Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 34

E - Words: 4,214 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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"You know, I think we're getting a better education from that tutor person your agency hired then we were ever getting at McKinley, maybe even better then Dalton." Nick rubs Richards back to help him burp up the gas bubbles making him grumpy.

Alain laughs as he cleans up the counter from their lunch as they wait for the tutor to come back from her lunch. "That's what happens when you get someone who's job is to make sure those of us that are famous can throw people off by showing them we're smart as well."


"Plus usually when you're on a circuit or on a long term set or on tour, you don't have the ability to go to school. This just makes it easier having educators on hand to do one on one schooling." After laying the wash rag down to dry, Alain moves to wrap his arms around his mate and coos down at their son. "We do need to talk though. School will be ending soon and we need to decide about our future living arrangements."

"I thought that was easy to figure out."

"Not if you want to go to a college on the other side of the country." Alain kisses his cheek before moving to take the slowly falling asleep pup from his mates' arms. "My agency would like me in New York, but they would settle for me being in LA and if you really wanted to I could out my foot down and just agree to fly in for whenever they need me."

"That last one isn't an option." Nick clacks his jaw making it final. Like hell will he let them be apart just because he might want to go to college? "I thought we were moving to New York with Kurt and Blaine?"

"We can do that, it's something Kurt and I have been talking about, but if you wanted to go to a school other than NYU where they are both going, it would be better for us to live alone closer to it."

"What if I don't want to do school and would rather stay at your side and take care of our son while I cheer you on?"

"You would really..."

"Yeah. It isn't a really hard choice. I can always do school later if I want too, but this time with you and Richard is a once in a lifetime happening. Anyways I won't be the only stay at home alpha. Wes is delaying school to be a stay at home papa."

"Why? I thought he had a full ride to just about any school he wanted."

"Amy got an offer from the Chicago Symphony Orchestra after this past summer freelancing with them and they agreed she should take it."

"They were planning to start their family though."

"Hence Wes being a stay at home dad. He talked about taking some online courses in business or something so that he can make sure no one tries to ruin her career with a faulty contract or something, but he's going to raise their pups."

Alain smiles happily knowing that the noble alphas are starting to change how they see things. "Alright then. We'll start looking at places near NYU and have the agency look for something with privacy and someplace the pups will be happy."


Julie laughs as she nuzzles against Jeff while they all joke about outside for lunch. "Amy I can't believe you got that kind of offer! Congratulations!"

"Thank you. It was a bit of a shock, but we talked it over and it's something we're both willing to go for." Amy leans over kissing Wes softly. "What about you two? What great adventure are you going on after graduation?"

Jeff grins brightly. "LA. Or Florida. I have offers from both for Film, though I think we're going with LA."

"I like the makeup schools there more. Plus, not sure how I'd like living in the humidity of Florida. I'm going to miss you though!" Julie reaches for her friends' hand. "You've been there for me the past two years and made me feel normal and loved in a way that best friends can."

"We will have to visit each other during breaks and such." Amy sniffles trying not to cry as she realizes her best friend is going to be in another state.

Blaine clacks his jaw in thought, getting everyone to look at him. "I think we need to make a vow that no matter what we're doing or where we're at, we will all meet back here every summer for our annual camping trip. Starting this summer before we all go off to our new lives. You guys are my family, my pack, and I don't want to completely lose you guys."

"What do you think?" Wes smiles, loving the idea of having a reason to visit every year.

"We'll have to agree again when we have Alain and Nick with us." Amy nods her agreement to the plan.

"Not to mention the others that always come with us." Kurt chimes in as he nuzzles closer to Blaine.


"I don't like this."

"Nick stop complaining, you knew what kind of life you were getting yourself into before we mated." Alain glares at his mate before going back to dressing Richard in an outfit to match theirs. All three wearing white tee's with a white button up and blue jeans, Richards variation was a white onesie with little blue ducks on it and some pale blue socks.

"I still don't see why we have to do this! Dress up and let all those people take over the house..."

"It's a photo shoot and an exclusive interview and you know that it was the bargain we made to get the cameras off our back when Richard was born. We just need to go out there and get our family picture taken and then answer a few questions from People Magazine."

"It's still stupid."

"Well suck it up or I'll tell them you do math homework in your sleep."

"That was one time and it was finals week!" Nick gasps before laughing when Alain loses control and breaks with how he was joking. "Sorry. I know I agreed to this when I fell in love with you."

"Really? And when was that?"

"The second I heard your accented sexiness say 'What 'r you looking at mate?' followed by the sweetest hello and most awkward moments of my life trying to come clean with how talented and beautiful you were." Nick moves forward as he wraps his arms around his mate. "I guess that would mean I fell for you the second you caught that first wave."

"You are such a sap." Alain laughs before kissing Nick and huffing in anger that they can't get closer right now. "When all this is done, I'll show you how much I love you." He lets go of Nick to turn and scoop up a patiently waiting Richard that giggles when his papa smooches his cheek.

"You are such a tease."

"Not teasing, making you a promise. Later when he's asleep and the crew is gone, you are mine."

With that Alain walks out of the nursery with a big smile greeting everyone that was setting up lights and the set for their photos while introducing a nervous Richard to all the new people, leaving Nick in the back trying to focus and calm his hormones. It wouldn't really be appropriate to have your picture taken with your baby while you obviously want to rip your mates' clothes off. All of which went out the door as he stepped into the other room to see Richard and Alain posed on the sofa, which is now covered in a light blue sheet, looking breath taking. His son had the biggest smile on his face as Alain coos and tickles him while the camera was clicking away. He didn't even think about before he found himself leaning over the back of the couch and lifting Alains' chin up so that he can kiss him softly. From there the pictures snap away as they are left to be natural before the planned poses are attempted.

Kurt is groaning as he gets the twins out of the car to find the photo session is still going on. As he's calling Alain to see if it's safe to go in and trying to get Blaine to take the kids in the backdoor, Blaine doesn't hear him and just goes in the front with two toddling pups that are enjoying their new mastery of walking. Of course it's mixed with their use of words randomly. Blaine always smiles when they randomly point out something and name it with what they think it is and he either corrects them when it's nowhere close to being right or congratulates them for knowing when every bird flies by the window.

They don't even wait for their daddy to get in the house before they're running through the hall to find

"Ichard" which is chanting out of Timothy's mouth.

In time with "Ick." from Elizabeth. They are having a bit of trouble saying "R"

The production stops taking their current round of photos as the two ignore everyone and hobbles over to the sofa to a laughing Richard who brightens at seeing his little friends are home.

"Oh god. I'm so sorry! I forgot this was going on today." Blaine hurries in to gather up the toddlers with Kurt swooping in behind him with a groan at seeing he was too late to stop them. "Just give me a second and I'll have the little ones out of the way."

"I'll get Timmy." Kurt smiles at everyone, kind of happy to see they are all cooing and aweing at the twins wanting to play with Richard.

Elizabeth doesn't fight when Blaine scoops her up and hurries out of the room, but Timothy swats at his papa before pulling out his a new stuffed frog from his pocket, that Kurt will have to ask his dad about, and handing it to Richard making the baby squeal in happiness before sticking the stuffed animal straight in his mouth.

"No Ichard. No. Pway. No." Timothy whines as he watches his frog get sucked on. "No."

"Come on little guy, you know he likes chewing on everything." Kurt hugs his son that seems so upset about the frog getting chewed up. "What? What's wrong?"

"Mwah. No yum." Timothy pleads with his dad, pointing at the frog. "Mwah. No Yum."

"Mwah? Oh! Kiss? Is that the prince turned into a frog?" Everyone giggles as the little boy nods with tears growing in his eyes. "Did you want Richard to kiss the frog not take the frog?" He gets another slow nod. "Oh love, that was just a story. That frog won't turn into a prince no matter who kisses it."

"Mwah. Poof! Mwah Poof!" Timothy sniffles.

Alain tries to get the frog away from his son, making the baby cry outright because that was a present from Timmy and he wants it back. "He just wanted to show you, not give it to you."

To Kurt's surprise Timothy starts growling at Alain when he makes Richard cry. Slowly taking his toy back and hugging the now soggy frog close. When a bright flash goes off, because who could resist how adorable the kids are being, It catches the still upset Richard so off guard that he startles before outright bawling and screaming his dislike at being scared like that. There is no time to react before Timothy is turned towards the camera guy with his teeth bared and a deep warning growl being sent the man's way as he moves between Richard and the person who scared him.

"Timmy!" Kurt tries to get his son, but gets bit instead. "Blaine!" He doesn't know what to do with his son clacking his jaws and growling at anyone who tries to move if he thinks they are coming closer. This is defiantly not something an omega usually does.

"Here. Let's try this." Alain is getting up and carrying Richard closer to the out of control pup as Blaine comes rushing in at his mates' distressed call. "Look, he's fine. Everything's fine."

Turning to see who is coming closer, Timmy stops growling when he sees a red eyes, blotchy faced Richard being held in front of him.

"See. He's fine, just scared, but you are such a good boy protecting him like that. Such a good boy Timmy." Alain sits down Indian style with his baby sitting in his lap and back against his stomach so that he can watch Timothy. Richard sniffles and reaches out for the other wolf. Timmy scrambles into Alain's lap to sniff and check to make sure Richard is alright. "Everyone, I think we need a break for a moment. Richard is way too worked up for pictures right now and I'm not going to push him."

Nick nods going over to wrap around his mate and watch as the little omega snuggles to his son and wraps him in a hug. "Is it too much to say that I think pictures are done for the day and we'll be with you in a few for the interview? If you guys are alright watching Richard for a few? I think Timothy and him both need naps after all this..." He has no idea what to call it.

"Of course." Kurt smiles and waits until everyone has exited the house to give them a moment before breaking everything down to move closer. "We'll have to ask my dad about this."

"I think it's rather adorable." Alain huffs.

"It is adorable, but a bit odd. I would expect Elizabeth to act this way and she has when she thinks someone is trying to harm her brother, it's an alpha trait." Blaine reaches out slowly and caresses his sons' hair as the little guy yawns.

"Not true. I remember helping to pick on bullies when we were little." Kurt hums then just outright giggles. "Sorry! I just, think they are going to be best friends and it's comforting to know our little omega is strong enough to face off to danger." Kurt scoops Timothy up while the boy whines at first he snuggles against his papas' chest. "Let's lay them down for a nap. Are you guys alright with us leaving them both in one crib?"

"Perfectly alright." Alain kisses his sons forehead before passing the baby to Blaine. "We shouldn't be too long. Just have the interview part to finish."

"Take your time." Blaine coos down at the yawning baby. "You are just going to sleep aren't you Richard? Hum?"

Elizabeth pokes her head in. "Daaa!" She waves around the TV remote. Blaine had enough time to turn the television on, but not start her movie. "Daa!"

"Oh sweet girl! Did daddy leave you watching the intro screen to your movie?" Blaine hurries around a laughing Kurt to go and start the movie before laying Richard down in his crib.

The two boys snuggle together and just sleep in the adorable way they figured out since Richard is to small and young to do much cuddling. All while Elizabeth takes advantage of having both her daddies to herself while they all watch Tangled, at least until her little brain gives out and she falls asleep snuggled up with Blaine, who fell asleep. Kurt rolls his eyes and covers them with a blanket before going about doing some house work.

Alain and Nick answer all the questions with a smile. Their future plans, how they meet, what it's like being parents so young, and anything they can about wolf habits and things the humans reading the article might wonder about them being teen parents.


They were all in the choir room grumbling and groaning about having to meet when school was so close to ending. They had each confirmed their acceptance into the universities they decided on, Kurt and Blaine were ecstatic to have finally gotten their acceptance letters to NYU so that they can all go house hunting this summer. Even Finn, who seemed to be a bit happier lately, is going to the local community college for mechanics and is working towards taking over Burt's garage when he's too old to do it anymore.

"Finn, what have you been so perky about lately? I'd figure man hands would be out to make sure you were miserable while cleaning up her messes." Santana snaps at him while caressing Britany's rounding stomach. No one had known the human Britany would be able to carry the alpha wolf Santana's pups, but apparently she can.

"She got her acceptance letter from Nyada and dumped me." Finn shrugs when everyone mumbles things along the lines of 'told you so' and 'thought so' but none of them made him lose his smile.

Kurt tilts his head and studies his step brother. "You seem to be happy about her dumping you."

"I am. After what she did to Alain and Nick, I took a closer look and you guys were right. She is self-centered and only wanted to visit because she thought Alain could get her into Nyada or something. *He shrugs. "She can't accept the wolf side of her and doesn't care for my wolf, so why try to fight her? She isn't my mate. That girl is still out there somewhere."

"That is very grown up of you Finn." Kurt goes over and hugs his brother. "You'll know. Your wolf will know who is right and tell you. Trust me." He looks over at Blaine. "My wolf knew the second we first helped that injured rabbit escape our first moon."

"You were..."

"Told tell Blaine this." Kurt whispers. "But I see the same connection between Timothy and Richard. Dad commented on it yesterday when he came by and saw the two of them and apparently he only ever hears 'ichard' out of my sons' mouth." The two brothers' laughs, bringing an odd look from Blaine. "I hope it's that way. If not they will be such good friends."

"They will do what they want as long as their hearts are in it." Finn nods slowly. "You taught me that your heart and your wolf are one and the same and no one can tell either what to do or who it wants."

"When you find your mate, she will be one very lucky woman to have such a man by her side."

"I'm going to miss you." Finn fidgets as he looks down at his hands. "I'll miss you and the pups and Blaine and even Alain and Nick, even though I haven't gotten to know them like everyone else has because I've been stupid and blind."

"Blind, not stupid, but you keep your promise to come on the yearly camping trip and to visit when you can."

"I'll be there every year."

Its then that Sue comes in "Alright people! I know you are all just happy as puppies in a room full of plush animals to be here, but it's really important. We've been asked, or more like told, that we will be performing for the graduation ceremony and sadly it has to be a combined show with my graduating Cheerios and the schools other musical group, that I thought had been disbanded because it's just a creepy teacher that should have been removed from the building and one student."

Rachel walks in with Mr. Shue all happy and grinning like she owned the room. "So what song am I singing?"

"Hold it missy, that isn't how things go here." Sue Sylvester had no intention of giving the golden girl anything. "I already have the performance pieces chosen and no one has a full song solo. All the graduating members will be featured and those who are also Cheerios will also be a crucial part of each routine. I'm also calling in a favor and giving spotlight time to two members that we lost. Let's put it to a vote: Who would like to give one song to Nick and Alain?

Everyone raised their hands and cheered, except Rachel who huffs about not being featured when she is obviously going to be the only one to become a star after graduation and Mr. Shue who voices that Rachel should share that spotlight with Alain and Nick.

"Let's go to the auditorium then!" She smiles at the two complainers. "This is still a unit and because of that it's a majority vote. We don't single people out unless they decide. I was told you had to be part of the show, I wasn't told you were the show so suck it up princess," She glares at Shue at the princess comment "and let's go practice."

When everyone gets to the auditorium they are meet with the senior Cheerios on stage running through a makeshift dance routine with Neon Trees "Trouble" with Alain and Nick and Alain's agent and team sitting in the audience. "Sue Sylvester?" The agent goes up and greets their coach. "Thank you so much for inviting Alain to do this. It's just the right scene for him to launch his upcoming summer tour and get back into the mindset to perform again."

"No problem. We really missed having him as my assistant director after everything that happened with his pregnancy. Alright guys, get up on stage and warm up. First song is all on Alain and Nick, they have it planned and their choreographer has the routine all set." She tries not to laugh at the dropped jaws that Rachel and Mr. Shue couldn't hide. Like she was going to do this last show without anything but the best and nothing beats having a real set of professionals offering their talent. "Now let's go through this routine again with my colleague, Mr. Shue who has a student that is being added to the mix. Rachel, you better get up there and learn your parts."

"Of course! Mr. Shue, glad to meet you now this is what we have worked out..." She goes on and on about lighting and movement and sound while he nods and listens to everything that is going on.

Kurt grabs Alain into a tight hug. "Oh my god! You never said anything about coming today! Where's Richard?"

Laughing Alain returns the hug. "With Elizabeth and his shadow at your dads. I've never seen Timothy happier then when he realized Richard would be with him all day."

"They are a pair. Now what are we doing?"

Nick bites his lip as he drags Blaine closer. "We want it to be a four part piece with you two and we will have a front and center dance piece."

"Sounds good. What song?" Blaine claps.

"I wanted to play a little joke on them first so how about we do Nicklebacks 'Something in Your Mouth' for fun, but for real I though OneDirections 'Story of My Life' would be appropriate for a graduation." Alain laughs at how happy Kurt and Blaine seem to be with his first choice of a joke.

"Let's do it. I want to see Rachel turn red with embarrassment at hearing that kind of song. She's headed to New York, she better get over this little innocent act of hers."

It only takes a few minutes to sort out who was taking what verse before Alain runs over to the sound guy to tell him what they are up too and getting him to agree with a laugh as he loads up the song track in place of the one that was queued to play. This will be a good test of everyone's ability to adapt to a situation when something gets changed on them last second.

"Alright everyone ready? I'll give us a count down and then the music will start. You know your routines, if not wing it." Alain gets front and center with the other three right behind him. "You guys ready? Camera set?" He gets a thumbs up from his agent before his grin widens. "Good. You won't want to miss a second of this."

She barely has a chance to cuss and make a move to make whatever he has planned stop, but it's too late. His count down goes and the opening lines go and the music starts right before Alain is belting out lyrics that he changes just slightly.

"Got to meet the hottie with the million dollar body, they say it's over budget, but you'd pay him just to touch it, come on!"

It throws everyone off for a few seconds before most of the Starlight's and the Cheerios shrug and go into a somewhat decent improve routine while filling in background vocals as the four boys alternate between parts. Coach Sylvester is, impressed. They actually did really well when it was obviously a last second change. She's done her job of teaching them to be prepared, relaxed, and professional. Rachel on the other hand was over on the side of the room screeching complaints to the sound guy about that being the wrong song and how is she supposed to do anything with this.

By the time rehearsal was over, they had run through the boys feature song "Chasing the Sun" by The Wanted and the girls song of a remixed version of "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)" by Fall Out Boy, which did include Rachel, but had just about everyone floored with Santana setting the tone with all her lines. After which Alain said he needs to work on a different song at home to compare, because the girls are going to steal the show.


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