Who Says
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Who Says: Chapter 7

E - Words: 4,451 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Author's Notes: MAJOR WARNING!! Character Death. I cried writing this. I cried thinking about writing this. This chapter will most likely make you cry. Be warned!
"Sorry to keep you waiting Mrs. Hummel."

She looks up with as mile when the doctor comes into his office. "Quite alright. You said there was an abnormality in my tests? I admit to not being surprised about that, since I don't really have the best track record with pregnancies." Her hand goes to her stomach. Burt and her had been ecstatic when they noticed her not having a cycle the past few months and then the positive home test. Both already planning a new nursery even before talking to a doctor and getting the pregnancy confirmed.

"Mrs. Hummel, I am so sorry to inform you that the tests we administered showed you are not pregnant." He takes a short breath before continuing. "It did how ever show some signs pointing to another condition and I would like your permission to administer further tests immediately. If it is what my colleagues and I believe it to be, we need to start treatment immediately."

Her heart nearly stops as she nods slowly. "Of course. Yes. Let's do the tests then." Her body moves and follows the doctor on instinct, shock going through her system along with an ache knowing she isn't pregnant.

Hours later and a red eyed Elizabeth finally walks into her home, large manila envelope in his arms. She can hear the boys watching Disney movies in the living room, but she can't bring herself to see her son just yet. What she needs is her mate and his comfort. She walks down the hall sniffing the air to find his current whereabouts, following it all the way to his home office. She takes in a steadying breath before going in, smiling at how he is hunched over working on the books from the shop.


His head snaps up and a smile spreads across his face until he sees her sad expression and obviously cried raw eyes. "Lizzie, what's wrong?" He gets up and goes to her, pulling his wife to his chest. Her tears starting up again as she clings to him and the envelope. "Lizzie, baby you're worrying me. If you're not pregnant we can try again or just give up trying and adopt like we talked about."

Her body shakes more as she cries out and pushes him away, trying to settle herself down before continuing. "No. I'm not pregnant." Her body shakes as she looks down at the floor. "I.. I don't think adopting would be a good idea. Especially with what I have to tell you."

"baby, what is it?"

"I..." She looks up and hands him the envelop. "T-they found an abnormality in my pregnancy test. They did a lot more tests and made me wait around for the results." He takes the envelope from her hands and starts to read what the first page says. His own hands starting to shake as she continues. "I'm sorry. I am so sorry... I'm scared."

He throws the packet onto his desk and pulls her in tight, thinking that if he holds her tight enough that paper would be wrong. "Everything will be fine. We'll get a second opinion and make sure because it has to be wrong."

She closes her eyes and clings to him more. "It wont change that we need to plan. We need to make an appointment with Henry as our pack leader, not our friend."

"Why are you giving up baby?" He lifts her chin up, looking into her eyes.

"Because I know they are right. I've been so tired and it explains why we had so much trouble having pups and they were even surprised that Kurt made it." She caresses his cheek.

"how long...h-how long did they give you?"

"We have the summer."

"So little..."

"Not so little. Just enough to plan and for me to make sure it is the best summer of our lives." She kisses him gently. Melting into how much she loves him. They don't talk about the packet of papers or what was said at the doctors until they take the boys to run Blaine home and have dinner with Henry and Lillian. Burt having called ahead and telling their friend that they need to speak with him as a pack leader and not their friend.

Lillian smiles and hugs Blaine as the boy runs into the house. "Go on, take Kurt to your room and play. Dinner will be ready in an hour."

"Kay mommy! come on Kurt! Let's go play! I'll show you the new robot daddy got me on his last trip to New York." The seven year olds take off running and laughing to boys bedroom to play with his robots and cars.

"Henry is waiting for you in his office. Is everything alright?" She kisses Burt on the cheek and then Hugs Elizabeth in greeting.

"We'll tell you soon. After we talk with Henry. I promise Lilly." She hugs her friend tighter before following Burt back to the pack leaders office. Him beckoning them in as soon as they poke their heads in. "Evening Henry."

"Hey. You said you needed to speak with me as pack leader? A bit odd seeing as you're my second Burt." He hugs them both before sitting on the top of his desk, his two friend sitting in the office chairs.

"This is... we need to.." Burt can't say it. He still can not accept what is happening.

Elizabeth smiles softly, putting her hand on his arm before turning to Henry. "We need you to write out my will."

Shock. That is the only way to describe the look on his face. Numb is how he feels and his mouth doesn't seem to want to work as he opens and closes his mouth repeatedly before finally speaking. "Lizzie... I.. your will? Why? What's going on?"

She keeps a hold of her husbands hand. He being unable to speak as his body starts to shake again and tears come to his eyes. "I had some tests done today. A lot of tests actually, after they told me I wasn't pregnant." She isn't surprised he is shocked about that news, they hadn't told their friends they thought they were having another pup. "T-they found a lot of problems and when it was all done the doctor confirmed what he had feared." She takes a steadying breath. "I'm dieing. I have... a rare malfunction where my wolf and my body fight each other on a biological level and eventually it starts to eat away at your organs. If caught early they could have medicated and tried to treat me, but they believe I've had it for years and that it caused all my issues becoming pregnant and why I am always so tired." She starts to cry quietly again. "It has progressed to far to be treated."

He can't believe it. He doesn't want to believe it. "Alright. Alright. We will start on your will and.. Making preparations. H-how long. How long do you have?"

"I'll be lucky to see Kurt turn eight."

"Lizzie, that's six months at the most then?" He can't stop his own tears from forming.

"Yes." Her body shudders. "Please. We need to make the will. Make sure that Kurt and Burt will have the support they need to get through this. That Burt wont give up without me by his side." Burts hand clings tighter to hers the more she speaks. "And I want to spend this summer, the next few months, as we all use to. Together and acting like nothing is wrong and give Kurt the most beautiful summer full of all of us smiling and happy so that he might remember that instead of watching me become weaker and leaving him."

He nods looking at his friends and heart breaking at how destroyed they already look over this. It is a well know fact that losing your mate can be deadly to the surviving wolf. Their souls needing each other to stay strong and feel whole. He knows Burt is breaking as his wolf fights the knowledge that their mate will not be around much longer. "Alright I will get all the paper together. For both of you, just incase Burt can not recover from the loss so that Kurt may be taken care of and everything is prepared for in any outcome. We can do that this weekend after the cookout we have planned to celebrate school ending and the boys having such good grades and no fights this year." They both nod in agreement with his idea. "I think what we should do now is update Lillian and come up with a way to tell the boys."

"No. I don't want to tell Kurt until it gets very bad and we know for sure when I am going to pass. I want him to enjoy everything until then like nothing is wrong."

"Are you sure? You want to keep this from him?"

"Yes I'm sure. We talked about that and we both want him to have the best summer before he has to face the worst."

"Then let us tell Lilly and then there are four of us thinking of ways to make the next few months count." Henry stands calling his wife from the door. Her laughter hits their ears as she talks to Blaine and Kurt that have come up with some anomalous adorable story about the Robots falling in love and the evil transformer trying to keep them apart. "hey sweety." he kisses her cheek as she steps in.

Her face falls seeing Burt so broken down and Elizabeth trying to be strong. "You're going to tell me what's wrong now aren't you." It isn't a question. She doesn't have to ask as she even sees tears in her husbands eyes.

"Lilly. I'm dieing."

They fill her in on all the details, what they plan, and that they will all be spending the next six months being more of a what they use to be, a small lone pack of very close friends. All while the boys play on. Not knowing anything is wrong or knowing that their lives are about to make a drastic change. The two of them are two wrapped up in the Prince robot saving the princess from the evil transformer that is determined to keep them apart, but behold! The surprise twist ending! The princess is really a prince! Kurt giggles as Blaine goes on about how the hero doesn't care. He conquered the evil over lord transformer to rescue his love and who cares that the one who is destines to own his heart is a boy too. You can not change who it is that holds your heart. It is Blaines turn to laugh as Kurt takes his prince and the hero setting up the other robots to hold the royal wedding and going on about how it should be decorated and how tacky it would be to not have a proper suit or the flowers not matching the color scheme. Let alone a guest wearing the same suit the grooms are wearing! For shame!

The end of the school year comes fast and both boys couldn't be more impatient to start the summer. They want to show Rob their straight A report cards and tell him all about the school choir and show Rosie their new moves. She doesn't have to know they learned them in dance class, the one way they found can get out their aggression without hurting anyone.

When it is time for the preplanned cookout to congratulate the boys on a great school year Kurt only takes one step into the Anderson house before Blaine is dragging him away towards the living room "Mommy helped me set up the movie! come on the sooner we start the better chance we have to watch a second one!"

"Slow down! What movie?" Kurt is giggling and clinging to his hand as they get to the area in front of TV. A bowl of popcorn, two sodas, and a really big fluffy beanbag chair to sit on.

"Sleeping Beauty silly. You said we never watched it so I made sure mommy found a copy so we can watch it." His golden eyes shine as he looks at Kurt, knowing that every time he sees a picture of Aurora he sees Kurt. The same light colored hair, shining blue eyes, and graceful in everything he does.

"You set this up for me?"

"Of course. You can not claim to be a Disney fan unless you have seen ALL the movies."

"Thank you Blaine!" he kisses his cheek before sitting down on the beanbag chair, Blaine settling next to him after pushing play and bringing the popcorn with him.

Lillian and Elizabeth smiles as they watch the boys settle, the men having gone out to start the grill and get the meat started. "How are you doing Lizzie?"

They head into the kitchen to make the salad and side dishes. "Finding it harder to get up in the morning. The pills I was put on are just draining me. One makes me tired, one gives me energy, and the other just makes me ache all over."

"Do they at least help any?"

"No and yes. I can feel a bit stronger and the dark circles under my eyes aren't as obvious. The side effects just leave me snappy. Poor Kurt went running to his room crying after I yelled at him. All he had been doing was practicing some new song and dance he saw on TV, but my headache was so bad."

Lillian wraps her arms about Elizabeth. "We'll help like we said. We'll keep him distracted and make sure you stay as healthy as you can for as long as you can."

"come on." She sniffles a bit. "Lets get this food done before I run out of energy."

It takes about an hour, maybe a little longer before Elizabeth drops the stack of dishes she was carrying out to set the table. Burt gathering her up into a hug as she was bending down to clean up the broken glass. "No no. Leave it. I'll get it." He kisses her cheek. "Go inside. Sit with the boys and get some energy back."

Henry watches with worry at seeing her being so worn. Lillian bringing a broom over to get the glass up as Elizabeth nods and walks back into the house just in time for the movie to end.

"Mommy! Mommy! This is my favorite princess movie!" Kurt runs up and hugs her while she sits.

"Really? Why is it your favorite sweetie?" She fixes his hair, watching his shining eyes.

"Well it has singing and dancing and a BIG dragon and a handsome prince and animals"

"Slow down. How about you tell me the story. I don't remember ever seeing Sleeping Beauty before."

Both boys grin and start at the beginning. Telling about how the princess was cursed and to protect their little girl the king and queen sent her away. Blaine doing the lines of the evil witch and Kurt the good guys. They act out every scene as they describe the princess grown up and dancing with a fake prince that was really the animals in a cloak, to the Prince showing up and Dancing with her as they sing a beautiful song about love. Blaine leading Kurt in a basic waltz, eyes shining as he watches Kurt sing what he can remember of the song. Elizabeth watch, eyes going between the two boys and a smile growing on her face at what she sees. What she hopes is their future that she won't be around for.

None of them hear Burt call that food is done or the foot steps as him and Lillian slip in and catch themselves just watching the scene in front of them. Elizabeths face shining with happiness as she watches the boys, her old healthy self shining through as she aptly pays attention to their story.

"Then the evil witch turns into a BIG dragon!" Kurt Puffs up his chest as Blaine hops up on the couch, an invisible sword in his hand as he plays the prince fighting the dragon. "She didn't want the prince to get to the princess."

"Oh no! It must have been so scary!"

"Nu uh because the prince ALWAYS wins!" Blaine jumps down and pretends to run Kurt though, defeating the evil witch. Kurt collapsing to the ground dramatically to become the sleeping princess. "He always wins and when he defeats the dragon he runs into the castle, going to the sleeping princess." He hurries to Kurt laying in a 'magical sleep.' Leaning over his friend with a hand on ether side of him. Eyes trained on his lips. "There is only one way to wake a magical curse on a princess. Loves true kiss." he lowers his lips towards Kurts. "Wake up my Prince." Their lips connect. Burt and Lillian trying to keep their surprise down at the boys kissing. Elizabeth smiling with some tears running down her cheek.

When he pulls back from the kiss, it takes time before both their eyes open and stare into the others. No words. No movement as the boys are lost in each others eyes. Blaine finding the blush forming on the pale cheeks below him to be the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, besides those blue eyes shining at him. He leans down slowly to kiss Kurt again before the loud voice of his dad echoes through the house.

"Foods done!" Henry is walking towards them all "What's taking so long, you were suppose to get Lizzie and the boys awhile ago."

The boys jump apart, both blushing and eyes shifting back and forth between each other and all the parents around them. Kurt goes to his mom and smiles "See. That is my favorite story."

Elizabeth caresses his cheek and pulls him in touching their foreheads together. "Does the two live happily ever after in the end?"

"Of course they do mommy. You can not argue with true loves kiss."

"No. I don't think you can baby." She kisses his cheek before scooting him off to follow Blaine, both heading to get settled at the table to eat with Lillian and Henry making sure they head out back. Burt goes over to his wife and kneels down between her knees, hands reaching up to cup her cheeks. "Burt. Promise me you will let Kurt stay with the one his heart belongs to. You wont get in the way of what I just saw."

"I don't think any of us could get in their way."

"Make sure no one does. When they realize it and come out to you, be there for them. I know they love each other." She kisses Burt. "I am.. So happy I got to see their first kiss." Her tears start up again as she loses it. "I want to see their mating day. I want to see them grow up and have a family." She clings to Burt as he holds her tighter. "I want to be able to bless their union."

"It's ok. I'll tell them. I promise Ill tell them how much you supported their love." he holds her a bit longer. Letting her cry and get it out of her system before heading out to eat. Everyone distracting the kids from realizing that Elizabeth hardly eats. Her energy dropping lower and lower the longer she tries to hide how weak she really is.

Later that evening after the boys have been tucked in for an overnight. The parents all gather in Henrys office. Official papers out for the wills. Elizabeth goes through everything she has and can remember, leaving everything to Burt and Kurt. Burt leaving everything to Kurt with support from Henry if he isn't old enough to handle it all yet. They both sign Henry and Lillian as the legal guardians of Kurt if anything happens to Burt after Elizabeth passes. She makes Henry and Lillian write their promise to support Burt so that he doesn't give up on life after she is gone because Kurt needs him.

The only surprise they get is when she requests that they have a mating agreement between the two families for their sons. Henry looks between them all, Lillian had told him about the kiss, but he didn't think it was that deep. Elizabeth insists.

"They will be mates. I know it. No pair who loves each other like they do stay friends, but I don't want you to interfere Let them find each other and realize what they have and want on their own. I just want the agreement to be done now. A way for tem to know I love and support them. That there is nothing wrong with loving another boy."

"So a mating agreement without a grantee of them being mates?" He looks to the other three making sure that they are all in agreement.

"Sounds like a good idea Henry. After seeing them grow up so far and that kiss. You can't argue that they don't have a connection already." Burt tries to make his friend realize that.

"True. I've been listening to Blaine talk nonstop about Kurt ever since the day he started talking." He pulls out another form. "Lets get this agreement done. I'll get everything sealed and signs. Lillian will be the witness."

They fill out the paper to support the future f their sons. Offering them money for a home, furnishings, support for their educations after high school. Everything they can think of to help the boys have the happiest life together they can. All four sign their names, linking their future as one family. Both boys down the hall sharing a bed, the sheets thrown back on the second mattress Kurt had started on in favor for curling up and snuggling to his friend. Hands clasped between them.

The summer turns out to be some of the best months any of them have ever spent with each other. They go camping. They go to the park. They go everywhere they can think of until three months after finding out how sick she was. Elizabeth was a trooper and never showed how sick she was. Hiding everything she can from all of them so that they could have the best memories she can make for them. The down side was the toll it took on her body as she started to fade faster then the doctors had anticipated.

It was mere days after the pack moon run where Kurt and Blaine won a little competition for hunting. She was so proud seeing her Kurt floor all the competing Alphas. She stayed up way longer then she should have and hadn't told anyone she purposely didn't take her medication so that she could see it. As they were all walking back to the house, everyone happy and no one noticing how quiet she was. No one seeing how pale her skin had gotten or how clammy it was getting. Her breathing becoming more labored the farther they walk until she stops moving. Tears prickling at her eyes as she feel the world spin and everything goes black as she falls and the last thing she remembers hearing is Kurt screaming. She doesn't reopen her eyes for almost a week. Burt being an emotional wreck and never leaving her side, Lillian having to force him to eat as Henry holds and comforts Kurt with Blaine helping him to try and get his friend to stop crying and eat.

A week before Burt looks into her blue eyes again and breaks down in more tears seeing how dull they are. Her eyes shifting around to look at the white walls and the beeping machines all around her. Unable to speak with the tube in her throat, but her eyes turn back to Burt and her hand reaches out to take his. Soothing him. They take the tub out and quickly replaces it with a mask as she gasps for air, her body not allowing her lungs to work. She asks for a paper and pen, writing with Lillians help while Burt goes with the doctor to get an update.

They could hope. Hope that she will improve, but the more the doctor talks about her living failing, her heart not providing enough circulation because her muscle and nervous system are shutting down. They can't say if she will speak again, as her brain is suffering from the lack of blood flow. They tell him to prepare. That he should bring his son in and the family should be prepared.

Everyone is surprised when she lasts long enough to hear Kurt and Blaine tell her about their first day back at school. Her eyes shining with how happy she is to hear that they don't have any bullies and that they made some more friends. They are even more shocked and become a bit more hopeful when she sits up and starts to breath with less assistance for Kurt's eighth birthday. Even more shocked when she opens her mouth and is able to, though quietly, sing happy birthday to her boy.

No one is surprised when three days later, Kurt in her arms reading her a story, she gasps for breath and has a seizure. Burt having to grab Kurt from her bed fast as the doctors and nurses rush in. the boy screaming and crying in his dads arms as they go into the hall to be meet by Lillian and Blaine running to see what happened. Once she is stabilized and the medical teas leave, all but one, sadness on all their faces. The doctor telling them she wont recover from this. That she was leaving and fast. The choice is hard for him when Elizabeth whispers out that she wants it to end. She wants the machines to go away so she can just sleep. Burt tells the nurse and everything is removed. His wife smiling as everyone tries not to cry, she asked them not to cry.

She has enough time to kiss Burt back and whisper that she loves him. Always. Then Kurt hug tight to her body as she closes her eyes. The last breath telling him how much she loves him. Her arms growing weaker as it all stops. All of them cry as Lillian pulls a screaming Kurt from his mother and Henry hold Burt, his friend screaming that it isn't true that she has to come back. The doctor tries to keep his emotions in check as he checks for a pulse and has a nurse write the time of death.

Blaine watching with tears streaming down his face as he watches them pull the blanket over her head. The sounds of grief all around him. All happening four days after Kurt's birthday, the birthday they had all been told she wouldn't see.


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