Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 8

E - Words: 4,609 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Chapter 8

Numb. That was how he felt. At least it was better then the fear he had every time he went to bed all because of the nightmares. The nightmares that have haunted his sleep ever since his eighth birthday, the last birthday he saw his mother alive. Needless to say he hasn't had a birthday part since. Why would he when his mother has a seizure while holding him and then died with him in her arms.

"Kurt! Time to head to school!"

He looks towards his door, hand swiping the tears from his face. "Coming Mr. Anderson!" He tries to hurry to cover that he was crying, but not fast enough as his door flies open and an extremely hyper and smiling Blaine bursts in the door. "You're usually waiting for us out side. What's taking so long slow poke?"

"Sorry, I just had a late start this morning." He gets up grabbing his bag, trying to avoid looking in Blaines eyes, but failing miserably at it.

"Kurt. Oh god, you were crying again? Come here." He pulls his friend in against his chest. "I told you to call me if you had nightmares again."

"It wasn't nightmares this time. At least not mine." He buries his head into Blains shoulder, breathing in the comforting scent of his friend. "It was dad."

"Really? Wow, we thought he was getting better."

"Well he isn't and neither am I." He shoves Blaine away. "Don't even try to simplify it with 'Kurt. It's been six years. We're in high school now. You two should move on' because that's bull and you know it. I miss her. Dad feels her gone. I know I'm fourteen and need to move on, but it's so hard when my dad doesn't have time to look at me because I look so much like mom."

"You know I wasn't going to say anything like that you know." He taps Kurts chin, making him look up at his eyes, showing him how worried he is. "I know the start of school is hard, along with your birthday. Which by the way." He turns and pulls a small box out of his shoulder bag. "Here. I got you something."


"Hey, you wouldn't let me get you anything for you this weekend when I came over to help you through the crying fit on your actual birthday, but you never said I couldn't get you something. Now open up the damn box."

Kurt rolls his eyes and takes it from him, slowly unwrapping a jewelry box. "Blaine.. What is this."

"Just open it silly! My dad wont wait to much longer, he was just checking on Burt before we get a personal reminder it's time to go."

He sticks his tongue out at him and opens the box, gasping when he sees a silver chain with a pendant hanging from it. He runs his thumb over the elegantly carved picture of two wolves, his cheeks heating up as he imagines them as Blaine and himself. "It's beautiful Blaine."

"Flip it over."

When he does, he's meet with a word carved into it in large print, 'Courage' and below it Blaines name. A small card underneath the whole thing. He laughs as he reads it out loud. "To Kurt. Keep this with you always to give yourself the courage you always say you get when I'm around. Especially now that we are at different schools and I can't be by your side during the day. Always, Blaine Anderson." He holds up the chain. "Silly puppy. Put this on me so that you can be with me at school in one way."

"With pleasure." Blaine hurries over, getting behind Kurt and putting the chain about his neck. "Does this mean you forgive me... for going to Dalton instead of McKinley?" His hands linger on Kurts neck, he wont admit how soft the thinks the skin is or how he would love to keep his hands there.

"Not yet. How can I forgive you for going to a different school." Kurt moves away before he starts to snuggle back into his friends chest, grabbing his school bag. "Not only did you go to a different school. You now have to wear a uniform and you always smell of hair gel." He puts his bag over his shoulder

"Not my fault they have such a strict appearance policy." He grabs his own bag following Kurt up the stairs from his basement bedroom.

"You could have done something else with your hair. Cut it a little shorter, mouse instead of gel to leave some bounce in your hair, not have gone to that prep school."

"Kurt, come on I'm sorry. Dad thought it would be a good idea with all the fights I got in last year that you and I not attend the same school."

"That's right I did suggest that and look, you two have made it a couple months into school and no fights. Imagine that." Henry raises an eye brow at the boys, trying not to laugh and the angry look Kurt sends his way. "Blaine get your blazer on and you two get in the car."

"Alright dad."

"Yes Mr. Anderson."

"Kurt, you have called me Henry ever since you could talk. You can keep calling me Henry you know."

"Sorry Henry." He heads out the front door with Blaine laughing at his friend all prep schooled up.

Burt slips his ball cap on as he makes his way to the kitchen. "Henry... thanks for driving Kurt for me."

"No problem." He keeps an eye on Burt, frowning at how he's lost his hair and is letting himself go. "Lillian will be by later with some lunch. Talk to her Burt. I know we talked a bit this morning, but you need to talk to more people. You need to get out of the house and I don't mean even more shifts at the garage. Go out and socialize."

His dulled eyes look towards Henry, a frown on his face. "I can't do that. I've tried every time you say to I try, but no one out there compares to Lizzie."

"None ever will until you open yourself up to it. Now you get some sleep and I'll make sure Kurt gets home after school alright." He heads out then. Worried for his friends health, but needing to drop Kurt off if he's ever going to get Blaine to Dalton on time.

Henry watches the boys in the rearview and smiles at how they still sit closer then friends normally sit, they always have a reason to touch each other, they talk about fashion and musicals and how each of their glee clubs is better then the others, but neither of them has come outright and said they were gay and in love with each other. He has half a mind to sit them down and just tell them all the parents know, but they had promised Lizzie they wouldn't interfere. They would let the boys go at their own pace. By the time they pull up at McKinley Kurt and Blaine are meeting after school and Kurt will teach his friend how to 'properly style your hair so that you don't kill anymore brain cells with that gel' and Blaine rolls his eyes.

"Alright. Kurt, you have my number. Shoot me a text when you're ready to be picked up ok?"

"Sure thing Henry. Thank you." He leans in and kisses Blaine on the cheek before hoping out, something he does every now and then when he is in a big hurry. "Bye Blaine!"

"Son? You ok back there?" He pulls away from the curb, watching his son in the mirror.

Blaine sits eyes wide and hand on his cheek. A dopey grin on his face. "Perfect. Just Perfect dad."

"Blaine. You look like your mom just brought out your favorite dinner and put it in front of you right next to the newest Vogue."

"So? I'm happy."

"No you're dreamy like." He laughs at his son as he tries to shake his head no and starts to fidget. "Blaine. You know if there is anything you want to talk about. Your mom and I are always here."

Blaine looks at him a bit nervous. "I know dad. Just some things are.. Not easy."

"You never know unless you try." he makes sure Blaine is looking right at him. "We love you. Unconditionally. No matter what you want to be or who you want to be with."

"Thanks dad. I'll think about it. Ok?"

"You do that son. Your mom and I will wait for as long as you need."

As Blaine and Henry makes the drive to Dalton, Kurt sneaks through the halls to get to his locker. He knows he can out run and out match any wolf or human in the school, but he had made a choice during the summer, not to let them know that. Lillian had told him all about forced mating and how any Alpha will go after an Omega that they think they can beat and force themselves on them as soon as they are both at least sixteen. So his choice was easy. Play weak and defenseless. Let them all think he can be taken down and catch them off guard if they try. The down side to all of this is dealing with slushies in the face, slams into lockers, and being chucked into dumpsters by guys he had grown up with. As much as he wants Blaine at his side and misses sharing classes with him, he knows that there would have been a lot of fights already.


Well this could be worse then the bullying.

"Kurt! Wait up! I need to talk to you about glee and how we are in need of more members and..."

Yeah, he tunes it out as Rachel comes up and takes his arm, guiding him in a completely wrong direction and talking his ear off about how best to make her voice the best and how she is destined to have the best Alpha because she's a star. He shifts his eyes towards Mercedes and Tina, mouthing a 'save me' to them. They shrug and slip into their classroom. Traitors.

"You really should start working out with me. My dads tell me that you have to always be prepared to give a good run so keeping your body well trained is necessary."

"Rachel. Please I know this is all very important, but I really need to go the other way. To my class, History. It's on the other side of the building."

"Oh. You should have said something earlier silly." She giggles and turns him around. "Go. We will talk more at lunch."

She hurries off down her path leaving Kurt to watch in confusion., smiling at how his friends are just really odd and annoying, but he loves them. As he starts down the hall, back the way he had been dragged, he smells them come up behind him before they are even near touching, it really isn't hard to sniff out jocks they always wear the same thing everyday and man stink radiates from them. He braces slightly before he's shoved sideways into a row of lockers. He keeps his eyes down as they pass calling him horrible names that he just drowns out. Once they are far enough away he stands back up and glares in their direction. Yeah, really good thing Blaine isn't here. Though it would be really hot to see him beat up those jerks.

At lunch he gets bombarded by Rachel again, at least this time Mercedes is at his side suffering with him. He texts back and forth with Blaine, blushing at some of the things he wants to send to his friend but wont because they are just friends. His eye meet with Mercedes eyes as they smile, she knows how much he is wanting Blaine to be his, she's the only one that knows.

"Blaine. You look like a kid let loose in a puppy pen." Wes raises his bro at the not paying attention warbler.

"Huh?" Blaine looks up at his friend. Phone still in hand.

"Well, if you would have been paying attention we are having a lunch meeting of the Warblers, that you agreed to attend since you are one of us, and you seem more content to type away at your phone then participate."

"Oh.. Sorry.." He sends a quick message that he may be slow to respond before pocketing his phone and smiling at all the guys looking at him. "What were we talking about?"

David laughs "We were talking about tryouts for vocals. We have a good competition year coming up. A lot of you are freshmen and we are very glad you decided to join. Usually we like to have a single main vocalist for key songs. This person is chosen by tryouts and voted on by the council. James, Leon, and Trevor are our senior council this year." The three boys wave and start talking about what the songs they are looking at are and taking about where the tryouts list will be posted and how long they have to sign up.

Nick slips into the seat neck to Blaine as the boy is typing on his phone again, half listening to the council members. "You must have someone special on the other end of that phone line."

"Yeah, he is pretty special." Blaine smiles and side eyes the boy talking to him. A quick sniff in the air tells him that the boy is pack. "You must be from the new family in town."

"I am. Names Nick." he offers his hand.

"Blaine." They both look up as the meeting is called to a close so everyone has time to get something to eat. "have you meet any other pack members yet?"

"Yeah, Jeff over there is my neighbor, but that's about all I've meet. My parents said I'd get the full introduction at the next run."

Blaine nods. "Best way to meet everyone, but let me introduce you to the guys here at least." He calls out to the other wolves as they all enter the cafeteria. "Alright well we have me of course. Jeff, who you already know, Wes and Trent here are pack and a year older then us. Umm Trevor here from the council and... that's all of us that are warblers and pack members. There are some more in school here but most go to public school."

"Awesome. Nice to meet you guys. My names Nick."

They all break into conversation after that while grabbing food. Wes and Trevor telling Nick all about the activities the Warblers like to do on the weekends with the humans that are in the club as well. Blaine grabs his food and picks up texting again for the rest of lunch.

"Hey Blaine." he looks up at one of the human guys from the group. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah. Sure thing." He smiles and turn towards him.

"I was wondering if you would, maybe, like to go to a movie with me. This weekend."

"That could be cool. Who else would be going?"

"Just us. I was, look if I am wrong I'm sorry. I mean you could be straight but.. Ok I'll shut up now."

Blaine blinks as he thinks about what was just said and gasps when he finally catches on. "Wait you mean a date? I.. wow. I'm honored you would ask me and yes. I am most definitely gay, but..." he closes his eyes before continuing. "My heart already belongs to someone else. I'd love to hang out at the movies with you and a couple of the guys, but it can't be a date." To bad it wasn't that easy to just tell Kurt.

The guy smiles a bit sad and nods. "I understand. He's a lucky guy."

"I'm the lucky one." he turns and heads off to class., Wes coming up beside him.

"Yet another guy asking you out huh?" He gets a groan in response. "You know Blaine, just tell Kurt you love him. Kiss. Then you can go around with a picture of the two of you as a couple and everyone in the pack will say you are taken and the suitors will stop asking you out and you will stop feeling sad for telling them no."

"Fine. I'll tell him at the next run."

"Good." Wes smiles and claps Blaine on the back. "Now let us talk about tryouts for lead singer." They laugh and walk off animatedly talking about song choices and both of them signing up.


Blaine decided that if he was going to tell Kurt how he felt, he would need to tell his parents first. He knows Kurt was getting curious that something was up when Blaine started to get nervous around him and his dad kept stressing the 'you can talk to us' speech every morning. Finally on Saturday morning he corners his parents, the run being that night.

"Mom. Dad. I really need to talk to you." He shuffles from foot to foot. Hands not knowing where to go.

Lillian and Henry smiles at each other. "Sure thing dear. How about we sit down" She puts a hand on his shoulder to lead the nervous boy out to the sofa. All three sitting down. "Now. What is it you would like to tell us?"

"Um, well... You see I... I kind of told Wes that I would do something today and I wanted you to know first because I know you said you were open to things but.."

"Blaine Son, you're rambling." Henry tries not to laugh. It really is to cute how Blaine is just a ball of rambling nerves.

"Yes ok well." Blaine takes a calming breath. "I'm gay."

"We know dear." Lillian smiles and reaches out putting her hand on top of his. "We've known that for a really long time now."

"Really? Wow." Blaine relaxes and holds his moms hand. "And you still love me?"

"We still love you. Unconditionally." Henry grins. "Now is that ALL you wanted to tell us?"

"No. No there is more. I.. I want to tell someone I love them tonight at the run and I'm afraid they will hate me after."

"I doubt they will hate you. Who is it? Maybe we can help you." Lillian elbows Henry as he snickers at that.

Blaine watches them a bit confused now. "Kurt. I want to tell Kurt I love him."

"Bout damn time." Henry blurts out causing Blaine and Lillian to turn to him. One in shock and the other eyeing him to watch it. "What Lilly? 14 years we have been waiting for this can't blame me for finally knowing they realize it too."

"Wait. You guys knew I loved Kurt?"

"Son. I think anyone who has seen you two together knows you both love each other."

Blaine sits flabbergasted at that. His parents laughing and going into stories about the two boys growing up that gets Blaine blushing and almost wishing he wouldn't have told them. It gets worse when they get to the park where the run will be and Kurt is already there talking with Finn, Rachel, and Wes. Wes who upon seeing him grins and points out his presence to Kurt who brightens up and runs over hugging him.

"Blaine! Glad you got here before the run started. Rachel was threatening to make me run with her and Finn now they are dating, god that is just weird, but I really want to run with you." He lets go and smiles with a blush on his cheek. "It's the only time we really get to spend anymore."

"Hey, I'll always run with you." Blaine takes his hand and they walk over to the group. "Kurt, tomorrow after the run is all over. I need to tell you something."

"Ok. You can come over for a movie. Keep me company while dad breaks down like he always does after a run."

He's never felt happier about a run in his life knowing he will finally confess. Blaine is all giddiness and happily follows through with the run. Playing with Kurt as they go with all the other wolves their age. Kurt getting in some good hits before hurrying off so they can wrestle in peace. Lillian and Burt watching on and feeling happy about how energetic the boys are. She looks up worried as Burt shakes his head and moves aside to lay down, gesturing that she shouldn't worry and to keep an eye on the boys.

No one realizes anything is wrong until the next morning when everyone is coming back out of the woods yawning and dressed in the sweats. Kurt and Blaine huddling close as they walk sleepily and happy as they had woken up wrapped around each other like they always do after a run. Henry is standing and making sure everyone makes it to their cars in one piece, Burt and Lillian talking beside him. They all jump when Lillian screams out for help and slowly lowers Burt, who is clutching his chest to the ground. Kurt freezes and his breathing speeds up as he watches his dad go down to the ground and a few other pack members running over to help him. Blaine at a loss for what to do besides holding Kurt close and then panicking as Kurt faints.

"DAD!!" Blaine holds Kurts limp body to his chest. Shaking him and trying to get him to wake up. "Kurt.. Kurt come on. Open you eyes. Please Kurt."

Henry runs over to them. Behind him Burt is being helped up and into a car yelling about knowing if his son is alright. A woman smiling and trying to ease his worries. "Blaine. What is it?"

"Dad. He.. He isn't breathing.. I.. what do I do? Help please dad." Blaine is crying as he clings to Kurt.

"You need to give him room."He turns over his shoulder. "Lillian!" As his wife comes running over he pries Blaine off of Kurt, his son growling more and more as Kurt is taken from him and lunges to take the boy back from his dad until his mom and Wes grab him and hold him back. Jeff and Nick watching on with Finn and Rachel. "Kurt. come on boy. Relax and breath." He lays him down and checks his heat rate before giving him a puff of air, starting CPR.

Blue eyes slowly open. The horrible amount of growling and noise waking him. His eyes are blurry as he looks up at a white ceiling. He groans and moves his head so he can see where all the noise is coming from. His eye being filled suddenly with his dad and the room going silent. He start whining as tears spring to his eyes.

"Kurt? Kurt buddy. It's ok. Shh it's ok. You're going to be fine." Burt grabs up one of Kurts hands. His other being grabbed by Blaine who growls at anyone who tries to pull him away.

"D-dad... I.. I saw you.. You collapsed.."

"Yeah, I'm fine though. Just got a bit dizzy. Nothing to serious." He smiles at his son. "Nothing a few doctor visit wont fix."

Kurt smiles at that and nods. Looking behind his dad and seeing a lady standing there. He's sure that she's familiar from somewhere but for now he wants to see the other person at his side. The growling hitting his ears and making him smile. "Stop that you silly pup." Their eyes meet.

"I can't." He clings tighter as his growl picks up when his dad takes a step closer. "I'm scared."

"Why be scared? I'm alright right?" he looks towards his dad to confirm that. The man nodding. "See. I'm fine." He looks back at Blaine. "Though.. Confused on what happened."

Henry keeps his distance from Blaine now. "You had a panic attack and stopped breathing. You'll be ok, but the doctor recommends a bit less stress."

"Oh." He laughs a little looking back towards his dad who has moved to talk to the woman and then closes his eyes to nap.

They let him out of the hospital the next day. Strict orders to take it easy and he does since Blaine does nothing but cater to his every need or call twenty times a day to make sure his mom has got everything under control. Kurt finds it cute and he falls that much more in love with his friend. Blaine decides that telling Kurt will have to wait. He wouldn't want to stress him by bombarding him with his feelings.

It's a few weeks later that Kurt catches his dad sneaking into the house with a blush on his face. When they sit down and talk, Kurt is told that his dad has found someone. That woman from the run who was also in Kurts hospital room and that the two of them have been seeing each other. Her name is Carole Hudson, which Kurt rolls his eyes now knowing where he had seen her before. Parent days in school since she is the mother of Finn Hudson. Kurt manages a smile when his dad says the two of them have both lost their mate and that being with her makes living a little easier.

Blaine stays quiet about his feelings after hearing this. He could never try to take the happiness Kurt has over his dads happiness away with news that Blaine wants to be more the friends. He stays quiet all summer as they all hang out and now have Finn and Carole included with the group. They don't even get their yearly camping trip, the first time in a very long time that had happened, due to Carole taking Kurt and Burt to see her family in Boston as Blaine get's dragged to Florida for a family trip. None of them get back in time to do much before school starts again.

Wes and the boys seem not to impressed when Blaine shrugs about why he didn't confess before they find themselves way to busy with Warblers and school to car. Wes ending up on the council and Blaine ending up lead soloist. He still spends every weekend he can with Kurt, but even those become less as Kurt spends more time with Tina, Mercedes, and Rachel. He nearly tells Kurt he loves him when his friend shows up at his house hoping about and hugs him tight.

"I came out to my dad." Kurt whispers in his ear as he hugs Blaine. "I was so worried he was spending so much time with Finn over me that I finally broke down and told him and he doesn't care." He pulls back from Blaine and laughs.

"Kurt that is great! Now we both are out and know that nothing will change how out parents see us." He bites his lip. "Kurt I.."

"Right? The BEST news though is that he told me he is getting married! Carole and my dad are getting married!" He doesn't even realize when he hugs to Blaine again, tucking his nose into his neck. "Please... please say you will go with me to the wedding. I need someone to dance with."

"I.. of course I will." They both shift a bit and look into each others eyes. Faces so close. "Kurt. I need to... tell you something."

"Blaine! Kurt! Dinners ready!"

They move away from each other and look down the stairs. "Alright mom! Be right down!" Blaine shrugs a bit.

"come on. You can tell me later. Let's go have dinner, My dad is going to tell them at the table so don't say anything."

Blaine allows himself to be dragged downstairs. He will wait. He has no choice, but to wait because Kurt is to happy for him to break that with spilling his heart out to his best friend. Their only 15. He has a year before wolves will try and take his Kurt away from him.


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