Who Says
Chapter 27 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Who Says: Chapter 27

E - Words: 4,044 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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The next morning Kurt sits in the lake with Timothy as the baby kicks and splashes the water, face in the biggest smile he has seen on his son. Laughing when his son squeals as the small wave meets his foot and sprays water in his face.

"Does someone like the lake? Huh?" Kurt laughs as Timothy gets another splash of water, some of which goes up his nose making the baby sneeze with the most adorable body jolt. "Aw poor Timmy!" He hugs his son close when he sees that bottom lip start to quiver.

"See you had the same idea we did." Blaine sits down next to his mate with Elizabeth, the baby looking between the water and her quivering, whimpering brother, and mentally decides the lake is evil and out to get them so she kicks it. What else are you suppose to do to evil?

"That's because there are two rather loud boys up there that seem to still be bonding." Lillian joins them letting Abigail sit up on her own and play with the water and sand.

"Mom, just don't mention anything to them alright? They need this to fix the issues in their bond."

"I know Blaine, I just wish their tent was a little further away from the babies." She coos at her granddaughter as Abigail tries to show her how to play in the water, but Elizabeth just wont have any of it. Water is evil and it will submit to her power. Baby fist of doom!

"Don't help that Carole was up early yelling at Finn over the phone." Kurt holds Timothy closer to Abigail so he can play with his aunt. "Can't believe he didn't show last night."

"I think he's ashamed of his girlfriend." Blaine coos down at the kids.

"I think he's dating someone he knows we'll all disagree with. No ones met her! Not even at school, which is really weird." Kurt lifts Timmy up so he giggles as he jumps back into the water, an unamused look being sent his way from Elizabeth.

"You think?" Blaine tilts his head thinking about all of the other wolves behavior since this mysterious girlfriend was first mentioned. "Yeah. I think you're right."

"Well we'll see if you boys are right. Finn just pulled up and he's not alone." Henry walks over to them, kissing his wife's forehead. "Plus, breakfast is ready."

"Dad, lead off with food next time." he scoops Elizabeth up as his daughter sends evil thoughts at the water, it was still standing and that is so not cool. His smile grows when Burt brings over warmed towels. "Thank you!"

"This is the least I can do considering what's about to happen." Burt wraps the towel around his granddaughter grinning as she snuggles into his chest and the fluffy towel.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Blaine wraps Kurt and Timothy up in a towel while his mom gets the same treatment from Henry.

"It means that my step-son has brought the last girl I'd ever thought. Trust me. Take a deep calming breath before you go up that hill." Burt opens the towel so that he can take Timothy as well, the little guy snuggling against his sister when he's handed over and yawns as his eyes close. Playing is very tiring

"That's all we..." Kurt freezes as he hears a very familiar voice and has to shoot a hand out to calm his mate as Blaine lets out a very loud growl. "Please, no Dad."

"Sorry boys, I wish I could say you just heard something else, but you didn't. I'll get these two dry and changed while you go play nice." Burt walks off with Lillian and Henry.

Taking a calming breath Kurt slips his hand into Blaine's as they head up towards the camp site with the towel wrapped around their bodies. Their met with a trying to be nice set of parents making their excuses about the babies needing naps, confirming to Kurt why his dad wanted the babies. Finn stand up taller when he sees Kurt and Blaine, body fidgeting as his eyes shift to the brunette talking with Carole.

"I've never been here when everyone does the camping trips in the summer, it's just so adorable! Usually I'm to busy putting in extra hours at the local theater and, of course, extra hours with my vocal and dance coaches to increase my natural talents and.. KURT!" Rachel turns and runs over to hug him, stopping short when Blaine gets between her and his mate. "Blaine can't I just give my friend a hug?"

"Rachel, we're not friends." Kurt eyes her as he stands up taller trying to sooth Blaine as Alain and Nick slip out of their tent to see what's happening. "Don't you remember your contempt towards me for ruining your glee club?"

"Oh psh that's all behind us now! I'm going to join your glee club and make sure you guys win, with my voice you'll be a shoe in."

"Good luck with that one. Coach Sue has a pretty serious tryout session for anyone wanting in." Kurt pulls the towel around his body tighter.

"Not to mention if you were let in now, you wouldn't be competing. Shit, I'm not even competing." Alain comes offer offering his hand to the new girl. "I'm Alain, Nick's mate."

"Rachel Berry. Aren't you that surfer boy that was all over the school not to long ago with the camera crews?"

"Yeah, that would be me." He's glad when Nick and Kurt move Blaine away from Rachel so that he can calm himself down. "I should probably call my agent and see when that issue comes out so that I can show everyone what the finished product looks like. Think they were talking about some behind the scenes DVD or something with it as well."

"You have an agent?"

"Um, yeah."

"You should give them my number so that they can be the first,"

"Whoa, wait. I'll tell you right now they wont see you. You're missing a couple things that they look for in their talents."

"How sexist!" She huffs out as he laughs at her.

"Sheila, it isn't your gender. Firstly, no one contacts them. They come to you if the feel your worthy of their time. Second, you have to be an athlete first. They'll represent you no matter what you do, but you need to be a athlete. I'm a surfer, world class surfer."

"Oh, well what else do you do?"

"Modeling, TV appearances, award shows, music, and what ever else is asked of me. Been in a couple movies as a stunt surfer."

"Music?" Her face seems to shifts in a way he can't decipher, but he keeps the smile on his face and answers that yes he sings at some events and would love for that to be his career when he's done surfing. "Then why are you not preforming at Nationals?"

"Because it's not right. They've had these numbers set in stone since New Years and there it wouldn't be right for a newbie on the team to come in and have the choreography change just cause. I mean I'm learning the numbers in case someone gets hurt, but I'm mainly going to New York to have a meeting with my agency and see what my schedule is for the summer. Anyways, only a selfish person would want to disrupt a number that's competition ready because they think it would be better with them and no practice then without them and loads of practice. Shit, I don't even like surfing without a lot of exercise and flying in a week early to get some practice on the waves in that area." He can see her nose flare at hearing there is no chance of her performing with the Starlight's at nationals, but he keeps her distracted talking about music and movies with her. Cooper and Justine that come over to help him while the others have Finn cornered.

"What the hell are you THINKING Finn!" Kurt growls at his step brother.

"What? I love her, you know that! She started talking to me when you guys went to Australia and I just couldn't say no."

Kurt starts to pace grumbling to himself as his hand rubs soothing circles into his temple. "Couldn't say no? Why? Was it her self-centered demeanor or her demanding personality? Gods, you know she has no desire to be someones mate because her stardom comes first!"

"I know!"

"Then why Finn? Why didn't you at least tell us it was her and then we wouldn't have pushed for you to bring her here." Blaine doesn't even try to stop his mate from pacing as his own fingers are twitching from the irritation at the situation their in.

"I know, but mom kept saying how disappointed she was with me for bailing and Rachel said we should come since she wants to join the Sylvester Starlight and everything so I agreed. That way you guys can all be friends again."

"Finn she's never been a real friend to me or anyone that I know." Kurt groans as he can hear Timothy crying instead of napping. "just make sure she knows that it's Coaches choice on if she gets in or not and that she'll not be performing at Nationals. There's no special treatment because she thinks that the world revolves around her." He storms off scooping his baby boy out of Carole's arms and coos at him to try and settle his son down.

"Oh my god! Is that your baby?"

No. No. no. He can't have this that shrill voice is startling all three kids, causing a crying frenzy as their fear of what ever it is that woke them would get them and not knowing where their parents are. Elizabeth was more worried about finding Timothy as she hears him cry harder now that he's scared.

"Rachel, please keep it down. Now their all upset." He closes his eyes to calm himself down before smiling as Blaine scoops Elizabeth up and Cooper coos at Abigail.

"Sorry!" She moves closer, Timothy looks at her through tear streaked red rimmed eyes as he sucks on his fingers to try and ebb his nerves. His nose flares as he instinctively sniffs the air, She doesn't smell like family or pack causing his lip to waiver as she reaches to take him.

Kurt turns as Blaine gives a warning growl so Rachel doesn't touch the babies. "Yes, this is our son Timothy and that is his sister Elizabeth. I would also like you to not try and touch them when their upset. Especially Timmy, he's very nervous around people that aren't family. "

They all catch the slight turn in her demeanor at the babies not making an exception to her being near them. "That's understandable. I didn't know you had twins."

"Finn didn't tell you?"

"No, not really."

Kurt turns a brow up towards Finn, who just shrugs confirming that Rachel just didn't want to talk about other things that didn't pertain to herself. "Yeah. He can forget important things like that sometimes. Their only his niece and nephew by marriage." He kicks Blaine when his mate tries to cover a laugh unsuccessfully "So yeah let's get some food and then Blaine and I are going to go meet up with Uncle Rob and Nani so they can meet the little ones, think Lillian is coming with?"

"Not this time dear, we'll stop on our way back to town tomorrow." She offers Cooper the bottle for Abigail now that the baby has settled down from her scare. "Are you boys going to spend another night here or head back so you get a head start on your assignments?"

"Think we'll head back with Nick and Alain." Blaine takes Timothy from Kurt, Elizabeth refusing to settle down with a stranger near and her brother oozing nervous vibes. They snuggle together against their daddy's chest. Her eyes never leaving the new woman. "We have National's soon and Kurt and I want to get the rest of the years assignments done that way we can just concentrate on college applications and figuring out if we want to do homeschooling or real school next year."

"That works for me." Alain smiles as he feeds Nick some sausage, Kurt going to fetch food for himself and Blaine. "I have a paper that's due Monday and I kind of didn't start it yet." he leans over kissing Nick gently. "Someone distracted me."

"Like you were complaining." Nick nips at his bottom lip, teasing his mate.

"Boys not in front of the kids." Burt laughs as he watches Rachel storm off since no ones talking to her anymore. "Wish you would try to be nice with her. Finn seems to think she's the one."

"Until she apologizes for nearly killing my pups without it being all about her, then I'll start being nicer to her. Until then I don't want anything to do with her." Kurt feeds Blaine some egg. "She's just trying to be nice so that we let her into our glee club, but she is so mistaken about how Coach Sylvester does things. The only way anything is changing in the line up is if someone get's hurt."

"Oh please don't tell her that. She'll hurt someone." Nick groans as he wraps around Alain.

"She wouldn't, would she?" Burt looks between all the boys.

Throwing his hand up with a shrug. "I wouldn't know."

The other three blurt out "Yes."

"Wait, she would do something like that?" looking between all his friends Alain is a bit mystified that someone would do that.

"She's all about herself. No one was allowed to have a solo besides her and Finn and she always made sure that loss was our fault, not hers. She even made sure that people who could actually sing were treated so horribly that they quit or refused to join." Kurt finishes up his breakfast. "It sucks harder when you have a teacher that encourages that kind of behavior. Coach is a much better teacher than he is. No favoritism, no discrimination, yes she has weird nicknames for everyone but she's there when you need her."

"She also gave everyone a chance to shine, hell since she's taken over all of us have had a solo at some point. That is just amazing! We never had that at Dalton or even the first half of the year with New Directions." Nick happily agrees to what Kurt was saying. "I wont be mean to her if she wants to join, but she can't be mad at us if things don't go how she thinks they will."

"I don't want her anywhere near our babies." A huffing Blaine snuggles the two curly heads being careful not to wake them up. "What? She made it very clear what she thought about them when Kurt was pregnant and now all of a sudden she's happy to see them? It's an act and I don't want my kids exposed to someone who lies so easily."

"Okay. Well you boys better start packing if your really heading out. I know Rob would love to meet the new additions." Burt grins down at his sleeping grand kids. "Plus I bet someone wants to teach the kids how to shift when they want to." Kurt tries to hide his face by turning away. "Nani is getting old, just remember that Kurt."

"Yeah yeah. I'm going to get the car seats moved around. Which one should we take?"

"Gotta take a look at them all and figure out who is going when."

It takes them until lunch time to get everything together so the four boys can head to Uncle Robs for more then just a gas refill, everyone else settles in to stay another night grilling Finn and Rachel about their relationship. All Kurt can hope is that Finn will learn he's better then just settling for who ever is throwing themselves at him. Every thought of his brother goes right out of his head when they pull up and Uncle Rob is out front rocking in his chair with Nani laying at his side waiting for them.

"Uncle Rob!" Kurt is out of the vehicle the second it stops moving and runs over as rob stands up opening his arms.

"If it tisn't Kurt! Was hopein' you be commin' by sometime today." He hugs Kurt tight, Nani picking her head up tongue out and tail wagging happily. "You bring those babes? That picture you send was jus' to adorable to be believable."

"Blaine is getting them out of the van now, we also have two friends with us. Their newly mated, Nick and Alain." He turns towards the sound of crying as Blaine get's Elizabeth out of her seat and he hurries over to help his mate with the cranky baby, Nani and Rob following him both oozing happiness at seeing the beautiful little girl. Nani trying to sniff the baby to Elizabeth's irritation. Why can't they just let her sleep, all this stopping and startling and waking her up. "Shh sweets. This is Nani, she wont hurt you." He kneels down, turning his baby girl around to face the wolf earning her a lick across her face. Her eyes go wide as she stops crying reaching a tiny hand out to touch the fluffy fur.

Timothy clings to his dad when he's faced with the strange dog. Eyes shooting between the four legged new person and the old man that is shaking hands with Nick and Alain. "Timmy, this is Nani. She's a sweet old girl and a very good friend of your Daddy and me." he tries to get Timothy to touch the wolf as Nani tries sniffing and getting his attention, but it only causes him to cling tighter to Blaine. "No? Awe sweety. Here, let me introduce you to Uncle Rob." Standing up and moving his son towards his old friend calms the baby down and Rob's face brightens at the adorable Golden-Blue eyes and a head full of fluffy hair.

"You are jus' to cute lil fella." Offering his pinkie that is curiously grabbed by Timothy, Rob grins bigger. "I'm thinkin' your Timothy? Lil shy and showing more omega traits then your dad ever did. That's all good though. You'll grow out of it like most twins do."

"Hear that Timmy? You're going to become braver with age." Nick kisses the babies cheek causing him to giggle.

"Nick, you trying to help him become braver with your kisses?" Alain teases his mate.

"Ha. Ha." he turns and kisses his mate with a bit of a teasing growl.

"An' this young angel?" Rob caresses Elizabeth's cheek with a fond smile. "Ye named her well. Elizabeth would be very proud of the two o' you. The perfect granaries."

"Thank you Rob." Kurt kisses his daughters forehead, fighting back tears. "So, we have um sandwiches for lunch. No fish this time though we have left over breakfast sausage for Nani. Oh and you think Nani is up for a run?"

"I think Nani is always up for a run wit' yous. Come on, let's get to the tables and get caught up."

They spend a few hours with Rob talking before Kurt and Blaine try to teach the kids how to shift at will, to the others amusement as Timothy is more interested in playing with the black fur on Blaine then he is in shifting. Yelps of pain as tiny fingers come away with a patch of fuzzy black while Nick and Alain crack up laughing. Even Kurt huffs out a laugh at his mate while Elizabeth get's upset that she's having trouble shifting. It isn't fair that her daddies can change and run around while she's stuck in this stupid car seat. It's only when Nick and Alain run out of the house all shifted that the kids get it. Rob smiling happily as he watches Nani play with the fuzzy puff balls. His mind filled with how these families have improved his life over the years and how proud he is seeing the newest generation starting off strong.


The next week was just full of amusement for everyone. Rachel learning the hard way that the boys were right, Coach Sylvester let her try out but telling her she was disqualified when she refused to sing one of the songs on the list of acceptable pieces that everyone else had sung to get in. No one seemed surprised or even bated an eye when she stormed out. What they were shocked about was Finn following her, Kurt refusing to stick up for his decision to 'follow his heart'. It gave them little time to get Alain up to snuff to fill in the missing link and get the arrangements changed for a different key. Everyone agreed to extra practices when Alain suggested they should all meet at his place, they all wanted a good placing when they left for competition.

When they all left Kurt cried leaving his babies behind for the weekend as he wasn't ready to go so far away from them for so long. Everyone did what they could to make it easier on him and after the first night away it worked to an extent. He wasn't crying, though he missed the pudgy cheeks and curly hair of his babies and their eyes watching his every move, he did enjoy spending time with everyone again and being a kid.

They don't get first, they didn't expect to with the rest of the groups being so good, but they do bring home a third place trophy. Surprising the entire school and earning a snub from Rachel, because they could have gotten first if she would have been on their team according to her. According to coach Sylvester, who was very proud of them, they will get first next year as they will have their numbers worked out within the first week of school next year, the same way she plans out the Cheerios routines, that way they are fully ready for anything and can do the routine in their sleep.

That only left finals for those still in school and the talks of summer plans. The yearly camping trip is scheduled around when Alain will be in town from his surf tours. The tours that Nick is following him on to keep their bond growing as strong as they can get it, leaving Kurt and Blaine to watch the house in their absence. Everything seemed to happen so fast as Alain and Nick left the weekend school let out for California where Alain is going to train with his personal coach and declaring himself an independent competitor now.

When that first weekend rolled around, Nick and Alain out on their flight, Kurt and Blaine strolled through the park they've always meet up at this time every year. Babies sleeping soundly in the carriage as Blaine pushes the buggy while they laugh and talk about everything they see or that comes to mind. When lunch rolls around they show up at an all to familiar coffee shop where their parents were inside waiting, Cooper getting his mate something to eat and drink up at the counter. The smile Kurt shines at them says it all, he's so happy that their finally all back where they had started. Planning joint summer plans together as friends and family. He's a little sad that Finn isn't there with them, though seeing Carole there eases that slight pain as he knows when his brother learns who he is inside he'll be back as part of their family.

The one thing none of them saw coming was Cooper being the first one to speak. "So, Justine and I have an announcement. Well a couple announcements." Their hands link as everyone looks at him expectantly. "The construction is on the way for turning the mansion into a school for Omega's and it should be ready for staffing by Christmas." he has to wait for everyone to quiet down after that before he continues. "We also think there isn't enough fluffy pups around here so we were hoping that you'd be alright with us adding one more to the family."

"Wait are you..." Blaine points between Justine and her mate.

"Oui.. um yes." Justine blushes as she answers in a heavy french accent. "We just found out yesterday."

"Think my sister, niece, and nephew would be alright with another pup to play with?" Cooper laughs as Lillian and Kurt hug him tight as everyone else congratulates them.


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