The Perfect Plan
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The Perfect Plan: Chapter 1

M - Words: 4,411 - Last Updated: Oct 27, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Created: Oct 26, 2011 - Updated: Oct 27, 2011
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Author's Notes: Pairings: Kurt/Blaine (side pairings: mention of Blaine/others, Rachel/Quinn, Sam / Mercedes, Santana / Britanny for this part )

New York, January 4th 2020.

‘Come on Blaine, you can’t go stag to this wedding,’ Jeff said while they were trying to find a tuxedo. They had waited too long and now they couldn’t get anything good to wear.
‘Seriously man, have you tried to call that Gave guy from the other night? He was hot, I’m sure he’d look good on your arm, and you know, you can always take him to yours afterwards if you follow my lead’ Nick added with a smirk.
‘Guys, it’s ok, I don’t mind going stag and no, I am not calling Grant, I was wrong about him, he’s not made for me at all.’ Blaine replied slightly annoyed. His two best friends had tried to get him to bring all the guys they could remember to his friend’s wedding. Blaine had dated a few men over the past months but none of them seemed to be what he was looking for. Grant had been too pushy (yes, Blaine still believed that you don’t need to have sex with a guy on your first date, call him old fashion but to him, it takes some time to reach that level in a relationship.) Gary had been the complete opposite of his personality, they clashed. They dated for three weeks until Blaine finally snapped. They still managed to remain friends, well, they tried but that failed as well… Then there had been Mike but he was bisexual, and when he had met with his girlfriend from highschool during one of their dates, Blaine realized that Mike still loved her and he confronted his boyfriend about this. He had tried to deny, tell Blaine that he was mistaken; he and Tina were just friend. Few days later, Mike ended it and apologized. He and Tina were now engaged and very much in love. Blaine and Mike became great friends and he liked Tina a lot too.
Yeah, Blaine had not been lucky in love. Maybe he was too demanding, that’s what Jeff and Nick were always saying. ‘Love is simple man, just don’t think too much or you’ll never act!’
And here he was, planning to go stag at Sam and Mercedes’ wedding.

The tailor returned from the back of the shop and had three tuxes ready for them. They were not the best but they had no right to complain. It was half price and the wedding was in four days. All in all, they had been lucky to even find anything at such short notice.
‘I need to get going,’ Blaine said after they paid for their tux, ‘Rachel asked me to give her my most honest and objective opinion on her song choice for her new audition, wish me luck’
‘Good luck!’ Jeff tried not to laugh and ducked before Blaine hit him.
‘Yeah man, you’re gonna need it’ Nick added avoiding his friend as he passed by them glaring at the pair.


��������������� Quinn was trying not to fall from the couch while she laughed at Blaine’s expression of pure terror. Her fianc�e could get scary sometimes.
‘Come on Rach, be nice, at least he tried to help you, you can’t say the same about me.’
‘Don’t remind me Honey, I’m still mad at you.’� Then she turned her attention back to her friend. ‘Seriously, I have worked so hard on that song and you’re telling me that it’s a bad choice for the audition. I just give up on you Blaine Warbler, what the hell do you know anyways?!’ She stomped out of the room and clacked the door for good measure.
Blaine joined Quinn in her fit of laughter.
‘You’re sure you still want to marry her?’ he managed to say as his laughter finally subsided.
‘I’ve been worse hobbit, trust me.’
‘Oh I know.’
They smiled at each other.
‘So, you’ve found something to wear for Sam’s wedding?’ she asked after a few minutes.
‘Yeah, it was a real mission but we managed to find some good enough tuxes.’
‘Next time, you’ll listen to Rach and me and get them earlier, let’s say at least two weeks before the day.’
‘Duly noted.’
‘And any word from… what was his name again? Gave?’
‘Grant. No, I ended it. He was not for me.’
‘But is anyone really made for you Blainey?’ Rachel had returned from her fit and was now smiling again. ‘I mean, you’re so demanding, no wonder you haven’t found anyone yet.’
‘Thanks, I feel a lot better now Rach.’ Blaine replied trying not to show how down he was feeling after what she had said.
‘Oh no, I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean it this way.’
‘Yeah, you’ll find someone Blaine. You’re a real catch. I bet with that tux, you’ll look so good that all of Mercedes’s gay friends will be drawn to you like magnets.’
‘Mercedes has gay friends?’ he asked feeling a bit more hopeful.
‘Well I remember at least two’ Rach said. There’s Eric and Marc.
Quinn opened her mouth to add another name but Rachel made her stay silent about it.

Kurt Hummel.
He had been Rachel’s best friend from highschool and the beginning of their college years at NYADA. He had changed to fashion in his second year. Rachel had felt betrayed, she had always believed that the two of them would take Broadway by storm and become legends but Kurt’s love for fashion was bigger and he left. They used to tell each other absolutely everything but Kurt had taken that decision without even consulting her. He had also been the reason why she broke up with Finn. She never really understood why but she just knew it had been his fault.� They had grown apart after that until they had completely stopped talking three years ago.
‘Marc is cute, blond tall with green eyes.’ Rachel said trying to cover for the short silence.
‘Yeah, and Eric is really clever but also a real dork, you two would get along!’ Quinn added.
‘Well, we’ll see what happens when I’m there.’ Blaine tried to remain positive; maybe they were right, he could get lucky for once.
‘Oh and I thought about it, you were right Blaine, I’m singing the song you chose. �I’m sorry for having yelled at you.’
‘Don’t worry, it’s not like I’m not used to it.’ She glared at him as he and Quinn shared a high-five.
‘Anyway, I need to rehearse this song now. Can I count on you for your help again?’
‘Sure.’ Blaine replied.
‘Good’. She smiled at both of them and returned to her room.
Blaine waited for the door to be closed and said
‘Well, looks like she’s not mad at you anymore.’
‘I don’t mind, make up sex is great!’
Quinn laughed as Blaine left to get to his own room.

New York, January 8th�2020

The big day had arrived, although, it was not really that significant for Blaine. He had been to a few weddings of his friends already. But he could feel like something big would happen today, something that could possibly change everything. He was excited.
‘Girls are you ready?’ He asked for the tenth time that day.
‘Almost.’ He heard laughter and shushing noises coming from the other side of the door.
He walked to the mirror and checked his bowtie again. He was excited but also nervous.
‘Ok, are you ready to get your mind blown away?’ Rachel’s voice came from the other room.
He turned to face the door and waited. Quinn came out first. She was wearing a dress cut just above her knees. It was light blue with little white patterns. It complimented her every curve without being vulgar. If Blaine were straight he would ‘totally tap that’ as Jeff and Nick would say.
‘Wow, Quinn, you look gorgeous!’
‘Thank you,’ she smiled brightly at him, ‘wait until you see Rach.’
The door opened for a second time and Rachel walked out dressed in a long silky night blue dress.
Blaine was speechless, she looked amazing.
‘Do the turn Honey.’ Quinn told her
She spinned a bit on herself to show the low cut of the dress that showed off perfectly her back and shoulders.
Blaine’s jaw actually dropped. He couldn’t wait to see the two women torture all the single men at the reception, when they’ll see these two and know that there’s not even one tiny chance for them to get them, they’re going to feel suicidal. That’s how good they looked. Once again, this was a proof that Blaine was 100% gay. He couldn’t wait to see how Nick and Jeff would react.
‘Well?’ Rachel asked him.
‘Wow, again, you two, you’re going to kill every straight guys with want at this wedding!’
They both laughed at that.
‘I’m lucky I’m gay or I think I would really be struggling to keep my hands to myself…’
‘Ok enough lover boy’ Quinn interrupted with a light hit to his shoulder. �‘Seriously, you’ve talked too much about us, how about you? You’re looking HOT!’
‘He sure does! These guys won’t know what hit them’
Blaine blushed as they went for a group hug.
‘Well, if there’s any lesbian there, I’m sure it’ll be the same.’
‘Oh there will be,’ Quinn said, ‘there's San and Brit coming as well. I think Sam invited them.’
‘Maybe we can have some fun, what do you say babe?’ Rach wiggled her eyebrows to her fianc�e.
‘Oh yeah, bring it on, especially when you’re drunk. This night’s going to be the best!’
‘Girls, TMI!!!’ Blaine whined as he tried not to think about lesbian orgies… Nick and Jeff had tricked him once into watching a movie promising him it wasn’t porn. He still had nightmares about it…
‘Ok, I think we should get going. Are Neff ready yet?’ Rachel asked Blaine.
‘Yeah, as incredible as it sounds they’re both already waiting for us in the cab.’
‘Wow, that’s unusual!’
‘Yeah well, they’re excited to seduce all the pretty single ladies at this wedding. Maybe I could prank them and introduce them to San and Brit.’
‘Oh you better not, Santana is really possessive over Brit. She’d kill them if they were only trying to talk to her wife.’
‘More fun for me!’ Blaine shouted as they left the flat. ‘They’ll learn that payback’s a real bitch sometimes.’
‘Well, Santana definitely is a bitch.’ Quinn said with a smirk.

It took them twenty minutes, three attempts from Jeff and Nick at trying to grope Rachel and Quinn and two angry threats at them to stop or they would lose both hands.
They all got out the car and joined the rest of the guest inside the church. There was a gospel choir already singing as everyone was trying to find their seats.
A few minutes later the groom entered on his mother’s arm. Then it was the turn of the bride. For the second time that day, Blaine’s jaw dropped. Mercedes was breathtaking in her dress. The one who had designed it was a real fashion genius.

The ceremony went well and Blaine totally caught Nick and Jeff sniffing by the end of it. He could not really hold it against them though since he too had shed a few tears. Not for the first time, he wondered if he’d ever get that. This amazing day with the person he loves more than anything else in the world, a perfect day surrounded by all the people he loves.


��������������� They had all arrived at the reception dinner and Blaine was getting impatient. Rachel had promised him that she would introduce him to Marc and Eric but so far she had been too busy gushing on Mercedes’ dress, although he really could understand the excitement over it. He walked to her when his attention was caught by two beautiful women on the other side of the room. They were so engrossed in each other that they had not even noticed the two men trying to make conversation with them. Blaine came closer and laughed as he recognized his two best friends.
Nick spotted him and gestured to come join them.
‘Dude, have you seen these two smocking hot ladies?’ he pointed at Santana and Britanny who still had not paid them any attention.� Blaine tried to keep a straight face, this was just too easy.
‘Rachel and Quinn knows them, they were together in highschool. The latina is Santana and her wife is called Britanny.’
Blaine enjoyed far too much the way both their faces fell as he mentioned that the women were married to each other. Then,� Jeff smiled as he seemed to have thought of something amazing.
‘This is so hot man! I’m sure they’d be totally up for a trip to cloud nine aboard the Neff’
Nick nodded with excitement and they both walked to the two women once more and this time got their attention.
Blaine stepped a few steps back and waited for the storm to happen.

‘San is going to kill your friends, I hope you’re aware of that.’ A stranger’s voice came from behind him. Blaine turned and was met by…

He had no words.
His jaw dropped again. It was becoming an habit today. He struggled to close his mouth again as the young smiled at him a bit mockingly.
‘Hi.’ Blaine finally managed to say.
‘Hey.’ The stranger replied still smiling but it was genuine now.
Blaine was about to say something else when all hell broke loose behind them.
The two men turned to a very loud voice speaking in English and Spanish. Blaine did not really understand everything but he couldn’t stop the howl of laughter as he saw Nick’s and Jeff’s terrified faces as Santana was latching all her wrath on them.
He nearly fell for the fit of laughter but two strong hands kept him upright.
‘Told you it would end bad.’ The other man said laughing a bit as well.
‘Payback’s a real bitch.’ He replied after he managed to catch his breath.
‘Payback?’ Did you plan this?’
‘Not really but I may have helped in telling Nick and Jeff their names and well, when these two have names they think it’s a direct way to third base.’
‘What did they do to you to deserve such a harsh punishment?’ the stranger asked curious.
‘I’m gay and they made me sit through a lesbian movie, hardcore lesbian porn movie.’
At that the young man laughed out loud and Blaine’s breath caught in his throat. He had never heard anything more beautiful than this man’s laughter.
‘Well, they deserved it then.’ He said once he calmed down.
Blaine shared another smile with the stranger and their eyes locked for what felt like hours but probably was just a few seconds. He could not really tell what color his eyes were, there was blue, grey and a bit of green as well. They shone bright and beautiful.
He had been so engrossed with the other man that he had not noticed Nick and Jeff by his side.

‘We saw you laughing.’ Nick said in what he hoped was a dark tone.
‘You knew about this, it’s so on hobbit!’ Jeff added in a threatening tone.
Blaine only laughed at them and their antics.
‘Seriously guys, this was payback for the ‘oh so great movie, dude you’ve never seen anything better in your entire life!’
They both narrowed his eyes at him.
‘It is on!’ and they left walking backwards and still glaring at him.
‘You’re friends are weird.’
Blaine turned his attention back to the other man and smiled.
‘Oh trust me, you haven’t seen anything yet.’
Then, the stranger took Blaine’s hand and led him to a table in the corner. There were less people there and the music only produced �nice background sound.
As they sat, the other man spoke.
‘I figured we could go somewhere quieter.’
‘I don’t even know your name’ Blaine said as realization hit him.
‘I’m not going to tell you.’ He said in a teasing tone.
‘Why not?’, he asked feeling his smile fade a little. He needed to know who this man was.
The young man now leaned closer to him and invaded his personal space, not that Blaine had any complains about that.
‘Can I tell you a secret hot stranger?’ he whispered.
Blaine swallowed hard. Their faces were only a few inches apart now, he could easily lean closer and kiss the man. Instead he replied:
The other man leaned back in his chair and Blaine immediately missed the closeness.
‘I have this fantasy of one perfect night in a lifetime.’ He started explaining, ‘two strangers meet somewhere and share an amazing night together. At the end of it, they part without having exchanged names nor phone number and promise they’ll never see each other again.’
‘I don’t…’
‘Wait. Then when they’re both in their dying days, they can think back to that night and the memory of it will be perfect. I’ve named it “The perfect plan”.� What do you say, sexy hobbit?’
Blaine was conflicted. He really wanted to spend the whole night with this man, hell he wanted more than just one night but he had the feeling that the other man would just leave him now if he did not agree to his plan.’
‘I’m in.’ he finally said. ‘But could we at least have, I don’t know, some fake names?’
‘Yeah sure, you go first.’
Blaine thought of something good but the presence of the gorgeous man was very distracting so he blurted the first word that came to his mind.
‘Hmm, I like that. Nice pick Mr Warbler.’ He paused then, ‘ok, my turn : tire and lube.’
Blaine did not know if she should laugh or just look confused to that very strange choice. Still, he decided to play along:
‘Well, Mr Tire and Lube, what do you want to do first?’
He did not reply and just took Blaine’s hand again. He led him to another room, smaller with a piano.
Blaine smiled.
‘Do you play?’
‘I used to. I’m probably out of practice but my voice is amazing.’
‘Well I could play and you could sing along.
They heard a loud crash and then four persons were joining them.
Blaine glared at his two friends for ruining this moment.
‘Hey Blaine, Blaine, look at our two wonderful new dates, Blaine! Blaine, have you seen how gorgeous they look??’ Jeff hopped while Nick was pointing at two giggling young women.
‘Seriously Blaine, have you seen them? Ok, buy Blaine!’
And all four of them ran out as if they had not interrupted some perfect moment.
Mr Tire and Lube laughed.
‘Well, it’s nice to meet you Blaine. I guess I can tell you my name too now.’
‘I’d love that’
‘It’s Kurt.’
‘Kurt’, he let the name caress his tongues and fall from his lips, ‘Kurt’ he said it again, ‘I like that.’
Kurt tried to hide his blush as he looked through the lyrics. He seemed to have found a good one and handed the sheets to Blaine.

Your song

‘We could sing it as a duet, that is, if you can sing.’ Kurt suggested.
‘Yeah, I can, I used to be in a glee club called "The Warblers", I was their lead soloist.'
A hint of recognition passed through Kurt’s eyes but it was gone so fast that Blaine could have been imagining it.
‘Well then Blaine Warbler, hit it.’
He let his fingers fly over the keys as he played the familiar tune.

It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live

Blaine almost missed his cue. Kurt sounded like an angel. He felt so many emotions all at once and there were no words to describe this feeling.
Kurt smiled at him encouragingly:

If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you

Kurt whispered ‘together’ as they started on the next part of the song:

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

They both smiled shyly at each other, their voices felt like they were melting with each other and it were producing the most beautiful sound both men had ever heard.
Kurt took the next part again:

I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on

He gestured for Blaine to sing his part:

So excuse me forgetting but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen

And no words could have been truer. Blaine loved Kurt’s eyes, they were beautiful and full of mystery. He had yet to find what color they were and he would be happy to search for the answer while staring into them for the rest of his life.
Blaine stopped playing as he reached for Kurt’s hand. He then continued singing:

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

Kurt interlaced their fingers as he joined him for the end of the song

I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

They remained silent for a few minutes, not needing words between them. It was as if they did not need anything else than holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes.
Sadly the moment broke when the sheets fell from the support. They both laughed lightly as they leaned even closer.

‘This might sound crazy but, I really don’t want this night to end.’ Blaine whispered as they leaned their foreheads together.
‘It’s still early.’ Kurt replied.
‘I� know but…’
‘Shh, no buts.’
‘Ok.’, he paused for a minute. ‘Can I kiss you?’
‘No.’ Kurt said as he leaned back again. ‘We don’t want to ruin our perfect night Blaine Warbler.’
‘How would it…’ he was interrupted by Kurt’s fingers on his lips.
‘A kiss would ruin everything, ‘ he insisted, ‘you never know if what you’re doing is the right way to do it. There’s the risk of being too long or too short. Sometimes the use of tongue just kills it completely. We don’t want to take that risk. Tonight must be perfect.’
‘I’m a great kisser’ Blaine managed to say as Kurt removed his finger.
‘Modest much?’, Kurt laughed lightly, ‘I believe you Blaine, maybe you really think you are and maybe it’s true but what if I don’t like it? What if you don’t like the way I kiss?’
‘I doubt that’s possible.’ Blaine opposed.
‘Look,’ Kurt tried to explain what he thought about all this, ‘I think that the best part of a first kiss is the moment just before the two lips meet. The anticipation when we’re so close but still not closing the gap between us.� Do you want to try that?’
‘Yes.’ Blaine was hoping that once they were that close Kurt could not deny it any longer and they would share their first kiss.
‘But no kissing, you have to promise me Blaine.’
‘I…’, Blaine felt defeated, there was no way he would made a promise to Kurt and then break it. He sighed and said ‘ok, I promise.’
Kurt smiled brightly at him and leaned closer. Blaine met him halfway. They were so close. He could feel their breath mingling with each other. He had to fight every ounce of his body not to close the gap. They remained like this for a few seconds. It was perfect and yet felt like torture to Blaine.
Then, all to soon, Kurt leaned back and let go of his hand.
‘We should dance’ he said as he held his hand for Blaine to take again.
‘There’s no music.’
‘We don’t need it.’

Blaine stood and took Kurt’s hand as he led him to the center of the room. They started to sway to an imaginary tune. Kurt held his arms around his neck and Blaine took him gently by the waist.
As the dance went, they moved closer to each other until Blaine’s face was buried in the nook of Kurt’s neck. He wanted to kiss the smooth skin there so badly but he did not dare for fear of ruining everything and lose Kurt far too soon.

‘Isn’t this perfect?’ Kurt whispered in his ear.
Blaine shivered as he felt the hot breath on his skin.� He resisted the strong urge to turn his head and capture Kurt’s lips with his own.
‘Yeah.’ He whispered instead.

They danced for what felt like hours, holding each other close. None of them seemed to want to let go. Not yet.
But then, the end of the evening was there and when they returned to the main room all the other guests were gone.
Blaine felt a sudden sadness take over him. This was the end of their perfect night together. After this evening, he would only see Kurt in his dreams and memories.

‘I don’t want you to leave.’ He said trying not to sound as desperate as he felt.
‘Please don’t Blaine, don’t ruin our perfect night.’ Kurt said in a sad voice.

They shared one last dance. Someone had left a boom box on one of the table and Kurt put a CD in it.

You're in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I'm with you
So close to feeling alive

A life goes by�
Romantic dreams must die
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I want is to hold you
So close

So close to reaching that famous happy ending
Almost believing this one's not pretend
And now you're beside me and look how far we've come
So far, we are, so close�

How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?�

Blaine fought the tears that were sure to come once all of this dream was over. He held on tight to Kurt and buried his face in his neck. This time he couldn’t stop himself. He placed a soft kiss on the silky skin. He felt Kurt shiver under his lips but he remained silent and let Blaine kiss him again and hold onto him for now.

‘How can this night be perfect ’, Blaine whispered against Kurt’s skin, ‘if I have to keep the image of you walking away from me?

We're so close
To reaching that famous happy ending
Almost believing this one's not pretend
Let's go on dreaming for we know we are
So close

‘Close your eyes’ Kurt said to him as they parted from the dance.

So close

Blaine let his eyelids flutter shut. He felt a feather light kiss on his cheek then nothing.
He felt cold.
He opened his eyes again but Kurt was gone.

And still so far


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