Wont tell Anyone
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Wont Tell Anyone

Wont tell Anyone: Chapter 10

E - Words: 5,159 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
144 0 0 0 0

Chapter 10

Twenty weeks. It has only been twenty weeks and already Kurt is hating how round he has gotten. His ankles are always swollen, he gets tired all the time, and he can't even snuggle up to Blaine anymore. Worse yet? He can't even hug his son properly with as round as he has gotten. Then why is he currently waddling down the hall with his two attendants, yes two because Blaine insists of more and more help for him the further along he gets, but he is on a mission. Happy grin on his face as his hands caress over the extremely round belly. He doesn't even see the other servants whispering and watching him with hate in their eyes and venom as they talk about him.

Kurt smiles wider as his breath comes in gasps as he sees Blaine up the hall walking with his dad, he doesn't see the confusion on his husbands face or the frown on his father-in-laws face. All he sees is his goal, his husband. "Blaine!" He calls out trying to catch up by walking faster causing his breathing to speed up and starting to wind him. "Blaine! Wait!"

The two royals turn finally, Blaine changing his features to be happier at seeing his husband before frowning as he notices the sweat running down his face. "Kurt what are you doing rushing around!" Edward grabs moves to help Blaine escort Kurt into a chair along the wall.

"Blaine is right, you know you should not be exerting yourself. Now sit and rest." He turns to one of Kurts attendants. "Go fetch him some water, we will talk later about you allowing him to do this."

One of the ladies curtsies and rushes off to fetch the water. The other one lowering her head and stepping aside to leave them some privacy.

"I .. I am fine." Kurt sits slowly with their help and grabs Blaines hands. "You have to feel. You must feel this." He places both of his husbands hands on different parts of his belly. "Oh please do it again sweeties. Your daddy is here now."

Edward smiles knowingly as Blaine just looks confused. "Kurt what are you talking about?"

"Just wait. They want to say hello." Kurt waits as he keeps Blaine touching his belly. "Just wait, you will know what I am wanting you to feel."

"Just listen to him son. Trust me you will not be sorry." Edward puts a comforting hand on his son in laws shoulder.

"Dad, I am waiting, but he shouldn't have been walking around so fast. The doctor sai-" Blaine freezes as he feels something under his hands, his head snapping down to watch as he feels it again. "Kurt?"

"Told you. They wanted to say hello to their daddy." He puts his hands beside Blaines as they feel the two sets of kicks. "I think they are fighting already. Well they have been fighting for awhile, but you were unable to feel it until now."

Blaine looks up into Kurts eyes. "You could.. Feel them before now?"

Kurt nods slowly. "A fluttering of movement as they started to get active. I was waiting for the first day of them really kicking so that you could feel it too." Kurt frowns when Blaine starts to cry as he caresses over the round belly where the twins are kicking the hands placed in their range. "Blaine, are you alright?"

Edward dismisses both attendants as the water is brought, passing the glass to Kurt. "Son?"

Blaine shakes his head and wipes at his tears. "I'm fine I just.. With everything that has been going on the past couple weeks I was starting to doubt." The two royals look at each other, Blaine trying to stop his tears.

Kurt looks between them both before placing the glass of water on a nearby table. "What has been going on? Starting to doubt what?"

Edward sighs as he nods his head. "I would rather talk about this in the study, but I do not wish you to walk any further until you are truly rested." He holds up a hand to stop Kurt from complaining that he is fully rested. "We have been getting an increase of reports, they started out as mere rumors and now they have hit a much worse level. Kurt, the rumors are about you and my son and about your previous marriage."

"What kind of rumors?" Kurt only loses part of his smile as his eyes dart down to the ground.

Blaine shakes his head as he kisses the round belly holding his kids. "They are saying you were sleeping around and that you are to far gone with child for this to be mine, which we have countered adamantly that you are looking further along because it is twins."

"Good, I have not slept with anyone but you. You are my husband and the crown prince, why would I risk anything to dally with someone else? Especially since I love you." Kurt caresses his hand down his husbands cheek, smiling for him as their eyes meet.

"The only rumors and gossip mongering we can not fight." Edward watches them. "Is pertaining to the reports of you sleeping with multiple partners while with your first husband and that you were not with maidenhead when you were first bedded by him. They are also saying that the reason you and Eric were not in the will was because of these dalliances and that Eric is not a Masterson by blood."

Kurt shakes his head fast as his eyes close his mind running rampant with things he never wanted to be brought into the open. Tears prickle at his eyes as he feels Blaine move to cup his cheeks and he can almost hear him trying to make him calm down, but he can't. How could he calm down when someone apparently knew a part of his past he didn't ever want out. "N-not here. We can not talk here. Please. I will tell you everything but not here."

Blaine nods and gets up offering to help his husband stand. "Alright. Let us go back to the room so you can lay down while you tell us."

Kurt nods as he clings to Blaines arm. "Thank you." This time as he walks with Edward supporting him on one said and Blaine on the other he watches the palace servants glare at him and turn away. The cold stares and the whisperings. He is more then grateful when they make it to the bed chamber and he is helped into it, pillows stacked behind his back. "I am so sorry. I am not usually this..."

"Emotionally wrecked? Yes well that would be why we had been avoiding telling you." Edward pulls up a chair and Blaine sits beside his husband, trying to calm him. "Now, why would anyone spread such rumors about you for your previous husband?"

Kurt clings to the hand Blaine offers him. "Because my husband was a horrible man who had no discretion on how many he took to his bed." he closes his eyes. "When my father died and left everything to my step-brother with the note to make sure I was well looked after, I had no clue the oaf would marry me off. Especially not to Fitzwilliam. He knew how I felt about the man and how often he had tried to get me alone when we were out at assemblies, but he did. To this day I have no idea what the agreement was between them past that I was moved to the Masterson estate almost a year before our marriage. He made no secret that we were not having a large ceremony and that he was just using me for his own perverse ideas." Kurt tries to smile at Blaine. "He made me do things to myself while he watched, he said it was to make sure I am ready for our wedding night. It was horrible. I hated him, but I knew my place. I was going to be his husband and I had no way out of it."

Edward rubs his hands over his face. "So your innocence?"

"He made me take it myself." Kurt closes his eyes tight. "With the handle of a duster. While he watched and talked about all his mistresses. When we were finally married it was such a small ceremony. Just us and the priest and a couple witnesses. That night he took me for the first time and as often as I would wake up he would take me again. When I was to tired he moved onto the maid, but I did not care."

Blaine grinds his teeth as he watches his Kurt suffer the memories again. "You do not need to continue."

"I do. I do need to get this out there. Someone is spreading rumors about me and you need to know what is or is not the truth." He takes a deep breath before he continues. "Within a month I was with child and yes Fitzwilliam is Erics father. It was not until after I was with child and he started to get sick that things got horrible. He made me take care of him, though I would have anyway. I may not have liked the man but I gave my vows and I would hold to them, but he wanted his perverse ways to continue. He would have me pleasure myself in front of him, pleasure him as he just laid there, and eventually he asked me to sleep with his friends. They apparently thought I was a valuable gem or something because I am a carrier and he would watch as they touched me and have their way with me. When I became to round with child and none of his friends would touch me it all stopped. His health had gotten worse and I was able to stay in my room more. Eventually he was feeling a bit better and just took to demeaning me while he slept with god knows who. When Eric was born he was the light of my life and the only good thing that man ever gave me. Fitzwilliam stayed with his whores and I stayed with our son. You know the rest about him getting sicker and me taking care of him as more of a nursemaid then his husband."

"Kurt... you never said anything about this." Blaine kisses the tears from his husbands cheeks.

"Why should I? I was just a naive young boy who was thrown into the arms of an evil corrupt man who brought sickness upon his three previous wives and luckily did not get me sick before he died."

Edward groans. "Well someone has this information and is spreading it around, causing the public to doubt the legitimacy of your children."

"But I have not been with anyone but Blaine and before that I had not been with anyone since a few months before Eric was born. Maria can vouch for me along with Jon, my man servant. They have both been with me since my fathers home and helped clean me up after every evening with my husband."

Edward brightens up at that. "They can vouch for you about your innocence since your last husband and that Blaine has been the only one in your bed?"

"Yes. The only time that may bring a bit of grey to us is that we were fooling around before the wedding. Which I am sorry for, but would not take back for the world." Kurt blushes when Blaine leans over and kisses his cheek.

"Do you have a plan to fix the peoples opinions father?"

"I am working on a plan, but unfortunately it would all require Kurt giving an official declaration and some evidence that this was all falsely made accusations." Edward starts to pace. "I will talk with Maria and Jon and then have the records brought forth stating that Eric is in fact the late Lord Mastersons son. You, Kurt, stay calm so that the babies and you are not caused any harm."

"I will try." He attempts a very forced happy smile. "I think I would like to rest now. This has... worn me out."

"Of course. I will leave you both." Edward takes is leave to set about finding where the rumors could have come from to begin with. He has his suspicions but no idea how that slimy boy could have gotten this kind of information.

Blaine gets Kurt changed into a night shirt and tucked in before he changes himself into a sleep shirt and wrapping himself around Kurt from the back. Kissing his neck as he caresses a hand over the large belly where their kids are still kicking away. "Will you be able to rest with them acting up so much?"

"I do not mind so much. I find it comforting that they move about and remind me of how special they both are." Kurt entwines his fingers with one of Blaines hands. "Why did you doubt me?"


"Why did you say you were starting to doubt me the more you heard the rumors?"

Blaine buries his face in Kurts neck. "We shouldn't talk about this now."

"No. we will talk about it now." Kurts body starts to shake as his tears start to fall again. "It hurt hearing you say you doubted me, especially after you both told me what was being said."

"I.. It was because of how much you knew about love making. The positions we have done, how to bring you such intense pleasure, and how to bring me pleasure." Blaine closes his eyes as he tries to comfort Kurt. "I thought it odd when you said you had not been intimate with your last husband after Eric had been born, but you knew so much."

"That would cause you to doubt?"

"Only a small part of me doubted that little innocent me was enough to keep you happy...."

Kurt pulls his husbands arms from around him and shoves him away with his elbow. "How dare you. You should have known better then to have doubted me or at least known I would not be stupid enough to risk a marriage to the future king for some dalliance with a servant." he curls around himself as his crying grows stronger. "I love you. I thought you loved me."

"I do love you!" Blaine moves to wrap around Kurt only to get shoved away again.

"Leave me alone!"

Blaine is stunned silent as he shifts to the farthest corner of the bed and just watches as his husband cries himself to sleep. Even in sleep the tears keep streaming down his face. He can only hope that with time they can move past his stupid comment and moment of weakness.

Sadly for Blaine, they still haven't moved past it the past twelve weeks. Kurt getting weaker as he became more depressed every time he would leave the room to be confronted with looks and fingers pointing, even if they weren't about him in that way anymore his mind made everything into something bad. Edward resorted to using Wes to spread their own rumors about the indiscretions the late Lord Masterson had and even finding names of some of his mistresses to spread with it. Rumors with evidence taking precedence over just plain rumors, but it never helped ease the pregnant mans mind and eventually digging him so deep into a depression that he stopped eating properly. His fainting spells growing in number and his confinement starting earlier then they had all planned for. By twenty-three weeks Kurt was confined to his room and now at thirty-two weeks he refuses to even get out of bed. Blaine having to sleep on the far side of their bed and having to deal with his husband never talking to him unless Eric or his parents were there with them.

Tonight he watches Kurt play with his food as he sits up in bed. His heart aching at how pale Kurt has gotten. "Love, you should eat."

Kurt raises his eyes to glare at Blaine before he throws the bowl of broth to the floor, making one of the attendants clean it up. His blue eyes turning to stare at the far wall as his arms cross over his chest in defiance.

"Kurt please. The doctor said you are losing to much weight. You need to eat for both you and our children." He hurries over to help the maid get the broken bowl up.

"What do you care. Not like you believe they are your children anyways, remember?"

"Kurt please. I said I was wrong to think that, I told you that it was just a fleeting insecurity on my part and had nothing to do with you."

"Like THAT makes me feel any better!" Kurt finally turns towards Blaine, his eyes tearing up. "You expect me to accept that some part of your mind thought I would be capable of willingly carrying someone else's children and pass them off as yours? You bloody cad! Get out and leave me alone!" He starts to throw the pillows and anything he can get his hands on towards Blaine chasing him from the room.

Blaine losing it as he hurries to his parents room knocking as his tears start to fall, throwing himself into his mothers arms when he is beckoned to enter. "He hates me... He hates me so much..."

Victoria shushes her son as Edward looks on a bit awkward. "He does not hate you. He is hormonal and under a great deal of stress. Unfortunately you said something that upset him and he's holding to that while he tries to deal with everything."

"He kicked me out, because I tried to make him eat." Blaine stays in his mothers arms. "The doctor said the babies are slowing down and he is not gaining any weight. He needs to gain weight for the children to survive and himself to get through the birth. I am scared mother."

"Oh I know son. I know." She lifts his chin up and kisses his nose. "How about you take the room next to ours for the night. Let him calm down a bit before talking to him in the morning?"

Blaine nods a bit before heading towards the unused room. "You think he will forgive me after the babies are born?"

"I would bet my crown on it. Now go get a good nights rest."

As Blaine settles into the room by his parents chambers, Kurt paces his room after kicking all his attendants out in screaming fit after screaming fit. His feet sore and his legs screaming at the sudden exertion after so many weeks of nothing, but he feels horrible for yelling at all the attendants and even worse about his constant fighting with Blaine. He wants his husbands arms around him and he knows he hasn't been taking care of himself, but it's hard to make yourself eat when you think everyone is out to get you and hates you. He rubs his hands over the rather large stomach as he makes a decision and heads out the door on a mission to find Blaine and apologize.

Kurt goes room for room, heading towards Victoria and Edwards hall figuring if he doesn't find his husband at least he could call on them and ask if they know here he has gone. His hands rubbing at his belly more and more as he keeps going and his emotions start to rise. As he gets a few doors down from his in-laws chambers as sharp pain radiates through his stomach as his muscles contract drawing a gasp from his throat as he falls against the wall. His hands gripping tight to his belly.

"No. No. No. Not yet. Please not yet. It is to soon." Once the pain dies down, Kurt starts towards the King and Queens room knowing he was foolish in not ringing for his attendants instead of doing this on his own. A few steps away from the door and the pain is back, strong enough to drag a scream from Kurts throat as he grips his stomach and falls against the wall, sliding down it until he is on the ground groaning through the contraction.

All three of the royals are out of their two doors after hearing the scream. Blaine catching sight of Kurt first, running over to his husband screaming out in pain as another contraction rips through his body. "Kurt!"

"B-blaine, Blaine I am so sorry for fighting with you." He groans with more pain. "To soon."

Blaine smiles as he smoothes Kurts bangs back. "To soon for what love?"

"Babies. To soon for them. Eight more weeks." He cries out again as his hand grips at Blaines night shirt.

The poor prince goes into a sort of shock. "He is in labor. We need.. We need the doctor..."

Edward runs to ring the bell more times then needed to signal their distress. Victoria gestures to the room next to them. "In here, let us get him in bed now while the doctor is sent for." She helps her son guide Kurt into the room and then into the bed. "Kurt why are your attendants not with you? You were told to stay abed."

"I.. I yelled at them." He starts to cry fully now. "I told them to all go. I did not mean to. Just like with Blaine, I did not mean to upset any of you."

"We all understand love. Now just relax, please." Blaine tries to keeps a smile on his face as Victoria and him get Kurt onto the bed.

Kurt whines as another contraction goes through his body. "Fine." he Scoots his way up against the pillows before reaching to hold Blaines hand tight. "Stay with me. I did this alone once before and I hated it."

Victoria chuckles slightly. "Kurt hun there is a reason fathers are not allowed in during the births." Both Kurt and Blaine look towards her. "They pass out. "

Kurt laughs before another contraction goes through his body. Blaine gasps. "I would NOT pass out! Why would guys pass out?"

Kurt stifles his laugh. "Do you know where the babies will come out of?" Blaine slowly starts to nod. "Have you seen the size of a baby?" Blaine sort of nods again even more slowly. "Put the two together and add in a lot of screaming and bodily fluids along with some blood."

His eyes go wide as his jaw drops, Blaine gets so pale Kurt is afraid he will pass out right then and there. "T-that does not sound that bad."

"Then you will stay with him?" Victoria watches her son get a bit more pale as Kurt cringes through another contraction.

"Yes. Of course, Kurt wishes me here so I will stay."

"When you pass out we will all have a laugh about it the second you wake back up." She smiles at her son as Victor rushes into the room with the doctor and a hand full of attendants. "About time. Thank you for being so swift doctor."

The doctor starts to set up his kit, gesturing for the warm water to wash his hands to be put in the basin. "Your very welcome Highness. I had been keeping an eye out for a summons, especially after my last visit and how much stress you were putting yourself through Sir." He turns to smile at Kurt. "You seem to be a far way from your chambers."

"Oh yes, I thought a midnight stroll would be a lovely idea. Though I was utterly distracted by the need to apologize to my husband." Kurt hisses through another contraction. "We had a fight and it was all my fault."

"Kurt, we talked about you and those outbursts. That was not very healthy for you in the end now was it?" he moves closer draping a white sheet over Kurts lap. "Has your water broken yet?"

Kurt shakes his head. "No not yet.." His grip on Blaines hand increases as his contractions start to get worse. "W-will they be alright? It is way to soon."

"They are very eager to make their existence known, but yes it is a bit early." The doctor smiles at Kurt to reassure him. "I will not allow anything to happen to any of you. I swear you and your children will be fine."

The next six hours go by in a rush of activities. Victoria and Edward have messengers sent out to the great families and the advisors, beckoning them to the palace incase one of the two babies turns out to be male and therefore a legitimate heir to throne. Blaine stays at his husbands side as Kurt had requested, face pale as he watches his husband go through birthing their children. He's very proud of himself for not passing out and when the first cry of their tiny baby rings out, Blaine is even more proud of Kurt for giving him something so perfect. When the second cry, not as strong as the first but still beautiful to Blaines ears, joins the first wailing baby Blaine turns and kisses the sweat covered forehead of his husband.

"I love you so very much. Thank you for our children."

Kurt smiles as a yawn goes through his sore and tired body. "Love you as well... Did we get a son? Eric is really in want of a brother."

The doctor comes over to the couple as he smiles. "Well you can tell that sweet boy of yours, he now has two brothers. As is customary with twin boys, the first born has been marked on his left foot."

"You harmed our son?" Blaine makes to get up and confront the doctor as Kurt grabs his arm.

"Blaine, it is fine. If the first born goes without being marked then there could be a fight over who is the true heir and who is just the spare. My Jupiter, that sounds so horrid to say."

"Horrid, but true. Now would you like to hold them before the boys are taken to be shown off? I know the King and Queen are anxious to know of their grandchildren." When both men nod, he gestures for the attendants to bring the squirming bundles over. "Your heir Highness." The first born son is placed into Blaines arms and his face lights up at seeing the adorable bundle. "and your second son." Kurt is handed the not as important second little boy. "I will give you a moment while I fill out the birth record and you come up with names."

Kurt shakes his head with a laugh. "They are so perfect. Small but perfect." He runs his hand over the mass of curls on his sons head. "It would be that both your sons are born with a head full of black curls"

"Family trait." Blaine leans down and kisses the baby in his arms forehead. "We never fully talked about names."

"I have two perfect names for these curly headed boys." He reaches a hand out to the first born cradled in Blaines arms. "Anthony Jacob Anderson" He grins down at the baby in his arms as the tiny thing snuggles closer to his fathers warmth. "and Timothy Lucas Anderson."

"You seemed to have thought of that rather quickly?" Blaine smiles down at his sleeping Anthony.

"When you have been on confinement as long as I had been, you would have thought of names as well. DO you like them?"

"I love them. Anthony and Timothy Anderson, the future of our kingdom." Blaine looks up as Maria comes to take Timothy from Kurt. "Can I present my sons?"

The doctor laughs and nods. "You are the crown prince, you can do as you please. Now go announce to the room or lords and ladies the arrival of your sons."

Blaine jumps up carrying the tiny, now crying from the sudden movement, baby out through the chamber door and towards the great hall where everyone is gathered. Maria close on his heels carrying Timothy who is staying quieter then his older bother.

Kurt settles back against the pillows after his children have left the room. "There now everyone is happy."

"Are you happy Kurt?" The doctor helps to get Kurt up so they can clean him up and change the bedding. Servants running about making it happen as fast as possible.

"I am. I have three sons, a loving husband, and now that I have given birth I have the ability to defend my honor myself."

As Kurt is taken to wash up, Blaine enters the great hall with a huge grin on his face. "Father, Mother, guests, I present my sons. Anthony and Timothy Anderson." He passes Anthony to his father before taking Timothy from Maria with a quiet thank you before both men hold up the babies to present them to the cheers of all the guests.

Eric tugs at Victorias skirts. "Can I see? Please? I want to see my brothers!"

Victoria picks the boy up happily and moves closer to the two babies. "Can you see them Eric?"

"Yes. They look like hairy raisins." He reaches out to touch the tiny hand his brother Anthony was using to grip onto his blanket. "Will they get bigger so we can play?"

The adults laugh at the sweet child. "Yes Eric, they will get bigger but not for a while. Right now they are new born babies."

"Oh." He frowns in confusion. "Ok I want to see Papa now. Babies are boring."

Victoria set the boy down. "Not sure if your Papa is up for visitors just yet, but you can go back with Maria when she and your Daddy take the babies to the nursery."

"Ok!" He hurries over to Blaine. "Daddy! I want to go see Papa. Ready to go see Papa?"

"I am son. Maria, can you carry Anthony please?" She curtsies before taking the baby from Edward and Victoria. "I think I will retire for a few hours rest."

"Take your time Blaine. Spend the whole day with your family. I know Kurt and you have some things to talk through." Edward pats his son on the shoulder while he looks down at the tiny baby in his sons arms. "I am so very proud of you son."

As Blaine spend the rest of his day cuddled up in bed with his husband and Eric and eventually he has the nursemaids bring the bassinette in with their sons. His whole family happily in one making him happier then he ever remembers being before. For now everything is perfect. Word is spread through the towns of the two new members of the royal family. Everyone one celebrating and raising cheers to the health of the princes.

Only one person wasn't happy with this outcome. Cooper frowns as his host, Fitzwilliam, goes over the news of twin boys being born with heads full of the princes dark curls. His eyes follow the rapidly talking man as his mind plans out a new way to take the throne. His smile grows as his host finally stops talking. "Lord Masterson, I think it is about time I pay a visit to my uncle and congratulate my cousin on his expanding family."


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