Wont tell Anyone
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Wont Tell Anyone

Wont tell Anyone: Chapter 9

E - Words: 3,722 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
141 0 0 0 0

Chapter 9

Miserable. That would be the word Kurt thinks suits how he feels and has felt for the past two months. He's absolutely tired of looking at his bed chamber walls and not being able to take a full bath because the doctor thinks it would cause another fainting spell and he would injure the baby. A baby Kurt is beginning to wonder if it is even human with how big he has gotten in such a short time. By his count he should only be eleven to twelve weeks along, his deciding that the conceived one of the first two days of their honeymoon, and to already have a bump large enough to stop his pants from fitting is a bit unsettling. He will definitely be asking the doctor about this when he comes in today to finally clear Kurt to move about the palace and hopefully a bath. His skin has become so oily and the amount of throwing up he has done has all just left him feeling dirty in a way that a sponge bath will not fix.

"Ugh just great." Kurt groans as he rushes to get out of bed while his newly appointed female servant, Miss Pierce, hurries to bring the bucket closer just in time for Kurt to empty his stomach of lunch violently enough that his underclothes become a bit wet. He really wants the clearance to have a bath.

Elated. Blaine couldn't be better described with any other word. His smile has never been bigger and his parents have never seen him so willing to do everything he is asked to do. Yes, everything he has been asked to do is to benefit Kurt and Eric, but still. He spends every morning helping Eric with the horses and then teaching the boy how to read before Edward takes the child to learn how to write. He has personally taken Kurt every meal to their bedroom for the past two months along with spending as often as he can spare sitting with his husband. He always has a hand on the growing bump as often as he can, just waiting to feel his child kick. Blaine wishes that he could be at his husbands side right now instead of sitting beside his parents as they talk to each and everyone of their advisors trying to find the ones that are sending information to his cousin. Blaine smiles when he sees the steward come in and whisper to his mother who in turn nods her head and gestures for Blaine to leave. He finally gets to be present during a doctors visit and Blaine wastes no time in hurrying to his room.

Kurt looks over to the door as Blaine rushes in smiling happier then Eric on his birthday when he sees his favorite cake. He laughs along with the doctor as his husband rushes over to his side taking Kurt by the hand and looking down at the exposed stomach while the doctor feels around, a white clothe over his bare bottom half. "I would have never though you would be so happy to have another man touch me while you are watching."

Blaine looses a bit of his smile before looking between the two men and their laughing faces. "Are you making fun of me?"

"Only a little dear. I sent for you after he has done the more private check up."

The doctor heads over to a wash basin and starts to clean his hands. "Not to worry Highness, from what I can see everything is alright. Though I am a bit concerned with how large you have gotten so far Kurt."

"As am I. The baby should not be more then twelve weeks if we conceived on our wedding night, but I look twice as far along." Kurt keeps a hold of Blaines hand

The older man walks back over to the couple as he rolls his sleeves back down with a smile on his face. "That would be because last time you were only having one and this time I suspicion that you are having two. Your doubled size, the increase in symptoms including the lightheaded episodes, and when feeling around your abdomen I can feel two lumps."

Kurt moves both hand to cover his stomach as Blaine seems to prove that his smile really could get bigger. "Twins? Are you sure?"

"Kurt we will not be fully sure until you deliver, but I am fairly positive you are carrying more then one baby."

"What does this mean for the rest of his pregnancy? I know Kurt is unhappy being in bed or our room all day everyday." Blaine watches as the doctor slips his jacket on.

"Well Highness, he will still need to take it easy and never go unattended, but I see not problem with him taking walks about the palace or getting some fresh air. Now with saying that you should watch for more fainting spells." He watches the young couple closely. "You should also be very careful with bathing as the hot water may cause you to get even more lightheaded and could cause you to pass out again. So I really stress not to be alone as we would not want you to fall and cause any harm to the young royals."

Kurt sits up as he catches what was really said. "I can leave the room? Really? No jokes or anything?"

"At least for now." The doctor laughs. "When you are showing quite a bit more, probably in a few months, you will be put back on confinement. For both your and the babies health and to make sure you make it to full term."

"Thank you doctor."

"Doctor, may I have a word?" Blaine moves from his husbands side and makes to walk with the doctor out of the room.

"As you wish Highness." Once they are out of the room, the doctor carrying his medical bag and smiling at how nervous the young prince seems. "What is on your mind?"

"I was just wondering, I know it is a bit odd of me to ask, but is it alright to be.. Intimate?" the princes face is flaring red as his eyes look anywhere but at the old doctor.

He laughs heartily at the poor suffering prince. "For now I see no problem. Kurt has shown signs of having a stable pregnancy other then the lightheadedness that should die down when his unsettled stomach disappears and as long as you are careful not to put to much pressure on his stomach, a little intimacy may just be what his mental health needs other then a breath of garden air. Oh and that bath he was begging to be able to take."

"Thank you doctor!" Blaine bows before turning and rushing back to Kurt while the doctor laughs at his eagerness. Opening the door to see the maids have already been called and are going about preparing a bath and Kurt is picking out the loosest fitting clothes he has. "You sure did not waist any time now did you?"

"When you go two months without a bath we will talk about my haste to be clean." He squeaks as two arms wrap around his body. "What are you doing?"

"Holding you." He rubs his hands over the baby bump. "May I assist you in getting clean?"

Kurt rubs his hands over Blaines as he holds his baby bump. "You would be willing to see me naked? To wash all these weeks worth of grime that was missed by the sponge baths has missed?"

"I would be willing to be in the bath with you even if you were covered in cow pies."

"Ew." Kurt laughs as he picks up the clothes he will try to put on after his bath. "Then come with me and you can keep me from passing out or slipping." He walks towards the bathroom with a sway in his hips and clothes in his hands.

Blaine follows with his eyes firmly locked onto his husbands hips and trying to undo all the ties, snaps, and buttons on his clothes. Stripping them off as fast as he can and rushing over to help his husband into the warm water instead of the attendant helping him. As soon as he knows Kurt is seated he gets in behind him thanking the attendant when he is handed the soap and a washing cloth, gently scrubbing the suds over his husbands skin. "I was talking to the doctor."

Kurt leans his head so that Blaine can clean more of his neck. "I thought you would since you went after him so fast." He purrs a bit as his skin starts to feel clean and the lavender smell of the soap hits his nose. "Care to share what you talked about?"

"Of course, I asked him about our sex life." Blaine tries to hide the blush on his cheeks. "I asked him if we could still be intimate."

"You could have just asked me love." Kurt turns enough to connect their lips as one of his hands under the water wraps around his husbands soft member. "I could have told you we could have sex."

"Ku~rt... not in the tub." Blaine kisses Kurt a little longer as his legs part more even though he said no. "I do not want to over heat you like at the hot spring or do it in front of the attendants."

He leans in and whispers into Blains ear. "They wont know if you keep washing me." He turns away so Blaine can wash his back as his hand keeps squeezing his husband to hardness.

"What are you doing?" His hands shake as Blaine washes around Kurts back and shoulders and fighting the urge to push his hips into the hand moving over his cock.

"Giving you a helping hand. Though there is something else we can do that will not get me over heated." He shifts back towards Blaine. "Dismiss the attendants and I will teach you."

Blaine shivers from head to toe before sitting up straighter and turning towards the four attendants in the room with them. "You are all dismissed. I will ring the bell when we are in need of you." All the attendants curtsie and bow before leaving. Blaine has only a second after the door closes behind the last attendant before he has a lap full of Kurt kissing him while his back is still facing Blaines chest, his ass cheeks squeezing around Blaines cock.

"Blaine, love I want you to thrust between my cheeks. I will provide the pressure and you will get the pleasure." Kurt braces himself on the sides of the tub giving Blaine room to move.

"I do not wish to hurt you."

"You wont. You need release and I can not risk it while in the tub." Kurt shifts up into a kneeling position with his hands still anchored to the side of the tub. "If you use some of the oils beside you, it will make it slicker and easier on you."

Blaine shifts forward, slotting himself against Kurts back and thrusting slowly between his ass cheek with a whimper. "W-what if I want inside you instead?" His hands shift down, caressing over the baby bump and heading between his husbands legs. "I have missed being buried deep inside of you. Hearing you cry out in pleasure."

Kurt shivers at the princes words. "Then we would need to get out of the tub." A sharp intake of air as Blaine touches his pussy. "I do not want to pass out again and be put back on bed rest so soon after being taken off."

"Good idea." Blaine is up and out of the tub even before Kurt can ask why. He lays out a few towels to make a soft place to lay down before moving to help Kurt out of the tub. "I need you Kurt. Please."

Kurt takes the offered hand and steps out carefully as his eyes rake over his husbands gloriously naked body and flushes hard cock, a smile growing on his face. "We have a huge bed right through those doors and you lay out towels and expect me to lay down on them while you make love to me?"

"I want to be able to bath right after and no one said you were the one laying down." Blaine moves to lay down on his back and raising an eyebrow at Kurt. "I remember you teaching me a position with me on the bottom, you on top, and no pressure applied to your stomach at all. Just like the doctor recommended."

"Oh Blaine." Kurt moves quickly, straddling his husbands waist and lowering himself down causing both of them to moan as their bodies unite. Taking his time rolling his hips and enjoying the stretch of Blaine being inside him again after so long. "I have missed this, so much Blaine." They both cry out as Kurt shifts his body, giving Blaine room to thrust up into his husbands body. Sweat running down their skin and both knowing this will not last very long. Their hips move, hands slide and hold, and gasps flow out of their chests as the tightening in their bellies signal their near completion. Blaine arching his back as he feels Kurt clench around his shaft in orgasm, milking his own from his willing body and filling his husband with wave after wave of built up release.

They roll to their side smiling at each other. "I love you so much Kurt."

"Love you too silly prince." Kurt tries to stifle a yawn. "Let us finish my bath and then I would like a nap before you take me for a stroll in the garden."

"Kurt I will not allow you to over do it on your first day out of bed." He helps Kurt back into the luke warm water and rushes to finish cleaning him before the water is cold.

"This coming from the man who just wore me out making love."

"Yes well making love and walking all over are two different things."

"Yes one is less dirty then the other."

"Depends on what you do in the gardens." Blaine gets a dreamy look on his face as he finishes scrubbing his husbands body.

They both laugh. "Blaine you are a dirty young man! I have been such a bad influence on you." Kurt kisses his lips as they get him out of the water and wrapped in a clean fluffy towel.

"You do not hear me complaining now do you?" He moves Kurt to sit in a chair as he dresses himself as Kurt dries his skin. "Now how about we compromise? I will walk to the patio and we can have lunch with Eric and my parents in the nice noonday sun?"

"I think I can live with that as long as you have the seamstress alter some pants and shirts so that they fit." Kurt groans as he finds the pants he chose just fits if he fastens them under his small bump. "All these clothes that were made to fit and none of them fit."

"Let me summon your attendants and have that order sent out immediately my love." he offers his arm to Kurt to lead him back into the bedroom, reaching up to ring the bell cord as they walk past it. Having the lunch orders sent out and the seamstress orders sent out.

An couple hours later find Victoria and Edward sitting with Eric at the table on the patio awaiting the young couple. Every ones faces lighting up when they see Kurt looking much better then he has in quite some time. Eric wasting no time before he is wiggling out of Edwards lap and running to Kurt.

"PAPA!!" He cries as he is scooped into a hug with Kurt kneeling down at his level. "Papa you look so much better. Are you better papa?"

Kurt kisses his sons forehead. "Papa is doing just fine my darling boy. The doctor said I could walk around as long as someone was always with me. Now go sit down. I am starving and am not allowed to carry you right now."

"Ok Papa! You sit next to me." He lets go and pulls on Kurts hand to guide his papa to sit down and all the adults chuckle at the boys enthusiasm.

"Kurt you are looking quite well today. I am glad you were taken off confinement, I always hated being stuck in my room when I was pregnant with Blaine." Victoria is all smiles.

Blaine blushes. "Mom please."

"What dear? Should I lie and say you were an easy baby? You kicked my stomach blue from the inside. The doctors back then only knew one way to handle that and it was confinement for months."

"I know mom I just.. Please. Kurt is still on watch and I do not need anything to make me worry about when they start to kick." Kurt slaps his husbands shoulder at the slip and smiling as Edward spits his sip of water out.

Edward wipes his mouth. "So it is a 'they' huh?"

Blaines eyes widen. "Oh, yes it is. Sorry Kurt." he pouts at his husband. "I know you wanted to tell them, but it just slipped out." His lips are covered by Kurts hand.

"Shush my love." He turns towards the other three present. "The doctor said that it is most likely twins, seeing as my symptoms are so bad so soon, and well.." He puts his hand over the bump. "I am showing as if I am much further along then my measly twelve weeks."

Victoria claps her hands. "This is the most happiest of news! Congratulation the both of you."

Eric pouts. "Papa? Daddy?" They both looks at him. "What does twins mean?"

Kurt pulls his son into his lap and lays his little boys hand over his baby bump. "Twins means that you wont only get a brother or a sister, but you will have two little babies to help me look after. It could be two boys or two girls or a set of a boy and a girl."

Eric grins bigger as he touches at the belly with massive curiosity. "Two brothers or sisters? I want two brothers." Eric nods. "That way there are three of us to catch frogs out back when they get bigger. Sisters would never catch frogs and butterflies with me. They would be to busy making funny pictures with thread."

"Eric that is not silly it is needle point and there is no grantee they will enjoy it." Victoria laughs at the scrunched up nose her grandson gets at thinking about girls activities. "Maybe they will like to plant flowers in the garden."

"That could be kinds fun. Ok." He nods with finality. "If they are sisters I will make sure they like gardens so that I can help them. I will catch all the bugs and frogs so that they do not get scared by the crawling slimy things while they play with their flowers."

"How noble of a big bother you are." Kurt laughs and kisses his sons cheek. "We will see in six months what you will have before you plan anymore activities."

As they eat and plan for the extra furnishings that will be needed for the extra baby, none of then know what is happening across country at a mansion Kurt is very familiar with. Fitzwilliam Masterson the second reaches a hand out to shake the gloved hand of his new house guest. A young man only a year or two more in age then Fitzwilliam himself. Regally dressed in dark purple tailcoat, his blue eyes looking around the room before settling on his host holding his hand out to shake. He reaches his hand out to return the shake.

"My Lord Anderson, it is an honor to welcome you to my home." Fitzwilliam gestures for his guest to take a seat. "Shall I call for tea or coffee?"

"Neither." Cooper takes his seat as he keeps watching his host. "Now you said you have some information about the newest member of the royal family?"

Fitzwilliam sits as his head nods. "I do seeing as he is my stepfather I know all his dirty little secrets."

"Do tell then. Tell me something that is worth my time visiting you."

"Well it is no secret that he married my father when he was but 16, what is not well known was that as soon as my father became ill he started to invite other men into his rooms. Spreading his legs for anyone he could. There is even doubt with all of his stepchildren that Eric is even the son of our father."

"Interesting. Do tell me more." Cooper leans forward with a smile growing on his face.

"It was practically confirmed by neither of them being in fathers will. Why would he give an inheritance upon a child that was not his own or to a husband that sullied his sheets for everyone who would come to his bed." Fitzwilliam leans towards Cooper. "He was so spiteful over being denied the fortunes he expected from his marriage, the only reason he married my father was for his money, he stole belongings that he had no rights to. He has his new family so wrapped around his fingers with his lies that the prince brought his royal guards and took the belongings!"

Coopers smile grows even bigger. "Now you have really perked my interests. Do you think he is still as promiscuous as he was here?"

"Once a whore always a whore. Just because he is now suppose to be a baby factory for the prince does not mean anything. He probably slept with every servant at the palace to make sure he was with child sooner."

"True. I have heard that he seems to be much further along with child then his short marriage would afford." The young lord rubs a hand over his chin in thought. Even if it isn't true it would be easy to get the rest of the advisors to believe him and wiggle his way to having over half the royal court on his side so that when he pushes to take the crown, by force if needed, he would be the one to get the crown and with the sullied name of the princes new husband ruining any rightful claim to the throne from the unborn bastard, there would be no one to denounce his claim rightfully for generations if ever.


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