Wont tell Anyone
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Wont Tell Anyone

Wont tell Anyone: Chapter 7

E - Words: 3,161 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
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Chapter 7

Shining blue eyes watch out one of the many windows facing the front road. A small letter clung in his tiny hand. Watching and waiting for the next messenger that should be showing up any day now. His parents should be three stops into their trip and he's only received one letter. It wasn't fair.

"Eric what are you doing?" Victoria pull sup a seat next to the boy who doesn't even look away from the window.

"Waiting. Papa and Daddy promised to send a letter at every stop." His blue eyes tear up. "I only got one so far and I should have two with a third on the way."

"Oh darling, you know they may have gotten delayed leaving one of the stops or maybe they did not have time to send one." She reaches out to comfort the boy as his tears pick up.

"No. Papa would never lie to me. Papa knows I get scared when there are long trips." He rubs the sleeve of his new jumper against his face, swiping his tears up into the green material. "I had a bad dream again. I need the letter to know it is not true."

Victoria reaches over with both hands now, pulling her grandson into her lap. "Why do you have such bad dreams? Your Papa and Daddy will not come to harm."

His tear filled eyes look up at his grandmothers worried face. "Because the last time I was away from Papa this long I was with my father." His eyes crinkle up and more tears started to fall. "Father would not wake up no matter how hard I tried to wake him. I was so scared. I am scared. What if Papa is sick and wont come home?" He buries his face in her chest, body shivering with his sobs. "I want my Papa..."

She tries to still her own tears as she holds the small boy close. "It will be alright Eric. If we hear naught from them by the end of the day today we will send a letter to them. Reminding them that you miss them and love them."

"Will you write it for me?" He peeks up with a small smile growing on his tear stained face.

"Why master Eric are you telling me you do not know how to write yet?"

"Papa has not taught me yet. Daddy was teaching me to ready though."

"Well then let us go to the study where your grandfather is and practice your writing. While I write the message you have for your parents." She laughs happily as Eric jumps out of her lap and starts running towards the study. "Slow down child! I am not as young as I use to be."

"But we need to hurry! I want to send the letter now." He hops up and down where he's stopped to wait for her.

"We will send it emergency post as soon as your missive is finished. So no big rush." She takes his hand once Victoria has caught up, leading Eric towards her husbands study. Her son had only been gone on his honeymoon for five days now and should be at their third rest stop of the trip. Plus with how they were sneaking around before the wedding, she doubt they would have time to write letters to the poor little boy.

Edward smiles brightly when he sees his two favorite people enter the study. "To what do I owe the honor of your visit?"

Eric runs up to him, wrapping the man in a tight hug. "Grandma said we could write Papa and Daddy a letter since I have yet to receive the ones they promised me."

"Now that sounds like an excellent plan! Though I have something that I forgot to send your way. It showed up quite early this morning." He reaches and digs around the papers on his desk while Victoria gets a quill and parchment out to write a letter for Eric. "Ah here it is." He passes Eric the two letters with his name scrawled across them. "Apparently the messenger from the second stop was ill so they sent both from the third stop on express and a message to me, for you, that they are very sorry to make you worry about the one being late."

Eric hops up and down in Edwards lap and making all kinds of giddy noises. "I TOLD you they would not forget me!"

Victoria giggles. "And I told you that there was probably something that kept them from sending it on time."

"Can we still write a letter to them?" He looks between the two. "I want to tell them I miss them and that Rose is being weaned off her mothers milk now and then we can ready their letters to me."

"Then let us proceed." Victoria writes as Eric spouts off what he wants to say. Eventually Edward guides the boys hand as he writes in the sloppy penmanship of a child learning to write. Then they all sit back while Edward reads the two letters about the small towns the boys stayed in, the horses they saw, and how much they miss their little boy.

Parents that are so distracted with each other they almost didn't get the third missive finished on time. Kurt snapping at Blaine to not touch him until they get it done. Blaine having taken the challenge and finished the letter fast and hurried down to mail both letters express to help ease his husbands mind. Kurt had cried for miles when they found no messengers at the last town. As soon as he slipped back into the room and holds up his hands to show that the letters were sent off, he was attacked by Kurt. Shoved down and stripped, hands wandering and bodies moving until they were both sated. Even now, hours after the letters were sent and the sun is starting to peek above the horizon both boys were naked and caressing each other.

"Blaine, how long do we stay here? I am growing tired of traveling when you will not let me touch you while we are in the coach." Kurt slips his legs over his husbands hips, running his hands teasingly up the bare chest.

"We have three more days of travel before we arrive at the springs." Blaine moves his hand to cares his husbands hips. Fingers running over the bruises marring the pale skin from their earlier bout of love making.

"All this travel when we could have just stayed in the cabin and made love for hours on end." he leans down to attach their lips in a teasing kiss. "Instead we have hurried nights of pleasure before hours of sleep in a bouncing rickety coach. So sad." He rolls his hips, sliding his wanting pussy against the rapidly hardening cock below him.

Blaine moans at his husbands teasing. "How can I make the trip better for you?" His hips push up against the slickness begging to be filled.

Kurt leans forward, ghosting his lips against his husbands ear. "Let me do this," he shifts his hips feeling his husband slip into him, filling him perfectly, "to you while we travel." He rolls his hips. Moaning as Blaine grips his hips harder. "Let the rocking of the carriage move our bodies and bring us closer to completion." He sits back as he gets into position before raising up a bit and dropping back down, causing Blaine to cry out in pleasure. "Make us one step closer to guaranteeing a baby." He repeats his hip movements making Blaine writhe below him. "I want your baby so bad Blaine. Not because that is what they want of me, but because that is what I want for us."

"You make a very good argument." Blaine snaps his hips up hard as Kurt starts to move faster. "I accept." His back arches. "I accept. No more fighting you about inappropriate behavior in the carriage." He cries out when Kurt squeezes around him, milking him until they both moan out as Blaine fills Kurt with his seed.

Kurt purrs as he moves to snuggle down against his husbands chest. Running his fingers over the sweaty flesh. "You better get some rest. I plan to keep you awake on the next leg of our trip."

Blaine groans as his smile grows. "You will be the death of me."

"Death through sex. What a fun way to go." He pokes at his husbands belly. "Just make sure I am pregnant before you go." He laughs as Blaine slaps him playfully. "Fine. Do not die on me. You will miss out on so many happy smiles and sunny days if you do." They kiss softly before Blaine falls sleep. Kurt holding him close.

A few hours later finds both of them sleepy, but dressed and in the carriage falling asleep. The new toys horse sitting in the trunk up top. They watch as the trees start to go by again as they drift off to sleep. Kurt behaves the first day of travel. Just being content with sleeping or talking with his husband. Both boys enjoying each others company and wishing Eric was there with them just to see how beautiful the landscape is. During their second day on the trip Kurt gets between his husbands thighs, sucking him until Blain begs to be ridden again. The natural movement of the carriage making their joining even more enjoyable.

When they get to the hot springs and their trunk are being moved into their quarters for the next two weeks, Blaine and Kurt send off their new letter about arriving safe and both grin wide when they see there is a letter waiting for them. They sit together and read the letter written in Victorias handwriting and smiling so happy at hearing of their sons adventures. The part that makes Kurt cry and Blaine beam with pride is a small paper folded up inside. When they open it to see a scribble style writing.

"I love you Papa and Daddy. Love Eric"

A small addition below that in Edwards hand stating the boy wrote it with a slight bit of help to guide his hand. Kurt clings to the small letter, looking towards Blaine with so much happiness showing in his water filled eyes.

"This is the first thing my son has ever written. I always thought him to young to start learning, but I know I am wrong now." His bottom lip quivers a bit. "I miss him so much Blaine."

"I know love." Blaine tries to comfort his husband as best he can. "I miss him as well." His touches his lips to the others temple. "Let us go for a stroll and look at the gardens before dinner. Come back and eat. Then we can write him another letter if you wish."

"Thank you Blaine. I think your idea of a stroll is just what I need along with writing him again."

The walk through the gardens is just beautiful. Kurt pointing out what one would be a great addition to their gardens at the palace as he holds his husbands hand. They walk the entire grounds just talking about anything that comes to mind. Keeping both their minds off of the fact they both miss Eric. When they reach the hot spring with a ramp to go in and out of the naturally hot water Kurt is grinning from ear to ear with mischief. Leaning in and whisper about how they should sneak out one night and make love in the spring causing Blaine to blush a deep red and wonder how that would work while in the water. By the time they return to the cottage both stomachs are growling with the need for food, which they are happy to see the house servants have set out for them. They eat with a happy silence between them, Kurt finishing first and pushing away his plate once he is down to just the boiled pearl onions.

"Kurt? Do you not like onions?"

Kurt smiles and nods slowly. "I do they just.. Smell odd to me. Now if you excuse me, I will go write to Eric and meet you in bed." he stands up, kissing his husbands curly head before heading towards their room. Writing the letter as best he can while he yawns. They really hadn't slept well on the last part of their journey. Well Kurt had kept Blaine awake with other activities then just watching trees. When he lays in bed to await Blaine, who was giving directions for the letter to be mailed, Kurt falls asleep.

The next few days end in the same way. They both take a walk through the gardens or bathe in the spring, make love throughout the day, Kurt not eating some odd part of his food at each meal, and then Kurt falling asleep while he awaits Blaine to come to bed. Kurt thinks nothing of it until the start of their third week and only a couple days before they are to head back to the palace. They finally had time in the hot spring alone and Kurt was taking advantage of it by teaching Blaine how to take him from behind.

His arms and chest on the bank, his hips turned at the perfect angle, and his legs parted in invitation for Blaine. The prince being all red from a mix of embarrassment at doing this in the open and how much he loves the view of his naked husband bent over for him. Both of their swimming shirts and pants on the bank beside Kurt.

"Blaine. If you wait to long to take me, someone else will show up and we will be caught." Kurt moves his fingers down, spreading his lower lips to show Blaine how swollen and wanting he is for his husband to enter him. "Or I will just get impatient and do it myself." He plunges three fingers as deep as he can get them into his pussy. Moaning at how good it feels.

"You are a tease my dear." he moves up behind Kurt, trying to align himself. "Like this?"

"Yes. Like this." Kurt takes his fingers out and uses the slick digits to guide his husband inside. His breath catching in his throat at how much better it feels to have Blaine inside him instead of his fingers. "Good love. Now grip my hips." He purrs as Blaine tightens his hold and starts to move slowly. His arm moving back to the bank to help support his body. "Harder.. You need to make this hard and fast." he moans out loud at the next thrust. "So we do not get caught."

Blaine nods, biting his lip to keep himself quiet as his hips start to pound into his husbands willing body and his fingers dig into the already bruised hips. It was heaven being so intimate. It was empowering to know he has learned so fast and can bring Kurt to pleasure more then his last husband ever did. He is so into chasing his fast approaching orgasm he doesn't notice how pink Kurts skin has gotten. Or the fact his husband is gasping as his breath wont fill his lungs. Not to long after starting Blaine slams in, spilling his seed inside his husband before collapsing over his back. "I.. hope that was what you wanted..." he pants with a please smile on his face.

Kurt closes his eyes trying to catch his breath. "I think... we need to... head back. I.. I need to lay down.."

Blaine stands up finally taking in his husband panting for air and how flushed he looks. The fact he hasn't moved since they finished. "Yes of course." Blaine pulls his bathing clothes back on before helping Kurt into his before helping him out of the spring.

"Thank you Blaine. I do not know what is wrong I just feel so.." Kurt doesn't finish his sentence as they step out of the hot water and the cold air of the evening hits his skin he faints. Going limps against his husbands chest and causing Blaine to freak out.

The prince gathering his husband into his arms and rushing him back to the cottage. The house servants assisting him in getting Kurt into dry clothes as one of them send for the doctor. Kurt wakes up right as the doctor shows and smiles at his worried husband, trying with a quiet voice to tell him he is just fine as Blaine is escorted from the room before the examination. Left to pace the hall while he waits.

"Highness?" The doctor comes out of the room, drying his freshly washed hands.

"Is he ok? Did I do something wrong? I told him it was a bad idea to do anything in the hot spring."

The old doctor laughs and reaches out a comforting hand. "You did nothing wrong, but you were right to try and avoid the springs. Someone in his condition should know better then to exert themselves in such a heated state."

"His condition? Is Kurt sick?" Blaine tries to hid all the bad things rushing through his mind.

"He is not sick. You really do not have an inkling as to what is wrong with your husband?"

"No. I know he has not been eating all his meals, stating that they smell funny and just refusing to eat them and that he has been sleeping more the past week."

The doctor laughs a little louder now. "Well I wont tell anyone you did not know the signs. I am surprised Kurt did not notice as well." He smiles at the prince. "Your husband is with child. He has admitted to being short of breath on your walks lately that leave me worried. He said he never experienced that symptom when he was pregnant with his son. So I recommend taking him home sooner then you had planed. Let him rest more and no physical exertion until your palace physician can look at him and determine if his condition is to weak to get out of bed until the baby is born."

Blaine nods. "We will leave in the morning. Thank you doctor." he shakes the mans hand, no smile on his face as he thinks about his Kurt being to weak to get out of bed.

"Do not trouble yourself. I have seen plenty of pregnancies that start like this and after a few months their strength and appetite come back. Have a safe journey Highness."

"Thank you sir." Blaine looks in on Kurt as the doctor is shown out and finding that his husband is asleep he starts the servants packing their things, ordering the coach, and sending an emergency missive to his parents stating that they will be home early and everything the doctor had said. He also urges for them to have their family doctor prepared to examine Kurt himself as soon as they get home. Through all this frantic packing and planning, Kurt sleeps. A happy smile on his face and a hand protectively over his belly.


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