Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 5

E - Words: 1,948 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
153 1 0 0 0

There is a loud squeal followed by a thump and finalized with two set of lungs crying out for their mothers. Elizabeth rushes in and covers her mouth as Lillian comes in behind her. The sight they are greeted with is Blaine on the ground covered in toys that had been up on the bookshelf, holding his arm close as Kurt sits near him eyes filled with tears and clinging to the teddy bear that had been near the top of the bookshelf. His bright blue eyes turn to the mothers and he starts crying more, pointing at Blaine and whimpering and huffing his worry for the other boy.

"What have you been getting up to in here huh?" Lillian goes over and scoops her son up, checking his arm and glad that it only seems to be bruised.

Elizabeth scoops up Kurt who clings to her and the bear. "I have a inkling your little Blaine was trying to make this little spoiled boy happy."

Kurt hides his face from his the two sets of eyes belonging to parents. So what if he wanted the bear? His dad should have known better then to put his favorite toy on the top shelf. He peeks one eye towards his friend that got hurt in the process of getting it, but then again Blaine is much better at climbing then he is.

Blaine licks at his bruised arm studying everyone with his golden eyes. It's not like it should be anything new that he was climbing again. He just wishes they would stop getting in his way when he tried smaller obstacles, like the time he just wanted to climb up into the window to spy on the neighbors dog. That evil poodle was plotting against him, he just knew it. Next time he can he is crawling over there and confronting the uppity yapper with a bad hair cut. He stops mid lick when he notices the parental units were watching him and one had a camera out in his face.

There's a little tinkling laugh that draws his eyes to it. Yeah, that's what makes him feel all the more better, Kurt is laughing and smiling and it is all because of him. Definitely worth the bruised sore spots he will have the next few days.

"Well they seem to be alright, we need to finish packing the travel food so we can make it out to Rob's before the full moon." Lillian kisses Blaine on the cheek before putting him down and ruffling his puffy curls. He swats at her hand to make her stop with the curls.

"I am so hyper that it will be their first moon. I can't wait to see their wolves." Elizabeth nuzzles nose to nose with Kurt causing him to giggle and give a kiss to her nose. As she puts him down, flattening his blonde locks out.

Both women laugh at how Kurt crawls over to Blaine, bear firmly being dragged along with him as he goes to hug Blaine. Finally thanking him for getting the stuffed animal for him. One more picture taken and the ladies leave, getting ready for the two day trip. They had planned it out to take the pups to a safe spot during their first moon and no place they know is safer then Rob's campsite. Burt and Henry are doing a last trip to the grocery store, getting everything they would need while the girls made a lunch to go and got the babies bags all packed. Within an hour everyone was packed into the rented for the trip mini van. The babies in the very back in their rear facing car seats sleeping while the adults listen to music and talk.

Their long drive gets them there a few hours before sunset, leaving just enough time to set up the tents and things for the pups to play with then they shift. Everything is perfect and ready to go leaving the two mothers time to get the boys fed and cleaned. Leaving them naked so the diapers don't get in the way of their shift.

Both boys start to get agitated the closer to moon rise it gets. Kurt curling up and crying as his body shivers, Blaine crawling over to him and nosing at his friend. His own whine escaping his throat as his eyes shift between his friend and his parents.

Henry watches his son with a proud smile on his face. "It's ok Blaine. You'll feel so much better shortly. Just let your inner self out."

The boy howls with his baby sized voice, slowly taking his dads advice and shifting. His inner wolf coming out and showing its very puffy black self. Howling and whining as he totters around trying to get use to being on four feet instead of crawling. Kurt watching as tears stream down his face, his eyes closing as he pops into a puffy white cotton ball trying hard to get to his mother.

Elizabeth snaps a picture of their adorable puffy selves before she joins the other adults in shifting. She trots over snuffing her nose under the little cotton balls chin to help him stand better before licking him clean. Elizabeth doing the same treatment to Blaine, though he paws at her playfully to get her to stop. No show off wants their mother to clean them in front of people. Henry and Burt take off into the woods, off on a hunt to feed their mates and young.

Both puppies are carried in their mothers mouths to the play area that was pre set up. They stumble a bit when put down next to each other, their moms both laying down to watch them as they look at each other. Kurt makes the first move, hopping around before going over to chew at the stuffed deer in front of him. Growling and whipping his head around to fling the deer around. Blaine tottering over to him, raising one paw to help him 'kill' the deer.

Lillian barks and gestures for Elizabeth to watch as she gets up, grabbing a ball with her teeth. Once she's sitting back down she lets the ball drop. Both sets of eyes turn towards the sound, Kurt still having the deer in his mouth. Elizabeth tilts her head watching the pups as Lillian noses the ball to roll past them. Blaine moves first hopping around and trying to bite it. Kurt drags the deer with him not sure what he wants more, the new round thing that is just calling to them to catch it or the already half mutilated stuffed deer. Choices when you are so young are not easily made and he plops his butt down whining around the fluff in his mouth, looking towards his mom for an answer. Elizabeth just huffs out a wolfish laugh and gestures her nose for him to play. His blue eyes study Blaine as the pup is wrapped around the ball trying to hold on as it rolls about. He's just drops the stuffed animal and is picking up speed to join Blaine in his attack on the unyielding ball when something very much dead is dropped near them both. The pups jump and turn running to the safety of their mothers. Tiny eyes peeking out from behind the larger wolves to study the something tossed in their play area. Henry standing proudly over the dead deer that he brought back for them and Burt carrying a rabbit in his mouth that was still squirming.

Elizabeth and Lillian picks up the pups by the scruff of their necks, bringing them closer to the food. When they are both sat down Kurt sniffs at the dead thing and cries out with his high pitched whine and whimpers looking at his mom for help to get away from the gross smelly thing. Blaine sniffs at it and starts to bite at the ear, growling at the others around him. Henry huffs and pokes at his son with his nose, getting a quick nip in return until his dad growls at him and he sits with his head bowed. Burt brings the rabbit over and puts it down near the two pups. They look at it then up at Burt, not sure what to do with the thing sniffing around. He gruffs at them and tries pushing the bunny closer to them. Kurt tries to back away from it while Blaine moves closer sniffing at it. Burt pushes it closer to him and Blaine scurries away. The women look up at him, eyes narrowing and growls starting up. A fairly growl and bark filled fight ensues about the kids not being old enough to kill a rabbit.

The whole time the fight goes on Kurt keeps sniffing at the fuzzy thing and then trying to push it to leave the area. Blaine watches him then plods over helping him to push the rabbit away. Neither of them give up pushing the rabbit away until it finally gets the hint and hops off towards the trees. Kurt turns towards Blaine and licks at his nose to thank him for helping save the rabbit.

All the parents turn and watch the puppies as the rabbit runs off. Elizabeth and Lillian turn up their noses at the silly men because their boys showed what they really wanted. Not to kill a rabbit. Elizabeth goes about eating her share of the deer keeping an eye on the boys as they pad off to play with the ball together now. They look so adorable chasing the ball and pouncing on each other. Burt side up to his mate and bows his head showing he was wrong to bring them something alive back. She eyes him a bit continuing to eat while Lillian starts on her part.

They don't even think about showing they forgive their mates until the pups have both eaten their night share of milk and curled up together in a blanket to sleep. Lillian curling up with Henry near the pups and Elizabeth slipping up to Burt, licking at his muzzle. Their eyes meet before they curl up together, Burt cleaning his mates fur and going for bonus suck up points to say he is really sorry.

Next morning the adults wake up way before the pups, getting dressed before checking on the two sleeping babies. Blaine curled up into his friends chest, thumb snuggly in his mouth and Kurt snuggling his face into the puffy soft curls on the other boys head. The parents take photos of the cute boys snuggled up until the click of the camera eventually wakes them. Kurt cries for his mom and food as Blaine crawls over to his parents.

The group eats their breakfast and spend some time with the boys in the lake. They feel sad to leave so soon after lunch, but they know that all of them will be back during the summer when they normally come out to camp and knowing they need to get home so Burt can get to work and Henry can start his bid as pack co-leader.

Lillian is afraid of how his rise in the pack will effect the future full moon runs. She doesn't want to take Blaine out where all the other members of the pack will be and neither does Elizabeth, but they both will have to in order for Henry to make the rise in position with Burt being his biggest supporter. For now though, they watch their boys sleep in the back all worn out and being super adorable heads turned towards each other and they snooze. All their worries to be left for another day.


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