Who Says
Chapter 31 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Who Says: Chapter 31

E - Words: 3,441 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Blaine was trying everything he could to make Kurt see how truly sorry he was for treating him the way he had been. It wasn't either of their faults that the no brained idiots around them can't comprehend that omegas are not inferior beings that need to be put in their place. They had talked everything out and learned there are a few issues that they really need to work on, namely communication, before they can really hope to get back to what they had before the twins were born. What better way to show Kurt how much he cares about him then nominating him for prom king?

"Blaine! What are you doing?" Nick raises a brow at him as he hangs up another poster.

"Showing Kurt I love him?"

"By forcing him to run for prom king? With who as his..." He groans before laughing when Blaine sends him puppy eyes. "YOU are running for prom queen? Oh, yeah, ok he'll be so busy laughing at this that he won't kill you."

"Some friend you are. He'll be happy, even if we don't win, because I'm showing everyone that omega is just a medical designation, not something that makes you inferior."

"Like you two will lose. Everyone will want to see you knocked off your pedestal of being the pack leaders' son by having you be labeled a woman for the night."

"Guess I better where my best suit then."

"I'll help you work on your curtsy. So where is your better half? I know he left early this morning to drop the kids off."

Blaine starts walking again, pulling out another poster to hang a few feet down. "He's in the library looking into schools for college. We decided that, even though New York is where we want to go and it's a lot more forward thinking than most pack areas they still have restrictions on what omegas can do, that he'll find schools he wants to attend and then I'll apply to the same ones or ones close to it."

"Smart move. So he'll be at lunch with us?"

"Most definitely. Now help me hang these posters."


Picking out what college you want to apply to should be considered an Olympic sport. Finding what places are in New York, then you have to knock out all the ones that have restrictions against omegas. After all of that you need to go one by one to see what programs there are and what you really want to study and compare it to other activities on campus that grabs your attention. If that was the end of it things would be simple, but no. Now he has a stack of pages printed out about each one so that he can sit down with Blaine and figure out the daycare situations near each location and if they have what Blaine wants to do offered or are close enough to another school that does. A lot of work just to narrow it down to a few and then send them money and an application so they can dictate his future.

When he looks at the clock, Kurt is happy to see he finished up before lunch and hurried to pack everything up before heading to leave the library while he sends a text to Lillian to check on their pups followed by one to Blaine to tell him where to meet in the lunch room. Everything was going wonderfully, until he heard those voices that have been making his life entertaining, but so very monotonous that he just wished they would figure out they will never knock him down. Even with Coach Sylvester going after them they never stopped pushing him in gym or making fun of him the few times a day he's in the building. Stupid jocks. He normally wouldn't be there this early for gym, but oh well.

"Hey there princess! What are you doing off your leash? Don't you know your place?"

"Maybe we should show him."

"Oo I like that idea. What do you say princess?"

Kurt turns to take the verbal abuse to see that they weren't talking to him. Instead they have Alain cornered, head down and hand protectively covering his stomach. An oddly submissive position for the omega who is usually growling and nipping at everyone. It only takes a moment for Kurt to start moving towards them, especially when one of those asses pushes Alain back into the lockers loud enough for him to hear it.

"Get your hands off of him!" He shoves his way into the group, getting between Alain and the jocks. Glaring them all down. Now he can hear the warning growls coming from Alain behind him and he wonders why he held back.

"Lookie here! Miss Hummel is here snipping his teeth and trying to be an alpha!"

"You know what? All of this that you're doing will come back and bite you in the ass one day. When you learn your mate doesn't give a shit about you and your pups will hate you because times have changed and you refuse to grow up!"


He doesn't give the guy a chance to yell back once he saw they shift in his body signaling that he was about to attack, his fist is flying through the air and connects with a sickening crack as his Kurt squares off in a defensive position and growls loud enough to grab the attention of the teachers in the closest classrooms that come rushing to see what's going on along with other students that start to circle up and see what the commotion is.

The bonus to being an omega, especially a mated omega, is that the offending alphas are automatically lead away while the wolves' mates are fetched. No one's dumb enough to try and calm down an agitated wolf they're not mated with. Kurt takes that time to turn and sniff at Alain, checking for blood or if anything hurts. He stops when smells something that he hasn't smelled since he was having issues with his pregnancy.

"You're bleeding."

"A little spotting, but I started feeling fluid seeping out during class so I went to the bathroom. That's where I saw the spotting." Alain looks at Kurt with tears in his eyes. "I was headed to the nurse when those asshats started following me."

"Let's get you to the car. Screw the nurse you're going to the doctor."

"Ok. Did they send for Nick? I want Nick."

"He's on his way." Kurt pulls Alain into his arms and growls whenever someone tries to talk to them or takes a step to close. He only relaxes when he hears Blaine and Nick calling out to them before he smiles to sooth their nerves a bit. Going fully lax when he hears Coach Sylvester shooing everyone away as Nick pulls Alain from him to give his own once over and Blaine holds Kurt close, sniffing everywhere he can.

"Porcelain? Who do I have to berate for upsetting one of my Cheerios?" Coach Sylvester kneels down to visually check Kurt and Alain over.

"The jocks. Alain needs to see a doctor and was headed to the nurses' office and they cornered him. When I saw them shove him, I snapped. Punched one of them." Kurt jumps slightly when Nick growls loudly and has to be held down by Nick and Alain.

"I think you guys should go. I'll cover for you with the rest of your classes and don't worry about Cheerios or Glee. It's more important that we have your health and safety at this school worked out."

"Thank you Coach Sylvester."

Sue nods before walking them to the main doors, growling at anyone who even looks at her wolves in a funny way. They are all fairly certain that she will get the bullying to stop.


While Blaine was outside on the phone with his dad discussing what's been happening at school and how the pack should head off the bullying of omegas, Kurt was left in the waiting room of the clinic Alain's doctor is at being bored out of his mind. They really should update their magazine stock with something other than three year old women's journals and children's books that just scream 'full of nasty germs that will infect you and your kids' that he won't touch. Taking a nasty flu bug home to their pups does not sound like the smartest thing to do. Instead, he's reading through the school information pages he brought and sorting them by how interested in attending the college he is. Right before Blaine comes back in something sticking out of his mates backpack catches his eye.

Blaine groans as he walks over towards Kurt rubbing his hands over his face to try and relieve the stress from knowing that the pack is going to become irritated with how his dad is going to tear them a new one about their kids' behavior in the schools. His heart sinks more when he sees Kurt wide eyed and blushing with one of the posters for the prom king promotion. "I can explain."

"You would... do this for me?" Kurt looks up at his mate.

"Of course. You're my king and I want everyone to see you the way I do."

"You're running for queen?"


"With me being the king?"


"You are such... this is so... oh god I love you." Kurt rubs at his eyes as he shakes his head. "An alpha running as the secondary to his omega is just..."

"I don't see it as and alpha running second to an omega, it's one half of a team admitting that the other is better than they ever will be. Though, the alpha and omega parts might have spurred some of it, but only when it comes to how the other students view us and to show them that what they think is wrong."

"You idiot..."

"I'll take them all down tomorrow if you want, I know I should have talked to you first but I just wanted to do something that would show the school who you really are and that we are equals instead of me bossing you around."

"That's why I think this is sweet and beautiful. Thank you." Kurt stands up slowly wrapping his arms around his mate. "I love you so much. I'm sorry I've been moody and picking fights with you even after we talked everything out. It's just been a very stressful year."

"And we'll get through this together."

"And understanding our biological differences so that we stop fighting over stupid things."

"Think we'll still fight though. We're way to stubborn not to."

"Let's go get some coffee and talk about colleges wait for them to get done."

Blaine just nods and kisses Kurt softly before they gather their things and head towards the door to hit the coffee place down the street. Sending off a text to Nick to let him know where they are.


Alain has been spending most of the appointment so far trying to sooth his mate's nerves. Not an easy task when you feel off yourself.

"Nick, baby please calm down. You're upsetting our pup."

"How do you know I'm upsetting them?"

He just side eyes Nick before groaning and pulling his hand to where the pup is kicking. "Because he's sending an s.o.s. signal with his feet."

The doctor chose that moment to come in with a bright smile on her face. "Glad to hear the pup is kicking finally. Afternoon boys, so I see you have some spotting and leakage?" Alain nods slowly with a blush forming on his cheeks at being caught in such an intimate moment, at least to him it was intimate. "Well let me take a look, run some blood tests, do a fluid test as we check the pup for growth and heart rate and if they feel like cooperating, we'll figure out the sex."

Once they get started, it's a downhill road the entire way. The more they poke and prod, the more agitated Alain became. Growling at everyone that tried to touch him which just irritates Nick. Both boys growling as the cool gel is put over his stomach.

"You are how far along now?" She moves the wand around clicking things and losing her smile the longer she looks.

"30 weeks." Nick mumbles out, his eyes never leaving the screen that is showing him inside their pups' world. Missing when Alain closes his eyes and tries to relax.

The doctor fully loses any signs of everything being alright as she moves the wand over the pup. "There's the star of the hour." She clicks some buttons as she shifts the wand around the pup and her smile starts to come back. "You wanted to know the gender?"

"Yes." Alain huffs out as he watches their pup move on the screen.

With a bit of moving their baby showed them his most intimate parts. "You have a little boy."

"So what have you been waiting to tell us?" Nick growls at her. "Don't act like I didn't see your face fall, you have a horrible poker face."

"It won't be confirmed until the blood tests come back, but you are showing signs of there being a tear the lining of your amniotic sac."

"What does that mean?" Nick is really not liking this doctor at all.

"I suspicion that you have gone into early labor."

That's it, Nick loses it. "You Suspicion? You don't know? I want you to leave this room and get us a different doctor! There is no way you're just going to tell us you are suspicious of early labor and no real answers!"

"If you would please just calm..."

"I will not calm down! You will not touch my mate anymore then you have." His eyes darken as his growl gets deeper, a warning to the stupid doctor.

"Sir, I'll see what I can do about another doctor."

As soon as she's out of the room Nick has his phone out and is calling Blaine. "Fuck this, she's a stupid doctor with no answers... Blaine?"

"You guys done finally? Thank god, we were on a coffee overdose here." Blaine laughs at something Kurt says in the background.

"No. She was not a helpful doctor, not even a pack member and I'm more worried than I was before!"

Alain tries to get Nick to calm down by reaching for him in a needy way. Not like it works, but he's trying.

Blaine hushes Kurt and mumbles that they are heading back to the clinic. "What did she say?"

"He's probably in labor."

"Probably? What kind of answer is that?"

Nick groans as he finally goes to Alain and nuzzles his neck. "That's what I said, I've asked for another doctor to be sent but I think you and Kurt should be here. I'm just... I'm not being very comforting for Alain and, yeah, I'm too worked up."

"On our way."

They get there after the new, member of the pack, doctor is already in the room redoing the ultrasound and filling Nick and Alain in on everything he's doing. The man doesn't even argue when Blaine and Kurt get shown in and instantly get to settle the pair down even more.

"I need to call an ambulance, you are going to have this pup today." He points out something on the screen. "I suspicion that the spotting is because of a placental abruption, due to the premature rupture of the membrane. In simple terms, your water broke either naturally, which I suspicion is the case because of your age, or due to some blunt force. But the report you gave said the force came after the leakage?" Alain nods at the doctors' question, and he continues. "Then you have gone into labor and there is no turning back now. With a placental abruption, the source of your pups' life."

Kurt holds Nick tight as a nurse rushes in and then out. "What are you saying?"

"There is a high chance your pup and your mate may not make it. Everything points to this being a recent development, which raises their chances, but you need to be prepared for a stillborn pup brought into the world via C-section."

Alain whines hearing that his baby, their son, that was kicking him like no tomorrow had really been signally for help instead of saying hi to them. He's failed as a mate. None of their moods improve as Alain and Nick are taken in an ambulance while Kurt calls his dad with an update and Blaine drives behind the ambulance.

Everything blurs from there as they are rushed into an emergency operating room. People rushing all around them as Kurt and Blaine try to keep Nick calm and from ripping throats out as they cut his mates clothes off and get him drugged up for the C-section. They hold him tighter when Alain whimpers louder as they cut into his body to bring their pup into the world, the amount of blood enough to make Kurt feel queasy. The limp blue body being rushed to the side as the neonatal intensive care unit start working to get his breathing going.

They end up dragging Nick out of the room when Alain closes his eyes. Kurt calling out to his dad for help as their friend screams and fights them to try and get back into the room with his mate and pup. Needing to see what's going on with them and make sure their safe.

"Nick. It's alright, everything is going to be alright son." Burt wraps around the young wolf the second he gets there, Kurt shaking his head at his dad with the un-asked question on if everything is alright.

Henry runs over to check with his son on what's going on while Blaine holds Kurt. Their all worked up and agitated by the time the doctor comes out and immediately smiles at them. "Alain will be fine. We stopped the bleeding and he's being cleaned up to be moved to his room shortly."

"Our son... what about our pup?" Nick sounds broken as he asks.

"They were able to get him breathing and have put him in an incubator and have him on O2. He's very lucky this was caught so soon, it really increased his chances of survival." The Doctor nods slowly, as if he's thinking things out to make sure he didn't forget anything. "The nurse will be with you soon to let you know what room and go over the safety precautions about your pup."

"Thank you doctor." Burt shakes the man's hand, his other arm still holding Nick tight to keep him centered.

Later in the room, Burt volunteers to stay with the boys for the first night, Nick just sits and watches their son slumber in his incubator with the breathing tubes everywhere and monitors hooked up to his tiny frame. He knows he'll do anything to keep that tiny little boy safe and make him stronger. Their little alpha will have everything he could ever need and more.


Coach Sylvester kept to her word about going after the bullies. Even without Alain to tell his side, which she may or may not have milked for effect that they nearly cost the poor boy the life of his pup by hassling him when he was looking for medical attention, she did have Kurt there with Henry, Burt, and Blaine being their pack representatives. She even had other omegas, all from her Cheerios and Glee teams, in the waiting area to back up how much stress they are put through due to the alphas in the school pushing their outdated beliefs on them via physical and emotional abuse.

It's an epic belittling of Figgins and his lack of skills as a principle which is shown by his inability to provide a safe and equal learning environment for all of his students when school grounds are suppose to be neutral grounds. She is further impressed when Kurt shows how strong he is, standing up and bringing up everything he's had to deal with the past four years at this school, including the attempted forced mating. He leaves nothing out about the locker slams, the attack sin gym class, the verbal abuse, and he also brings up how it's affecting his and Blaine in their private life. Bringing their stress levels so high that they snap at each other all the time.

Henry follows through with how dangerous it is to put young wolves through his kind of pressure. As the omegas become more unsettled by the bullies, the alphas become more agitated, and eventually there is a blow up. Alphas because their mate is unsettled and omegas because their mates are agitated and either or both will go after the cause of that stress which could become a deadly affair.

Unsurprisingly there isn't a decision made past suspending the offending alphas, but Sue swears that she won't stop until the halls are 100% safe for every wolf.


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