Aug. 18, 2013, 12:46 a.m.
Aug. 18, 2013, 12:46 a.m.
Blaine was pacing in his room trying to find a way to get out of this. But the more he dwelled on it, the less he believed there was any other solution. He glared at his phone as if the device was responsible for what was troubling him.
Kurt did not own a car. It should have been obvious to Blaine when the other man had come pick him up for their date in a taxi. Blaine was an idiot. It was his fault after all; he had been the one to say to Kurt that he would pick him up. He had been so happy that Kurt had said yes that Blaine had completely forgotten about a very important detail; his car only had two seats. How the hell was he supposed to drive Kurt and his children to the bowling alley? He could use a taxi but it was too expensive and he would feel bad asking Kurt to pay for it.
Blaine had called Tina to ask for advice and her only solution was the last one that Blaine had considered.
“You should ask you mother if you can borrow her car. It’s big enough for five people,” she had said, entirely ignoring Blaine’s protests on the other end of the line.
So here he was, pacing and cursing his friend for her crap piece of advice.
After a few more minutes of this, he finally took his phone and dialed his mother’s number.
“Hi Blaine, did you get my message?” Charlotte asked as soon as she picked up.
“Hi Mom, yes, I got it and no, you can’t call Kurt my boyfriend yet,” Blaine said hurriedly. He tried not to linger on the thought of wanting to call Kurt his soon.
“Yet!” Charlotte teased. “I really can’t wait to meet him. Although, I already have but the circumstances were much different,” she added with a laugh.
Blaine tried not to groan. He had to steel himself for what he was about to ask her.
“I need your car.” There, he said it. He was barely aware that he had interrupted his mother’s babbling with his request.
“You need my car?” she sounded confused, “You have your own car Blaine, or well, that poor vehicle that you call a car.”
“Please, Mom, don’t ask questions, I just need to borrow it for tonight.” Blaine knew as soon as the words left his mouth that he was doomed. There was no way his mother would not pry. Good one, Anderson, he thought to himself.
“Why do you need it? And don’t try to lie, young man!” she warned him.
Blaine breathed deeply.
“I need the car because mine is too small.” He did not let her speak because he knew his resolve would fade if he did not say it all at once. “I’m picking up Kurt and his three children and you know that my car has no backseat.” Blaine closed his eyes and waited with apprehension for his mother’s reaction.
For the second time that day, he heard a woman squeal in delight. He had to remove the phone from his ear for a few seconds. Tina was a really bad influence on his mother, he thought.
“Oh my god! Kurt has children? How old are they? What are their names?” Charlotte started firing questions at him excitedly.
“Please, Mama, you’ll meet them tonight so you can ask them then. �Just let me borrow the car and stop killing my ears with your shrill voice.” His tone was pleading and he hoped that she would let it go for now.
“Blaine Charlie Anderson, I am so proud of you right now!” Charlotte exclaimed.
Oh man, Blaine thought, she’s using my full name. This is bad.
“Yes, you can have the car, Sweetheart; you can have it anytime you need. I’ll even buy you a new one, the family friendly kind,” his mother said enthusiastically.
“Okay, whatever you want.” Blaine knew that there was no stopping her right now. “I’ll come in roughly ten minutes to get the car, okay?”
“Sure, Sweetheart, I’ll see you then,” she answered, her tone still filled with excitement.
Blaine waited to hear if she would say something else but she seemed to have understood that their conversation had come to an end. He hung up and threw himself face first onto the bed.
Tonight is going to be interesting, he thought to himself. He could only be grateful that Cooper would not arrive until next week so he wouldn’t join them tonight. Now that was something that Blaine did not want to think about…
It was ten past six when Kurt opened the door to let Blaine in.
“I’m sorry for being a little late,” the musician started to apologize, “I had to get my mother’s car. She’s coming too. Mike and Tina picked her up since it’s on their way there.”
Kurt smiled softly at Blaine’s nervous babbling.
“We could have taken a taxi, you know.” Kurt sounded amused. But he also felt something tug at his heart that Blaine was being thoughtful of Kurt and his children.
“I know,” Blaine lowered his head to hide a smile, “I just… I invited you and I thought I’d just…”
Kurt’s response was to tug Blaine inside by his hands and kiss him softly. The musician exhaled against Kurt’s warm lips and opened his mouth to allow their tongues to tangle as the kiss deepened. Kurt’s fingers were caressing the faint stubble along Blaine’s jaw. Want rising between them, both men became so lost in each other that they didn’t notice Clara arriving behind them. By then, Kurt was pinned against the wall near the door and Blaine’s hands had found their way to the other man’s hips.
A slight coughing sound startled them just in time, as things were getting far too heated for the circumstances.
“Hello, Blaine!” Clara said in a far too cheerful tone.
“Clara! Hi!” Blaine tried to smooth down his shirt and tuck it back in his pants. Wow, things had escalated quite fast, he turned to look at Kurt, how red and swollen his lips were and oh God, was that a hickey forming under Kurt’s left ear?
Fortunately for them, Clara acted normally, as if she had not walked in on them making out furiously moments before. Blaine wondered if she was used to see Kurt in such positions. He could not think any further down this path because Simon and Sammy arrived running towards them.
“Funny Man! You’re back!” Simon all but shouted as he launched himself towards Blaine who was not used to getting hugs from little boys. He tried not to show it and did his best to hug Simon back. When he let go, Kurt was looking down at him and giving him the most amazing smile Blaine had ever seen.�
Sammy was holding on Kurt’s right leg, looking warily at Blaine. The musician crouched to his level and gave him a tentative smile. He then reached out and gently ruffled Sammy’s locks. The little boy’s glare softened a little but Blaine knew that things were not okay between them yet. Blaine sighed; he was willing to at least try.
“We should be going,” Kurt said and Simon, Clara and Blaine went outside to the car. Blaine carried the baby seat for Sammy and Clara got the bags. Kurt followed them with Sammy in his arms.
Once everyone was seated properly in the car, Blaine started the engine and drove off down the street.
“I have to warn you that my mom is really excited to meet you and the kids,” Blaine said when they stopped at a red light.
“I’m really looking forward to it, too,” Kurt answered, laying a hand on Blaine’s knee.
Clara, who was sitting in the middle seat, observed their interaction with a smile.
“Strike!” Simon shouted as all the pins fell with a crashing sound. The little boy jumped and turned to do a victory dance.
Tina, Kurt and Blaine laughed at Mike’s groan. The young man was used to being the bowling champion at these outings of theirs, and he was not amused to be losing to Simon. Trying not to let it show, Mike grabbed his ball and concentrated on his next throw.
The first round had gone to Blaine, Simon and Clara, who had teamed up against Kurt, Mike and Tina. They were now in the middle of the second round and Mike was starting to regret his suggestion of letting both Kurt and Blaine be their team captains. Who could have predicted that Blaine would not pick him for his team?
“Kurt, it’s your turn,” Tina said, as Mike managed a spare.
“We’ll get our revenge this time,” Mike said to Simon with a mock glare. “Kurt, you better get us another strike,” he warned.
Blaine watched as Kurt positioned himself. Truthfully, his gaze was more directed on the other man’s ass than the way Kurt was throwing his ball. Damn, those jeans were nearly panted on his skin.
The loud banging sound broke him out his impure thoughts and he could swear that Kurt was smirking in his direction as Mike gave him a high-five.
“Good job, Kurt!” Tina whooped behind them and Charlotte was laughing. Blaine had the suspicion that he was missing some sort of joke at his expense.
Kurt walked to him and whispered in his ear, “It’s your turn, Blaine.”
Kurt’s hot breath made him shiver. Their faces were so close and for a second Blaine thought Kurt would kiss him but just as he started to lean in, the other man looked him in the eyes and smiled. The next second, he was gone and Blaine felt confused, frustrated and a little turned on. He looked back at Kurt but the other man was already talking with Charlotte.
“Funny Man!” Simon called beside him, reminding Blaine that he had yet to play his turn. He grabbed the ball and tried to focus back on the game.
His first throw went right into the gutter. Just like my mind, thought Blaine.
Behind him, he heard Tina, Mike and Kurt laugh and whoop.
Blaine tried not to let them distract him as he bowled his second ball. This time he managed to make five pins fall.
Simon cheered him on and they exchanged a high-five.
Behind them, Kurt and Mike were speaking with hushed tones and Tina was chuckling next to them. Blaine did not notice them, though, because Clara came to him to ask for tips on the way to aim better on her next throw.
Tina, Mike and Simon followed and then it was Kurt’s turn again. The young man bent over to reach for a ball. Blaine’s eyes were glued to his ass as Kurt took longer than necessary to grab the ball. Kurt took a few steps backwards to take a run up before throwing. Only two pins fell and Kurt turned with a pout in Blaine’s direction.
Blaine responded with a sympathetic smile and a look that said, “You’ll do better on your second throw”.
Kurt nodded and grabbed a second ball, the fabric stretching across his pert bottom as Blaine kept staring.
Across from the musician, Mike and Tina were looking at Blaine trying not to laugh at how wide his eyes were. It reminded them of those cartoons in which the eyes of the characters bugged out of their sockets when there was a pretty woman near them.
“We’re so winning this round.” Mike rubbed his hands together in delight thinking of their future victory.
Tina looked fondly at her husband thinking he took these bowling games a little too seriously. But she was enjoying seeing her friend so flustered by a man. She could not remember the last time it had happened. And guys from one-night stands did not count in her books.
After Kurt’s turn, he waited for Blaine to come get his ball.
“You should give me tips,” he said softly, taking Blaine’s hand in his and stepping into his personal space. “Clara has improved since you helped her.”
“I only helped her because she’s on my team.” Blaine tried to not let Kurt notice how breathy his voice had gotten.
“Oh, come on.” Kurt was so close that there was barely any space left between them. Blaine’s semi hard-on rubbed lightly on Kurt’s clothed thigh. The musician bit his lip at the slight friction. “If you help me, I promise you won’t regret it.” Kurt punctuated his last words by sliding his left hand in the back of Blaine’s pocket and discreetly squeezed Blaine’s cheek.
“Kurt!” Blaine gasped, his hips coming closer to Kurt’s, seeking more friction.
A slight coughing sound from the left reminded Blaine that they were not alone and that he should probably move away from Kurt before things got even more inappropriate.
Kurt seemed to have reached the same train of thought as he took a few steps backwards and slapped Blaine’s ass before returning to the others.
The game kept going and the next time Kurt went to distract him right before his turn, Blaine clearly understood that the other team had been scheming against him and that Kurt was their ultimate weapon. When Kurt’s team won, Simon looked at Blaine like he had been the only cause for their loss. The boy was not entirely wrong, Blaine supposed. Clara was more understanding and said to him that they could still get revenge later.
As they all went to get drinks, Blaine sat next to Kurt and placed his hand on his thigh. No one at the table paid attention to them; Simon was still teasing Mike about getting more strikes than him and Tina, Charlotte and Clara were talking together. Blaine inched his hand a little higher, tracing the inseam of Kurt’s tight jeans with his fingers.
“What are you doing?” Kurt hissed in his ear.
“I can play this game too, you know,” Blaine whispers back and starts stroking, his fingers coming closer to Kurt’s crotch.
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kurt breathed out, shifting a little in his chair.
“Oh really?” Blaine pretended to sound surprised but the smirk on his face betrayed what he was really thinking. Kurt bit his lower lip as Blaine’s hand brushed lightly over his growing erection. “Your team only won because of your little distractions.” Blaine punctuated this last word by adding pressure as he rubbed his hand on Kurt’s hardening cock.
Fortunately for Kurt, this was the moment Sammy chose to start whining in Charlotte’s arms and asking for his dad. Blaine tried to cover his laugh as Kurt had to stand and get his son. But Blaine immediately schooled his face when Charlotte sent him a knowing look. His smug smile fell and he blushed to the tip of his ears.
After their break, Mike asked for a change of teams and together with Simon, they decided to play against Kurt and Blaine. Clara and Tina had decided to sit out this round.
When it was Kurt’s turn to play, his phone went off in his pocket. He apologized to Blaine, Mike and Simon and walked away to take the call.
“Kurt, where the hell are you?” Kurt looked around him slightly confused, “You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago! I’ve tried to call at least four times!” Kurt detached his phone from his ear to look at the screen and he had indeed four missed calls from Marc.
“Marc?” Kurt had no idea why his ex was calling him.
“Yes, who else did you think it was?” Marc sounded angry now, “I’m not even supposed to be here but they called me when you did not show up on time. It’s your stupid gala after all!” Kurt’s stomach dropped. He knew that he should have checked with Brittany for his schedule, he cursed under his breath and told Marc that he’d be there as soon as possible.
“You better be.” Marc’s tone was final and then he hung up on Kurt.
Blaine, who had tried not to eavesdrop on the conversation, walked to Kurt and asked what was wrong.
“I have to go,” Kurt blurted out, his eyes a little panicked.
“Why?” Blaine tried not to sound hurt but the way Kurt avoided his gaze, he knew that he had failed.
“I have this gala to promote a young artist and I had totally forgotten that it was tonight. I should have called my assistant to ask her but I was just so excited to go out with you and the children that I didn’t.” Kurt was talking fast and walking towards the entrance to get his jacket and scarf. Blaine trailed after him and tried to keep up with Kurt.
“Shit!” Kurt stopped abruptly and Blaine nearly stumbled against him. “Marie left for Marseille this morning and I don’t know any other baby sitter that I could call on such short notice.”
“Isn’t Paolo home?” Blaine asked a frantic Kurt.
“No, he’s got a late night shooting and he won’t be back until after 1 a.m.” Kurt waited as the young lady went to get his things.
“Maybe…” Blaine hesitated to finish his sentence.
“What?” Kurt turned to him expectantly.
“Maybe, I could look after them.” Blaine smiled, hoping that Kurt could not detect the trembling in his voice.
Kurt’s eyes widened and he stared at Blaine for a full minute. It was only when the young lady at the counter cleared her throat behind them that he turned to get his jacket, his pair of shoes and his scarf back. Once he had put both items on, he turned back to Blaine with the same expression as before.
“Are you sure?” he asked the musician who just nodded. “Blaine, I really appreciate you offering but you need to be really sure.”
“I am,” Blaine simply answered. “Am I a bit terrified right now? Yes, I can’t lie about that. But I truly believe I can do this and if I ever get a little overwhelmed then Clara will be there too. I think that the two of us should be able to manage for the rest of the evening.”
“Okay.” Kurt was still a little stunned that Blaine was doing this. It was as if this man in front of him was a completely different man than the one who had confessed to him how he disliked children a few days before. “Please call if there’s any problem, alright?”
“I will, don’t worry.” Blaine smiled reassuringly at him. “You should go now,” he added gesturing towards the exit.
Kurt then took Blaine’s face in his hands and brought their lips together in a fiery kiss. Blaine’s hands immediately went to Kurt’s waist and his little gasp of surprise allowed Kurt to deepen the kiss. Kurt’s fingers stroked Blaine’s jaw and he tilted his head a little more, sucking slightly on Blaine’s lower lip.
As Blaine started to moan in the back of his throat, Kurt reluctantly broke the kiss, knowing that he could not stay longer.
“I really have to go now,” Kurt said with regret in his tone. “I can’t thank you enough.” He pecked Blaine on the lips once more and then turned and walked to the exit.
Blaine watched him go, still feeling dazed from their kiss.
After a few minutes, he slowly made his way back to the others. He explained that Kurt had to leave early and after dinner, he would take Clara, Simon and Sammy home and stay with them until Kurt returned from his gala.
Sammy was not really pleased with this change of events and made it clear by whining and calling for his dad. Charlotte and Clara both managed to calm him down for the time being.
Simon and Mike declared themselves winners of this round and decreed that it was time to eat some pizza.
During the meal, Charlotte kept looking at her son with a huge smile on her face. There was something in Blaine’s hazel eyes, although less pronounced than at the beginning of their evening. Her thoughts were only confirmed when Blaine received a text from Kurt and his smile grew wider.
Throughout the rest of the evening, Blaine’s head was filled with many thoughts; Kurt’s eyes, so beautiful and sparkling, the way he had kissed him just before leaving… But among all of these thoughts, one prevailed all the others.
I’m in love with Kurt.�
Loved the interactions here!
Ahhh he is in love with Kurt :) Sammy and Blaine are gonna get a bit closer? I can't wait to read how Blaine is with the kids and I am sooo anxious to see when Blaine starts working for Kurt's husband and finds out who he is and see what happens there. Great chapter I loved it