Who Says
Chapter 22 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Who Says: Chapter 22

E - Words: 2,782 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
148 0 0 0 0

"Attention students. I am sure you have all noticed the large group of people outside making our grounds look as if it is summer and setting up cameras and tents and other equipment. It is my duty to inform you that no one is to go near said equipment without a special pass given to a select few by members of the crew." Principle Figgings re-adjusts his reading glasses. "So for the next few days while this group is gracing us with their presence, please be on your best behavior as the funding received from this will help pay for new cheese dispensers for the nacho cheese in the cafeteria along with tables that are guaranteed to not allow gum to stick to the underside and there for save our maintenance staff time needed to properly clean the women's toilets. Thank you."

"Ewe." Amy scrunches her nose at hearing the women's bathrooms aren't properly cleaned.

"Now we know why Coach is havin' us use the cheerleaders restrooms." Julie shudders making a mental note to never use the regular bathrooms. "For something' better, have you meet that little cutie Nick has been txting in the flesh yet?"

"No, but Wes has and I'm so pissed!"

"Ugh this is not fare! The boys all meet them and we barely get a glimps at the mall Saturday getting' a 'they have a meeting with their manager'" She tries to imitate Nick's voice. "Bull. He jus' didn't want us to get our claws into him."

"What are they afraid of? Really? Nick is a big boy, it's not like we'd interrogate the kid and make sure his intentions are good."

"And that would be why you didn't meet him yet." The girls jump as Nick finally makes his presence know to them.

"You arse!" Julie smacks him with a laugh as Jeff circles his arms about her, kissing at her neck.

"Well played Nick. Very well played." Wes kisses Amy as they go to head down the hall towards the side doors. "Now girls, we have a gift for you to make up for Saturday."

Nick holds up a bunch of VIP passes for the set. "A gift from Alain." The girls make a horribly high pitches noise before tackling and kissing both sides of his face to the unhappy growls of Wes and Jeff at seeing their girls all clingy to someone else.

They all freeze when another growl is heard loud and clear. "Something I should know about?"

Nick grins and shifts his way out of the girls grasp in exchange for grabbing and nuzzling into Alains neck instead with a happy huff. "They jumped me. Promise, it means nothing."

"I know." Alain rubs noses with Nick, causing the boy to turn bright red as he turns towards the others. "G'day! So sorry I didn't get to meet your beautiful sheilas on Saturday, but Rusty called saying that the shoot manager wanted to talk with us." He reaches out his hand. "Names Alain Kelly, please to meet ya."

"Amy, I'm Wes's mate and this is Julie Jeff's mate."

As he shakes Julies hand, the girl doesn't hid her once over of his body, skater shorts slung low on his slender waist, blond just past the shoulder hair slightly waved to frame his face, and a light blue t-shirt just snug enough to show he's defined. "You're like, hot."

He laughs a bit. "Thanks. I'm sure the crew outside would be glad to know you think so. Personally, this isn't my style." He pulls at the shirt. "When I'm not in board shorts, I tend to be in more of a punk style and darker colors."

"Nope, that doesn't take away from the hotness." Julie turns her eyes on Nick. "How the fuck you get someone so hot? You're a geek!"

"Love at first wave?" Nick shrugs and doesn't even catch how big Alains eyes get at the word love.

"Oy! Alain! You're up dude!" Scotty gestures towards them from the open door with security guards standing watch.

"Coming!" He takes off, taking Nick by the hand and dragging him off towards the exit with everyone else following closely.

Alain gets pulled away while the group gets pointed to a tent set up with heaters where the rest of the glee club is hanging out talking with Scotty, Nathan, Fergus, Andy, and a few humans male and female. Nick can't bring himself to listen or join in with anyone's conversations as Alain is out there posing, looking down right edible in the different poses they have him do. His possessive grumbling getting louder the more people touch what is his.

"You shouldn't be so vocal mate. It's just a bunch of humans paid to make the clothes look good and besides, he only has eye for you."

Nick looks sideways at Andy standing to his side looking so relaxed. "Sorry."

"No worries. Jesse is being anti-social and he's the only one that would demand you put a ring on his lil' brothers finger."

"Ring?" He turns to face the other boy fully while Alain gets shuffled off to change outfits. "You guys keep mentioning rings, is it an engagement or something?"

"You guys don't have scent rings in America?"


"No wonder there's no omegas around this school."

Andy makes a odd face thinking about how behind American wolves are. He explains to Nick how the rings work and what they would stand for all the while the American can't stop thinking about how perfect that would be. His ring on the finger of that angel of a wolf that has his heart all a twitter and his wolf going restless. Andy takes his leave when the director of the shoot calls for the group shots. Getting the crew that can ride a skateboard riding and doing tricks for action shots. He groans when Blaine and Kurt come to drag the reluctant wolf back to class with everyone else. A certain pair of green eyes following their path back into the building.


He looks around as everyone files into the vans to head back to the hotel, Alain's pretty sure he heard his name.

"Alain! Wait up!"

Smile breaking out across his face, Alain turns and finally sees Nick running towards him. "Thought you had practice for the Christmas party this weekend." He opens his arms to hug around the older boy.

"Are you complaining? Besides, Coach said we rocked so hard the past weekend, we really don't need the extra practice and should be concentrating on the run Sunday. Secretly I think she's worried Kurt is pushing to hard and needs some extra rest." Nick buries his nose in Alain's neck. "You smell like all those people."


"I know there's nothing I can do about it." He groans. "You're to young to be my mate."

"True, but I wasn't going to bring that up silly." Alain nudges his shoulder against Nick , moving the boy to make eye contact. "I want to take you out to dinner. Tonight. Just us."

"A date?"

"Our first date."

"Yes." Nick bursts out laughing he's so happy, spinning Alain around as he squeals his own laugh. " A million times yes!"

Alain rubs their noses together, whispering to be at the hotel by 6pm, before running off to leave with the last of the crew. Scotty and Andy teasing him for being so cute, asking an older boy out. Nick resists the urge to do a victory dance, mentally promising himself to dance as much as he wants when he gets home.

Later that night, Kurt groans when he notices that he shuffling walk is turning into a waddle. He has officially begun to do the baby penguin which means from here on it will only get worse. "Blaine!" He knocks on the bathroom door before sticking his head in, Blaine popping his head out of the shower so he can hear him better. "Lillian said she was bringing over some dinner for us, so I brought your pajamas that way she doesn't have to see you naked." He plops the clothes down on the sink before waffling over to Blaine, kissing him softly.

"Thanks weeble." He barely dodges the rightly aimed hand, laughing. "Sorry! I heard you mumbling it about yourself earlier and now that songs stuck in my head!"

"Quite while there's still a chance of you getting laid tonight."

"Yes boss." He grins and sings out. "Se~xy B~o~y!"

Earning a laugh from Kurt as he waddles his way to meet Lillian between their houses. Hand firmly pressing into his lower back to help his spazming muscles. "Stupid weight gain." He grumbles until the twitches move to the side of his expanding waistline as he just steps outside. "Sorry Bug," He rubs at the sides of his tummy. "all you're doing is making my muscles and nerves twitch as they try and make room for you. It's not your fault."

"Talking to the baby wont make the twitching stop." Lillian says between deep breathes, the walk irritating her already on edge body. "Trust me. Those feelings will just get worse, but be easier to forget once the little Bug starts to kick." They grin towards each other. "Still can't believe you guys are calling your pup a Bug."

"Better then 'it' right?" He takes the food from her. "Are you alright?"

Lillian immediately puts her hands about her belly, a strange look on her face. "Not really. Extra pressure on my back and pains in the front."

"Come on. Sit down inside and rest a bit until Henry gets home."

"Alr-" As soon as she takes a step forward she feels a sudden pop and liquid leaking down her legs.


"Either I just pissed myself or," She sniffs the air, whining when she doesn't smell pee. "My water just broke."

"Alright. Ok. Wow." Kurt ushers her inside, putting the food down. "Sit down and call Henry. I'll go get Blaine." He hurries to the bathroom. "Blaine! Lillian is in labor!"

Like everything in their life so far, a series of perfectly timed instances just happen to line up. Blaine was just stepping out of the shower when Kurt burst into the room, startling him and sending him slipping and falling towards the sink. His arm hitting with a sickening smack and blood to seep out of the deep gash. Instantly, Kurt goes pale covering his mouth as he instantly goes bone white backing up against the wall and sliding down it, his eyes never leaving the red liquid. His alpha scurrying over.

"Kurt.. Kurt baby talk to me." No response. "Kurt. Love. Please." Blaine cringes at a shot of pain shooting through his arm. Immediately Kurt throws up before passing out. "No!"

That's the scene Burt and Henry rush in on. Lillian on the couch breathing through another contraction, Blaine clutching his arm wrapping in a bloody towel against his chest as he nuzzles Kurt, and Kurt just waking up. Whining and mumbling about blood and his mate.

"Christ." Burt gestures to Henry. "Take your wife in. I'll check on the boys." He holds up his hands when Blaine growls at him. "I know, buddy. You're in protect mode, but I really need to get you both in the car so someone can look at that arm of yours." He gestures his nose towards the bandages, causing Blaine to stop his louder growls as he thinks about that. "Son, you ok?"

"I threw up." His voice is so quiet Burt isn't sure he heard him until those beady blue eyes look at him with that same look he always had as a kid when he was scared and sick.

"Everything will be alright. Henry is getting Lillian to the hospital, we need to get Blaine calmed down enough to get in the car. Do you understand?"

Kurt nods slowly, his eyes moving to take in how sweaty his mate is. His dilated pupils and the way his nose is flaring, showing his wolf instincts are the only thing going right now. The deep growl coming back when Burt tries to move closer to him again. "Blaine." He starts to nose and lick at his mate, cooing and soothing the wolf. Their conversation slipping into huffs, growls, whines, and other various sounds as Burt watches his son eventually succeed and he helps both of them get to the car.

Across town, at the hotel restaurant, Alain and Nick have been enjoying one of the best nights either of them have ever experienced. Now their just waiting for the check, hands entwined on the table top. Nick had quickly learned that the entire staff at the hotel has been ensnared by his boys smile, bright eyes, and shinning personality. It was even more obvious when they had been sat and a sweet older lady rushed over with a great big smile on her face, Alain introduced her as Jenna and admitted to having planned out dinner and a movie in the room with her. It had resulted in him making sure Nick was properly introduced. All in all, the perfect date.

"Here you go boys." The waitress puts the check between them with a happy shine to her eyes. "Now you take care of my sweet young man."

Nick blushes as he pulls out money to pay before Alain grabs it up. "Oh trust me. I won't let anything happen to him."

"Good." She nods. "Alain, I'll see you tomorrow for dinner service, yes?"

"Of course Jenna! Where else would I eat but at one of the table of my favorite sheila?" He hops up hugging the woman.

"Now you boys go watch that movie." She hurries away to help another patron as the boys walk out hand in hand, cash on the table with a large tip and a 'thank you' written out by Nick.

Hand in hand they head up to Alain's hotel room laughing and talking about random things as their eyes linger when ever they look at the other. Cheeks pink, Alain opens the room door and both of them walk in.

"I didn't know what you'd like so my mates and me went out a rented a variety." He starts to randomly flip through the dvds.

"Any of them would be good." Nick wraps himself around the other boy to see the titles. "How about this one." He just picks up a random title.

"Alright. Jus' go sit down." Alain laughs at the older boy, getting the video in before snuggling up with him on the couch.

Both boys getting lost in the feel of being close to one another. Neither really paying attention to what is on the screen as they snuggle and nose at each others necks, breathing in each others scents. Eventually Nick makes the decision to cross the invisible line and presses his lips softly to Alains. Both of them freezing when he pulls back, blushes deep on their cheeks.

"Alain, can I stay here tonight?" He gets a small nod in response. "Can I stay here tonight as your boyfriend?"

A series of emotions flash through the young pups eyes as he mentally tries to grasp what nick just asked him. Eventually a large smile breaks out across his face. "Of course you can, boyfriend." and he seals it with another kiss.

Back at the hospital everyone is still pacing as they wait for news of Lillian and the baby or Blaine. Kurt having been sent out to the waiting room when it became obvious nothing was going to get done with an agitated pregnant wolf sparking the natural defend instincts in his injured mate. The wide birth around the growling, snappish omega is proof to how well he took that news.

"Son, you need to calm down."

"I want my mate."

"I know, but staying like this can not be good for your pup. You need to calm down." burt tries once again to get to his sons side, only to jump away when he gets snapped at. "You really should calm down!"

"Not until Blaine is out here in my arms!"

"I completely agree." Everyone looks towards the voice, Kurt jumping up and hurrying to Blaine. "Any news on mom?" His eyes turn towards Burt as his unbandaged arm wraps around his mate, pulling the shivering boy under his chin and his nose flares taking in his mates scent.

"Nothing yet." Burt tries to hide his smirk at how his son is the most attentive mate seeing as how head strong he had been growing up. "What about you? How are you doing Blaine?"

"Better now. They put in 25 stitches and put a splint on it to keep me from moving my arm to much and popping them." He moves his nose down, bumping it against Kurt's nose before kissing his lips. "I needed to see my mate though. It really sucked being in there alone."

"Blaine..." Kurt melts into his next kiss only parting to get them both sat down in the corner to wait for news of his parents and baby sister.


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