Wont tell Anyone
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Wont Tell Anyone

Wont tell Anyone: Chapter 3

E - Words: 4,294 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
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Chapter 3

Before they really know it, it is time for the royal ball and their official engagement announcement. The times seemed to have flown back the past few weeks and Kurt wasn't sure how he was feeling about anything. Blaine had assisted him in getting their belongings sent from the mansion and moved into the palace, even going as far as allowing Kurt the freedom to decorate and fill any rooms in the hall of the palace that would be their living quarters. When they had received notice from Fitzwilliam, his horrible stepson, that he was not allowing anything past the clothing and toys that he will allow. Blaine took Kurt and made a public appearance with full royal guard and precession. Smiling when the man groveled to ask why the prince would visit. Kurt took great pleasure in informing the man of his new status in life.

The man trying to kiss up and grovel as the house staff smiled behind his back at Kurt finally speaking back and assisting the royal servants to load up the carts to be taken back to the palace. Blaine even asked that the personal servants Kurt is use to come along to be employed by the palace to continue their duties. Maria, the nursemaid, and Jon, Kurts personal attendant, happily hoped into a carriage to leave that horrible mansion.

Days around that great drama were filled of Blaine showing up randomly where ever Kurt maybe walking or attending to a wedding detail with flowers or other trinkets. He often would steal Kurt away for a picnic or walk in the gardens. Telling him as much as he can about life in the palace. His hobbies and dreams for the future. Kurt remaining quiet and listening. Always the attentive partner with proper etiquette.

If he wasn't trying to woo Kurt, Blaine could be stumbled upon reading books to Eric, teaching the boy basic words and locations on a map. A few days before the ball was the only time Kurt was shocked to the core and found a warm feeling of happiness creep into his heart. His son came running up the path from the stables, Blaine trailing behind him with a grin on his face.

"Papa!! Papa!!"

"Eric, you should not be yelling so." He smiles though and hugs his son before standing him up straight to look at what he is wearing. "Pray tell, where did you get a riding suit?" he taps the riding cap on his sons head as the boy laughs.

"Blaine gave it to me as part of a gift."

"Part of a gift hum?" His eyes shift to the smug looking Blaine as the man joins the two Mastersons. "And what was the other part of this gift may I ask or is it a horribly big secret I am not allowed to know?"

"He may tell you. He was bursting with want to tell you." Blaine chuckles a bit at how excited Eric is.

"He gifted me my own horse! The small mare that was born the day after we arrived. We named her Rose because she has a set of white marks on her side that look like a flower other wise she is all brown like my toy horse Remy."

"A horse." He looks at Blaine, eyes wide and full of worry. "That is a mighty nice gift."

"I hope you are not mad with me. I know you and I have talked about Eric wishing to learn how to ride and I have found it is easier to learn when the horse grows up with the rider. Plus he just loves taking care of her so much. May he keep it?"

"Eric, do you really wish to own this horse? She will be your responsibility. You will have to learn how to properly clean her and feed her."

"I promise papa! Please. Please. Please. May I keep Rose?" He turns on the shining blue eyes and quivering lip. Not realizing Kurt was going to let him keep it anyways, it was a gift from the prince after all.

"Yes. You may keep her. Now go change and wash up. Dinner will be soon." He turns and stays facing Blaine as his son runs into the house calling out for Maria to get changed and washed up while he tells her all about his new horse. "You did not have to give him a horse."

"I know. I wanted to."

"Highness he is of no obligation to you." Kurt moves a bit closer, putting his hand on Blaines arm.

"But he is Kurt." Blaine moves his hand and takes the one on his arm in it. Kissing the back of it softly. "In a little over a week. You and I shall be married." He kisses it again. "That will make Eric my son and even though I am not his birth father I will not treat him any differently then the children we shall have." He turns the hand over, kissing the palm in a longer kiss. Eye boring into Kurts. "And please. Call me Blaine." he reaches out caressing one of the rosy cheeks in front of him.

Kurt not knowing what to say as his hand tingles everywhere that was kissed and he can feel his body warm in a way he has nearly forgotten. He drops his eyes to the lips of his betrothed, wanting to lean forward, but knowing it isn't his place.

"Kurt..." Blaine backs away as someone walks past them. Backing up as his own blush raises on his cheeks. "I will see you at dinner." He bows and hurries away leaving Kurt holding his heart and glad the wedding isn't that far away.


The day of the Ball was a hectic horrible day for Kurt. He found almost no time to see his son and was not use to having so many attendants assist him. He bathed in the early hours after breakfast. The servants scrubbing his skin with lavender smelling soaps, scrubbing his body until he was pink all over. The only part he washed himself was between his legs, not wanting some servant girl to touch the part of him reserved for his soon to be husband. He will deny that some of the coloring of his skin was from those thoughts of what he would like Blaine to do to him, that just would not be proper. Though he will admit to shooing them all away so he could finish bathing alone and to making sure all parts of his body were very thoroughly clean.

His muscles more relaxed when he exit's the tub and dries off with the softest towel he has ever felt. Only to be meet by more attendants bringing in his new suit for the evening and more lavender smelling stuff, oils he finds. He happily allows the oils to be rubbed into his skin, making note to have this same treatment his weeding day so that Blaine may touch the soft sweet smelling skin all over his body. The evil attendants do however allow him to eat lunch, which he demands to spend with his son. Both of them laughing as Eric tells him all about what he has done that day and how he is sad because he isn't old enough to stay for the ball and is stuck having dinner with Maria and Jon.

He kisses his son on the forehead and smiles sadly. Promising to spend time with him on the morrow and to watch him take his riding lesson. Kurt dismisses all the attendants then, saying he will call for assistance when he is ready for them. Stripping down to his bare skin and looking in the mirror. Running his hand over the plate plane of his stomach and the stretch marks that never fully faded around his hips. Slowly he covers his skin with his under clothes. Straightening them and caressing how soft they feels against his skin.

Once he is covered with under clothes and the stockings on his feet he calls for Jon to attend him. Slipping on his shirt while the man servant come to his aid, helping him with the breeches, ties and buttons everywhere to get them just right to curve around his body. Everything so far is all white and silk. The new clothes making his skin glow. The only thing that he puts on that isn't white is the tail coat. It is a beautiful baby blue that makes his eyes pop and his white shoes with blue trim. When it is all together and they get his hair to behave he looks like a doll. A fancy porcelain doll.

Before to long there is a knock at his chamber door and an official is there to escort him to the waiting room where he will meet up with the royal family to enter after them and the announcement of his betrothal and some little ceremony where he will be presented and given a title. All of that leaves his head the second he is shown into the room and met with the sight of the King and Queen in gorgeous green and white matching outfits and their royal crowns on their heads. He has never seen them so formal until now. He bows in greeting.

"Your Majesties. You look splendid this evening." He stands up straight. His eyes scanning the room and a smile gracing his face when he sees fully blushing Blaine behind his parents.

"Oh Kurt. Look at you my dear!" Victoria moves to him and looks him up and down. "You are a sight to behold. Do you not think so son?" She gives Blaine a knowing look since she has heard nothing but how beautiful Kurt is or what they had done on such and such day and how happy the prince is to be marrying someone so perfect.

"I.. um... yes..." Blaine can't make eye contact.

Edward laughing slightly before taking his son by the shoulders and pushing him towards Kurt. "Say a proper greeting son. Just a moment ago we couldn't get you to be quiet about how you thought the blue coat would make your betrothed look stunning and his eyes shine."

Blaine stands in front of Kurt, fidgeting more but looking absolutely divine in a suit that nearly matches the one Kurt is wearing, except for it has green instead of blue and he has a small golden circle crown sitting in the curls atop his head.

"Did you pick this out for me Blaine?" Kurt moves his head to try and make eye contact. Deciding to use his hand to guide Blaine to look at him. His curly head nodding slowly. "Then I thank you. It is very beautiful." he leans forward whispering. "I would kiss you on the cheek, but that is not very proper with an audience."

"I would not tell you not to kiss my cheek if I truly deserve it." Their eyes finally meet and they both smile. "You look so beautiful Kurt."

"Thank you Blaine." he holds up his hand allowing Blaine to kiss the back of it, their eyes still watching each other..

"They are ready Majesties."

Edward takes offers his arm to escort Victoria down the stairs and into the ball room. "Then let us make our entrance and commence with the dancing." They exit the room, the guests quieting at the pounding of a staff.

"Their Royal Highnesses! King Edward the third and Queen Victoria!"

The pair go down the stairs. Fluid motions, heads held high. The perfect picture of a royal couple. The guests bow as they pass through the room and to the raised platform at he other end holding the decorative thrones.

The two pounds sound again. "His Royal Highness! Prince Blaine!"

Blaine lets go of Kurt and makes his way down the steps, a bit less graceful then his parents and a large smile on his face as he makes the same path going to stand to the left of his father and facing the stairs as his moth and father are doing as well.

Two loud bangs. And every ones eyes shoot to the stairs in confusion, knowing the whole royal family is already down and excitement builds at their first chance to see who the prince has chosen to marry. The Kings voice speaks out over the crowd. "We proudly present the future member of the royal family, Fianc� to our son Prince Blaine." He smiles proudly at his son then faces the stairs again. "Kurt Hummel-Masterson!"

Kurt takes a deep breath and makes his own trip down the stairs. Ignoring the gasps from people who knew him before his last husband died, the whispers about how he hasn't mourned enough to be out, let alone re-marry. He ignores all that making his way towards the stage as Blaine steps off and heads towards him. The group of people backing up and opening room on the dance floor as Blaine bows as they meet in the center. Kurt returning his greeting and accepting his hand when Blaine offers it. Music starting up from the strings on the side of the room as the two of them take their first dance. Their eyes never leaving each other as Blaine leads them around in a circle before other noble couples join them on the floor. He leans in and whispers in Kurts ear. "Father will appoint you as a lord before he heads to bed for the evening."

"A title is not necessary."

"It is deserved though. You were married to a noble lord, you should have been appointed as a lord then. Now you will have the title appointed so you may be crowned prince when we are married."

"All for show then."

"All for show." Blain moves in a little closer before the music ends and they bow to each other before Blaine leads Kurt up to the stage to stand and watch the dancing go one. Kurt accepting offers to dance for certain high ranked nobles when ever Blaine nods that it is appropriate for that one to ask. Turning them down when Blaine shakes his head no.

A few hours later and the King stands, the group going quiet as he runs through an official entitlement for Kurt, pinning symbol of his title on his jacket and then calling that the King and Queen will retire for the evening. Blaine stays around with Kurt, pulling him to dance once his parents have left and eventually leading him out to the garden for some fresh air.

"You dance so beautifully Kurt. So full of grace."

"Thank you Blaine. I will admit to dancing being one of my weaknesses. I have always been fond of a good party." He turns to face his betrothed as Blaine moves in closer to him. "You do not dance so bad yourself."

Blaine laughs. "Yes, well I have been taught since I was about Erics age."

They find themselves standing closer then they should in a public setting, but neither caring as they can feel the breath of the other when ever one of them speaks. "Do you at least enjoy it?"

"I do now." Blaine keeps dropping his eyes to those rosy lips that have been haunting his dreams.

"Blaine... You are allowed to kiss me. I am to be your husband, the announcement has been made." Kurt tilts his head almost begging to be kissed as his heart races.

The golden eyes close as Blaine leaned in, touching their noses. "I do not know how."

"It is not that hard. You lean in and touch your lips to mine." He barely gets all that out before Blaine leans in and touches their lips together with a bit to much pressure and off center. Kurt can't help but laugh softly as they part, his arms wrapping around Blaine. "very good. Now again, this time lighter." He thinks a bit. "You know, I will show you." He closes the distance this time touching their lips together and moving his softly coaxing Blaine to copy what he does.

When they part, his blue eyes stay closed as Blaine runs his hands over those rosy cheeks, a smile on his face. This is how his first marriage should have been. Young and drawn to each other. "You learn fast my prince."

"Because you are a good teacher. Now dance with me. Please. Before our night ends and I must escort you to your chambers that are so far from mine."

They start to dance, the music barely audible from their location. Blaine holding him closer then he would in front of anyone else. The turn and move together, dancing with no care of the time and smiles on their faces just for each other. Kurt thinking about what their future holds and how in seven days they were going to be married and he would be carrying the young princes child, hopefully an heir. His mind wanders to talks he has had with advisors and the king and queen, stressing how the sooner he is with child, the better it would be for everyone.

His decision is easily made. He knows that the servants wont speak about it and if they did the royal family would turn away. As Blaine escorts him back to his chambers, he kisses his cheek and instead of saying goodnight, wishes Blaine a 'till we meet again.' Slipping into his room and hurrying to get ready for what he has planned.

Blaine being none the wiser and going off to his own rooms smiling and giddy with how happy he is. He gets assisted with disrobing and slips on his night shirt, dismissing his attendant as he hums the sons that he had danced to with Kurt. His Kurt, beautiful eyes, soft skinned, kind, and very attentive Kurt that in seven days will be sharing a bed with him and giving them a child. He is so distracted in his thoughts that he doesn't hear the light knock on his chamber door or that the door opens and closes, someone slipping in side while watching for any sign of someone seeing them. Blaine doesn't notice he isn't alone until two pale arms slide around his chest, causing him to startle and turn fast. Eyes meeting with two shining with mischief blue orbs.

"Why, Mr. Anderson, you seem surprised? Did you not ask that this evening never end?" Kurt stands with a smile on his face, dressing robe fastened around his body and his nightshirt only being noticeable as he shifts and it rustles, peeking white near his feet.

"Kurt! What are you ding here?"

"I came to make sure the evening does continue. As you wished." His pale fingers start to undo the robe, revealing a thin night shirt, his skin visible underneath.

"This is not proper. You should not be here, what would people say?" His eye stare at the body before him even though his words stumble to try and send Kurt away, without really saying that.

"No one will speak. We are to be married on the weeks end and I am not with a maiden head." Blaines face turns scarlet at Kurt talking about his innocence. "It was advised we conceive as soon as possible." He drops the robe to the floor, hands undoing the tie on his nightshirt and slipping it off his shoulders letting it slowly slip down his body, exposing every inch of his flesh and finally falling over his hips to pool at the floor leaving his most intimate of places visible to his future husband. "You may take me to bed tonight and raise our chances at having a child."

"Kurt I... we... should not be..." Blaine stumbles over his words, confused as his body responds to what it sees but he has no clue what to do.

"I told you it is fine." Kurt walks over to Blaine, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back towards the bed. "May I come to your bed my dear?"

He nods. That warm hand on his chest sending sparks fly through his body. "Yes. Please yes."

Kurt smiles and leaves Blaine standing at the side of the bed as he crawls up onto it then lays down facing the blushing boy, spreading his legs in welcome and running a hand down his chest. "Like this darling? Is this how you want me?"

Blaine whines and turns from the view as his body shakes. "I.. I..." he starts to pace back and forth across the floor hands fumbling with the tie of his night shirt then letting go. Unease and nerves obvious as he mumbles about something.

Kurt slowly sits up and studies Blaine as the boy paces and mumbles and fidgets. "Blaine. Blaine what is it?" His seduction turning quickly to concern. "Please, you are scaring me."

"I..." His pacing stops as he looks at Kurt, tears starting in his eyes. "I do not know what to do. Please forgive me. This is all a bit much and it scares me."

"Oh darling." Kurt hurries off the bed to pull Blaine into his arms, but Blaine pulls away and turns form his nakedness. "Wait hold on." he rushes over and pulls the night shirt on himself and then goes back to look Blaine in the eyes. "Have you never thought or even... this is a bit new for me."

"I am sorry. You do not deserve someone like me. Stumbling and all nerves."

"On the contrary. I find this so sweet and beautiful." He pulls him to sit on the bed. "Now let us talk about this, about you being afraid. What has you so scared?" Kurt soothes him as he entwines their hands and stays comforting and trying to be sweet.

"Well, it is a fear that I will not be able to do it right. You know... the... the..."

"Joining part?"

"Yes that. I have never done that before and you have. There is so much I could do wrong."

"Blaine, there is nothing you can do wrong. It is very simple, trust me." He smiles when Blaine finally gives him a chuckle. "Maybe we can come up with a way to help you be less afraid."

"How?" His golden eyes seem interested as the look at Kurt.

"Maybe we can spend this week warming you up to it? I know it is a silly idea, but I would not mind helping you to be ok with it." He smiles and leans in and kisses Blaine softly.

His bright smile returns as he kisses Kurt back. "Can we start tonight? Since you are already here and all."

Kurt nods while laughing. "Yes we can start tonight, as long as you promise me that every night at this time you will have no servants or attendants and you will be ready as you are now."


"Alright well are you afraid to be around me with no clothes on?" Kurt moves to kneel in front of Blaine, running his hands to lift the night shirt up and starting to expose his skin.

"I.." Blaine shakes his head no until Kurt runs his hand high up on his leg near his center and he jerks away. "Yes. Maybe."

"Then we will keep out night shirts on. Under the blankets with you. More cover may make this easier."

Blaine hurries to comply smiling brighter when Kurt crawls under the blankets with him. "now I think tonight we will just work on touch." he pulls Blaines hands onto his body. "Explore my body."

Their only talk after that is Blaine asking if what he touches is alright and Kurt urging him on. Their hands stay above the waist. Exploring the cloth covered chest of the man in front of them, Kurt shivering when Blaine plays with one of his nipples to see what it would do. Kurt doesn't push him to do anything, but encourages the prince to run his hands lower down the planes of his body. A gasp escaping as Blaine runs his hands down his hips and over the swell of his ass pulling their bodies closer so that he can explore the long legs as Kurt moves to straddle him, giving the prince better access and trying hard to hold back his want to rub against the stiffness between Blaines legs.

He is pulled down into a much more relaxed kiss, Kurt running his tongue against the boys lips and teaching him a deeper more intimate way to kiss before pulling back before he losses control and scares Blaine again. "I should go. Before we fall asleep and they catch me in here."

"Wish you could stay." Blaine pulls him into another kiss, hands gripping at the small waist on Kurts body.

Kurt pulls back again. "I will be back in the night. I promise."

A smile graces the young face in front of him. "What will you teach me next now that I have touched your body?"

"You will just have to wait and see. There are plenty of things we can do. With our clothes on." He gives Blaine one last kiss before he removes himself from the bed and fastens his robe about his body. "I can leave you with one thing. Homework if you wish to call it something." He walks back to the bed where Blaine lays on his side watching his every movement. "Touch yourself. Explore your own body and give it what feels right. It is always easier to please another when you know your own so well." he laughs as Blaine blushes a very deep red.

"I.. I will try."

"Good. You can tell me how it goes tomorrow when you take me for our stroll in the gardens while Eric naps." He kisses him one last time before going to the door, giving Blaine a small wave as he sneaks out and to his own chambers for the night. Mind planning what he will teach the prince the next night as he does his own homework on himself.


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