Who Says
Chapter 29 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Who Says: Chapter 29

E - Words: 5,432 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Mad wouldn't be the right word to explain how he felt right now. It was close, but it didn't cover the fear and worry gnawing at him deep down as he watched Alain drag himself out of their bed to go and practice with the Australian boys since they came in last night. Deep down he knows that it's more then a cold that settled in after the wipe-out in Florida that has his mate throwing up all morning and night. Somewhere inside he has a little voice screaming that he needs to tell someone.

"Morning Nick!" Blaine pats his friend on the shoulder as he sits down next to him, his own plate full of the continental breakfast offerings. "Did you want to join Kurt and I out on the beach later? Mom and Justine are wanting to take all the pups to a play place that's designed for young pups near here with Cooper and we thought we'd catch some waves or something while the others are getting ready for the surf meet this weekend."

"I think Alain's with pup."

Blaine freezes with a piece of bacon half in his mouth while his brain tries to catch up with what his friend just blurted out that has nothing to do with his question. "Huh?"

"The sickness we've been telling everyone? It's a lie. He's with pup or well we think he is and he refuses to see a doctor until we get back to Ohio." He takes a bit of a breath before Nick looks straight into his friends eyes. "He's announcing his retirement at the opening party and their going to debut his next career path. So he's determined to surf this last competition and go out with a bang."

"Nick... are you alright with this? Is it even... he's so young!"

Nick nibbles his lip while his hands fidget under the table. "I'm sure it's a possibility, and a very good one, because we had him tested and his heat should have happened sometime in Florida... it's part of his genetics. A different type of omega. One that matures early and can control their scent and don't need runs to mate. God!" He throws his hands over his face while he tries to calm down. "I'm scared Blaine and I wasn't suppose to tell anyone, I told him I wouldn't.." He moves when he feels the hands under his shoulders guiding him up and moving him towards the elevator. "What am I suppose to do..."

"First, I'm getting you to Kurt so that he can calm you down some. Then we're going to talk to Burt or my dad or maybe both to find out what would be best. You were right to tell me Nick, you can't keep all that inside it isn't healthy and what Alain is doing is dangerous! He's already wiped-out once, what's to say he doesn't go down worse this time?" Nick can only whine as his mind keeps running through those scenarios All of a sudden he can hear a door opening.

"Hey baby, how wa- Blaine what's going on?" Kurt looks at the shivering, growling, whining pile of Nick standing in front of him.

"Nick needs calming down so I thought you could hug him while I call my dad?"

"You actually want me to hug another alpha?"

"Yes. Hug him and calm him down." Blaine pulls his phone out calling Burt first, because he's always been spot on with his advice before.

"Nick?" Kurt runs his hand through the dark hair on his friends head before wrapping him in a hug and guiding him to sit on the bed and he get's a long whine from the wolf in his arms. "Shh it's ok."

Blaine watches them, holding back his own wolf from going over to nuzzle with both of them to calm the other alphas obvious upset state. "Burt?"

"Hey kiddo, what's up?" Burt holds up a finger to have Duncan hold what he was talking about for a minute.

"We need, well, we need your advice or help or something." He keeps his golden eyes locked with the worried blue of his mate.

"Is Kurt alright?"

"Yes. It isn't Kurt or me. It's Nick, he's really upset and I'm not sure how to help him."

Burt gestures with his head for Duncan to follow him while they head back towards the elevator. "What's wrong with him? Did he catch the flu-thing Alain had?"

"I doubt you can catch what Alain might have... but no he's really upset and just kind of snapped." Blaine runs his free hand over Nick's shoulders. "Can you just come to our room? Maybe get my dad too?"

"I'll call Henry once I've seen what's going on, but Duncan is with me."


"Lydia is with Henry at the airport. We got a call saying the others were coming last minute. Their picking up Wes and Amy. She's really looking forward to meeting more wolves and begged to go and you know what kind of soft spot your dad has for begging eyes."

"true." He looks up when he hears someone knock on the door. "That you?"

"Yeah." Burt hangs up as Blaine opens the door and hurries in with Duncan. "Nick, son." He squats down to be at the other boys eye level. "What's wrong?"

"Alain is going to be so mad at me over this.." Nick looks at the older wolfs. Eyes darting around at everyone in the room. "I think.. I'm almost certain he's with pup and I'm scared he'll get really hurt surfing, even though I know he really wants to because he's retiring from surfing."

Burt looks up to Duncan. "Is it possible? He's really young."

"Actually, with our genetics he's a little old. Wolves in our bloodline can start breeding at 14, they just choose to breed later in life. It's the wolves choice when they become mated or start transitioning to go into heat." Duncan smiles softly. "It's a unique trait of our line, like I was telling Henry and you last night."

"Apparently so." Burt smiles at Nick and the boys. "I know this might be hard for you to hear, but you need to talk to Alain about your fears because I don't think you have anything to really worry about. Alain isn't the type of wolf to endanger himself or a pup. You know that as well as I do."

Slowly nodding his head, Nick starts to visibly calm down. "What if something happens though? My mind.. I've been having such horrible images in my head."

Duncan sits down on the other side of the boys smiling slowly. "Nick, I'm with you. He's just come back into my life and seeing him sick and knowing he could get hurt even more.." He reaches out taking one of Nick's hands. "But I trust in him to know what he's doing and I trust in what Burt is saying, he would never endanger himself or his unborn pup. As his mate you need to trust in him to tell you if he can or can't do something and know that as a surfer for his entire life, he knows the risks better then you do."

Burt tries to hide how happy he is to have another level minded adult in the group. "How about you clean up, go have some breakfast, and then go down to the beach to meet Alain when he's done training? Maybe you can even talk Kurt and Blaine into going, even though I know they had other plans..."

"What gave you that idea dad? Is it because our twins are out for the day and we have some alone time that never happens?" Kurt rolls his eyes. "We'd love to go with you and check on him, but I'm starving. You two were already downstairs with food that I didn't even get to smell."


Alain smiled as he watched his friends out on the water catching waves, one hand rubbing over his stomach as his mind just floods with happy images of a future full of skittering little paws running across the playroom floor after the twins. Yes, he doesn't really know if he is or not, but a part of him really hopes that he is. Which is why he's out on the beach hanging out with Fergus just catching sun with no intention of going in the waves until competition day.

"So, why aren't you out there with the boys?" Fergus keeps his eyes on his own mate, Andy winking at him before paddling back out.

Shrugging his shoulders before laying back on the warm sand. "It's a secret."

"OoOo! An you wont tell me huh?"

"If I told it wouldn't be a secret."

"This secret have anything to do with you retiring at 15?"

"Um, may~be. Though living in Ohio with my mate has a big to do about that though. Plus, I never wanted to keep this up forever." Alain rolls over to his side grinning at Fergus. "The concert is going to fucking sick! Have you heard the EP?"

"Of course." He laughs and lays down facing Alain. "You sound wicked with that mixing and I can't wait to see everyone's faces when you debut tomorrow. Just think, you're the first to make it big out of our garage band days."

"Psh. Move to the US and I'll make sure you're my guitarist. No ones as good as you, well maybe Nick. He's pretty good when he thinks no ones listening."

Fergus laughs a bit. "I bet he is, you're just saying that because he's your soul match." They both laugh after Alain denies that claim. "Anyways. I'll have to get back with you about that moving here thing. We've been looking at schools in the states when we get outta school so we might just take you up on that."

"Fergus... what do you think about Duncan and Lydia? Think they... think they really are my family and I should believe that he never knew about me?"

"We haven't really meet them yet, but the story makes sense." Fergus tries to smile and be reassuring, not sure what his friend really needs from him. "Do you want them to be your family?"

"Yea, I kinda do, but then I kinda want a blood test thing to make sure he really is my dad." Flopping back on the sand and closing his eyes as he rubs over his stomach again. "Lydia though, she's just so sweet that no matter what I plan to be in her life."

Fergus laughs as he watches his friends movements. "Then skip out on the test and just be their family. Be her big brother. Be his son. Be happy Alain."

They both squeal when cold water splashes all over them and Andy tackles Fergus with a grin. "What you two lazies doing huh? You should be out there catching some waves. It's just sick out there."

"Don't be mean, you know he hasn't been feeling well after that crash and burn in Florida. Plus he's retiring, let him catch his rays before it's all snow and trees around him." Fergus kisses his mate. "You guys coming back in now?"

"We get a food break before hitting the gym while the events for tonight get finalized. You ready to eat?" Andy nuzzles and sniffs his mates neck huffing with a smile when he can still smell himself on Fergus.

"Um, food sounds good. Alain?" Fergus tries to hid how much he likes having his mate wrapped around him like this.

"I could really go for something cheesy or meat filled. Been hard being so sick, nothings been staying down."

"You really should see a doctor about that." Andy helps both of them up from the sand and grins wider when he sees Nick, Blaine, and Kurt walking their way. "How about you go have that man of yours take you out before you're due on set?"

"Huh?" Alain turns when Andy points behind them and laughs before slowly walking towards his mate. His smile falters when he sees the red rims around Nick's eyes and the nervous tick of his hand twitching at his side. "What's wrong?"

Nick whines looking towards Kurt and Blaine for support before just blurting out. "I don't want you to surf tomorrow because I'm scared of you getting hurt and our pup being killed."

"You're pregnant!?" Scotty, having joined everyone to head for food, blurts out looking Alain over from head to toe. "That why you didn't want to go out on the waves? Holy Shit."

Alain frowns. "I.. Nick, you had to say that out loud didn't you? So anyone could hear?" her turns towards his friends. "I might be, actually I'm fairly certain I am, but keep it quiet." He turns back towards a shocked Nick. "And you start trusting me! You really think with how sick I've been that I'd go out there in my condition? I promised you I would only surf one more time and that's tomorrow. I want to do one heat, three waves, and that's it. Now if you'd excuse me, I'm finally hungry and feel like the food would actually stay down." He storms off with his arms wrapped around himself.

"Go after him Nick and talk. Stop blurting things out and just talk to him!" Kurt shoves their friend towards where Alain stormed off towards while he and Blaine head the other way with the others, giving the mates privacy.

"Alain! Wait, please!" Nick easily catches up with him and makes him stop to look at him. "I'm sorry."

"I know, I'm just moody and didn't want them to all find out until we really knew one way or another." Alain shakes his head. "But not trusting me? Why Nick? Why would you think that I would do anything to endanger myself or our pup?"

"I know you wouldn't, everyone said you wouldn't, but I was just so scared. You left me at the hotel and my mind just went into panic mode since I couldn't see you or smell you around me."

"Stupid alpha." He leans in, kissing his mate gently. "You are going to be one of those papa's that bubble wraps the whole house."

"Damn straight."

"Even though there are already two pups living there just fine."

"Of course."

"Guess I could get spoiled having you serve me when I get all moody and cranky from carrying your pup."

"Wouldn't imagine making you get up to do anything when you get further along."

"Sap." They both laugh softly. "We need to talk. You're insecure and I don't like having you like that so how about we go back to the room and order some room service and just have a heart to heart."

"I'd like that." Nick offers his hand and leads his mate back to their room.


Jeff knows they should just give in and actually mate, but the thrill of tricking everyone and getting to know Julia without all the hormones in the way has been the best experience of his life. Knowing that every time he tells her he loves her and she says it back that it's real and not hormonal changes telling them to love each other, just makes times like now more special. Sitting across the table from her with a handful of cards while they play gin rummy with her parents and seeing her eyes light up every time she slides a glance his way just makes his heart beat faster. Yes, it would probably be a good idea to mate this summer on their own terms, but they had both agreed to keep the facade up until their 18th birthday. Let her finish school without worrying about heat cycles and possible pups, not that there's anything wrong with kids their age having pups because those twins are just drop dead gorgeous and adorable when they pad around in wolf form playing. He just knows they are not ready for that responsibility and the pills aren't a guaranteed to stop conception.

Does he miss hanging out with his friends at parties or like now when they have all gone to Hawaii? Yes, he does. Would he give up all this just to have one day with the guys again having fun at the campsite or playing ball? No. he wouldn't give those soft looks she sends his way or the accepting and understanding nature of her family for anything. He knows it's probably about time he lets their closest friends know the truth, especially since their beginning to not even bother inviting him to things. At least telling them might help him feel better about the lie they've been telling them and he just hopes when they do open up to the group, that they understand why they did it.

"Oy, did you hear me?"

Turning his head to the side when he feels Julia caressing his shoulder. "No, sorry I was kind of thinking about somethings."

"I could tell." She kisses his cheek. "Come on, it's about to start on TV and you promised them you would watch since we couldn't come see it in person."

"Wha? OH!! Yeah the opening party thing in Hawaii with the big announcement. Yeah, let's get comfy on the couch and make some popcorn and watch." His voice is laced with the unhappiness of not having been there in person. No matter how happy he is, he misses Nick to laugh with and Blaine to pick fun at and Wes shaking his head in shame as he secretly makes jokes about them all.

"I'm sorry we couldn't go." She leads him to the living room as her parents say a soft goodnight and retire to their own room to watch something else on TV.

"It's ok. It wouldn't have been safe for you to go somewhere so hot where our mixed scents could sweat off you in a matter of minutes. Besides, I'm happy."

"Not fully. I see how your eyes grow dull when ever you think I'm not watching. How your face falls when you have to turn down an invitation or even now when you don't get an invitation."

Jeff pulls her close for a soft kiss. "I should have known you'd seen all that, but don't worry. Yes, I'm sad to have my friends slipping away and I think we should sit them down and tell them everything when they all get back, but I am so perfectly happy." his arms wrap around her, pulling the love of his life in closer so that he can kiss her freckles easier. "I love you."

"Love you too, big oaf." She nuzzles her face against his neck. "I also... Jeff I talked with my parents and I'm ready."

"Jules... are.. but we said when we graduat-" He closes his mouth when she places a finger over his lips.

"I know what we promised, but we're 17 an' if we mate near the beginning of school we'll be 18 when my heat cycle should start up, if it doesn't start earlier then a year like Kurt did. We can use the pills and protection during my cycle if it starts early and just cross our fingers we dun have a pup before we graduate."

Jeff smiles so sweetly before kissing her finger and pulling Julia in close. "Don't do this for my piece of mind, I want this to be a natural thing that we do, not because it would make life easier. So how about we talk about this with our friends and sit down and really plan it out and re-visit it for Christmas break?"

"You don' want to mate with me?"

His heart breaks when she starts crying. "I do want to mate with you. God knows how much I love you and want you to be mine in everyway, but think about it. We've lasted this long un-mated when everyone thinks we are, so why rush something we both want to make things easier?"

"True... but I don't want you to miss out on anything anymore. I want you to have your teen years with your friends."

"And that's why we will talk with our friends and let them know what's going on and maybe for Christmas I'll get you a week away from everyone where we do nothing but ravish each others bodies."

"Alright. Now go make some popcorn." Julia laughs as he cheeks turn bright pink. "I'll get the TV on the right channel."

"Want anything else besides just popcorn?"

"If you add some M&M's to the mix I'll love you more then I already do." She bates her lashes before the both burst out laughing and separate to get ready to watch the opening of the weekends events in Hawaii.

"Like that's possible, I already own your whole heart!"

"Aye, that you do."


Kurt knows they should be getting to the beach for the show, but he just can't say no when Blaine joined him in the shower and started kissing his skin and caressing every inch of his body. Maybe he should have just gotten down on his knees and given his mate release as he sucked and licked at his manhood, but really it's been to long since they've had time to fully enjoy each others bodies. That's how one thing lead to another and here they are, Kurt wrapped around Blaine, his mate slowly thrusts into his body as their tongues taste each others mouths. Hands caress and pulls at each others skin as their moans fill the air. All acts that have to be rushed when they put the kids down for a nap, if they can even get this far when their sweet angels eyes close. Right now all they have to worry about is their phones ringing yet again to tell them that they are suppose to be at the stupid celebration to find out that Alain is retiring.

An hour later when they finally get to the party and are confronted with a group of unhappy faces, Kurt feels a pang of guilt at being late. Especially when Wes moves towards them and announces. "Alain has been asking for you. He's terrified of how people are going to take his retirement and what ever this other announcement is going to be and neither of you could even pick up your phones?"

Burt taps Wes on the shoulder and moves him out of the way, gesturing with his head towards where Nick is quickly coming their direction with a backstage pass flapping around on his neck. "Son, you go and comfort your friends and then later you and I are going to have a talk." He holds up his hand to silence both of them. "I know you needed some together time, but you also knew how important this weekend is and what condition he's in. You can probably imagine what he's going through back there since you had your own stress filled moments before the twins were born."

"Thank god you're here now! Here, put these on." he shoves passes into Kurt and Blaine's hands and then passes another set to Burt. "these are for the VIP viewing area over there." he points to an area that has a couple guards. "Fergus is going to come show you where to go. It'll be better for Lydia since you're the only ones going to be in that one and it has a vantage so she can see the stage."

"Thank you Nick."

Nick smiles down when Lydia wheels up to him with a big smile on as Burt hands her a pass. "Hey there! Having fun?"

"Yes! Is my brother going to come out and watch with me?" Her bright eyes look up at him and all Nick can see is Alain staring back at him.

"Later. He has something very special for you to watch first ok?"

"Okay. Give him a hug from me and tell him to calm down. There's no reason to be so worried." She hugs Nick when he moves in to hug her. "I'm so glad he's my brother."

"How about you tell him that part later." Nick kisses her cheek before standing and hurrying off with Kurt and Blaine close on his heels. "We've been calling you for an hour! He's been so worried and just keeps throwing up and I can't do anything! Even the medic is saying he shouldn't go on since he's not holding water down, but I know it's just his nerves."

"Nick, maybe he should see a real doctor.." Blaine starts before their ushered through the side of the stage to a back holding area where they can hear Alain being sick again. "Nick, really he should see a doctor."

"He doesn't want to! He wants to get through tonight and one heat tomorrow and then he's going home and seeing a doctor and getting vitamins or what ever, but he wont do it until then. He just needs to calm down and know that what he's doing is the right thing."

"But I don't think he is!" Blaine pulls Nick aside as Kurt hurries past to be at Alain's side. "Nick, if he's this sick it might be something more serious then being with pup. He might be really sick and he needs to see a doctor."

"I know, but he wants to do this. He needs to do this." Nick wraps his arms around himself as he leans in closer. "He's launching his new career tonight and he needs it to happen otherwise he'll lose the backing of his surf fans. Fame for fame or something, not sure he keeps telling me about it but all I can see is him being sick."

"What the hell career is he going into that requires him to draw his fame from one to the other?"

"Music. His single comes out in a couple weeks and he's preforming it live tonight on national television." nick shrugs. "Plus there's the modeling thing and people wanting him to sign with a specific fashion line or something, like I said I've been tuning out things lately."

"Ok so he might need to go on stage tonight."

Kurt rubs a cool cloth over the back of Alain's neck when he finally calms down and shooed the others into the other room. "Just take slow deep breaths and try to calm down. Stressing and worry makes it all worse, trust me."

"What if I get sick onstage? What if I.. Kurt I'm going to mess up and then what will I be?"

"Normal." Kurt reaches over to get some toilet paper, whipping his friends face. "It isn't messing up that defines who you are, it's what you do afterward that does. If you let them see how much it eats up in inside no one will believe you're meant to be up there." he smiles softly when their eyes meet. "If you go up there and have fun and show everyone that missing a step can't stop you then you'll gain more fans by being human. Anyways, you're a killer singer so going out there and preforming is going to be easy for you."

"How did you know?"

"That you're going to sing tonight?" Kurt raises one brow. "It's a concert and you're going on the stage to make two announcements so I just put two and two together. Now, are you sure you should really go out there?"

"I feel like crap, but I really should go out there . Would you come on stage with me? Just back up kinda thing. I would feel so much better if Blaine, Nick, and you were there with me. I have the single so you can hear it and.."

"I'd love to. Now brush your teeth and let's get some water in you." Kurt helps him up before going into the other room and asking them to get water and crackers for Alain while he explains to Nick and Blaine what's going to happen.

"Just wow! That act was just H.O.T! That also brings us to the halfway point where we'll announce all the competitors in the Surf competition tomorrow and make a couple big announcements." the announcer riled up the crowd. "Let the clip roll!" As the screen goes through short bios and video of all the competitors on the water Alain get's into place, his name being the last one in the sequence. "Who's looking forward to tomorrow?!" the announcer laughs as the crowd goes wild. "Now, as promised we have a couple announcements before our next act takes the stage, so let's give it up for the star of the waters world wide surf phenomenon ALAIN!!"

Alain comes out from back stage going into the preset announcement about his retirement from surfing and moves into announcing the next performer, shocking everyone when it turns out to be him. The crowd goes wild with every move he makes and each song he belts out. Going even crazier when he announces his new single is going to be released soon before he goes into singing it with his friends and mate. He doesn't stick around long after singing so that he can get enough sleep for the next morning, but he makes sure to walk Lydia back to the hotel, listening to her gush about how much fun she had watching all the singers and him.

No one saw the events of the next morning happening. None of them were prepared for the chaos that their lives would turn into when everything started out perfectly normal. Alain paddled out with the other competitors in his heat, Andy being the only one from the Australian group this time, and just watched the waves trying to pick the perfect last two waves of his surfing career.

The first wave was perfect. It was the second one that got him. The wave started great, but then it broke to fast pulling the board into an unmanageable angle and flipping it out from underneath him before slamming up into his face as he went down. It took Blaine, Wes, and Kurt to hold Nick back from running out into the water to get his mate. Burt trying to help Duncan explain to Lydia that everything was going to be fine while Henry went to see how bad it was with Gramps, only to find out they are taking him straight to the hospital. No one knows how long it's been since then as they wait in the stark white waiting room. Blaine and Kurt trying to sooth Nick and their babies while everyone else is shocked silent. They didn't know what to tell the people who called and asked if they knew anything yet, just telling then that they will call later and eventually not answering their phones at all. When the doctor finally came into the room, none of them believed it at first until they saw her smile.

"He's going to be fine. It looked worse then it really was and all his tests are fine. He'll have some very sore muscles and a headache for a while." She watches everyone start to breath again. "He did sprain his neck, so there will be a bit of bed rest and a brace for a while, but with him being a wolf he'll be healing in no time."

"Doctor... about his, our pup?" Nick can't stop his hands from wringing each other as he waits to hear if he's going to be a dad or not.

"He wants to tell you about that. He's in room 304. Try to let him sleep as much as he can before you take him home tomorrow."

The last one in the room is Nick. He can't bring himself to step in there and see his nightmare come true with Alain lain out in bed battered and bruised. Kurt has to come out and take him by the hand, pulling his friend in to see that yes Alain is covered in bruises across the right side of his face and his bottom lip is swollen around a cut, but he smiles at his mate when he sees that in his hands is a small rectangle piece of paper.

"Took you long enough." His voice is weak as Nick moves closer and sees some swelling around the brace.

"I.. I didn't want to see you like this. I've had so many nightmares about this." Nick moves closer crawling up into the bed to sniff and touch the uninjured parts of his mate, not caring that everyone is watching him. "You're alright?"

"We're alright." Alain passes him the paper as his eyes start to get heavy.

Nick turns the paper over and starts crying when he sees the circles spot around their extremely tiny pup. He cries and holds the picture close as he stays as close to Alain as he can with everyone around them making plans to get him home while injured and leaving the room to tell everyone he's fine.


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