to regret this.” Cooper said suddenly and walked past Kurt to the kitchen. Kurt stood at the last step of the stairs for a second, then he quickly followed Cooper.

“What does that mean?”

Cooper groaned. “That means that you are going to regret that you ever met Blaine. Speaking of…” He turned around to Kurt. “…Did he leave?”

“Yes, he did.”

Cooper just nodded. “Well, you’re going to get yourself killed sooner or later. He’s nothing but a vicious animal. An abomination!” He spit the word out as if it had burned his tongue. “What are you even doing with him? Boyfriends? How can you love him? He kills people!” he grabbed a towel and started doing the dishes.

Kurt just stood there and was trying to find the right words.

“Blaine would never hurt me. He is not a monster! And even if he kills people— he does it because he has to. Otherwise he would die.”

“I would rather die than take the lives of innocent people.” Cooper muttered. They were both silent for a minute. “You know that this can’t last forever, don’t you?”

“What do you mean?” Kurt frowned.

“I’m not telling you to break up with him. I’m just saying that you will grow old and he won’t. He will always stay like this. I mean, he is already about two centuries old and you’re seventeen. Doesn’t that bother you?” He actually sounded curious.

“I know. But I— I don’t really care how old he is. And yes, I will become older but we will cross that bridge when we get there.” Kurt said, trying to sound confident but he slightly failed.

“Are you serious?!” Cooper turned pale and stopped drying the plate that he was holding. “Are you seriously considering becoming like him?”

“That’s not your business.” Kurt said and glared at Cooper angrily.

“Don’t talk to me like that in my own house.” Cooper threw the towel on the counter.

“This is not your house. And you know that!” Kurt regretted saying that but Cooper was shocked by his words and didn’t come any closer to Kurt. “You can be happy that you don’t have to look for a new home.” Kurt turned around and stormed out of the kitchen.

Blaine ran through the forest, heading back to the house. He had fed on a guy in town and afterwards he had buried the body. He was feeling better; way better actually. Running felt good and it was relieving after all this time trying to do things the normal, human way. The trees were standing very close together and it was quite dark already. He stopped at a fallen tree and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He scrolled down his contact list until he found the name he had been searching for: Damien.

He listened to the dialing tone and wondered, if Damien even still had the same number.

Well, well. Who have we got here? I haven’t heard anything from you in years.” Blaine smiled at the sound of the familiar voice.

“It’s good to hear your voice, Damien.”

Gosh, it’s been so long. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually missed you, Anderson.”

Blaine chuckled. “Yeah, right! You were relieved when I left you. Don’t even try to deny it.”

You don’t know anything about me.” Blaine could tell that Damien was trying not to laugh. “So, Blaine, there must be a reason why you are calling me; after years and years without talking to each other.”

“Yeah, well, I kinda need your advice.” Blaine rubbed the back of his head.

Oh my god, I don’t want to know what happened. It’s probably bloody awful! What have you done?” He said in a high voice.

“Drama queen.” Blaine muttered and heard Damien laughing.

Okay, seriously, what’s going on?”

“Well, it’s kind of a long story but to say it short— I’m in love. With a human.” He closed his eyes waiting for Damien’s reaction.

That is awesome! I’m happy for you. Wait, does he already know?”

“Yes, he knows. The problem is actually that, well, I— we love each other but how is this going to work out? I mean, I can’t turn him, can I? I can’t just take his life away—“

Hey, stop rambling, dude. Calm down and breathe.” Blaine did as he was told. “Okay, now tell me his name.”

“Kurt.” Blaine’s heart jumped.

Uh, that sounds serious. I don’t know, if I can do that over the phone.”

“Wait, I thought you were in Alaska. How do you even have service on your phone?” Blaine chuckled.

I’m not in Alaska anymore. Right now I’m in Michigan. Where are you?”

“Ohio. I—“

You are at your house, aren’t you? I knew you would go back sooner or later. How’s Cooper? Is he doing okay?”

Blaine groaned. “If I could decide, he wouldn’t be okay. He’s making things more difficult as they are and he’s annoying. But I wouldn’t get rid of him. He’s way too funny sometimes.”

He’s still scared of you.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yeah, well, he should be. I’m not always as nice as I should be, after all.”

Oh, yes, I remember that. Dark times.” Damien cleared his throat.

“You liked it. Don’t deny it.” Blaine said laughing and Damien laughed, too.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Anderson?“  Damien sighed.

“Well, I spent twenty years hanging out with you, so…” Blaine could hear Damien chuckle.

“Good one.”

“So, are you coming?” Blaine stepped over a branch that was lying on the ground.

“Yes. I am. We’ll see each other tonight.” And with these words he hung up.

Blaine headed back to his house. He couldn’t stand the thought of Kurt staying alone with Cooper any longer. But maybe Kurt didn’t leave Blaine’s room and didn’t talk to Cooper at all. That would probably be for the best. He came in through the back door stepping into the living room and instantly noticed Kurt sitting on the couch.

Kurt looked up. “You’re back.”

“Yes.” He closed the door and walked over to Kurt. “How have you two been?” He asked when Cooper entered the room and gave the man an unpleasant look.

“We’re fine.” Kurt said pulling Blaine to sit down beside him. “We were talking a bit and I guess I’ll get along with Cooper just fine.” Kurt gave Cooper an evil glare and Blaine knew that he was being sarcastic.

Cooper took a bottle of wine from the cupboard. He filled three cups and passed them over to Kurt and Blaine. Kurt looked at the offered glass suspiciously.

“What is that for?” he asked.

“I want to apologize to both of you. This is still Blaine’s house and yes, I’m grateful that I can live here.” He swallowed. “And Blaine, you can live here at any time. So, please drink something with me.”

“I don’t want anything, thanks.” Blaine seemed to be slightly annoyed by Cooper.

“Alright, alright. I thought we would toast on you and Kurt.” Cooper mumbled and quickly moved away from Blaine. That was when Blaine changed his mind. He would just take the drink and then Cooper would leave him alone for the evening.

“Fine, give it to me then.” He said and reached for the glass.

Cooper gave it to him, smiling. “To Kurt and Blaine.”

Kurt put the glass up to his lips and nipped the liquid. His eyes remained on Blaine who was smiling at him ironically before taking a sip of his own drink.

As soon as the liquid got in his mouth, Blaine felt something was off. It didn’t taste right but he couldn’t spit it out. He just needed to swallow it. That was when his throat exploded in pain and he fell down to his knees. It was burning like hell!

Kurt was at his side instantly, holding him while he started coughing and gasping for air although he didn’t need it. Cooper just stood there and looked… relieved?

“What the fuck did you do to him?!”Kurt yelled at him.

“I’m helping you. I am helping a lot of people actually, including me!” He was totally going insane.

“Are you killing him?” Kurt’s voice cracked. Blaine was still on the ground, gasping and coughing. He was trying to spit out whatever he had swallowed. His eyes suddenly darted over to Cooper and they were full of hatred.

“Why are you doing this?” He hissed. The monster inside him was vicious, it was so angry. Blaine couldn’t hold it back; maybe he didn’t even want to hold it back. He let out a snarl and that was when he lost it. He felt like looking at everything from the outside of his body. He had no control anymore. There was nothing more than the bloodlust and then he lunged forward.

Kurt looked at Blaine when he spoke and that was when he saw Blaine’s eyes turning from hazel to red. Red like fresh blood! It was a shocking sight but it took Kurt only two seconds to realize what it meant.

If you ever see my eyes turning red, you have to run. Just run and don't look back.

Kurt wanted to run. His instinct told him to run but somehow he couldn’t.

Blaine snarled and suddenly lunged forward to Cooper. The man was definitely not expecting this. He screamed in fear but it was too late for him to run. Blaine was on top of him before either Kurt or Cooper could even take one step.

Blaine’s fangs were out and he growled. The sound was inhuman and Kurt froze in fear. Blaine’s mouth found Cooper’s neck but before he could sink his teeth into the skin, Cooper shoved his arm between Blaine and his neck.

Blaine didn’t care. He bit down hard into Cooper’s wrist who let out a bloodcurdling scream and that was when Kurt found his voice again.

“Blaine! Stop it!” Red eyes turned to face him and Blaine instantly let go of Cooper. Kurt was relieved to see that until he realized what Blaine was about to do.

“No.” He quickly took a few steps backward and hit the table. He blinked and then he hit the floor. Blaine was on top of him pinning him to the ground. Kurt struggled and screamed but he was not nearly strong enough to get Blaine off of him.

This was the first time Kurt was scared again. He had thought that he was okay with Blaine being dangerous and all that stuff but now everything was forgotten.

He hit into Blaine’s chest with his fists but Blaine simply grabbed his wrists and held them still while he lunged for Kurt’s neck. Kurt screamed.

It hurt. It hurt so much! He felt Blaine’s fangs ripping his skin apart and the blood that came out of the wound. Blaine started sucking and gulping down the blood but all Kurt could think about was the pain. This had to stop.

His screams became weaker and weaker. His throat hurt and he began to feel numb. The blood loss made him dizzy. His eyes fluttered close.

So, this is it. I’m dying. I’m only seventeen and I’m dying. And that only because I didn’t listen to what Blaine told me.

Suddenly the weight on top of him was gone. He could hear snarling and the sound of two men fighting. But then everything went black…

Kurt woke up. He couldn’t remember where he was.

He was definitely lying on a couch. He tried to turn his head to the side, so he could look at the room he was lying in, but he hissed in pain when his neck started to hurt. His hand flew up to the wound and when he looked at his fingers they were red.

He groaned. It hurt so much. Then he heard something… or someone. He got up from the couch and what he saw took his breath away.

It was Blaine.

He was tied to the wall with chains and his face was bloody and so were his clothes. He was lying on the ground. Well, not exactly lying because his arms were tied up but he looked like he was… dead.

“Blaine.” Kurt breathed and rushed over to the boy’s side. Blaine groaned and suddenly he raised his head. Kurt stumbled backwards when he saw his red eyes but Blaine was fast. In less than a second he was standing and tried to lunge over to Kurt but the chains kept him where he was.

He growled in frustration and pulled with all his strength. The wall cracked and it sounded as if Blaine would break lose in the next moment but surprisingly he couldn’t.

Kurt kept walking backwards without taking his eyes off of Blaine’s face. This wasn’t him. This wasn’t the boy he loved. Then he remembered what had happened.

Blaine had attacked him. He had sucked Kurt’s blood and it hurt.

You said you would never hurt me. You promised.

“Don’t worry. He’ll be himself again.”

Kurt spun around. There was a man standing in the door. He seemed to be not very much older than Kurt. Maybe twenty-five. His clothes were covered in dried blood and Kurt wanted to back away from him, when he noticed that that would only bring him closer to Blaine.

“Who are you?” He asked instead.

“My name is Damien. You could say that I’m an old friend of Blaine. I came to visit him and I came just in time to pull him off of you.”

Kurt suddenly remembered how Blaine had disappeared only a few seconds before he had passed out. Kurt felt dizzy and his neck hurt and so did his head.

“You should sit down.” Damien said. “You lost a lot of blood.” At this word, Blaine hissed behind Kurt and glared at Damien. While Kurt sat down on the couch, Damien walked over to Blaine.

“Calm down. You told me you loved him. Try to remember that, Blaine.” He said softly but Blaine only lunged forward again and snarled at the man.

“I’m gonna rip you apart!” Blaine growled and Damien sighed.

“You love him.” He simply said.

“Don’t talk to me about love! That doesn’t even exist.” Blaine’s eyes were still red and he stared at Kurt… and he looked hungry. Kurt’s stomach felt like it was twisting. How could Blaine say things like that? How could he say that love didn’t exist?

Damien looked at Kurt and seemed to know what he was thinking about.

“That’s not him, believe me. It’s not him talking.”

“And when is he going to be himself again?” Kurt was almost crying.

“It usually takes a few hours. But Blaine’s strong and he’s been like this for about an hour, so he should be okay soon.” He looked at Blaine. “But only, if he calms down.”

“Why?” Kurt sobbed. “Why is he like that?”

“Don’t talk about me like I wasn’t in the room.” Blaine said, still staring at Kurt furiously.

“Shut the hell up, Blaine!” The other vampire said.

“Make me.” A smile hushed over Blaine’s face.

Damien ignored him and turned back to Kurt. “When he ‘wakes up’ again, he won’t remember everything. So, do you want him to know that he attacked you or not?”

“I… maybe. I don’t know.” Kurt stuttered. “Why is that important?”

“Because we would have to get rid of your bitemark, if he’s not supposed to know.” Kurt’s hand automatically flew to his neck again. He walked over to the window and looked at his reflection. He looked horribhorrible!

His face was so pale that he could as well be dead. His neck looked even worse. The bitemark was not exactly small. Blaine hadn’t just sunk his fangs into the skin but also his other teeth. There was a lot of blood around the wound and the bright red color made him look even paler.

He swallowed. Blaine didn’t do this. That was the monster inside of him but not Blaine himself. Kurt tried to believe this but how could it not be Blaine? It was a part of him.

“No. He will find out anyway. And how would we get rid of it anyway?”

Damien cleared his throat. “Well, I don’t know, if he told you this but the blood of a vampire heals. You would just have to drink it.”

“Yeah, I know. But I’m kinda not in the mood to drink someone’s blood right now.” He frowned. “I just want him to be himself again.” It was no more than a whisper. Then he looked up. “Where’s Cooper?”

“Kitchen.” Damien answered.

Kurt quickly walked towards the door. “Don’t kill him.” Damien said sarcastically but Kurt had actually thought about killing Cooper for what he had done. He stormed into the kitchen where Cooper was sitting on a chair with a towel wrapped around his wrist. Kurt gripped the collar of Cooper’s shirt and pulled him up.

“Why did you do this to him? What has he ever done to you?” he yelled.

“I did this for you. I wanted you to see what kind of monster you have for a boyfriend.” He pushed Kurt away. “Look what he did to you!” he exclaimed and pointed to Kurt’s neck.

“He would have never hurt me, if it wasn’t for you.”

“Trust me, sooner or later, he would have hurt you.”

“What did you put in his drink?”

“Ashes of an oak tree. It was supposed to kill him!” Cooper screamed in frustration. “It didn’t work. Do you know what that means? That means that I’m going to die. He is going to kill me for that.”

“No.” Kurt shook his head looking at Cooper in disgust. “You know why? Because Blaine is not like you.”

Damien called from the living room. “Ah, Kurt? Would you mind to come back here?”

Kurt reluctantly turned away from Cooper and hurried back to the living room. Cooper followed him quietly. When Kurt entered the living room, the first thing he saw was that Blaine wasn’t chained to the wall anymore. His eyes widened in shock but then he relaxed when Blaine looked up at him and his eyes were… hazel. They were back to normal again.

Kurt let out a relieved sigh and slowly walked closer.

“Kurt…” Blaine breathed. He shook his head slowly. “No, no, no. Please tell me I didn’t.” he looked to Damien who was standing right beside him. Damien looked down and that was when Blaine broke down. He fell to the ground, sobbing and covering his face with his hands.

Kurt wanted nothing more than comforting him but something inside him remembered nothing but the sharp pain in his neck when Blaine had bit him.

“Damien… I didn’t…” he looked up and hid eyes searched for Kurt’s. “Kurt? I didn’t mean to. You have to believe me. I didn’t want to hurt you. I couldn’t control myself. It was— Cooper?!” His eyes darted over to the man that was standing in the door.

Damien immediately grabbed Blaine’s arms and held him tight, so he wouldn’t attack Cooper. The man had turned pale and was staring at Blaine scared as hell.

“Blaine, calm down.” Damien whispered into Blaine’s ear. “Just forget about it.”

Blaine relaxed instantly at his words. He looked back to Kurt who was fighting a battle with himself. In the end Kurt decided to swallow his fear and walked over to Blaine and embraced him in a tight hug.

“Blaine, I was so scared.” He whispered.

“Kurt, I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please, I—“

“Shh, it’s okay. I’m fine. I’m fine. Don’t worry.” He let go and looked into Blaine’s eyes that were filled with tears. “I risked that this would happen the night I asked you to stay. I knew that it could happen and I didn’t care.”

“But I can’t forgive myself. Not this time.” Blaine looked into Kurt’s blue eyes but then turned away. “I promised I would never hurt you. And I broke that promise twice already.”

“But it’s okay. Hey, look at me!” He gently took Blaine’s chin into his hand and turned his head around, so Blaine would look at him. “I love you, Blaine. And I don’t care.”

They remained silent for over a minute just staring into each other’s eyes. Then Damien cleared his throat. “Maybe we should sit down on the couch and have a little chat. There are some things that need to be discussed.”

Kurt nodded and pulled Blaine up to his feet. Suddenly he felt dizzy again and he almost fell but Blaine caught him in time. He steadied Kurt on his walk over to the couch. As they all sat down, Damien said,

“You, too, Cooper.” Cooper flinched and looked at Damien as if the man had just sentenced him to death. Slowly, without keeping his eyes off of Blaine, he walked over to the couch that was opposite of Blaine and Kurt.

“So…” Damien said. “The first thing would be healing Kurt.”

“I told you, I don’t want to.”

“Yes, but it’s going to be infected. I can smell it.” He gave Blaine a knowing look. “You need to heal him.”

Blaine nodded. “Kurt, it really would be best if you would let us heal it.”

Kurt nodded reluctantly. “Okay, but… only, if it’s your blood.”

“Alright.” Blaine turned away from Kurt and bit in his wrist. Then he held his arm in front of Kurt. Kurt looked at the red liquid for a second before taking Blaine’s arm into his hands and put his lips around the wound. He felt uncomfortable knowing that everyone was watching him sucking someone else’s blood. He only swallowed a few times before he let go of Blaine’s wrist.

Then he felt his neck tingle. It was healing. When the sensation stopped Kurt touched his neck and felt nothing but smooth skin.

Damien nodded. “Okay, next thing. Blaine?”

“What?” Blaine looked confused.

“Do you feel it?” Damien asked.

“Feel what?” Blaine glanced at Kurt and looked back to Damien.

“Remember when I told you that sometimes it takes a trigger for a vampire to develop his powers?” He winked at Blaine.

“Are you telling me that… Are you serious?” He suddenly looked excited and nervous at the same time.

Kurt was confused. “What are you two talking about?”

“Damien has a special power. He can sense other vampire’s powers. And he thinks that I developed a special power as well.”

“And what kind of trigger are we talking about?” Kurt swallowed.

“Oh, er, well, I guess it was… it was drinking your blood for the first time.” Blaine looked uncomfortable. “I’m sorry, Kurt.”

“That’s okay, Blaine.” He looked at Damien. “So, what is his power?”

“I can’t tell exactly. I can only say that he has one and that it’s quite… strong.” He glanced at Blaine. “Try it. Try and use it. On instinct.”

“How am I supposed to use it if I don’t know what it is?”

“Trust me on this one, Blaine.”

Blaine grinned and then closed his eyes in concentration. He tried to do what Damien had told him. He tried to act on instinct but he felt like nothing was happening at all. Suddenly Kurt gasped beside him and gripped Blaine’s hand.

Blaine opened his eyes.


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