Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 3

E - Words: 4,616 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
148 0 0 0 0

Chapter 3

Hands resting on top of her rounded belly, Lillian smiles as she feels the hyper kicking her baby is doing while she thinks over how much has changed in the past seven months. Her pregnancy has gone perfectly, Henry has been an over doting mate, and she's fairly certain she's falling in love with her husband. She isn't even sure when she started to notice her feelings change from the draw of just being a bonded mate to ones of real emotion, but she is pretty sure it was the day they found out their little baby was a boy and how his face lit up hearing the pattering of his heart beat while watching the little guy move around on the ultra sound screen. She's even taken to being called Lilly by all of them instead of just Elizabeth.

The only thing that has been off in their lives is her friend, Elizabeth. Last week when they had gotten together to finish the nursery she had just seemed off. Quiet and as if she was pulling away from everyone. Like today even, it's the first day Elizabeth hasn't come over after school to spend time with her friend. They have been spending almost every afternoon together while their men are up at the campus followed by shifts at the auto shop Burts dad runs. Truly, she is a bit sad to be alone today. Lillian was looking forward to telling her friend the name Henry and her had picked out for their little boy, he kicks in agreement.

"Cooper, you are so hyper already and you're not even here yet." She gets up to make a sandwich. "Lets feed you, maybe you will give mommy a break."Lillian is halfway through eating the sandwich when the phone rings. She groans at being interrupted but walks over to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey beautiful."

"Henry! I am no such thing." She laughs anyways. "I'm seven months pregnant and feel like a whale."

"The most beautiful whale I have ever seen." Henry laughs a bit as he covers the receiver and talks to, what she thinks is Burt in the background. "Hey, the overgrown puppy here is asking what his sweet little Lizzie and you are up too."

She stops and looks around. "Lizzie? She's not here, was she suppose to be?"

There is a long pause before Henry speaks again. "Lilly... have you heard from her? She told Burt and I this morning that she was going over there to help put the new baby clothes away." He sounds a bit nervous, he is way more nervous then he sounds. Every morning he goes and picks Burt up to head to campus together and Elizabeth has always told them when she is or isn't going to spend the afternoon with Lillian. "Anything, have you heard anything from her?"

"No I haven't. Henry you're starting to scare me. What is going on?"

"BURT! Get back here!" He groans. "I'll tell you when I get home ok? I promise everything is probably fine there's just something that Lizzie wanted to tell you herself. I got to go. Burt is bristling and growling at everyone. See you soon." Then the line goes dead.

How can she really think everything is fine? Her finger is between her lips being nibbled on in a nervous habit while she waddles back and forth on the living room floor. Waiting. Wondering. Different things going through her mind and raising her stress levels. Little Cooper kicking even more when he senses his mothers irritation and nerves. She has no idea how long she has been in this state, stopping every now and then to fidget something from where it was sitting to a different space and just moving it back again a few laps later. Finally the door opens, her head snapping in the direction of the footsteps rushing in.

"Henry? Oh god is everything alright? What's going on? Please?" She reaches out and grips to his shirt.

"Shh. Lilly, love you need to calm down." He pulls her in trying to sooth her with nips and licks to her neck. "It's ok. Calm down."

"No!" She pushes him back fighting her Omega instincts to do as he says. "What did you find out? Where is Lizzie?"

Henry runs his hands through his hair huffing in agitation. "I don't know what's wrong. She wasn't at home when we got there, but there was a message on the machine from her parents stating that she was at their house and another one from McKinley High. Burt rushed off to find out what is going on and I came here to make sure you don't stress to much and harm both you and the pup."

A loud whine escapes her throat as tears spring to her eyes. "That doesn't make anything better. What was she going to tell me? You said she wanted to tell me something..." Lillian shuffles forward and tucks her head under her mates chin. Whines coming from her chest as her wolf feels unsettled and her hand dropping to her stomach as the baby tries to get her to settle down.

Henry wraps his arm around her shoulders, caressing at the back of her neck while the other joins her hand on the very rounded stomach. "She wont be happy I'm telling you, but Burt told me today." He moves to nuzzle and lick at her neck, soothing her nerves. "Elizabeth is three months pregnant. That's why she's been so tired and seeming off lately. The morning sickness was running her raw and keeping her up all hours."

"Really?" She turns her eyes up to peek at his face, make sure that he isn't fooling with her. "She's with pup?"

"Yes." he smiles down at her. "She wanted to tell you when she wasn't feeling so sluggish and they were sure it wasn't a false positive."

"Again you mean?"

He nods slowly before guiding his wife to sit down, helping her into a comfortable position before he lays down to nuzzle at her belly. "The past two false positives got her down even though she said they wanted to wait until she was out of high school, I think she really wants to be a mother."

Lillian runs her hands through his hair, a smile slowly coming to her face. "I know she wants to be a mother. I think more then she wants to be a music teacher." Their eyes meet and she fights herself. She knows, looking into his eyes that she loves him, but it isn't time to say it. Not now when they are both worried about their friends. She'll wait. Wait until the time screams at her to tell him her heart.

Across town a growling with the need to protect Burt rushes in the front door of the Lebo residence. Instantly being stopped by Stephanie Lebo with a worried expression "Burt, calm down. You need to calm down."

"No where is she? I need to see her and know what the hell happened?" His growl picks up as his nose starts to flair, picking up his mates scent before he goes around his mates mother, just to be stopped by her Alpha father. "Fred please move so I can get to her!"

"Not until you calm down and let us tell you what happened." Fred narrows his eyes, challenging the other Alpha to try and cross him in his own territory. "Now sit. She's sleeping right now."

Burt growls deeper before running his hands through his hair, pacing there in the hall between the two parents. "Ok. Ok. Just... what happened?" He's trying so hard to calm his wolf, for Lizzies benefit is what he tells the wolf. If she's sleeping, she needs the rest for their pup and herself.

Fred studies his pacing and nods, letting his wife fill in the aggravated mate. Stephanie reaches a comforting hand out, soothing some of Burt's agitation. "The school called us, after finding no one at your place. She had been found passed out, down one of the halls. They asked us to come and get her since we are still on her emergency contacts."

Burt shakes his head looking back and forth between the parents. "Is she ok?"

The parents look at each other before Stephanie answers him. "We took her to the doctor and it was recommended that she... She not go to school and stay off her feet as much as possible." She takes a breath. "The doctor said her body isn't strong enough for the stress of all the crowds, school, carrying the baby,... and the amount of time you two are apart while you are at school and work."

He turns, hitting his back against the wall before slipping down to the floor. "This is... because of me not being there for her?"

"No it isn't, Burt, the doctor looked closer at her records. Those three false positives? He found scaring inside." Fred sits down next to Burt. "She's had at least one miscarriage. He doesn't think her body recovered fully and that's what is making her so weak right now."

"I am so sorry Burt." They all look over to the tear streaked pale face, blue eyes dulled in her sadness. Elizabeth holding a hand over her stomach. "I am so sorry. I'm not a good mate."

He hops up from the floor and wraps his mate in strong arms, holding her weak body to his chest. Nose sniffing to check her over and hating tat the only scent on her is of the hospital. "You are the best mate Lizzie and you know I love you so much. We're even planning that wedding you've always dreamed about when you graduate." He lifts her chin up. "I will do anything I have to, to make sure you are not left alone anymore."

"Love?" She nibbles her bottom lip, looking into his eyes.

"I'll drop out of school. Dad was talking about me taking on work for the garage, I can do that from home. Take over the place one day and provide a living for us and our pup." He kisses her forehead. Tears streaming down her face more.

"Burt.. But you...Your degree, you wanted to..." She quiets down when his finger covers her mouth.

"Nothing is more important to me then you being healthy and happy. I would give up everything just to know you would be strong and happy. I love you Lizzie. I've told you so many times, when you hit me with that mud pie in the park you must have knocked all the scene right out of me so that there would be more room for the love I have for you."

Elizabeth cries harder and moves his hand to kiss him, arms wrapping around his shoulders. "I love you too you big mutt." She laughs softly. "Lets go home." Burt nods scooping his hands down to carry her. "Put me down!" She hits at him playfully.

"Nope. My days of making your life as simple as possible starts now."

Stephanie smiles happily and hugs her daughter when Burt does put her down. "We'll get information about home school for you."

"Thanks mom." She hugs her dad, kissing his cheek. "Love you daddy."

"Love you too. Now get rest and get better baby girl."

Burt makes sure she is settled before starting the car to take them both home. His eyes constantly shifting to his Lizzie as she watches out the window. Slight dark circles under her eyes making her look even paler then she was naturally. "When we get home, mind if I call and invite Lillian and Henry over? I know Henry was worried about you and we kind of broke it to Lillian that you were suppose to go over there today."

She covers her mouth in shock. "Oh god! I forgot! I should have called her. Yes, yes they should come over, maybe we could watch a movie or have dinner. Let them know I'm really ok and then maybe Henry and you can go get my car from the school."

"That could be a possibility. Now you close your eyes and take a nap while we drive home over the least bumpy road."

"Only if you turn the radio on." She leans her head against the seat belt as Burt turns the station to one of her more favorite classical channels. Watching her slip into a light rest while he drives.

He doesn't even wake her up when they get home. Carrying her inside and straight to bed. Tucking her slight frame in, kissing her forehead, and then going out to the living room to call Henry and Lillian asking them to come over and trying to tell them everything is fine and then he orders pizza. He doesn't feel like cooking, emotions to drained to even think of cooking. Not long after, he opens the door thinking it's the pizza guy and getting a face full of Lillian, eyes narrowed and full of tears, finger pushing into his chest.

"Start explaining what is going on. I have never been so worried or felt so lost as today." She narrows her eyes at Burt, who looks over her shoulder to see Henry paying the pizza man and hurrying in to close the door. Shrugging at his friend to signal he's on his own with the upset pregnant wolf. "STOP! He wont protect you, no talk!"

"I will. Promise. Just please keep your voice down, Lizzie is sleeping and she needs all the rest she can get." That startles both the Andersons and the nod going in to sit in the living room, waiting for Burt to gather his thoughts and fill them in. "Ok so I bet Henry has already told you Lizzie is with pup?" Burt looks to them both as they nod, Lillian seeming to get more worked up the longer it takes him. "Well she's been very tired and apparently she passed out at school today. Her parents had to go get her since they couldn't reach me." He tries so hard to not cry, the guilt of not being there for her eating at his wolf. "They took her to the doctor and apparently those false positives before, were miscarriages and she..." He rubs his hands over his face. "She needs to stay home and rest as much as possible in order to keep this pup. The stress from school, her body being weak, and me not being around her most of the day because of school is making her sick."

"Burt... we could let her stay with Lilly during the day so she can rest more."

"Yes, I could do that for her."

"No you're about to have your first pup and I know you have trouble getting around right now Lilly. Plus if something happened, you don't know how to drive yet so you couldn't get her to the hospital." He straightens his back. "I am calling dad in the morning and the college. I'm leaving school and will do dad's paper work from here so I can be with her all day until she gets stronger."

"I told him not to, but he thinks this is the best way to go. So that our pup has a better chance of making it." Elizabeth smiles at the three shocked faces that didn't even hear her come into the room. "I wont argue with my mate, my betrothed." She blushes bringing some color to her cheeks before walking a little unsteady to sit in Burts lap.

Lillian looks at her friends pale skin, dark eyes and tries to stay strong for her, but having to reach back and cling to her mates hand as she needs his stabilizing support. "We will all make sure you make it through and then our little pups can play together."

She smiles so bright, but it doesn't fully reach her eyes. "I would love to see that."

Henry clears his throat to try ad lighten things up. "We have a surprise for you, well one for Lizzie and one for both of you." He smiles. "Lizzie, we decided on a name for our son."

"It's a boy?" She brightens up at that. "What's his name going to be?"

Her friend laughs a little, chocking back a sob. "Cooper. Cooper Anderson and we would like to ask both of you to be there for his birth. I know usually I would have my mother and Henry's mother at my side, but I want you both and Henry with me."

"We would be honored to be there for you!" Elizabeth leans forward and hugs Lillian as tight as she can. "Now I smell pizza and I know that there are probably six hungry mouths wanting some."

They all laugh at how she was counting the two unborn babies in the equation. The two couples laugh and eat the pizza while they watch a cheesy movie. Just acting like everything is normal. Being strong for their weakest member to help her be stronger. Talking about future play dates between their pups and how their summer camping trip next year will be so much more fun with babies to show the world to.

The next day Burt does as he said, taking an indefinite leave from school, getting work he can do from home for his dad, and being at his mates side as often as he can. For the next few months they spend every other week taking trips to see the doctor, always being told that Elizabeth is doing better, but they aren't happy with something. One week it's her electrolytes, next week its her weight, and the next it's something completely different. They know the baby is alive with a weak heartbeat and that there is almost no chance of her making it full term, but they keep all of that from Lillian and Henry. Being happy supportive friends as they prepare for their healthy baby boy to come into this world.

A healthy baby boy that makes his appearance known two days after his due date. Burt and his now five month pregnant mate at Lillians side as she whines with the pain of contractions. Clinging to Henry's hand while the midwife makes sure everything goes as it is suppose to. Three hours later a squirming baby boy gets put into the new mothers arms and the results to the blood test, a simple procedure of a pin prick to get a drop of blood just like a diabetic would do to test their blood sugar, is written on his birth certificate and both parents sign it. Little Cooper Anderson is an Alpha wolf, when that announcement is made to the two sets of new grandparents there is a strange lack of real happiness that Henry doesn't notice. The Andersons shifting their eyes to Phillip Masterson who seems to be the only one smiling at this news. The reason for the wariness isn't known to the young mates until a month later.


"....Burt..." Elizabeth put a hand to her stomach as a muscle spasm goes through her abdomen. "...Burt.." She leans against the wall slowly walking the hall using the side to keep her up, a trail of red droplets being left behind her as she tries to get to the den where Burt is working on some last minute bills for his dad. Her progress stops as she doubles over in pain screaming. Her world going hazy as she hears foot steps running towards her, the arms wrapping around her and hoisting her up the last thing she knows before everything goes black.

It's the smell of his mates blood that makes him run to her side faster, a smell of her blood mixed with another scent his heart knowing it's the smell of their little girls blood draining from Elizabeths body. He doesn't hesitate to scoop her up and rush her into the hospital. Red stains on his shirt and being left everywhere his hands touch. His wolf in panic mode as he parks crooked at the emergency drop off area, running around to get his sweet Lizzie out of the car and into the waiting room. Growls escaping his throat as he's told to wait there, that he isn't allowed in the room as they work on her. The nurse letting him use the phone to call someone to stay with him and keep him calm. Henry running in the door less then an hour later having left his wife and son at home to be with his friend, wrapping Burt in his arms and trying to sooth his wolf.

There was no way while the two men tried to make sense out of what was happening would know that it wasn't the only thing that would go wrong. Lillian paced around, nervous and waiting to hear from Henry and Burt about how Elizabeth was doing. Cooper laying in his play pen, eyes watching his mothers every step. She doesn't even question it when she hears a knock on the door and opens it to reveal her mother and father, even though they have never visited before she lets them in. Thinking they just want to visit their grandson like Henrys parents had done early last week. She only stops when her father bends down and picks up the baby, Cooper starting to cry at the aura the Alpha is giving off and her mother refusing to make eye contact.

"He doesn't like that father." Lillian moves to take the baby from his arms, Emilia getting between them. "Mother?"

"I am so sorry baby girl." Emilia wraps her arms around Lillian as Phillip puts a paper down on the coffee table. "It was part of the contract and it is for the best."

"What is?" She struggles but her mother hold tight. "What are you doing?" The front door opens and two men Lillian doesn't recognize come in looking very official.

"He is coming with me. The Andersons agreed upon it when the mating contract was signed." Phillip turn to his daughter. "These men are by order of the pack leader to make sure you and your Alpha follow the agreement."

"What agreement!?" Lillian tries to struggle harder, her mothers arms tightening their hold even more.

"This young Alpha is now mine and will be raised as my heir as I have none of my own." Her father states with no emotion.

The two new men grab Lillians arms as she fights her mother off. Holding her and keeping her from the now screaming baby. "What the hell are you talking about? I'm your only child that would make me your heir."

"Like a worthless Omega like you could inherit my name. My estate and all I own belongs to the first male Alpha born of my bloodline. Young Cooper here, is my heir."

Emilia puts her hands on her daughters cheeks, bringing her eyes to face her as Phillip walks out with the baby. "I am so sorry. I tried. I tried to give him an Alpha." She smiles slowly. "At least he let me keep you because you were a girl, he let you live."

Lillian fights harder against the arms holding her. "NO!"

"I will make sure your son knows who you are, as best as I can." She kisses Lillians cheek. Jolting back when her daughter bites her and growls in response. "I am so sorry." Emilia rushes after her husband leaving her daughter to be rough housed into submission.

Lillian fights as hard as she can until one of the wolves bites her neck, dropping her wolf to stop fighting. They leave her curled up on the floor shivering and crying. Her sons blanket clutched in her hands as her heart breaks.

Elizabeth opens her eyes to a white room. Beeps going off all around her and a hand clinging to her small one. She rolls her head to the side, seeing Burt slumped over her hand sleeping. "...burt.."

His head snaps up, eyes red from how much crying he has done. "Hey you. About time you show your pretty eyes."

She laughs a bit. "sorry to keep you waiting for them."

Burt reaches his hand up, caressing her cheek. "You had me so scared Lizzie. You have no idea how happy I am to hear your voice."

Her smile falls her hand moving to the now flatter stomach. She knows what happened, her eyes closing as she takes in a shaking breath.

"Lizzie, don't you dare." Burt gets up and sits on the side of her bed. "Don't you blame yourself for anything."

"Did she... did our little girl live.."

Burt shakes his head. "No. She was stillborn. The doctor said that she..." He is trying to stay strong, holding his sweet mate to him without hurting her. "She had been dead for a few days and that what you were going through wasn't labor. It was your body getting rid of what it viewed as the cause of your being sick."

She looks towards the window. "We knew this was a possibility. That she most likely wouldn't make it or live long after birth. Next time we'll make sure my body is ready."

He closes his eyes. "There may never be a next time. Your body..." She cuts him off, putting her hand to his lips. Eye full of tears.

"If you don't say it. It isn't true. There will be a next time I know there will. Cooper needs a play mate."

"Lizzie... about Cooper." He tries to gently tell her about the pack leader holding to a contract that was done without Henry knowing and that Cooper is gone now. His heart grows more in love with Elizabeth when she puts more care into wanting to make sure Lillian is alright and getting better so that she can look after her friend. Even though she has been in the hospital for three days after losing to much blood from the miscarriage.

Across town Henry suffers his own loss that is only softened by knowing their son is still alive. His wife hasn't eaten more then broth that he force feeds her and she has yet to move from their sons room. Coopers blanket gripped in her hands and no sign of her ever letting it go. He hasn't heard his wife speak to him and the only time he hears her voice is when he tries to sleep and he can hear her crying out for their son behind the locked door of the nursery so that he can't get in to comfort her. He has tried everything he could. His parents did nothing but apologize about not telling him that their first born Alpha male was part of how he even got Lillian as a mate to begin with, the human courts wont touch pack business, and the pack leader stands by his ruling that the boy belongs to Phillip Masterson to be raised as his heir. Even worse, he found birth records of four boys that were born before Lillian was. All Omegas and all have death certificates with in a month after they were born.

They may have some comfort knowing that their son is a live and will be raised as a rich heir to the Masterson Estate, but their hearts cry knowing their son is being raised by an old fashioned wolf who has killed his own children because men should never be Omegas and who has a mate that taught her daughter that being with an Alpha is to be their slave.

Henry swears he will change everything this messed up way of pack thinking is. He knows the next few years will be hard, but he is determined to become pack leader and make a difference for their future children.

Burt watches his Lizzie sleep and is so scared that she will never get stronger. He doesn't know what he would ever do with out her.


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