Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 24

E - Words: 4,915 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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The high pitched shrieking giggles of his sons voice hits his ears even before Burt opens his front door to find Blaine down on his knees nosing at his sons ever expanding waistline. He tries hard not to laugh at the overly happy expression on their faces as Blaine runs his hands up under Kurt's shirt. So he does what any parent does, clears his throat and watches as the two of them turn their eyes on him. Kurt with the look of surprise and Blaine looking as if the world couldn't get any better.

"Should I ask what you're doing to my son on the front porch when you were suppose to be here an hour ago for dinner?" Burt raises an eyebrow trying to be stern.

"Sorry Burt, but the doctors appointment went a little longer then expected and then we stopped by to see mom and dad before heading here and well I got distracted!" An even bigger grin hits his face as the boys walk in. "Finally felt them-some kicking..." His eyes shoot over to Kurt to make sure he kept quiet about their big news.

"Haha Then you're forgiven!" Burt wraps an arm around each of the boys shoulders and leads them to the dining room. "I remember the first time I felt Kurt kick it was just magical. We were in the middle of a dinner with her parents and she just grabbed my hand and put it over you." He kisses Kurt's temple. "I got down under the table and just kept my face under her shirt to be close to you."

Carol comes over and hugs Kurt gently over hearing their conversation. "Finn's dad was the same way except it was in front of his friends and he nearly ripped my shirt off to get closer."

"What is it a male dad thing or something?" Kurt blushes when Blaine shifts to stand behind him hands protectively over the swell of his stomach.

"No sweety." Carole coos at them. "It's a wolf thing that those of us who carry the pups don't experience because we're one with them already, but the other half of our pair get's a big instinctive draw to their young once they start moving and it makes them want to be as close as they can at all times."

"That does explain a lot." They all laugh as Blaine is caught slipping his hand under his mates shirt. "Now let's sit down and eat! I'm surprised Finn isn't down here whining about being hungry yet."

Carol turns pointed eyes at Burt before going to get the last of the dinner out of the over where it was being kept warm and put on the table. "Um yes about that, apparently he had a date scheduled for after our original dinner time and when you were late." Burt shrugs as he sits quickly. "I let him go, not like he is on the top of the list of first people to tell the gender of the pup." His smile grows as Kurt blushes and Blaine beams with pride. "So do we find out now or after we eat?"

As soon as his step mother sits and happily takes Burt by the hand, Kurt fidgets in his seat. "Well you are right that we wanted to say what the gender is so that a proper baby-shower can be planned, but um we had a bit of a shock during the appointment."

"What shock? You're not sick are you? By god Kurt if you're sick you better damn well tell me now!" Burt flares his nose and huff, puffing his chest as his protective instincts kick in when it comes to his little boy.

Shaking his head fast, Blaine gruff out a response to calm Burt's wolf down. "He isn't sick it's just a surprise as all, nothing bad I promise."

Soothing her husband Carol smiles at the boys. "So are we buying blue or pink?"

"Yes." Both Kurt and Blaine answer.

"Come again? That wasn't an answer boys." Narrowed eyes study them both as they fidget in front of Burt's glare.

"Well Sir, that was the surprise that no one saw coming especially since Kurt has been underweight for so long in the beginning and now is just at the expected weight." Blaine reaches into his back pocket pulling out his wallet and passing over the ultrasound picture from inside of it to the two adults. Both of which gasp when hey clearly see two small pups curled around each other. "Apparently their heartbeats are in-sync with each other and every time they moved the wand around they would turn so that the little girl would be blocking her brother."

Kurt sighs happily when Blaine slips his hand under his shirt to touch his stomach. "Dr. Barnaby thinks that she's an alpha and he's an omega due to their behavior, his theory is she's protecting him from 'danger' as she perceives it and that's why none of the scans before ever showed any evidence of their being a second pup." His smile gets even bigger when he sees the happy looks on his parents faces, the same extreme joy that both Lillian and Henry showed when they burst into the hospital room to tell them. "Dad, Blaine and I have been talking over names for awhile, both boy and girl names just in case and we're wanting to name our daughter Elizabeth Lil and our son Timothy Bry."

Carole thinks about that a bit "Bry?"

"Yes ma'am." Blaine puffs up as his eyes never leave Burt and his hand stays soothinly on his mates tummy. "B from Burt and Ry from Henry. Lil is of course from my mom and..."

Everyone goes silent when they hear what is definitely sobs escaping the older alphas throat as Burt gives in and clings to the little picture fingers stroking over the pups that will carry all four friends names, especially they little girl that will carry his mates name. "Y-you boys are..." he tries to sit up and calm his tears as Carole wraps around him trying to help sooth him as Kurt hurries up and around to nuzzle into his dads neck leaving Blaine to hug around all of them causing Burt to laugh through his tears. "I'm such a mess."

"It's alright dad, you're allowed to be."

"My dad cried so hard he ended up in the bed with mom so she could calm him down, though I think she needed the comfort too."

"Boy, Lizzie would be so proud of you both an honored to have her first granddaughter named after her, the pups being named after all of us."

After they all break into happy tear filled laughter the group separates to eat when Kurt rubs at his stomach complaining about the pups being demanding when their hungry. They don't talk about anything other then current events in everyone's lives again until their all sitting in front of the TV with a random movie playing as Kurt eats his fourth serving of cheesecake and the rest just kind of watch him in amazement at having stuffed in three servings of chicken and potatoes and now nearly half a cheesecake. Trying not to upset his dad Kurt takes a deep breath when he finishes that pieces and leans closer into Blaine.

"Dad we've also been talking and I did some research, Henry and Lillian agree with what I'm about to say as well, I think maybe I should start home school. I know you'll be upset and seeing as I was determined to get through public school, but with there being twins and having a family history of premature birth there is a high chance I wont make it to the end of the year before our pups are with us and I've already gotten a warning from the school district about the amount of classes I've missed and I really don't want to be held back a year." He wont make eye contact at least not yet. "We found out that I can stay in the Glee club as it's an activity only offered through school and I know Coach wont fail me when I give birth for missing classes."

"Kurt." He gets his son to look at him finally. "It's alright, truthfully I was going to look into it myself when you left and I agree it's a very smart and mature choice to make. Now, will Blaine be joining you at home or sticking with school?"

"Home school." His answer is fast and if the sight of him visibly puffing up and Kurt eying his mate as he protectively wraps around him is any indication he's also growling. The thought of leaving his families side physically hurts. "Next year we'll look into what school options would be best until graduation with us having the pups, but the rest of this year would be better spent at each others sides making sure we don't get held back."

"Alright then. Let's talk details."

They both spend one last week going to all their classes while they are put into the home school system, Sue promising that Kurt was right and she'd never fail him. Blaine spend most of his time with Wes and Jeff talking song strategies as the key performers were announced for the rest of the competition season and they want to come up with some song ideas that fit the picked voices of Santana and Brittney. Artie, Jeff, Blaine, and Wes. Tina, Nick, and Mercedes. In the event that they make it to Nationals Coach Sylvester has it set up that everyone would be featured for at least two lines in each song with the main voices being Santana, Finn, Blaine, Tina, and Mercedes. She's even arranged for smaller performances featuring the ones who didn't get a featured spot for competitions to be a soloist, mainly school assemblies and events happening around town.

With all this excitement no one noticed Nick curled in on himself in the corner with his phone plugged in so that he can have it on all the time, randomly sending messages that don't get any response, well almost no one. Kurt sees him and frowns making his way over to his friend and sitting down as close as he can get, his pheromones calming Nick down slightly in a way they've figured out earlier that week.

"You're really not going to be in school after today?" His question is so quiet Kurt almost doesn't hear him.

Sad blue eyes take in the pale skin and dark circles under his eyes. "I'll be in Glee for class and after school practices, but yeah no more public school." Kurt leans into Nick, nosing at his jaw. "Still no word?"

"Any texted me back saying that Alain was sick and that's why he hasn't messaged me." He runs his fingers over the picture on his phone of Alain and him smiling from Christmas. "He said he keeps calling for me, but until the fever goes down they don't think he'll use his phone."

"Nick, why don't you come over tonight for dinner and a sleep over with Blaine and me? My dad and Carole will be there since it's a welcome home for Lillian and Henry and a big welcome to the family to Abigail. I think it would do you good to be around us all."

"I don't.. I... are you sure?"

"Very sure. You seem to get better when I'm around and I'd feel horrible if you got worse over the weekend and I wasn't there Monday to help you feel better." He wraps an arm around the weak wolf and pulls him in close ignoring the defensive huffs and growls he can hear coming from Blaine, knowing his mate wont attack since he's just as worried about him as Kurt is. "I'm worried about you."

That's the last straw as Nick folds into Kurt and cries as he clings to him. Letting all the hurt and pain inside out at not knowing what's wrong with him and just needing to be with Alain even if the other boy's sick. Keeping his arms around his friend Kurt snaps his jaw and huffs towards Blaine to get his attention signaling towards Sue, trying to convey the need to get Nick away from everyone before he breaks down even more. With just one look Blaine hurries over and explains everything and before to long they have Nick back at the Anderson home curled up on the couch with Kurt wrapped around him and two sets of parents looking from shocked to confused, except for Burt.

While the others talk back and forth about what could be wrong and Henry has the Duval family on the phone making sure they know where their son is, Burt moves closer to the pair on the couch, sitting on the coffee table, and making them both give him eye contact. "Nick did you mate with Alain before he left?"


"Quiet Kurt. Answer the question son." He tries a warning growl at the boy. "I might not know about a lot of things, but I know what it looks like when mates are apart to long the first year after bonding since I had to watch my own mate start to go through the symptoms. So answer me, did you mate?"

"H-he's only 15... we didn't have a run nothing except..."

"Except what."

"New years we both got really drunk and neither of us really remember what happened besides the fact we had s-sex." He buries his face against Kurt as a new wave of tears starts up. "He hasn't spoken to me since and I don't know.. he's sick is what Andy says and can't talk but he's been calling for me and I'm just so lost..."

Henry comes up beside Burt eying Nick. "He's sick as well? Oh fucking hell!" Everyone jumps as no ones ever heard Henry get pissed before. "He's the son of the Newcastle pack leader Nick! Not only that the Aussie wolves tend to not mate until 18 even though I have no clue how you could have initiated a bond without a run and with him under 16! Do you have any idea how bad of a situation you could put us in because you got drunk?"

"Henry STOP!" Kurt growls out. "How ever it happened it did. Now I'm making him feel better when he's near me and I push for my sent to strengthen, but he needs Alain and you need to figure out how that's going to happen."

"Kurt's right Henry, we need to call the Newcastle pack and see if they agree with our diagnosis and what can be done. Well really, which kid is being shipped to the others pack really. Until then if Blaine is alright with it I think Nick should stay near Kurt to keep him calm, which probably has something to do with the pregnancy hormones we can all smell." His son blushes as Blaine nods slowly and goes over to nuzzle against his mates neck and send soothing huffs and noises to his friend.

"Burt he needs..."

"He needs to get back with his mate and then we can figure out the details! Look at him!" Burt gestures towards the boys. "He's gotten paler since they dragged him in the door and you know it's been nearly a month since those Aussie boys left! How long do you think they can survive apart or even what kind of affect do you think this will have on their bond? As leaders of this pack it's our duty to help every member and if Alain is sick as well that's a part of this pack suffering!"

"He's right darling, you need to call and see if they have the same conclusion and figure out how to solve this. So why don't you two go into your office and make that call while Carole and I get dinner ready and watch after the boys."


Andy changes the cool cloth from Alain's forehead sighing when his friend whines again letting Nick's name slip from his lips even as he doesn't wake up. It's been the same since they got back to Australia and he'd noticed Alain hiding the bite mark on his neck that could only point to one thing in his eyes though no one else seemed to catch on and his friend refused to talk about it until they were already home and he started to get sick. Even worse was that stupid surf showcase a week and a half ago that put him right here in bed with pneumonia like symptoms caused from the saltwater entering his lungs and taking advantage of his weakened body. They'd all been taught about separation sickness, but no ones ever seen it and he doubts anyone would believe him if he told them that's what he thinks it is.

"Yes. Yes he's been very sick since getting back from America and then after the surfing accident he hasn't woken up for more then an hour at a time."

He turns his eyes towards Fergus and Gus, the pack leader and maternal grandfather to Fergus and foster father to Alain, as they come in with worried looks in their eyes and a phone to Gus's ear.

"It is possible, we have no real clue how old Alain was when we found him on the beach as a toddler. Uh huh. I agree they need to be put together and see if it helps either or both of them, but there is no way my son is well enough to be moved." He moves back out into the hall as talk of the Americans coming to Australia and that Gus would take care of housing arrangements go on.

Fergus wraps around his soul match and sighs. "Apparently Nick is down and they think its separation sickness from a joining. You think it's possible?"

"Um, I do. He didn't say anything but he had the bite on his neck after New Years and he was walking a bit funny."

"Wait, you knew?"

"No one would believe me. He's 15 and there wasn't a run there was just the sickness and signs that something happened."

"You should have told us!"

"Why? Because no one would believe me? Because he wouldn't say anything? Fergus, he was going to tell me after the showcase, but THIS is where he ended up! Then everyone just thinks it's the salt water and I have no proof!" He clacks his jaw towards his partner, growling in warning as he knows the guilt's already eating him up.

"It doesn't matter, nothing could have been done before since apparently Mr. Duval didn't tell anyone in his pack what was happening either." Gus sits on Alain's other side running his fingers through the sweat damp hair. "They will be here on the next set of flights and we must make arrangements for the new pair to finish their bond and make sure there is no lasting damage."

"Gramps, if it works is he.."

"He'll go back with them as he had planned to do if he and Nick were meant to be together as he and I talked about before you all went off traipsing about on your adventure. Everything happens for a reason son, you just might not know what it is until much later. Now you two go get the rooms ready in the guest houses."


It took a day of fighting between the everyone when Kurt put his foot down and said that he wasn't leaving Nick's side until he was safely in his mates arms again, especially since he seems to calm down when ever the pregnant omega is close to him. Blaine and Burt utterly hated the idea, but eventually gave in as Henry stressed that Kurt had a point and they knew he wouldn't take no for an answer. The flights were booked and special papers that would be needed for Alain to come back to the states with them in hand and Burt found himself in the airport staring out at a sunny city that looked nothing like Ohio.

"Nick, we're almost there." Kurt rubs at the side of his stomach as the pups make their protest of being on an airplane so long very known his eyes following Blaine's movement as he gathers the bags with Andy and Fergus's help. He was very glad they had both come to get all of them. Another strong kick has him whimper. "Dad, I need to pee."

Burt turns an amused eye on his son. "Again?"

"Not my fault they both think taking the trip out on my bladder is the best way to get my attention. Now take Nick and I'll be right back." He makes sure his dad sits with the shivering alpha before waddling off to the bathroom again sending soothing huffs at his pups and rubbing at the sides trying to sooth them. He just glares at Blaine when he get's back, yes it's all his fault he's suffering with pups before he climbs up into the van and nuzzles up with Nick growling threateningly when Blaine goes to sit near him.

"What did I do?" he tries pouting as he takes his seat next to Burt.

"Got him pregnant." Burt laughs at his pouty face. "Get use to it because his blaming you for every ache pain and discomfort will just get worse until he's cussing you out in the delivery room."

Golden eyes shift to peek at angry blue eyes. "I miss his glowing happy to be pregnant personality."

"It'll be back when he settles down. That was a really long flight and he's been extremely stressed about his friends health."

"True.. Hey Andy how far to the house?"

"Not far mate, just up the way and steps away from some of the best surf 'round. We have guest bunaglows along the shoreline that we have everyone assigned to while Nick will be in the main house with Gramps, Burt, and Alain."

"Sounds like a plan. How is Alain?"

Nick perks up at the name of his love watching the two talk in front of him. "Weak. He seems to be responding well when we told him Nick was going to be here, but he's still fighting the fever. Ah here we are." He barely gets the van parked before Nick is out and running towards the house, nose flaring as he follows the scent he's been craving.

Burt grins. "Well take the boys to their lodgings and I'll see you all later with an update." He hurries in after grabbing his bag and shakes the outstretched hand Gus offers him. "Glad to meet you pack leader, Andy is running my son and his mate to their lodging as he's a bit uncomfortable after the trip."

"Traveling pregnant I can understand why." He gestures towards the study near the bedroom where they can hear Nick crying. "Don't worry I was in there when he rushed in. He's wrapped himself around my son and they seem quite content to be holding one another."

Nick was happily licking at any and all skin he can smell someone else on Alain's skin as his fingers card through the sweaty golden hair. "You're burning up."

"Sick." Dulled green eyes try to focus on his features. "Am I dreaming?"

"No. No you're not." Nick leans in attaching their lips softly. "I love you my mate."

He laughs a bit before a heavy coughing fit goes through his body and tears stream down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry I left. I left and didn't call. I'm sorry."

"Just don't you dare die on me and all is forgiven."

"Join with me?" He weakly tugs at Nicks clothes making the other wolf laugh softly. "I need you, I feel it all over I need you."

"Then I'll make love to you." He joins their lips again before helping Alain remove all their clothes groaning when he feels and smells that his mates body is ready for him.


"Kurt please forgive me! I know you're mad at me and I hate that we've been so distant the past week."

"We haven't been distant, we've been taking care of our friend! Though you never even pushed to try and be closer to me!" Kurt eyes the couch with trepidation of how hard it would be to stand back up after sitting in it's squishy cushions. "I just.. I miss you and the way you can comfort the pups into not making my life miserable with all the kicking and punching."


He relaxes back into the arms that wrap around him as the hands caress over his tummy instantly soothing the overly active pups. "Like that. Thank you." He tilts his head as he feels Blaine nose and sniff at him. "I've missed you."

"Missed you too." He pulls and guides Kurt towards the bedroom. "I'm sorry I've neglected you. It's just if I would have given in Nick would have been worse off because I'd never let him near you so I stayed back. For him."

"And now?" Kurt giggles a bit when he sees the bed and feels his clothes start to be removed.

He gets a growl, a deep claiming growl in his ear that sends shivers down his spin. "You're mind and I plan for everyone to know it." Then their lips are attached, the rest of the clothes go flying before Blaine lays them both down and pushes into him with a quick smooth movement not moving as they both relax with the feel of being one. "Mine."

Hands rub at his stomach as Kurt whines with need, lifting his leg and wrapping it back around his mates legs to encourage him to move. Needing him to move and make his body his again. They stay slow for as long as they can, dragging out the feeling of being united and making sure everyone will be able to smell that Kurt belongs to Blaine. When the feeling in his stomach starts to tingle and the whine in Kurt's chest gets louder, Blaine growls and starts to thrust into him with a desire and need to erase all scent of Nick on his mate to make sure Kurt knows who he mate is and who the father of their pups are. Their moan grow louder as he slams in extra hard, shoving his knot into place before biting Kurt's neck pushing them both over the edge and drawing a howl of pleasure out of Kurt.

Their bodies stay wrapped about each other even after the knot softened and released. They stay kissing and caressing as they talk about plans for the nursery when they get back, Blaine every now and then leaning down to nose and lick at the expanding skin over their pups. Not knowing or worrying about anything else as they finally just have each other.

Burt up the beach stares out the main window as the noises die down in the bedroom again confirming in his mind that the trip was the right thing to do and praying that it was soon enough to help the young omega heal. From the sounds starting up again, he's pretty sure that his wish has already been granted.

"Here. Going to be a long night I suspect." Gus passes the other man a cup of coffee. "Have a seat, relax."

"Thank you." Burt sits down sipping the cup. "Gus, I've been wondering about the mating without a run while Alain is under age."

"Ah well, like I said we had no clue what his age was when we found him wrapped up in a basket with some boat buoys on the beach. We always suspected he was on a boat that was sinking and his parents did what they could to save his life, but all we knew was his name was Alain McKay and he was old enough to stand, but not old enough to talk."

"How did you figure he would be 15 now then?"

"We guessed with the medical teams help, we figured we got it right by a year or so and chose his birthday as the day we found him. Now I've been asking the doctors here about the soul matching without a run and they think if his age was close enough to 16 that intercourse with a wolf of joining age could have triggered the change while they were already joined."

"Good possibility on that and with Nick saying neither of them remember what really happened..."

"And Andy seeing the bite mark that Alain was hiding.."

"It must have been traumatic." Burt frowns, glad his son planned his own run. "No wonder Alain ran like he did after. He confusion and change coming so fast his body wouldn't know what to do."

"And that's why my son came back here and shut himself away from the world until the accident." Gus shakes his head at the worry in Burt's eyes. "It was a surfing accident and one that would have happened had he been at full strength or not, the only affect the sickness had on him was his system not healing as fast afterwords. No he was out set to grab the next wave with Andy and the rest of the team and got caught in the wrong spot as the wave cut wrong and threw him from the board and luckily he didn't get hit with it. Just ingested a bit to much salt water." The men talk about surf accidents and where Alain will still be able to surf in America even from a state like Ohio.

All while the two boys make each other stronger every second they spend wrapped around each other and joined together mending the bond they had started a little over a month ago.


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