Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 28

E - Words: 4,898 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Who Says 28


It was a long shot, but Alain finally gave in when Nick picked up the phone to make an appointment at some Were clinic on the outskirts of New York city. They were in town for a few interviews and photo shoots before heading down to Florida for the next competition. From what the other surfer told them, as he's a member of one of the six local packs, that this clinic has the best doctors that specialize in everything shifter as each doctor has a specific breed they center on. All Alain hopes for is a doctor that doesn't laugh at him when he says that he's mated at 15 and wants to have a test to see if he's going to be fertile or if there was anything wrong with him because of the time gape and way their bonding took place. It doesn't help that he's been feeling off again as all his energy has just been sapped out of him leaving him with a desire to just go back to Ohio and snuggle in bed with his mate. Usually he get's worn out during the prime surfing seasons, but this is just an extra draw on his strength.

Leaning in and softly kissing his mates cheek, Nick smiles reassuringly. "You look lost."

"Mm. Thinking about seeing if I can bow out of the next meet and just sleep for a week before we fly out to Hawaii."

"Hawaii? Wow. You know before being with you I've only ever been to a few places in the US with my family. Now when we go back home I'll have stories of Australia, Tahiti, Fiji, Spain, Bali, and France. Man I think everyone who wants to see the world needs to work for the surf organizations."

"You make it seem so adventurous." Alain laughs as there's a knock on the door before it opens an a middle aged woman steps in smiling at him sitting on the examination table.

"Good afternoon, my named Dr. Miriam McDowell and you must be Alain and Nick. Pleasure to meet you both." She shakes their hands before sitting on a rolling stool and watching them with a pen and notebook out. "I see in your charts that you're a newly mated pair with Alain being under the normal age of maturity and that you experienced a month long gap between the start of your bonding before you started to seal the bond." She smiles as they both confirm that she's correct. "So how can I help you today?"

"Well, um, I'm hoping to get tested to see if I'm going to be fertile or not, since I'm a professional surfer it might be good to know that a heat cycle might interrupt my meet. Also I was just wondering if there was anything wrong with our union after the time gap and the fact I'm under age."

She can tell he's nervous and keeps a reassuring smile on her face. "While I get the equipment ready to check your fertility levels, let me reassure you that there is nothing wrong with you being 15. In fact there's an entire pack here in town that has large numbers of wolves that come of age starting at 14. They also have great control over their pheromone levels and can hold off mating until they choose to."

"Really?" he lays back as she directs them too. His mind reeling over the fact there's an entire pack like him.

"Yes, it seems to be very rare outside of that pack so it's a bit odd seeing that you're from an Ohio based pack." After slipping on some gloves she starts to feel around his belly.

"I'm an orphan that was found by a pack in Newcastle down in Australia." His eyes watch her hands, while his hand tries to sooth Nick as his mates growl grows deeper the more the strange wolf touches what's his. "I moved to Ohio to be with my mate as I really had no blood relation holding me back home."

"That explains that adorable accent you have." She smiles and helps him sit up before prepping his arm to draw blood. "You're body seems to be shifting on the inside already, that can cause the extra tiredness you reported and is a sign that you probably will be fertile. I'm going to draw blood for the definite test and you'll receive a call from us with in the next 24 hours about the results on when you should expect your heat cycles to start. Have you both thought about if you're ready for pups yet or not?"

"We were going to talk about that after we find out, since it's a one in ten chance same sex mates are fertile." Nick kisses Alain on the cheek when the boy whines at his blood being drawn. "You think there's a really good chance he is?"

"Usually infertile males don't go through the body shifts internally that he's currently going through. I wouldn't be surprised if his cycles start with in the next few weeks." Like most doctors, she draws three vile of blood even though she only needs one. Standard tests she says.

"I hope not. We're on the road until after Hawaii and then it's straight back to Ohio for the start of school." Alain rubs his hand over the flatness of his stomach. "Is it normal? I didn't think that with our bond issues and my age we'd be looking at cycles for a while yet."

"This is perfectly normal from my experience, but let me give a call to the McKay pack leader and see if he has time to meet with you. Their down in the Alley Pond park area in Queens, they tend to like being closer to the water then most packs, and maybe meeting with a group that has a massive number of early developing wolves and a greater show of more dominate omegas will help ease your mind a bit." Taking the collected blood, the doctor leaves them in the room to wait for her to return with a meeting time and place.


Wes was agitated. Yes, agitated. The entire summer, other then going on the planned camping trip as is the yearly tradition, has been spent in Chicago watching his mate get preened over after every performance the symphony did and it irked his alpha instincts to no end. If just being mates wasn't enough he knows her heat cycles have started and every time one of those strange wolves flares their nose to breath in her scent, his skin prickles, his lip curls, and a fairly quiet growl starts up. Like now, that slimy old alpha that has been at every show is fawning all over his mate during the meet and greet with his nose flaring and there is nothing Wes can do about it. Yeah, he learned that lesson the first week. If you growl at the prominent owners and snobs that hold his mates future career in their hands, you get taken out by armed guards and sleep on the couch in the hotel suit for a week. She hadn't even cooked for him that week either, leaving him to fend for himself in a way to learn his lesson the hard way. So instead here he is growling to himself as his in heat mate is out there being touched and ogled by all those strange wolves and humans and there is nothing he can do.

The second she comes his way he tries to put on a smile, though he knows she can see right through in the second her eyes narrow and her nose goes up as she walks past him towards the parked car with her violin case. Dammit now he's in trouble and the one thing Wes does not like is being in trouble with Amy. Attempting to get back on her good side he runs to open the passenger door for her, another lesson he learned really fast is you never touch her violin.

"Hun, please.."

"Don't Wes." She gets in clacking her jaw in agitation It's not like dealing with all these people is easy for her when she's in heat. Yes the pills take the edge off and make it manageable, but with a mate that just growls and puffs up when she's just doing her job trying to make some very good connections for her future career after high school just makes ignoring the itch to bury her nose in his neck near impossible. "You know how hard this is for me to cope with and you promised to not stand around watching the meet and greet afterward so that it would be easier on me, but no there you are prickling around the edges because someone shakes my hand or gives me their business card!"

Who thought that such a tall and well built wolf could shrink so small in the drivers seat. "I tried! But when I walk by and catch your scent in the air my mind just focuses on how they smell you."

"That's not an excuse as to why you have to give into your stupid alpha traits! I thought you were stronger then that!" Her teeth clack before she growls angrily when he tries to take her hand. "You can stay in the hotel room for the rest of the shows and just drop by to pick me up. Don't get out of the car, just text me that you're here and wait."

"But I love watching you.."

"You do NOT love watching me play if this is how you get when we had an agreement!"

"Fine. I wont watch you play for the next two weeks, but the last night I will be there and you can't say no. I've already got the flowers ordered and the dinner reservations made, so no, you wont be ruining that for me because I do love watching you play! I didn't even know Classical would be a thing for me, but god when you're up there I can't think of a better sound in the world and the feeling of pride I have that you get to go home with me.." His body hunches over the steering wheel as his back shacks with silent sobs. It hurts so much that he can't control one part of his being to keep her happy. If only he wasn't a wolf.

Timid at first, as her own tears threaten to leak from the corner of her eyes, Amy runs her fingers through his hair. "You really planned a special night for that last show huh?"

"Yeah. Kurt gave me some suggestions since I'm an idiot when it comes to romance and stuff, but I knew I wanted to do something to show you how much I appreciate and love you." His eyes shift to study her face. "You're so talented and beautiful that I have no idea what I did to be picked as your mate."

"You were born Asian with money and family connections." They both laugh as the stress dissipates some. "Come on. I'm wanting to snuggle and cuddle with you and I can't do that here."

Wes laughs as he wipes his eyes on his dress shirt to the irritated hiss from his mate. "Did you want to order out for dinner?"

"Oh god yes! Pizza with lots of toppings and bread sticks."

"If I didn't know any better I would think you were pregnant and craving junk, yummy junk, but still junk." They laugh again as she sticks her tongue out at him.

"No pups until we're 18. I told you that."

"I know. A year and counting until we reach our goal huh?"

"That's what happens when your just 17 my love."


Alain is shivering with nerves, as the driver his company assigned to them while their in New York pulls up at the house they were going to meet the McKay pack leader. He's not even sure why they really agreed to this, it's a long shot that what ever this wolf says will make him feel more normal. His mind just wouldn't settle down as it continued to prepare him to be disappointed. Even up until Nick and he went up to the door and rang the door bell, his face just feel as his nerves and doubt took over.

"Love, you need to calm down." Nick nuzzles against his neck. "You're oozing fear and need. It wouldn't be a good idea to have my instincts kicked into protective mode around a pack leader."

"Can't help it. I don't want to have my hopes raised that this guy can make me feel normal, so instead my minds preparing me for the worst."

"I know. I know this is hard for both of us, but more so for you. Just keep an open mind."

leaning over and kissing his mate softly while he squeezes his hand, Alain plasters a friendly smile on his face when the middle aged man opens the door. "Good-day, I'm Alain and this is my soul match, um mate, Nick."

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Duncan McKay the pack leader of the Alley Pond park pack." He shakes both of their hands before moving out of the way and gesturing to invite them into his home. "I was told you might have some questions for me because you show a lot of traits that tend to be found in just our pack and blood relations."

"Wait, blood relations?" Nick follows the man to a front room area, keeping a constant hand on Alain to keep him centered. Especially after hearing that it's a family trait.

"Yes, blood relations. It's not something we've told most people, but seeing as you have our traits of an early maturity and the ability to mask your scent there's a really good chance you're related to us young man." His green eyes turn towards Alain. "Do you know anything about you're family?"

Shaking his head slowly "No, I was found on the beach down in Australia by my Papa and taken in by him and raised as his son. I know they tried to see if there were any missing persons reports or accidents or anything and nothing showed." His palms start to sweat as he tries to think about things from when he was little. "Pops had a hunch that it was a boating accident an' I washed up on shore. My mind always told me it was on purpose and somewhere out there were my parents that were just ashamed of having an omega male for a pup."

It's fast, but Nick catches the shift in the mans eyes. "You know something don't you."

"Yes. I was hopeful, but hearing what you're saying I can tell you for a fact that it was partially on purpose. It just had nothing to do with being an omega and was not general knowledge to one of the wolves until years later."


Blaine can't help the large grin plastered across his face as he pulls back into the driveway after successfully sneaking the kids over to the Hummel house for the weekend, all while Kurt slept. Truly it's a simple plan that required a lot of begging and embarrassment while he explained that having two pups, that are seemingly psychic when it comes to their parents desire to be a bit more intimate, has left him desperate to mate with the love of his life. Yeah, Burt didn't last to long before he just burst out laughing at him and agreed to take his grand-kids for the weekend. Now, just as long as his mate is still asleep all of his plans will be doable.

As he opens the door to their bedroom, a smile grows on his face as he spots a bare foot poking out from the blankets as Kurt has taken to curling up around his pillow. He was just so cute when he's all curled up asleep. Blaine moves fast taking all his clothes off before kissing up that perfect pale leg in front of him. Caressing and licking up the skin and sucking on it.

Kurt moaned softly as his dream was getting even better then it was, which means there should be a crying Elizabeth soon because no matter how much he wants to make this dream real he knows she'd never allow it. If not her, then Timmy would need a new diaper or food or something. They always needed something, especially when the feeling of his mate licking his entrance is so strong that he swears it's real. It's as the pressure at his entrance increases that he opens his eyes with a needy moan and finds that his dream really was happening.

"Baby.. The kids. Please don't starts something they'll make us stop." His body counters that though as he lifts his hips higher, pushing back against the insistent tongue pushing inside him.

"Dad." Blaine bites at one of those perfect ass cheeks. "Their with your dad all weekend." Growling deep as he crawls up Kurt's body. "I don't plan to get out of this bed until Sunday night when they bring them home. Now roll over and let me make love to you."

"With great pleasure." As he turns he can feel Blaine help him roll onto his back before attaching their lips and then everything blurs in waves of pleasure as their bodies unite.

Movements stay slow while hands caress and map out each other in ways they haven't had the time to do in a while. Even when the knot slip in and pushes into place, their movements stay languid. Hips moving together as they spend the entire day wrapped up in bed being one.


Standing with his arms wrapped around his body while tears fall down his face Alain tries to comprehend everything that was said in the house he ran from. It couldn't be true, nothing that wolf had said could be true. It's only when Nick wraps his arms around his waist and plops his chin over his shoulder.

"He said to take your time and he'll explain everything."

"Doesn't matter, he can't be telling the truth."

A soft kiss hits his cheek before Nick squeezes him closer. "I don't blame you for not believing him, but baby he said he's your father and that he had no idea that you not only existed, but that you were dumped overboard."

"God." Alain shoves him off of his body and turns yelling at his mate. "This is just to much to stomach! How, how come I'm jus' finding him now? When he learned I was real why didn't he come look for me?"

He doesn't miss a beat before he's cupping Alain by the face and pulling him close to try and sooth his agitated mate. "You need to ask him. Yell at him. Throw things, but the only one who knows the answers is in that house up the street. I'll be here with you every second, but please talk with him about it love." When he gets a head nod and can feel that Alain is relaxing, Nick lets him go and leads him back towards the house by the hand.

The site that meets their eyes breaks Alain's heart as Duncan is curled up crying in a very un-alpha like manor. "I've never seen an alpha cry like this..."

"You still haven't" Duncan rubs at his eyes. "I never said I'm an alpha."

"But you're a pack leader." Nick moves Alain to sit in his lap and holding him in a comforting manner.

"There's no rule saying a pack leader needs to be an alpha and that is double true in our pack." Duncan studies the shivering and frightened boy that now he can really see himself in his eyes. "Are you ready to hear what happened to you and why I never knew you ere alive?"

"Yes please. I just can't believe that you're my dad."

"Well to start or pack wasn't that different from others where the parents tried to arrange pairs, especially since my dad was the pack leader with an omega son and there were a lot of other packs that felt threatened by our genetic gifts. Maturing at an earlier time, not needing a run to initiate a bond, and the ability of the omegas to choose when their scent can be smelled along with having a much stronger, um, baring? No, that's not fully right. We're not like other omegas that depend and need their mate." He takes a soothing breath before getting up and picking up a picture frame from the mantel and handing it to Nick and Alain. "There were a lot of offers for me, but my dad settled on an outsider from a long line of pack leaders even though no one had ever heard of her before. Bridget was the perfect wolf when we first meet and I didn't feel to bad about being mated with a stranger, but after out bonding week things started to change. She became odd. The longer we wee together the more off she seemed to get. Things would set her off in random ways and I never knew what to expect next, but there's nothing that can be done once you're actually mated no matter how afraid you are of them."

"My mother was crazy?" Alain caresses down the picture of the woman that has his eyes and hair.

"She was suffering from a disease that was eating her mind, so yes. She was crazy in a clinical way. I never even knew her heat had started, let alone that she had conceived. I just knew that she wanted to go on a vacation that I couldn't go on because it was the year I became a pack leader."

"So, wait, you two were able to be apart for the entire time she had Alain?"

"Like I said, we are a bit different and can be apart. She went to Florida and had you. Keeping you with some nursemaid that fed you and raised you while she was back with me giving no sign that you even existed. It was a while later when I'd found the strange outsourcing of funds to pay for the nurse and instead of answering me she ran off. It was only a few years after she dumped you that I had learned she gathered you up and threw you over the side of a boat in Australia. The only float she gave you was a basket, which explains why no one in the crew knew you had been on board. She hid you in a basket and then dumped you."

Nick clings to Alain as his mate tosses the picture away and just starts shivering, unable to talk anymore Nick shakes his head and asks. "Why would she do that?"

"Apparently in her mind, Alain was a cancer or a curse upon her because no one explained that a pup is a gift to wolves. With our low fertility rates and natural four plus year gap between cycles, but she just didn't know or cared. It wasn't until she became with pup again a couple years ago, this time she couldn't come up with a way to run off, she admitted everything to me while..." His voice catches as tears form in his eyes. "She was holding a knife and waiving it around like a mad woman." His hand rubs across his stomach where there's a large scar that they can't see. "She tried to gut me, blaming me for bringing these horrid creatures on her and while I laid bleeding on the floor she tried to cut our pup out of her body. The blood and just.. everything came out and if it wasn't for our neighbor having heard the yelling and my screaming the ambulance wouldn't have gotten here in time." Duncan is up and grabbing another picture from a small desk in the corner. "Your sister lived, but she has some complications. She doesn't learn as fast as the other kids and the knife damaged her spine leaving her in a wheelchair until they come up with a way to heal nerve damage."

Alain runs his fingers over the little girl that looks just like him as she smiles into the sunlight with their dad holding her and the camera. "W-what about me?"

"I've been looking for evidence of what happened to you for the past four years after I'd healed fully and your sister was starting to recover, but everything showed you had died. I would never have left you alone if I'd know you were still alive."

"How old is she?"

"Lydia just turned six on Monday."

"Lydia. I have a sister and a dad..." Taking a deep calming breath as his forehead creases with worry. "I'd like to get to know you. I don't know how I feel about this just yet and this really doesn't help me feel normal in anyway, but I'd like if you and Lydia would come to Hawaii with us and watch me surf so that I can get to know both of you and you can meet my family that raised me since Pops will be there and our family from Ohio will be there as well. It's the last tournament of the season."

"I'd love too. When is it?"

"Three weeks. We leave for Florida in the morning and then we stop in Ohio to pick everyone up. I could have them make sure there's room for you and Lydia as well."


Getting off the plane in Hawaii was the greatest feeling Blaine has ever felt, well maybe not better then the day Kurt and he mated, but still. The pups didn't like the take off or landing, screaming their heads off as their ears popped and the in between time they just wanted to crawl and try walking and hated that they were restricted to their daddies laps. Thankfully Burt took Elizabeth and Henry is soothing Timothy while he stretched and waited for Kurt to make it back from the bathroom with Alain.

"Seems they finally fell asleep." Lillian taps her shoulder against her sons while her arms hold a passed out Abigail.

Looking around Blaine smiles at the sweet faces of his kids and sister. "All that crying, I'm not surprised. Kind of glad it was a private plane."

"Me too, but then again I did warn you to bring their pinkies and check with the doctor for something to make them sleepy."

"Mom. Lesson learned, but we didn't want to drug them."

"Sweetie it didn't have to be drugs." Lillian kisses his temple. "Certain foods will make them slumber as well. Like a warm bottle of milk."

"Trip back they will be filled with nice warm milk." His attention slides towards where Kurt is coming back towards them with the little girl in a wheelchair, laughing and smiling with her. "What do you think about this situation for Alain?"

"Hum? Oh, that little girl is just so darling and if this is really his family I'm glad he's found them. Remember I had a son taken from me once and this." She waives a hand towards where Duncan is talking with Henry and Burt. "Makes me feel happy that he was wanted and that now he has answers to where he came from and Duncan has his son back."

"Lydia, have you meet Blaine and Lillian yet?" Kurt parks the chair next to them.

"Papa told me their names when they got on the plane." She turns a bright smile towards them. "Hi. My name is Lydia McKay and I like sunflowers and when papa takes me to the park for children like me."

"Really?" Blaine grins and gets down to her level. "Sunflowers are my favorite as well. Especially the REALLY tall ones."

"They look like the sun!"

She keeps talking about flowers and butterflies with Blaine while Kurt loses his smile and steps closer to Lillian. "Alain's sick. He's over stressed about all of this with his family."

Lillian nods and walks off to tell Nick. The boy running off to get his mate while Burt makes sure the cars and their luggage is ready to go by the time the boys come to join them and everyone tried not to mention how pale Alain is or complain about the amount of stops the care he's in has to make for him to be sick. Then Nick acted like a pro telling his agent that Alain needed a bit of sleep before their meeting while his mate headed to his assigned room to curl up in bed.

"Nick!" Blaine catches up with his friend with Timothy clinging to his dad's shirt. "Is he alright?"

"Truthfully?" When Nick gets a head nod he groans. "He may or may not have had a big wipe-out in Florida after he suffered a weird dizzy spell. He's fried from all the rushing around all over and then finding his dad on accident he just, he needs a break and keep it quiet, but he's talking about retiring. At least from surfing and then moving into something else while he's still got the fame."

"Is he going to be alright for this weekend?"

"I don't know, but he'll participate no matter what because that's just who he is." Nick ruffles the soft curls on the babies head as Timmy yawns."You should get to bed and I really need to get back to Alain and make sure he's alright."


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