Wont tell Anyone
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Wont Tell Anyone

Wont tell Anyone: Chapter 14

E - Words: 4,921 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
135 0 0 0 0

Fill: Wont Tell Anyone 14/15

warnings in Full: Older!Kurt/Innocence!Blaine, Virgin Prince!Blaine, Widower!Kurt, arranged marriage, boypussy, virginity, domestic Klaine, character death (mentioned not described), Mpreg, experimenting Sexually: Oral, Frottage, Fingering, C-section.

Summary: The Royal family has never had a problem securing their claim to the throne. That was until now. The King and Queen have been unable to bear any children passed their only son, Blaine. Now when their reign is threatened by other Nobel families that declare their family as weak, they turn to the one way they know that will show everyone their family line has not ended. Having their son marry and produce a strong line of heirs.

AN - Second to last chapter! I know everyone is sad to see this coming to an end, but I think the last chapter, that is with my new Beta, is an adorable happy ending. With that being said, if anyone would like a one-shot off of this verse just let me know.

Now I would like to give a big hug and thank you to my beta: t.vo0810! Such a wonderful job and great input!

Also thank you for all the reviews! I love all of them and if I don't respond back, is am so sorry! I try to respond to all messages. Also I have a new tumblr (link in my profile) and a few other places as well.

Now onto the long awaited chapter!


Sleep: one of the luxuries Kurt had taken for granted until now after seven years of marriage. It's the first time in four years he isn't pregnant and because of that fact, he is happily sleeping on his stomach ignoring everything around him. Even though Blaine has tried to wake him to come outside and play with the kids, he's gone blissfully back asleep a few times now. He should, really, he should've gotten up the last time. The youngest one has just started to crawl, and Blaine is so happy telling him all about his escapades, but no. He wants his sleep. He needs a whole day away from Timothy and his archery; away from Anthony and his training for his future royal duties; away from Elizabeth refusing to act like a proper princess; away from Eric spoiling Elizabeth by letting her trick him into catching frogs along the muddy river bank and returning filthy from head to toe; especially away from 3-year-old Lucas and his love of sticking creepy crawlies on Papa to make him scream; away from their 2-year-old Michael and his newly acquired ability to speak that runs on endlessly, like a babbling brook, never quiet for even a minute; and finally, away from the apple of their eyes, almost 1-year-old little Adam who is now apparently mobile. Yes,. One of the luxuries Kurt had taken for granted until now. Seven years into marriage and the first time in four years he isn't pregnant and because of that fact, he is happily sleeping on his stomach ignoring everything around him. Especially the few times Blaine tried to wake him to come outside and play with the kids. He should, really he should have gotten up the last time. The youngest ones were starting to crawl and Blaine was so happy telling him, but no. He wants his sleep. One day away from Timothy and his archery, Anthony and his what ever it is that he has learned about ruling a kingdom one day, Elizabeth refusing to learn anything a proper princess should know, Eric giving into everything Elizabeth tricks him into like catching frogs along the river bank and coming back covered in mud, and then there is their 3 year old son Lucas and his love of creepy crawlies and where he can stick them on Papa to make him scream, the 2 year old Michael and his newly acquired ability to speak and his inability to stop speaking, and the apple of their eyes and heading towards 1 little Adam who is now apparently mobile. Yes Kurt will stay asleep as long as he physically can.

Blaine, on the other hand, is very glad when the kids are pulled away to lessons and naps. He loves his kids to death, but there is only so much running around even he can do. It would be easier if they were all into the same thing, but no. They all have their own games and places they would rather be than all together. All of that busyness has led Blaine to where he is right now: stripping down to nothing and slipping into bed with Kurt. His arms wrap around his husband as he smiles and snuggles back against his chest.

"Tired or in need of my body?"

Blaine smiles softly as his eyes close. "Adam is crawling now, do you wish to guess which of those two choices I am about to choose?"

"Good choice." Kurt snuggles back in for another hour of sleep.

It was dinner time before they both resurfaced after spending the whole day wrapped around each other, talking and laughing in ways they don't have time for anymore. Both of them look much happier as they sit down to eat with their entire family.

Edward and Victoria are smiling at the passel of children gathered around the table. Even little Adam has joined them for the first time with Kurt happily feeding him the mashed-up version of their supper. The king knows that there will have to be talks soon - talks that Blaine won't want to hear - but both Victoria and Edward feel it's time. A laugh draws his attention back to the kids. Kurt and Timothy are trying frantically to get the mashed peas off their clothes as Maria and Blaine soothe a crying Adam, equally covered in green goop.

Elizabeth scrunches up her nose. "Is Adam alright, Eric? The smell is something awful."

"I hope so, Lizzie. I think he tried to breath and eat at the same time." Eric looks towards his parents for confirmation.

"So that caused him to spit green goop all over Papa and Timmy, leaving Maria and Daddy to clean up the mess?"

"Yes, it did. His body reacted naturally and he... threw up."

"Oh." She tilts her head, her lighter colored curls slipping over her shoulder. "I wonder why. Eric, do you think when the doctor comes around again I could ask him?"

Eric smiles down at her. "I think you can. I could take you to see him tomorrow if you wish."

"Yes, please! We can go to town and get a new set of ribbons for my hair and talk to the doctor!" Elizabeth widens her blue eyes coquettishly and turns her hopeful expression to her whipped big brother.

Kurt groans. "Elizabeth Anderson, you have way too many hair ribbons that you never use, and why would you ask the doctor about your brother throwing up after trying to breathe in peas?"

Elizabeth pouts. "I want new ribbons because Grandmother said she would teach me how to alter my bonnets and add them to my dresses to make them perfect!"

"And the doctor?" Kurt waits patiently.

"Papa, she just wants to-" Eric starts but stops when his parents glare at him.

"I am just a bit curious. Ok? Eric was helping one of the sick mares, and she was throwing up, and now Adam is throwing up, and I want to know what causes it."

Kurt raises a brow at her. "Why?"

Elizabeth fidgets a bit as everyone looks at her with varying looks on their faces. Timothy and Eric are the only two who seem encouraging. "Fine!" She slouches down more in her chair. "Eric read me a story about how in olden times the women, especially queens and princesses, would learn about healing their people. It was part of their duty to treat their family. If I find out what causes it, I can help fix it."

A bit of a smile reaches his face, and he looks to Blaine, Adam snuggled into his chest and clinging now that his fit is over. "Well, Blaine? Are you ready for our little girl to grow up?"

"No. Absolutely not." Blaine hurries out of the room after passing Adam off to Maria.

Kurt shakes his head as he gets up from the table. "Excuse us. Elizabeth, I am perfectly fine with you going into town to talk to the doctor. Just take Nick or Jeff along with you as well." He follows his husband.

Elizabeth frowns. "Why do I have to take them? Eric is big and strong and perfectly capable of watching after me!"

Victoria laughs a bit. "Elizabeth, your papa is right. A young princess, especially the only princess born into this family in a very long time, needs extra protection. Just be happy that he said yes."

Eric sets about cheering Elizabeth up while all his brothers return to eating. Finally, he convinces her to accept her knightly guards, and Timothy begs to come along.

Kurt doesn't catch up with Blaine until they reach their bedroom. He wraps his arms around him and clings as Blaine buries his face into Kurt's now smelly shirt. "Shhh. Why are you crying, love?"

"...our little Lizzie..."

"What about our little Lizzie?"

"...s-she is growing up... they all grow up... so fast..."

"Blaine, darling, of course they grow up." Kurt kisses into his husband's curls. "I promise you at least fourteen more years before she starts courting suitors." Blaine starts shaking his head as fresh tears fall from his eyes. "Oh love, please, no more tears. Please, love."

"No man will ever be worthy of her hand."

"You know this now?" Kurt laughs sweetly, kissing his husbands cheek as he sits Blaine down on the bed, ringing the bell to have the tub filled. He wanted to wash off the puke smell as soon as possible.

"Yes, I do know. She is our angel, the apple of my eye, and everything that is perfect. No man will ever be fit to marry her."

Kurt turns to face Blaine, as he strips off the soiled clothes. "I beg to differ."

"How so?" Blaine stares at the slowly exposed skin, studying every pale inch as it's revealed.

"Our little Lizzie will have the most deserving of husbands one day. He will be the strongest, sweetest, smartest, and best man out there." Kurt smiles at Blaine, eyes shinning with mischief. "I know this because she has six brothers that will test every suitor, and he will have to be the best of men to get by all of them. Have you seen Timothy with his bow and arrow lately? Seven years old and he can shoot a running squirrel between the eyes at a hundred paces! Then you have Anthony and his addiction to throwing knives. Who knows what Lucas, Michael, and Adam will be into as they get older?"

Blaine shifts his eyes up from between his husband's legs to his face. "Eric would be the final challenge. Run any man down on horseback."

"See? Nothing to be worried about." The grin Blaine gives him as he stands and strips as well scares Kurt a bit. "What is it? Why are you... smirking like that?"

"An idea popped into my mind." He moves closer to Kurt, the final article of his clothing hitting the floor.

Kurt backs up until he hits the wall. "What idea?"

After trapping Kurt against the wall, Blaine grabs at his hips, lifting him up and forcing Kurt to wrap them around his waist. Blaine, wasting no time, pushes into his husband's body. He pins him against the hard surface as he stills inside of Kurt. "The more boys we have... the more obstacles there are for suitors."

Kurt doesn't even get a chance to reply before Blaine is thrusting into him with a bruising force. His hands clinging to those perfect dark curls as their bodies move together. Even though it's a silly idea to have more kids to act as guards for their daughter, Kurt wants more children just to see Blaine smile in that goofy, love struck way the first time he holds their newborn. Thoughts of Blaine holding their future children flood his mind as Kurt arches his body and screams his husband's name as he comes. Blaine slams into him a few more times before filling him. Their lips meeting in a tender kiss as Kurt is lowered back onto his feet, and both of them slowly make their way into the bath to relax.

Early the next morning after breaking the morning feast, Elizabeth clings to Eric's hand as they walk towards the stables, Timothy following behind with Nick as Jeff stays ahead of the group.

"Eric, I want to ride Nila into town."

"Lizzie, Nila is still too big for you to ride alone."

"Then ride with me. I want to take Nila. Her coat matches my dress perfectly, and I do not want to ride into town on a tacky-looking pony." Her eyelashes bat sweetly as her the bright blue eyes shine at him. "Please, Eric. Will you ride Nila with me?" The pout is what makes Eric cave. As soon as her bottom lip sticks out, he loses all willpower to say no.

Eric groans as his head nods. "Yes. We will ride Nila to town today. Nothing but the prettiest mare for my darling little Lizzie."

"Thank you!" She singsongs before running the rest of the way.

Timothy and Nick catch up to Eric, eyes studying him. Timothy grins. "You really should learn to say no."

"Timmy, it is just a horse."

"This time. What about that new dolly you bought her with your allowance? Or the time she talked you into jumping into the river to fetch her shoe. The shoe she threw in just to see you fetch it."

Nick nods slowly. "There is that time she painted all of your tournament gear pink and said that it looked better. Not to mention all the messes she has made in the house only to manipulate you into cleaning it up or taking her punishment."

Eric frowns. "I do not do all of that!"

"I bet she begs you to purchase not only hair ribbons but at least three dresses and two toys before we head home." Timothy grins wider as Eric hangs his head in shame, knowing that his brother is right and that his grandfather slipped him extra money to cover said items. "Eric, she maybe our only sister, but you really need to start saying no."

"There is no way that will happen. I am her knight."

"You are a fool of a boy, Eric. What will you do when it is time for you to court young ladies?"

"I... but... no! Why would I do something like that?" Eric stammers as he turns bright red.

Nick laughs at Timothy's confused look. "Eric, at near 13 years of age, it is time you start looking for a girl who catches your fancy. I even bet your grandparents and parents will start introducing you to ladies of standing at the next ball."

Eric rolls his eyes before taking off towards the stables where Elizabeth is ordering a stable hand to help her onto the saddle of Nila. "Lizzie! I told you not alone!"

The rest of the trip occurs just the way Timothy and Nick predicted. Multiple purchases are made when her blue eyes bat and that bottom lip pouts. Eric glares at his brother and their friends as they laugh at him. Elizabeth drags Eric over towards the apothecary after talking with the doctor about healing. She asks him to buy her a medicine bag and a book about herbs.

Timothy groans about being dragged around until another boy comes out of the apothecary dressed in finery and talking with an older man. His eyes keep watching the boy as he walks away, making it so he doesn't notice Jeff sitting down next to him.

"So, he catch your fancy?" Jeff watches as the other boy looks back and smiles at Timothy before entering into another shop.

A slight wave is exchanged between the two boys. "What ever are you talking about?"

"Have you talked to anyone about your preferences?" When the boy shakes his head no, Jeff slowly nods. "Thought not. You may wish to, though. Eric will have to find his own wife, but you are the crown prince and, heaven forbid, anything happens to Anthony, you will be king and therefore your hand will most likely be arranged."

Timothy fiddles with his hands as his expression grows more worried. "I want to marry for love... Anthony will be king and have many children with a beautiful princess I just want a... a husband one day. I do not know about children. I want the perfect man to hold me tight."

"Timmy. Tell your dads. I know they will understand. Alright?"


"Good. Now let us go save Eric from buying the entire shop."

Edward waits until the noon day meal to invite Blaine and Kurt to dine with Victoria and him. Half of the kids are still in town and the rest have resumed their normal activities. He smiles when he sees Blaine and Kurt enter. Obviously they took advantage of the time away from the kids to be intimate. Their clothes are a bit mussed as they sit and greet Victoria and himself.

"Father, you sent word saying you had something to talk about?" Blaine has Kurt served before himself.

"I do. We have something very important to discuss." Edward sits up and smiles at his son. "When you turn 25, your mother and I would like to retire."

"Retire?" Blaine puts his plate down, watching his dad closely.

"Yes, son. Retire. We will leave the throne to Kurt and you."

Blaine frowns and shakes his head. "Why? Are you in ill health?"

Victoria laughs a bit at her son's worry. "We are both of sound health, Blaine. We would like to retire before we are too old to enjoy the freedom. The two of us have talked about touring the country."

"Oh, that sounds lovely!" Kurt smiles, his hand squeezing Blaine's in comfort. "Eric will be so jealous. He has always wanted to travel and the small taste he has gotten with the tournaments has made his craving to see the world grow."

"We know." Edward kisses Victoria's knuckles. "That is why we would like to offer you the opportunity to travel with the children and see the country over the next year. Visit other royal families of the neighboring kingdoms and have one last period of freedom before assuming the throne."

Kurt gazes at Blaine. "I love that idea. What about you, love? Vacation with the children before you are crowned king?"

"I.. yes. That would be a great idea. Maybe even introduce the boys to some other children their own age." Blaine nods slowly. "So.. Two years, and I will be king?"

"Yes, son. In two years time, you both will be crowned king and we will find a title other then queen for Kurt." Edward raises his glass to toast the upcoming kings.

Within a couple months, Kurt discovers that his newest pregnancy shows signs of being another set of twins and requires bed rest and light duty again. His eyes bore holes into Blaine every time he sees his husband. His only comfort as he shuffles from room to room to rest on different sofas is Timothy. His adorable, little Timothy spends the majority of his time at his Papa's side.

Just like now, as Kurt sits with his hands over his large belly, feels all the kicking and wonders how many legs are in there. The door to his room slowly opens, and as he looks up, Timothy is smiling back at him.

"Papa, are they kicking again?"

"They never stop. Come here, darling." Kurt shifts a little to give his son room to sit down.

Timothy curls up beside his papa, both hands playing with the round belly as his siblings kick. "Papa... can I ask you something?"

"Anything, sweetie." Kurt runs his hands through the black curls covering his son's head and makes a note to have it trimmed soon.

"Would you be mad at me, if I liked boys instead of girls?" Timothy keeps his eyes on the movement below his hands.

Kurt smiles wider. "Why would I be mad? You have two daddies, right?"

"Well, yes, I know, but still. If I grow up and never have children, would you still love me?" His golden eyes look up into his papa's blue ones, pure worry all over his features.

"Timmy, no matter whom you marry and love, Daddy and I will always love you. You are our baby boy, the light in our life." He pulls Timothy up, kissing his cheek. "Blaine and I have talked long and hard, and we have no desire for any of our children to be forced into marriage or parenthood. We just want you happy."

"Thank you, Papa." He hugs Kurt tight. Holding tight, he continues with his confession. "I want to invite a boy over."

Kurt startles at that announcement. "What boy?"

"Just a boy, the son of a nobleman." Timothy scoots down and fidgets a bit. "I first saw him in town. Jeff caught us waving at each other..." He smiles and then bites his bottom lip. "A few weeks later, Jeff came to me with his name and address. He said the boy had been asking about me. Not really sure how Jeff found him, but anyways... we have been writing ever since and I would like to invite him over."

"Really? I will have to ask Jeff about this. Well, what is the name of this boy?"

"Richard." His cheeks turn a bit more pink as he thinks about the blond-haired boy. "Richard Sterling."

Kurt tries not to laugh. "Well, I think you should ask your dad if it would be alright to invite the nephew of Jeffery Sterling over."

"Nephew?" Timothy gasps. "That was how he got the address and knew where to look!"

"That would be correct, sweetie. Jeff played little matchmaker on you." Kurt laughs until a cramp goes through his stomach.


Kurt gasps when the pain doesn't stop. "Go get Daddy... he went to talk with Grandpa..."

"Alright, Papa...I.." Timothy nearly faints when he sees the blood seeping into the couch cushions and speeds off to find his dad and get help for his papa. He runs as fast as his little legs could carry him, bursting into his grandfather's study with tears streaming down his face. "Daddy! Help! Help Papa, PLEASE!"

Blaine jumps up from his chair, running over to his son with Edward behind him. "What about Papa?"

"B-blood.. There was b-blood... and he.. He said to get you." Timothy rubs his tears from his face with one arm. "Help Papa and the babies. Please, Daddy!"

Edward runs out to the guards and sends them to fetch the doctor immediately. Blaine hurries with Timothy to see Kurt. Blaine nearly falls to the floor at the sight of his husband on the ground, squeezing his legs together as the pool of blood around him grows.

"Kurt..." Blaine scoops his husband up, moving him to their bed.

"...W-why do they always want to be early?" Kurt closes his eyes as he's laid down. "...tired..."

"No. No, you will not close your eyes. Stay with me, Kurt. Please, stay awake." Blaine sits behind his husband, holding him against his chest and trying to wake him up.

Timothy stands in the corner, watching in horror as events unfold around him. People run in and out of the room as the doctor gives orders for items he needs. His dad is dragged off of his papa, crying out for him as Grandmother leads him out of the room. The doctor cuts open his papa, a procedure he'd seen done on a dying horse to save her unborn foal. His mind blanks out then. He doesn't even realize when his four new siblings born and cleaned. Their wails of life barely being head. All he can see is his papa, pale and unmoving on the bed before his world goes black.

Hours later, with a bit of a groan, Timothy's eyes slowly open. A fuzzy shape hangs over his head.

"Come on, open your eyes, silly." Anthony pokes his brother in the side. "We want to know what you saw! None of us can believe you were in that room the entire time!"

His hand goes up to the lump on the back of his head. "...Papa...?"

"Papa is just fine and so are the four little raisins." Eric moves Timothy's hand as he lays a new cool cloth over it to help with the swelling. "The doctor was able to pull the babies out and stitch Papa up. He should sleep a few days while his body heals, but he will be fine barring any infections. You, on the other hand, were silly enough to faint and hit your head on the side of a table."

Timothy tries to focus on Eric's talking, but his head hurts so much. "...Er...Eric... Sick..."

"Anthony, the bucket." He slips behind his brother's back to help hold him steady as Anthony places the bucket just in time.

Blaine and the doctor walk in to the sight of Timothy throwing up. The doctor hurries over to check him with a serious look on his face. "Just as I feared." He turns towards a very worried Blaine. "Concussion. He has a decent concussion. Rest, keeping the head cool, and make sure he has all his memories."

Blaine frowns. "Memories? Will he forget things?"

"I suspect not, but keep an eye out for that. Wake him every few hours and make sure he knows who he is and where he is." The doctor helps to clean Timothy when he's all done being sick. "Light foods as his stomach will be upset until his world stops spinning."


"Right, I am very sorry you witnessed all of that, but your papa is going to be fine. He needs his sleep, like you do, and then he will be strong enough to hold the new babies."

Timothy smiles as he snuggles back into Eric. "...raisins..."

The doctor looks a bit confused as the boys laugh, Blaine leans in with a grin on his face. "Ever since Eric called the twins 'hairy raisins', it has become standard for them always to call the new babies such."

"Well, they do look like raisins." The doctor turns towards the boys. "The little raisins are very tiny, and we expect them all to make it since they have all of you to help take care of them."

Eric looks down at Timothy as his brother drifts into sleep again. "Will Papa have anymore babies?"

"That is unknown right now." The doctor looks over at a very upset Blaine. "This was no one's fault, Your Highness. This is something that tends to happen with multiples."

Blaine nods slowly. "Would you be alright if I go sit with them? I just.. I want to watch over them for a while."

"Go. I am sure you being around will help Kurt heal faster. Once I finish checking Timothy over, I shall retire to my room to sleep before doing rounds again." The doctor sets about taking temperature, pulse, and makes sure the boy is generally fine while Blaine leaves.

Silently, Blaine enters the bedroom where Kurt and the babies are all being kept together. Nearly bowling Elizabeth down, he grabs her before she falls. Tears are in the little girl's eyes. "Daddy, they refuse to let me see Papa."

"Princess, Papa is sleeping right now."

"I know, Daddy." She holds up a basket of herbal flowers. "I picked these for Papa. The nursemaid told me the herbs might help Papa heal, but the attendant will not let me in to see him."

Blaine scoops her up, smiling sadly at his daughter's care. "Now that was not very nice of him. How about I take you in?" He settles her onto his hip before entering the room. "I bet your flowers will help all of them get stronger."

"All? Are the raisins in here too?" Elizabeth frowns at the attendant coming over to them.

"Your Highness, I think it would be best for the young lady to leave the room."

"Thank you for your thoughts, I will take it under consideration as our daughter wishes her papa and siblings a speedy recovery." Blaine stands up taller to challenge the servant. "I think you should remove yourself from my husband's chambers. We will keep watch over his needs until your replacement shows up."

Elizabeth grins at how the man looks affronted at being told to leave because he refused entrance to her. "Your Highness... this is far from wise."

"That is MY call to make!" Blaine snaps causing the little bundles to cry. "Remove yourself from these chambers before I call the guard on you."

"Told you my daddy would want me to see Papa." Elizabeth snuggles closer to Blaine as they walk past the stuttering man to check on the babies with Maria. "Daddy! A girl?" She points at the one pink bundle.

"Yes princess, a girl. You have one little sister and three more brothers."

"Who cares about the boys, I have a sister! Can I put her in my old gowns? I think she would look adorable in my old gowns."

"Not yet, Lizzie. She is way too tiny to be dressed up yet." He puts her down as he picks up one of the boys. Smiling down at the baby, he knows Kurt will fawn over him the most - being the smallest and a very special boy just like his papa. He carries the small bundle over to the sleeping, pale Kurt while Elizabeth fawns over the little girl in Maria's arms. "Love. Please awaken soon. Our babies need to see your beautiful eyes. And so do I."


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