Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 20

E - Words: 3,323 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
142 0 0 0 0

Who Says Extended version Chapter 20/??

Warnings: Character Death, Werewolves, marking, Non-con, bare backing, knotting, A fight to claim (Force mate into submission), Other warnings to be added as I go

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee. The only thing I own in this story is the original characters I am adding.

Summary: Wolves mate for life once an Alpha claims their Omega mate, but the ways of choosing your mate are changing from the traditional meets where all non-mated wolves of age are thrown in together and you end up with a mate. Alphas still have to start a mating run, but what if the Omega has their eye on a certain Alpha? Follow the Anderson and Hummel families through these changes. A generational fic starting with Grandma Anderson and going through Kurt and Blaine's generation.

AN – I am so sorry for the very long delay in getting this chapter up. I ended up with a concussion and am still recovering, but at least I have my memory back now. Also my summer college classes are starting and those who saw my message on FF.net know that there is a major opportunity for me to work on a movie set in the costume department that will last for 20 days. With that said, chapter 21 is with my Beta (tvo0810 ) and 22 is nearly done and ready to be shipped off. Now with that being said, would anyone like me to post the unedited chapter now and re-upload it when I have it back and edited?

Also, I am taking requests for off-shoots or anything you would like to see more of? Anything you'd like to see more of or a chapter centered on one of the other characters/pairs.

Now onto the chapter ^-^


"I can do it myself."

"Don't think so. It's way too soon for you to even attempt it."

"Really, Blaine? Really?" Kurt crosses his arms, glaring at Blaine with narrowed eyes. His lips curl to show a glimpse of teeth as a growl emanates out of his chest. He would look more threatening if he wasn't currently convalescing in bed. "What's the problem with me walking into the living room myself?"

"You've only been home from the hospital for two days, that's what." Blaine sits down, caressing the fading bruises with gentle fingers. "Dr. Barnaby said you need to rest."

"He also said to keep my stress levels down and trust me, not leaving this bed is raising my stress levels."

"How about if I carry you to the living room then?"

"How about you carry me outside so I can get some fresh air."

"No. that is definitely not happening with how cold it's gotten."

"Damn it! I just want some fresh air! I miss our walks. I miss school." His eyes look pleadingly at Blaine. "I miss coffee."

"My poor baby going through withdrawal?"

"You have no idea. Was pretty sure my veins had more coffee than blood in them until now." Kurt leans forward kissing Blaine softly. "I still want to walk around."

"No." Blaine smiles. "At least not today."

"You suck." Kurt blushes as his mate wags his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. "Oh my god! You won't let me walk across our tiny house, but you want sex."

"Always want sex." Blaine purrs out, nipping at Kurt's ear. "Though I'm waiting for your ribs to heal and the doctor to give you a green pass for more active endeavors."

"Like walking?"

"You can start walking tomorrow when I go back to school." Blaine rolls his eyes, scooping his mate up into his arms and carrying him out to the living room.

Kurt clings to him when Blaine tries to set him down, nuzzling and licking at his neck. "Can't believe you get to go back to school and I'm stuck here doing nothing for another month."

He sits with Kurt in his lap, giving into his mate's need to cling and snuggle while he happily huffs at the attention. "Not true. You'll be here growing stronger."

"Gaining weight."

"Yes, gaining weight." Blaine playfully kisses him with an exaggerated "muwah" just to see him laugh while he puts a hand over the very tiny baby bump. "You have no idea how proud I am that you've taken the doctors suggestion to eat more to heart."

Kurt runs his fingers over his mate's hand. "Even though I still throw most of it up?"

"Even though you throw most of it up."

"Good. Didn't want you to feel like I was wasting food." He laughs when Blaine pouts at him. "Kidding! He was right in having me double my food intake. I've been feeling so much stronger."

"And looking so beautiful."

"I am not."

"Are too. You've been glowing." Blaine kisses the bruises.

"Even looking like a discolored fruit?"

"No wonder you're so juicy." Blaine laughs when Kurt smacks him up side the head. "You're the one who set that comment up on your own, but really, love, your bruises don't detract from your beauty. They remind me of a certain half-breed that better steer clear of me, but they do nothing to your beauty."

"You are so sweet." Kurt leans in to kiss Blaine gently. "Now, feed me."

"As you wish." He stands up slowly as he moves Kurt to sit on the couch. "What does my good sir wish to eat?


"Kurt." Blaine tries to stay serious, but cracks a smile. "Maybe later, since you've been so good letting me spoil you."

"Fi~ne. Second choice would be a turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomato, onion, relish, mayo, and, oh god, don't forget the strawberry jam."

He quirks an eyebrow at the odd sandwich. "Is that it?"

"Ooo, no, pickle. Definitely needs pickles with peanut butter."

"This is going to be a very long seven months."

The next morning is a hard one. Blaine doesn't want to wake up after so little sleep. Kurt had been up most of the night with bout of sickness, and he had played the dutiful mate, caressing his back and washing his face.

"Blaine? Son, you're going to be late." Lillian eyes the couch, wondering how she's going to sit down on something so squishy and still get up again later, one hand on her expanding belly.


"Son?" She turns to look at him. "You look like a zombie."

"I feel like one." He rubs both hands over his face. "I promised Kurt no coffee in the house since he can't drink any. I regret that promise."

"Was last night that bad? I thought he was doing better."

"He was sick all night. He's sleeping now." Blaine yawns as he scoops his backpack up. "Think we got maybe three hours. Maybe. Not quite sure anymore."

"You can stay home if you want."

"Oh, I want, but I won't. If I stay home today, he'll expect me to always be home and I'll want to always be home."

"Drive safe then." She kisses his temple. "And stop for coffee at the main house. Your dad was brewing a fresh pot when I headed this way."

"Oh my god, I love you both so much."

"Nice to know your love can be bought with coffee." She finally sits down, gasping when she realizes it's not as squishy as it looks. Kurt must have tinkered with it before he was hospitalized.

Lunch. That's how long he made it before being confronted with that stupid half-breed. Baring his teeth and warning her with a growl, Blaine watched as she actually came over to him. Wes and Jeff making sure to hold him back.

"Welcome back to school, Blaine. I wish to apologize for my actions towards both Kurt and you. I hope we can move past this and that we will see you at Glee this afternoon." It's way too obvious, even to Finn, that her apology isn't sincere.

"Get. Away. From. Me."

"I was only apologizing! You really shouldn't be so rude when someone does the right thing. Not like you're Mr. Perfect, leaving us high and dry with sectionals coming up." Rachel jumps when Blaine slams both fists down against the table, cracking the top of it.

"You weren't just apologizing! You were being rude, demeaning, and self-centered while talking to an alpha whose mate and unborn pup were put in danger because of your idiot self. You just had to push him after verbally berating him. You should have never refused to let him go home when he asked!"

"How di-"

"How did I know? He told me. He told me he had been calling out for me and asked you to get me so that we could go home. That he was overly dizzy and feeling horrible." His twisted grin widens seeing her sitting there, staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. "Know what else? I don't want to be in a Glee club that's centered around you and has a teacher that is content to let his student harm another student in front of him."

Wes furrows his brow in confusion. "Blaine?"

"I quit New Directions." Blaine smirks as her mouths widen in shock. "I'm going to have my dad talk with the school board, and we'll just see if Mr. Shue still has a job after this."

"Fine, we don't need you and if he does lose his job, you still won't be needed."

"You really think he'd be the only one leaving?" Nick laughs. "Man, we only joined because Blaine and Kurt were in it."

Jeff nods. "Yep. I think I can do without all the 'Rachel Berry Show' and move on."

Wes grins. "I'm fairly certain we could make our own group. We might not be able to compete at sectionals and such, but there's always talent shows and the schools musical they put on."

"I bet we could get a different teacher to sponsor for a school-sanctioned group."

"Most definitely. If we apply with the school board and find a teacher willing to back us up on it." Wes starts to ponder how to make this happen.

Blaine watches with a sense of accomplishment as Rachel storms out once she realizes everyone, including Finn, would be willing to quit New Directions and join the new group that Wes has started planning.

Three weeks of Blaine going to school and Kurt staying home is all it takes for things to fall apart. All the adventures and fun Blaine has making the new glee club - surprisingly with Sue Sylvester as the supervisor makes Kurt smile, but on the inside he's breaking. He misses everyone, and feeling so tired and sick all the time is draining. His mind wanders about how he can get his 'jailers' to allow him time outside of the house and at school without lying about how drained he feels.

"What'cha think, son?"

Kurt shakes his head. "Huh?"

Burt sighs as he sits down next to his slowly thinning son. Even his complexion looks paler today. "I asked if you would like to see Dr. Barnaby to talk about your lack of appetite once Blaine gets home from school."

"Dad, I have an appetite."

"Then let me see it." Burt leans forward grabbing the plate with his son's untouched sandwich on it. "Eat." Kurt turns his head away, covering his mouth with one hand as he grows nauseous smelling the food. "Told you. You lost your appetite and you're starting to lose weight."

"I.. I just..."

"Just what, Kurt? Just feel sick? Just don't want to tell any of us how you're really feeling?" He puts the plate down before standing and pacing the floor. "You know we can see how thin you're getting."

Kurt sniffles as he whines, trying not to cry. "I don't want to stay home anymore. I hate being home while Blaine goes out and has fun with our friends." A few tears escape as he looks at his dad. "No one even comes to see me." He starts to sob as his dad rushes to him, pulling him in against his chest. "I'm so lonely, Daddy... I miss my life."

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I wish there was something I could do to make you healthy and stronger, but unless you tell us when you don't feel well, then you'll be stuck at home even longer." He kisses his son's temple. "Or worse, you'll lose that precious little pup."

"Dad?" He tries to hide his face in his father's neck.

"Yeah, son?"

"I think seeing Dr. Barnaby would be a good idea."

"Glad to hear that. Now go get cleaned up, I'm taking you out to eat."

He perks up, sitting back to make sure his dad isn't tricking him. "Really?"

"Really." Burt laughs as his son claps his hands and squees.

"Thank you, Dad!" His happy face has disappeared when he returns from the bedroom, dressed in baggy sweats and his mate's shirts. "Dad, I think..."

"Kurt, I thought you had new clothes?"

"I do, but I think we should go to the doctor now." Kurt sniffles. "I'm bleeding."

Nick watches as everyone either paces about or tries to comfort each other. Namely, trying to comfort Blaine and Burt as the two of them are vacillating between raging fits and morose worry. Burt blames Blaine for getting Kurt pregnant and not taking him to see a doctor sooner when his weight started to drop the first time. Blaine threatens to keep Kurt away from his father since the man hadn't kept his son in bed like the doctor had ordered. Then, all of a sudden, they would start crying over what's happening to their precious Kurt. Depressing.

Worse yet? Everyone has someone else to comfort them and help them deal with the fear of losing Kurt or the baby or, heaven forbid, both. Except him. Julia and Jeff, even though it's a fake mating, are snuggled together with Julia comforting him with gentle touches and soothing words. Amy is buried in her mate's chest, crying when ever he isn't trying to get Blaine to settle down. Finn has his mother. Lillian and Henry have each other, and when they aren't fighting, Burt has Blaine. What does he have? A cell phone with Alain's comforting words on them, telling him to be strong. That everything will be alright.

It's depressing. All he wants is Alain there. He wants to bury his face into the boy's neck and hear the soothing voice of the young omega whisper consolations into his ear. He wants to breathe in the scent of the ocean as he nuzzles the boy. Gods, he's in trouble. Nick Duvall is in love with a wolf he's only meet once.

To Alain: This sucks.

To Nick: Still no word on your friend?

To Alain: None. Plus everyone seems to have someone else here for them but me.
To Alain: Sorry, I know we agreed not to talk about it.
To Alain: But I miss you so much and can't stop thinking about you night and day.

To Nick: We need to talk. Not over IMs or texting. Skype me tonight? That way I can see you.

Nick smiles, blushing slightly as he types out a quick 'yes' as the doctor walks in, and everyone becomes distracted by his nervous smile.

"How is he, Dr. Barnaby?" Henry speaks up first, since Burt and Blaine seem to be frozen with fear.

The man smiles slightly. "Recovering. We found a higher white blood cell count and adding that with his ongoing nausea, the bleeding, the fever, and his dehydration, it is my belief he has a urinary track infection. We're going to keep him here for a few days on antibiotics and run the hormone tests again to determine if his pregnancy is still viable."

Blaine shakes his head. "What do you mean still viable?" He pushes his father away when he tries to comfort him. "Dad, no. Just... he was doing so well and now, now our pup might not be viable?"

"We have classified him in a state of threatened miscarriage. As of now, the fetus is still in place and his hormone levels are adequate. Because he is still in the first trimester we need to re-run the tests in a few days to make sure his hormone levels are rising, and the fetus is growing." Dr. Barnaby watches Blaine as he shakes his head, not wanting to hear this. "We will release him once the infection has cleared and he is showing signs of weight gain and eating and drinking on his own. Blaine, if he can get past this and into his second trimester, the rest of the pregnancy should be normal."

Burt pulls Blaine into his arms, trying to soothe the alpha. "What do you think the chances are of the pup surviving?"

"Seeing as the fetus has grown since he was in last, even with the lack of eating or drinking properly, the odds are favorable that both of them will be just fine. We're monitoring them just in case. It's standard procedure with the symptoms he's showing." The doctor smiles. "You should all go see him now. He was asking about you." He point at Blaine. "Room 490." He laughs as Burt and Blaine are the first two out of the room, both eager to be with Kurt.

He wastes no time, once Blaine is in the same room as his mate, crawling up onto the bed and sniffing his neck, chest, and face. He licks wherever he can to add his scent and to calm the shivering and frightened Kurt. He even growls when Burt gets to close for his liking.

"Blaine! Stop that right now." Henry growls at his son, threatening him.

"Sorry, Dad. Burt." He snuggles against Kurt, keeping his eyes on everyone's movement around him.

They all take their turns wishing Kurt a speedy recovery before lapsing into jokes and happiness. Nick watches them all before slipping out of the room. A smile is on his face as he texts Alain that Kurt will be fine and that he's headed home so they can talk. He's glad to find his house empty when he gets there, hurrying to his room and hitting the buttons to sign on with Skype before going about changing out of his school clothes.


He pretty much trips over the computer chair in order to click accept fast enough. His screen fills with a boy yelling at someone behind him. "I told ya, I'm busy! Now go, you whacka!" He turns back towards the camera, a blush high on his cheeks as Nick laughs. His green eyes shine while he pulls his long blonde hair up with a clip. "Oy, sorry 'bout that. Fergus and Jude thought it would be a good idea to drag me out for a bit, even after I said that I'll catch a few waves with them tomorrow."

"You gave up catching some waves for me?"

"Course I did." His head tilts to the side, drawing Nick's attention to the boys lack of a shirt. "We need to talk and I surf every day. I think I can miss one set."

Nick frowns. "I'm sorry about earlier.. I shouldn't have brought it up, please don't stop talking to me."

Alain shakes his head. "Hold on, why would I stop talking to you?"

"Because I've been thinking about you as more than just my friend."

"No worries, then." Alain grins bright and happy, his eyes shining in that way Nick fell for the second they met. "I've been thinking about you as well and I was wondering, what are your plans for Christmas?"

"Wait, you, really?" Nick stumbles a bit with his words. "Um, just sticking around here. Wes is arranging some places for us to sing carols. Why?"

"Well, I just so happen to be heading out around December for a few interviews, photo shoots, and maybe some other things. Not sure, really need to talk with my agent, but anyways, I'm going to be in New York and was thinking that maybe I could come see you once everything is done in New York. Spend the holidays with you and... ask you in person to be my boyfriend."

His heart stops, he's pretty sure it has stopped. Nick is fairly certain even time has stopped. "You mean that?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Then, yes. Please yes, come and visit. Go on dates with me."

"Wicked. It's a date then."


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