Who Says
Chapter 35 Previous Chapter Story
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Who Says: Chapter 35

E - Words: 4,605 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
144 0 0 0 0

AN: *Gasp* This is the end! Not really, but it is the end of the Who Says part of the werewolf verse. I'm starting to work on their college years, which keeping with my theme of song titles and lyrics as titles it will be called "Unconditionally" which will also be a theme for the story. You get a slight taste of what is to come at the end of this chapter. Sebastian is going to rock the boat a bit and there will be separation issues since Kurt and Blaine have never been away from their parents or pack like this.

That's enough of my jabbering, Thank you so much for all the reviews! I love you all!!


"Boys if you keep this up you will be late and then you won't be able to graduate." Burt tries not to laugh at the four doting daddies that don't want to leave their babies. In a way he doesn't blame them, Richard did pull that book down on himself and is now sporting a pretty impressive welt on his forehead. Of course this happening upset Timothy to the point of biting everyone to get them away from Richard, since he didn't know what caused it, and then Elizabeth started an outright dog fight with her brother. Now all three looked worse for wear. "You're supposed to be on stage soon. Go. We've got this."

"Are you sure?" Alain fidgets as Henry wraps an arm around him and Nick, leading them away from their son who is clinging to Burt like he's his lifeline.

"We're sure. Between Burt, Carol, Duncan, Cooper, Justine, Lillian, and myself we can handle all the pups. There's almost one for each of us." Which is a very honest statement with his own little girl clinging to Lillian, Justine cradling her and Cooper's newborn omega boy, Luc Gage, it leaves Henry, Burt, Duncan, Cooper, and Carol to fight over who snuggles and holds Richard, Elizabeth, and Timothy and who will be taking the pictures and filming the graduation.

"Alright. Ok. Fine. Good." Nick nods his head, eyes shooting back to his son still teary eyed and gripping Burt so tight. "We can do this. Let's go before we chicken out." He grabs Kurt while Alain drags Blaine away, rushing towards where they are supposed to meet the rest of the performers. Their show is the opening act to the graduation ceremony after everyone files in with their caps and gowns on.

They had opted to wear the same colors as their cap and gowns since it would be near impossible to do the dance routines in their graduation get ups and it would look funny with Alain and Nick not in the gowns with them. "They will be fine. We'll get a call if that red spot on his forehead turns out to be worse than it looks." Alain is mumbling as they get to all their friends, everyone hugging and talking about what parties they plan to go to afterwards and such. "He'll be fine."

"He'll be fine." Kurt tries not to laugh at his friend, because he knows what it feels like to know your pup is so close and hurt and you have to trust someone else to watch him and make the pain go away. "Dad has a way with making all ouchies get better and you know Timothy won't let anything else happen to him."

"True..." Alain whines turning fast to walk back towards his pup. "I just need to see him one more time!"

"No!" Kurt pulls him back and into a tight hug. "Just relax. He's fine and he'll be all happy and giggly when you're done singing and dancing on stage."

"God this summer is going to suck. Spending all that time away from him and Nick while they are so close."

"And you will do it one day at a time like Blaine and I when the pups start daycare."

Alain bites his lip. "I might have another option for you... My dad... Duncan, he offered to watch the pups, all three of them, if we didn't want to do the daycare route. Instead of a bunch of strangers they would be at his house with the pups from his pack, our new pack, and Lydia. He mentioned that some of the younger omegas and alphas come and help watch the pups, as a way to help the pack. I guess it's sort of a bonding thing his pack does. Since they are so unique compared to other wolves."

"I think I like that idea. We'll talk it over later, here comes Coach Sylvester."

Coach Sylvester was actually smiling and might even have a bit of moisture in her eyes, but that didn't matter. She would actually miss this bunch of misfit mutts and humans. "Well ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for us to part way. You guys will go on to do great things in the world while I stay and deal with butt chin and his closed minded way of dealing with wolves along with pushing my new campaign to train all members of our community on the traits of omega and alpha wolves, in conjunction with assisting curly tops older brother get teachers, like myself, hired to run the new school for omegas."

"Wait, Coach does that mean you're leaving McKinley?" one of the Cheerios gasp out.

"It does. I'm moving up in position, with the backing of Pack leader Anderson and his Beta Hummel, I'm going to be the pack representative in the school district meetings to make sure all rights for pack children are kept in mind with new policies and to make sure the educational standard on pack dynamics are up to date along with pressing for teaching wolves that they don't have to mate at 16. I'll also be a part time teacher at the omega school as the choir instructor, because you all have inspired me this past couple years, and a competitive cheer squad."

"An all omega competitive team. I like it." Kurt grins as he thinks about all the heads that will turn and jaws that will drop seeing an entire group of omegas that are strong and confident competing against alphas and humans.

"If you weren't running off to be what ever it is you chose to be, I'd want you there as my assistant coach. You are quite the inspiration Kurt Hummel."

Kurt puffs his chest at the compliment before turning away to get everyone moving into position to perform. No need to push the emotions anymore. None of them have ever seen Sue Sylvester being the openly kind and caring person she seems to be right now and none of them want to ruin this last glimpse of her with the normal biting comments she uses to hide her caring side.

Burt Hummel, beta to the pack leader and owner of Hummel Tire and Lube, was feeling as if his life was ending. Something he hadn't felt since watching his dear Lizzy fade in front of his eyes all those years ago. Now he feels it for a different reason, a happier occasion and one he knew was coming since his son would sit and stare all starry eyed as he watched Blaine run around the yard. His little boy was all grown up, graduating high school, and within the week will be on the road to New York in order to walk through the houses the agency picked out according to what all four of the boys were needing. Truly, he's losing four boys not just one and three of the most precious additions to their family.

Those shining eyes and fluffy hair. The odd words they blurt out now and then and the constant baby spittle over his shoulder. Even now as the kids, no young adults, file of the stage after preforming a set of songs that brought the house to their feet, he looks down at the tiny baby in a fully supported siting position against his stomach and sucking on his thumb while making all sorts of cooing noises.

Moments later he feels a gentle arm reach down and take the baby, as Alain and Nick settle into the seats in front of him and another set of arms wrap around his shoulders as Kurt nuzzles against his dad.

"Dad, I wish you wouldn't look so sad." Kurt whispers as they start to give speeches and such. He doesn't get to walk across the stage, it hurts but he knew it would be that way since he did the homeschool method. His diploma is at home already in a box ready for the move.

"You're not my baby any more, my little pup is all grown up and moving on to a new pack." Burt playfully ruffles his sons' hair, chuckling at the annoyed huff and jaw clack he gets in response. "You don't need me anymore."

"You're wrong dad." Kurt looks up with his bright blue eyes and smiles as he tilts his head, studying his dad. "I'll always be your pup and I will always need you. No matter where I go or what I do, I'll always come to you when I need help, encouragement, a good telling off, or just to bitch and moan about the stupid things alphas do that make me bonkers. I love you dad."

"Promise me you will visit and send me a hundred pictures a day of my grandkids, all three of them."

"Three?" Kurt slowly grins. "Dad, have you adopted..."

"Don't have to adopt them, they're my boys."

"You big softy papa wolf." Kurt giggles, getting shushed by people around them as names start getting called. "Love you dad. Now cheer for your other boy!" Kurt swoops over and takes his son in his arms as he cheers with Timothy as Blaine takes his walk across the stage.

Burt Hummel was a proud father as he watches his son equally cheer for all of his friends. Definitely a very proud father.


They spend the next few days hanging out with everyone from both Dalton and McKinley. Pool parties, football skirmishes, baseball games (Though Blaine makes sure Kurt wears more appropriate sports gear this time), and just good old fashioned hanging out as they pin down the plans for the camping trip in July. They all avoid the conversation about how they won't see each other again until July. None of them want to bring up how from here on they were going their separate ways to become adults and that they would slowly start to grow apart, even if they swear they won't.

The boys knew inside that this was the moment that hey start heading towards their futures and that they will be only as good as they make it. Kurt tried to hide the fact that he saw tears in his dads eyes as they load up the mini-van, yes the boys bought a mini-van as it was the only vehicle they could find to fit 3 car seats and 4 of them once they start doing outing sin New York together, and his Navigator with everything they would need for the next few weeks of house hunting.

"Are you sure you want to take the kids with you?" Burt is trying his hardest to hide how much it hurts to watch his family leave all at once.

"Yes dad, it's a good way to warm them up to the ne pack and have them see here they might be living." Kurt double checks the cooler to make sure they have plenty of toddler snacks, adult snacks, and drinks for everyone.

"That is a good idea. I just am worried it might be too much for them and you to adjust and..."

"Dad." Kurt turns towards his dad, slowly smiling. "You can say it, you know, because I'll miss you too and you know the kids will miss heir Gwamps."

They both laugh as Burt finally let's his tears show while he pulls his little boy into his arms. "I'll miss you so much. I want you to be careful around that new pack, just until you know who is safe to be around and who isn't. Don't go against your instincts when it comes to the pups and call me every day. We can slowly wean each other off that much talking, but please until then call me and just tell me you're fine and let me listen to the pups cry or gurgle or maybe even say gwampa."

Kurt nuzzles down into his dads chest, just breathing in the scent of his dad. "I will. You know I will because I'll need to hear your voice too."

Both men stay wrapped in each other's arms until they hear laughter and felt tiny bodies collide with their legs and grip.

"Gwampa. We go bye bye." Elizabeth clings to her grandfather.

"Vwoom! Vwoom!" Timothy makes car noises and moves his hand around, mimicking a car driving around. "We go vwoom!"

"That you are muffins and guess what?" Burt gets down on his knees, pulling them both into his arms and making them laugh. "I'm gunna miss you waddling around and getting into trouble."

"No! We no twu-ble. You lufs us!" Timothy buries his nose in and pulls in the comforting scent of his grandfather.

"I do 'lufs' you my little helper."

"I lufs you gwampa." Timothy looks up, causing Burt to start crying again as he sees the worry lines on his grandsons' forehead and the water leaking out of the corner of his eyes.

"I lufs you too gwampa!" Elizabeth is all happiness and smiles.

"Love you too Princess." Burt kisses her cheek before sending her with Kurt to go get buckled in as he pulls Timothy against him tighter, trying to settle the omegas nerves. "It's alright. You're going to be alright."


"I know, but you have your dads, Uncle Alain, Uncle Nick, and Elizabeth to look after you." Burt lets the little boy breathe in his scent as much as he needs too. "And you need to look after Richard. Right?"

Timothy nods slowly as he snuffles. "Ichard needs me."

"That's right. He needs you more than I do."

"No. You need me gwampa."


"You sad, no sad gwampa."

"You do always make me smile, but you have to go. Your Papa and daddy would be so sad if you stayed with me."

"Oh." Timothy fidgets. "Wisit gwampa?"

"I'll visit. Now you be a good boy and go with you daddy. Look he's waiting for you." Burt points to show Timothy where Blaine is standing with his hand out. "Go on buddy. Go be a big boy for your grandpa."

"Bye-bye gwampa. I lufs you. Miss you." Timothy kisses Burt's cheek before taking in another big sniff of his scent before tottering off to his daddy that scoops him up and holds the boy close as he heads to the van to buckle him in.

Once all three kids are buckled into their car seats in the van and the agreement was set on where Kurt and Blaine will switch off with Nick an Alain to drive the kids. Tear filled good-bye were given between all the parents and the four boys who then broke off to get in their vehicles and drive out. Burt didn't even hesitate as he hurried to the van where Timothy was bawling and calling for his Grandpa, opening the door and giving the boy his over shirt as a blanket. Alain smiles from the passenger seat.

"Thank you. I think he really needed that comfort."

"I should have thought of it sooner. Omegas don't deal with change easily." Burt kisses all three pups cheeks. "You boys drive safe and I'll send a care package so that he has something better when you get there."

Nick watches Timothy in the rearview mirror, burying himself in his grandpas' scent and clinging to the shirt like it's his life line. He's never seen the boy show his omega side like this before. "Maybe after the camping trip..."

"Henry and I will work on coming to stay with you guys for a bit to keep the kids stable in their new pack. If we need to come sooner, let me know." Burt startles when he feels a hand on his back, turning to see Carol handing him a couple more shirts and gesturing towards Elizabeth and Richard who are staring at Timothy with their noses flaring. "Thank you hun."

Kurt is running over as he's tucking the kids in with his shirts, gasping for air. "Is everything alright?"

"Of course it is. There is a slight... um well..." Carol hugs Kurt and whispers n his ear. "Your dad is having trouble letting go and the pups needed his scent to keep them calm. We gave them some of his shirts, just like I know you stole one of his ball caps."

"How did you..."

"A mother knows these things, even if I'm just a step-mother."

"Thank you Carol. Thank you for being there for dad and me this whole time."


What should have been a 9 hour drive, turns into a 12 hour drive. They find that traveling with such a young pup turns into constant stops to feed Richard and let the other two run around a bit before they snack. The boys all switched off who was driving what vehicle four times, each one taking a turn driving each vehicle. Needless to say they were worn out and ready to keel over by the time they reached the McKay home.

Every day they are in New York is spent looking at house after house. The first week is spent on the houses they had found online, none of them really working out for varying reasons, and then the second week was spent looking at places with the agent assigned to them from Alain's agency. Those turned out to be better for them, but still none seemed just right. They had almost lost hope of finding the perfect place until the day of the full moon.

They were all driving to the large park where the packs all meet to have their runs, a unifying technique all the pack leaders have developed to deal with the 20 different packs in such a small area. Alain was nervous since every moon until now he has watched his little boy turn into a nearly hairless pup that can't walk and has its eyes closed. He was told it was normal for a pup born as early as his was, but he was still worried about how the other packs and the new wolves will act around an obvious runt. It's during these mental ramblings that he feels the car stop as Kurt calls out for them to stop. Nick quickly backs up and pulls into the drive in front of a "For Sale" sign, Duncan pulling up behind them with a curious look on his face.

"This. This is perfect!" Kurt hops out of the car to look around.

Alain looks up and gasps at the stone walls framing a house that looks like a castle. "It's beautiful."

Duncan smiles as he watches the four boys looking around as much as they can. "It belongs to a couple from another pack. They put it up for sale after their pups moved out and they didn't need this much space for just the two of them."

"So they will be there tonight?" Nick asks, seeing that sparkle in both Kurt and Alain's eyes, he knows this is the place they want to tour next. "That way we can talk to them about a showing with our agent and suck."

"No, they live out of this district now, but it shouldn't be that hard to get a viewing. I know the pack leader that is handling its sale. I'll talk with her tonight before the run."

"Thank you!" Alain runs over and hugs him.


30 packs in one area is a major cultural shock for the boys who are used to only being with their one pack on a run. They were being introduced to each of the pack leaders and learning there really are no boundaries, you just pick which pack you want to be in and ask to join and they decide if you are in or not. Otherwise all 30 packs help each other out in every way they can. Most of the packs are families, one is all Irish descendants, another is all college kids that come in from all over the world and they got together to form a constantly changing pack, others are all mechanics. It's quite amusing listening to why each pack was formed.

Their pups are clinging to their daddies as they move about greeting people and getting to know some other parents with your pups, a young woman from the McKay pack offers to nurse the pups if they need it after the shift. Kurt turns her down since their twins are already on solid food after shifting and holds Timothy closer as the little boy pulls his grandpa's shirt tighter around himself. Alain however accepts and tries to get Richard to open up to the young woman, Molly McKay.

Nick and Blaine puff up with pride at all the compliments they are getting about how well behaved their pups are and how adorable they are. Alpha pride always makes Kurt laugh.

"So, you must be the new blood."

Kurt turns to see who was talking to him. "One of them. Kurt Hummel." He offers a hand out, nose sniffing the air to identify the alpha as someone he hasn't meet yet.

"Sebastian Smyth, beta for the Kappa Pi pack." He laughs as Kurt looks confused as he shakes his hand. "The college pack. The original leader thought it would be fun to make it more of a fraternity. Now we just can't change it and who is this little guy?"

Kurt instinctively looks around for Blaine while he smiles politely. "This is my son, Timothy. Timmy say hello to our new friend."

"No." Timmy buries his face n his grandfather's shirt and hides from the alpha.


"It's alright. Omegas this young tend to have trouble with new locations and this is a really stressful situation with all these new wolves around. Even I was uneasy my first run."

"I'm glad to hear it's pretty standard to be nervous. Was your mate uncomfortable their first run?"

"I don't have a mate." His eyes look straight into Kurt's "All the ones I would have chosen are already taken."

Kurt doesn't even get to respond to the obvious flirtation in the wolves' voice as his scenes are filled with Blaine holding him and Timmy close as he growls in warning. "Their taken for a reason."

"Most of the time it's because they didn't have a choice."

"That isn't Kurt. He's the one who initiated our mating."

"Blaine!" Kurt turns bright red as he huffs with pride at being acknowledged in that way,

"Oh really? You definitely have me intrigued Kurt Hummel, but I know when I should take my leave. Enjoy your first run with us." Sebastian walks off with an odd smirk on his face and a sway in his walk. Kurt can't help but watch the other alpha walk away.

"Stop watching him!" Blaine whines. "You can't leave me."

"Huh?" Kurt turns to face his flustered mate. "Are you... oh my god you are afraid I'll run off on you? You do know this mate thing doesn't work that way right? You're the only one I want and the only one my body will want."

"There are ways..." he mumbles.

"Just shut up you big baby." Kurt pull shim into a kiss, showing his mate how much he belongs to the other wolf. Timothy laughs at his daddies. "Now do you believe me?"


"Good. Let's go and strip down so that we can change. I'm starting to see fur and Richard is going to need encouragement still."

Blaine grabs Elizabeth from Nick before heading with Kurt to strip and shift, following out the black and white fluffy balls as they run straight to the now screaming his head off Richard. Timothy of course is dragging grandpas' shirt. Kurt had tried taking it away, but nope he won't part from it. Both of their noses sniff at the naked baby screaming his head off as his parents' licks at his skin to try and get him to shift with them. The rest of the new pack keep their distance, but pace as they hear the distress from their newest member.

Timothy finally sticks his nose to his friends' nose and just stares him down making the baby stop crying and reach up to grab his fur with a giggle. Timmy yips and licks at Richard as the boy finally starts to shift. His bluish grey fur matching Nick's greyish tones showing as he rolls over. Alain noses at his son to see if he's going to open his eyes this time. Sniffing at the puff ball of grey. They all perk up when little mewling noises hit their ears as Richard starts to squirm to get his legs under him as he tries to stand up. They bark and huff happily as he toddles up onto all four legs as his bright green eyes open to look straight into Timothy's eyes. Elizabeth hops around them yipping happily before Alain let's Molly and her little girl omega pup into their circle to feed Richard as Nick and Blaine run off to see what food Duncan has for them all.

The night is filled with squirrel chasing, pups squabbling, yipping, and for the first time since getting to New York the boys felt like they had made the right choice as they watch their daughter play with a whole bunch of puppies of varying ages and Timothy never leaving Richards side as they toddle around the grass chasing fireflies.

Kurt doesn't notice Sebastian sticking close to him, but he doesn't care either because he has the pups to look after and Blaine to keep calm as he's acting more like a puppy then their pups.


By the end of the week the house is being put in their name, the couple that were selling it more than happy to sign it over to two families with pups. They head back to Ohio, this time with just the minivan, to arrange their stuff being moved to the new house from storage and the old house, though they plan to keep the house for when they visit. Burt takes his last full week with the pups to spoil all three of them while the boys all get their friends together and prepare for the camping trip.

A trip that started out on a high note and by the time they were all sitting around the first nights campfire they had all realized that no matter what they promised, this could be the last trip they all take together. The mood stayed heavy until ran back to the tent to change his clothes to the same ones he wore the first night they mated, leaned over and whispered in Blaine's ear. "

"Happy Anniversary." Before he took off running towards the woods with Blaine on his heels and everyone whooped and catcalled after them. No one saw them both sneak back into camp, clothes disheveled and hair full of leaves.

After that everything was just like it was every year. The boys acted like asses, the girls made fun of them. Fishing, hot dogs, and swimming. They even had impromptu sing offs between the Dalton boys, the McKinley group, and the turn coast (the ones that left Dalton for McKinley). It was the most fun camping trip they have ever had. None of them will admit to crying as they said goodbye for the last time for some of their friends and for at least a year for the rest as the all go off to start their adult lives.


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