Life at Anderson Manor
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Life at Anderson Manor: Chapter 3

E - Words: 4,166 - Last Updated: Nov 15, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Oct 11, 2013 - Updated: Oct 11, 2013
166 0 0 0 0

Chapter Three

Kurt thought about what Blaine had said for the next few hours. It was always in the back of his head. Was he really going to be a fighter? What was that even supposed to mean? He was instinctively aggressive, yes, he had noticed that when he had attacked Blaine without meaning to and he had noticed that his body felt barely like it had before.
The most noticeable change was probably the ache in his throat and in his gums; where he could feel his fangs, always ready to grow, and the want to sink them into skin.
“Kurt?” Blaine tapped on his shoulder.
Kurt flinched a little and could barely stop himself from closing a hand around Blaine’s throat. Why would he even want to do that? This all felt so wrong. He wanted to attack and he even wanted to bite Blaine and eliminate the threat that he was posing, but he also knew that he couldn’t win, if he attacked. Blaine was stronger, faster, more experienced and he wasn’t distracted like Kurt who couldn’t stop thinking about anything else than blood.
“Kurt, come on. Come with me. We gotta talk for a second and then I’m going out to hunt.” Even though Blaine was kind of worn out after everything that had happened this evening, he was somehow excited to take Kurt out to feed for the first time, but he wasn‘t doing it today. He had planned on it right away but he had changed his mind. It was too dangerous and he just couldn’t. Not yet. Kurt wasn’t ready. If he took him hunting now, Blaine would have to stop Kurt from losing control.
Who am I kidding? Kurt is going to lose control for sure. It is bound to happen, I just don’t know whether I could handle him going red eyes on me. I don’t want to hurt him but I might have to. I can already tell how hungry he is. He’s on edge.
Blaine rubbed his forehead and led Kurt towards the kitchen. He motioned for Kurt to sit down and Kurt did, looking up at Blaine in anticipation. “Okay, so...” Blaine started. “I’m going to leave you alone for a few minutes.”
Kurt frowned a little. He wasn’t sure why but he was scared to be alone. He didn’t know what he might do. Hell, he didn’t even know his own body anymore! “But... What if I--”
“You’re going to be alright. This might be a bit hard, because I can tell how hungry you are, but you will just have to stay here for maybe twenty minutes. I will bring you someone to feed on.” Blaine said and laid his hands on Kurt’s shoulders. Kurt tensed up a bit, noticing how sensible he had gotten to the touch of someone. He squirmed a little in his seat, he didn’t like the proximity of Blaine, who was so much stronger, and Blaine let go of him when he noticed how uneasy Kurt was. “I’m going to be back as soon as I can. Now, stay here. Stay sitting and try to distract yourself. Don’t wander off and do not leave the house under any circumstance. Do you understand?”
Kurt nodded. “I won’t.” He breathed out. “Please hurry.”
When Blaine left the room, Kurt was surprised to see that, even though Blaine was moving at an incredible speed, Kurt could see him. He followed him with his eyes until he had left the kitchen. Confused Kurt tried to remember how Blaine had explained the speed to him. Things would seem slower but only because his brain was working faster now, and that meant he could still see Blaine when he moved at inhuman speed. Kurt smiled a little to himself when he thought about the fact that he was able to that now, too.
He started tapping his food and then he began counting seconds, just to keep himself occupied. His thoughts kept drifting and he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about food, about blood, about hunting someone down...
Oh god, please, hurry...
When Kurt heard Blaine return about twenty minutes later, he gripped the armrests of the chair tighter and was surprised to feel the wood splinter under the force of his fingers. He heard Blaine kick open the door and enter the hall, but Kurt heard something else, too.
A heartbeat. Someone was breathing and it wasn’t Blaine.
Before he knew it he wasn’t sitting anymore and was about to run out of the kitchen towards that delicious smell and that beating heart. But something stopped him. He didn’t know what it was, but somehow he couldn’t move anymore. He was trapped by something invisible and when Blaine came into the kitchen, Kurt figured out that Blaine was holding him with telekinesis.
A growl escaped Kurt’s throat, a loud and feral growl that made Blaine hiss back at him. He was carrying a middle-aged woman on his shoulder, seemingly unconscious, and he dropped her on the floor about two meters away from Kurt.
The smell drove Kurt insane. Why was Blaine keeping him from that? He needed it! He bared his teeth when he felt his fangs growing again and this time he couldn’t even bring himself to care that he must look like a monster. He fought against Blaine’s hold and snarled.
“Calm down, Kurt. I won’t free you if you don’t calm down.” Blaine said quietly and he came closer to Kurt. “Kurt?”
Blaine knew that Kurt wasn’t very much himself right now but it was worth a try. He had to get Kurt used to being around humans without attacking them but he also knew that it would take a while.
“Blaine, let me go!” Kurt said through clenched teeth. “I’m serious.”
“No, I’m serious, Kurt. I won’t let you go until you calm down and stop fighting me.” Blaine said, crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared into Kurt’s eyes that were three shades darker than the usual blue.
Kurt tried to fight his urges. He also knew how wrong it was to want this. Okay, maybe ‘wrong’ was not the right word. It was was not wrong to want this because this was who he was now. No, it was just weird to be wanting this.
He tried to calm down and he tried to look Blaine in the eye instead of staring at the body of the woman on the ground. In took him about five minutes until he managed to look at Blaine and another seven until he stopped fighting against Blaine’s hold on him.
Kurt was breathing heavily now, staring at Blaine, trying to figure out what Blaine was trying to do here. “Please, Blaine, I need...”
Blaine just nodded. “I know, Kurt, but I have to do this. You’ll understand.” He saw Kurt sucking on his fangs and when Kurt noticed what he was doing, he stopped with a slightly confused and frightened look on his face. “I’ll let you go now”, Blaine started carefully and immediately Kurt began fighting against the invisible hold on his arms and legs again.
With a sigh, Blaine stepped aside and let go of the thought that was holding Kurt, who lunged forward instantly and pulled the limp body over the floor until he pushed it against the wall and sank his fangs into the soft flesh of the throat. The woman came to and screamed but soon those screams were silenced when Kurt tore out her larynx. The blood was pouring over his chin and onto his clothes.
Blaine cocked his head to the side, watching the way Kurt had to sink his teeth in again and again. Blaine knew he would have to teach Kurt about that, too. There were more convenient spots to bite down than the throat, but he couldn’t expect Kurt to know that, could he?
When Kurt let go of the body, he pushed himself backwards over the floor and away from the dead body, apparently disgusted by himself and what he had done. He looked down at his hands and clothes and let out a shuddering breath. “Oh god, what am I doing?”
Blaine crouched down next to him and pulled him up from the ground. “Come on, we’re gonna clean you up. After that we might have to work on your technique and maybe you should get some sleep.”
Blaine didn’t take Kurt up to the bathroom. Instead he led him over to the sink and cleaned Kurt’s face with a wet towel. Kurt closed his eyes trying to center himself and calm down but he couldn’t manage it. “Blaine... I can’t get them to disappear.”
Blaine looked up at him taking in Kurt’s appearance. To anyone else Kurt still would have looked frightening with those slightly curved fangs glistening between his lips and his eyes that just wouldn’t goo back to their normal color but to Blaine Kurt just looked confused, overwhelmed, and desperate. Blaine could feel how scared he actually was of everything that was happening to him.
“It’s okay. Don’t worry. You’ll learn how to control it and for now it doesn’t matter.” He wiped with the towel over Kurt’s chin and cleaned off the last of the blood. He smiled. “Hey, there you are.” He took Kurt’s face into his hands, noticing how Kurt just wouldn’t concentrate. “Please, Kurt, it’s okay. You’ll be okay.”
“But, Blaine, I can’t... I just can’t-- and I don’t know what to do.” Kurt sucked in a deep breath.
“It’s not wrong to feel like this, Kurt. Don’t beat yourself up over something you can’t control. And besides...” Blaine’s eyes darkened and his pupils dilated at the same time. “It kinda turns me on to see you like this. I still can’t grasp the fact that you’re like me now, and that I am never going to lose you again. I like what you look like very much. Some people might call that creepy, but not me. I’m used to way worse. So, I need you to stop worrying. We have all the time in the world, you’ll learn.”
Kurt nodded hesitantly. “Okay.”
Kurt embraced Blaine tightly, Blaine noticing Kurt’s increased strength and smiling to himself, and Kurt breathed in Blaine’s scent that was now way more intense for him and smelled so good. When Blaine freed himself out of the hug he took Kurt’s hand.
“Now, I’m gonna take you outside, only on the yard.” Blaine said and Kurt’s expression turned curious.
“What for?” He asked.
“I brought another person to feed on but left him outside. I know, you’re probably not that hungry anymore but it’s for training reasons.” Blaine explained as he led Kurt towards the door. “Just be careful. Being outside is gonna be like a totally new experience. All the smells and sounds are going to make your thoughts go wild. I’m not gonna let go of your hand and if you feel that it’s too much or that you’re going to lose it, squeeze my hand and I’ll bring you back inside immediately.”
Kurt nodded, now a bit tensed. He didn’t feel like he was in control of his actions anymore and he was scared that he would lose it. He just couldn’t imagine what he might do, if his eyes turned red. Would he hurt Blaine? He didn’t want that.
Blaine opened the front door and took a step outside. When the first wave of scents hit Kurt he felt a bit dizzy. He smelled everything.
The grass and the trees, the earth and running water nearby. He also smelled animals in the forest around the house, and heard them, too. The wind was a noise above all the other noises but if Kurt only concentrated a bit, he could hear every single branch creak under the weight of leaves.
It was, simply said, amazing. But it was a bit much. How do you explain what it feels like to suddenly be able to take in everything around you with such heightened senses?
Blaine was observing Kurt’s reaction from the side and a smile washed over his lips when he saw Kurt’s amazed expression. He could understand his excitement. After all, there were some perks to being a vampire.
He pulled Kurt forward and Kurt took a couple steps until he noticed that he wasn’t wearing any shoes or socks. “Blaine, shouldn’t we put on shoes before walking around outside?”
Blaine almost laughed. “Nah, it’s gonna be fine. Trust me. It won’t hurt and you won’t freeze, either.” Kurt raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything more. He followed Blaine and they walked towards the treeline where the yard ended into the forest. They kept walking until suddenly Kurt stopped. Blaine knew why because he had heard it, too.
It was the heartbeat of an animal, though Blaine doubted that Kurt knew it was an animal. Judging by the sound, Blaine could tell that it was a cat or maybe a fox. A few seconds later he was sure it was cat. Blaine put a finger to his lips to motion to Kurt to be quiet.
The cat came closer and into their line of sight. Kurt saw how it hesitated when it noticed them and then it froze and stared at them. Blaine grinned. He knew that cat. It was around here a lot and Blaine knew where its owner lived in town. Its fur was a rusty red except for the tip of its tail.
Kurt, who still hadn’t let go of Blaine’s, licked his lips unconsciously, hearing the heartbeat of the small animal and smelling the blood. He was about to lunge forward when he remembered that he shouldn’t. He wasn’t sure why but the cat didn’t smell that appealing to him. He wanted to attack it anyways. He wanted to tear it apart.
And then Kurt squeezed Blaine’s hand.
With one short glance at Kurt, Blaine wanted to start running and pull Kurt with him but he didn’t. Instead he gripped Kurt’s hand tighter. “Come on, Kurt, you can do this. Button is gonna run away anyways.”
“That’s her name. I know that cat.”
Kurt gave him a confused look but he was still incredibly tense. “I thought you were going to get me back inside.”
“Won’t be necessary. You won’t lose it. I know it. Now, come on, the guy is just a few more meters over there. Try not to breathe in until we’re there.” Blaine took one step forward and Button let out a screeching ‘meow’ and was gone in a flash with its tail raised high in the air. “Oh, and by the way, animals are naturally afraid of vampires.”
Kurt followed Blaine until they reached a tree where a guy was tied up. He was awake and trying to loosen the knot of the rope that held his hands in place. He noticed Blaine and Kurt when they came closer but for him it was hard to see anything in the dark. Kurt had almost forgotten that it was night.
“Okay, so, you can feed on him but I’m going to show you first. Last time you killed her too fast. When the heart stops beating, the blood doesn’t flow as fast anymore, so your aim should be keeping them alive as long as possible. Going for the throat, like you did, is not the best idea. The side of the neck is better and sometimes it’s even better to take the shoulder or the wrist because they won’t die as fast. Understood?”
Kurt took all of that in and somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered how it was possible to talk so casually about the best way to kill someone. For Blaine it didn’t seem to matter, but that made sense. After all, this was nothing new to Blaine. But to Kurt it should feel a bit wrong to talk like that, shouldn’t it? Somehow it didn’t. He couldn’t feel bad knowing that this guy was about to be killed. That Kurt would kill this guy. Thinking back he didn’t care about the woman or the guy in the bedroom, either.
Then a memory came back to Kurt’s mind. Blaine had told him, vampire’s didn’t feel guilt. They couldn’t. And again it flashed through Kurt’s mind: I’m dead.
“Okay, let’s do this.”

As soon as he fell down on his bed at home Nick covered his head with his pillow. He had locked the door to his room but he could still hear his parents yelling downstairs.
Everything had been a little bit messy since Kurt and Blaine had disappeared. No one knew where they were, except for himself and Jeff. He had tried to convince his parents that he could go home with Jeff, but they wouldn’t allow it. They had grounded him as soon as school was over, mostly because his brother Jordan had finally told their parents that Nick was gay.
They had reacted like it was the end of the world. During half of their conversation Nick hadn’t done anything but roll his eyes. They were being ridiculous! They forbid him to see Jeff ever again, which had only made Nick laugh. They could never keep him locked in his room. Religious or not, they wouldn’t make him change his mind. At some point their conversation had turned into a screaming argument.
Nick had yelled at them that it wasn’t just a phase and that he didn’t care about going to hell as long as he had a wonderful life together with the man he loved, causing his mom to start crying.
But him coming out hadn’t been the only reason.
When Kurt hadn’t returned home, Burt Hummel had called the school. Dalton had told him that Kurt hadn’t checked out yet, then they looked for him in his room and found it almost empty, their stuff gone, and Blaine wasn’t there, either.
Shortly after, they had visited Jeff, and later him, to ask if they knew where Kurt and Blaine were. Both of them had denied knowing anything and they had eventually stopped asking them questions.
The principal had told Mr. Hummel that Kurt and Blaine were missing and Burt Hummel had lost his mind. Judging by some stories that went around the student body, Burt had yelled at the principal for almost fifteen minutes before hanging up.
On the day that Nick left Dalton he ran into Kurt‘s father in the parking lot, and was immediately questioned again. He told Burt that he didn’t know anything, and then had the bad luck that his parents came to talk to Burt. Now Nick’s parents thought that Nick spent his time at Dalton with only gay people and that apparently these boys were rebellious, too.
So, now Nick was grounded and he couldn’t care less. He had already called Jeff and they had a plan.
Jeff’s parents were fine with buying their plane tickets so as soon as Nick was ready and packed, Jeff would just show up and they would run away, too. New York would be a relief. It was far away enough for Nick, allowing him to stop worrying about his parents. He was sick of it anyways. He had been hiding who he was for the better half of his life but now it was finally time for him to break out, and he did not plan on returning. Like, ever.
He turned over on his bed and reached for his phone. Even though it had only be a few days since Kurt and Blaine had left he missed them. Especially Kurt. He had grown to be his best friend and he didn’t want to wait for months to see them again. They hadn’t answered their text but Jeff had figured that they just didn’t want to get their friends into trouble. If Nick’s parents had found that text on his phone for example they would have some serious explaining to do.
Nick was itching to just call Blaine’s phone. He needed to know how they were doing but then again, did he really want to know? The thought of Kurt being turned was still quite hard to grasp. What if he already was a vampire by now? Nick didn’t know how he would react to seeing Kurt for the first time again after months and then seeing him having changed so much... It was hard to think about.
But Kurt was still Kurt. He was still his friend and he would never judge Kurt for his decision. He knew he would have done the same, if he was in Kurt’s position.
A grin showed on his face when he thought about the fact that he might have been in Kurt’s position. If Blaine had liked him back in the beginning on the year, he might have ended up exactly where Kurt was now. Maybe Blaine would have revealed his secret to Nick, too, but then what? Nick had to admit that he probably would have run away. He wasn’t as brave as Kurt and he would have never been able to look at Blaine the same way.
He had been scared as hell when he had found out about Blaine’s secret but he managed to live with it because of Kurt. Kurt had been the one to assure him that it was okay and that nothing was ever going to happen to them. Without Kurt, Nick and Jeff might have run from Blaine. They would have never become friends.
There was nothing in the world that would make Nick give up the awesome group of friends he had right now. Even if two of them were undead.
With a sigh he unlocked his phone and texted Jeff instead of Blaine, asking about the flight. Jeff responded immediately that the tickets were booked and that he just couldn’t wait to leave.
Nick smiled to himself. He would have never thought that he would leave for New York so soon. Well, he would have never thought to leave for New York with Jeff as his boyfriend, either. Oh well, life’s good, he thought as he turned over again to bury his face in the sheets, this time with a smile on his face.
A loud knock on his door made him groan.
“What?” He shouted sounding quite annoyed.
“We’re having dinner!” Was the answer he got from Jordan. “Move! Or I’m gonna have to get a key and drag your ass downstairs.”
Nick got up. He didn’t have the nerve for this right now. He ripped open the door, gave Jordan an angry glare before shoving him aside to get past him. Jordan mumbled something that sounded pretty much like ‘worthless fag’ and Nick stopped on the spot. He turned around to look at his brother.
“You!” He pointed straight into Jordan’s face. “You are a pathetic, little piece of shit! You had to tell them, didn’t you? I didn’t do anything to you! Ever! Why did you have to do that? It’s not like you could have just kept your fucking mouth shut.” He yelled.
Jordan huffed. “Well, you are a fag after all. And I felt like they had a right to know what kind of abomination they brought into this world. As to why I did it? Your faggy friend almost broke my arm and I blame you for that. So, now, we’re even.”
Nick simply shook his head and turned away. “Must be awful to sit in such a dark, wimpy, homophobic corner of this world. But you don’t deserve any better.”
He felt his brothers fist hitting his stomach hard but he didn’t even take the time to think about the pain. Instead he turned around and kicked his brother square into the chest, glad that he had joined the Thai-boxing team at Dalton. Jordan stumbled backwards from the force and came dangerously close to the stairs. Nick didn’t even think. He kicked him again and his brother fell down the stairs with a cry of pain.
Realizing what he had done, Nick sprinted back into his room and grabbed the bag, that he hadn’t even unpacked from returning from Dalton, and his phone before running downstairs. His parents were already in the hallway to find out what had caused that loud noise. When they saw him running and their older son lying at the bottom of the stairs, they started yelling.
Nick didn’t waste time. He jumped over his groaning brother and reached the door before his father. He slammed it closed before his father could follow him and started running down their driveway until he reached his car. His father was close behind him and was still yelling at him. He could see his mother in the door of the house when he got into the car and started the motor.
Only when he pulled out of their driveway and onto the road did he allow himself to relax. He couldn’t believe what he had just done. That certainly hadn’t been the plan. But he had everything he needed and he knew that there was only one place he could go. To Jeff.
Jeff’s parents would understand and the tickets were already booked. From now on nothing could get in their way anymore, not even his stupid family.
New York, here we come!


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