Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 2

E - Words: 4,832 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Chapter 2

Each pair spends the next two weeks going shopping for camping gear and studying maps of locations that could be good for their camping needs. Elizabeth spends a lot of their time together with Lillian, trying to get her to open up about what her dreams are for the future and what kind of hobbies she likes. Only getting a few answers about hobbies, seeing as Lillian never thought about a future past raising Henrys pups. Elizabeth shares how she wants to be a music teacher and that she can not wait to graduate high school and start college to reach that dream.

Elizabeth is showing Lillian a few simple songs on the piano when Henry makes a triumphant sounds from the den, startling the two women.

"I have the perfect place and dates!" He hurries out of the den with a map and calendar in hand. Burt poking his head in from the kitchen where he was trying to make coffee. "Come look everyone." He sits on the floor next to the coffee table.

Elizabeth shrugs and heads over dragging Lillian with her to get comfy seats on the couch. "That's a map of a bunch of trees." She worries her lip looking at the picture.

"Trees in a camp site are good Lizzie." Burt leans over to study the map. "I think I know that area, quite a drive from here. Take at least four hours."

"Yes it is a bit away from here but look." He points out a lake. "Its right on a lake that is known for good fishing, it doesn't have a large city near by so not that many families if any will be there and it has a large forest surrounding it so if we go during the full moon we can do our run and hunt there as well."

"Not bad. Been a while since I've been on a run outside of the pack." Burt studies the road to get to the spot. "I'm game, we looking at the full moon this weekend?"

"Yeap. What do you ladies think? Ready for your first run?"

Lillians face lights up in a way none of them have ever seen. "You mean, I wont have to be locked in a basement?"

Henry reaches out to caress her cheek "No more basements hun. Your wolf will get to feel the dirt in its paws and the clean forest air in its lungs."

Lillian nods fast. "Please. Please I want to go. I've dreamed about what it would be like to run with a pack."

Elizabeth claps her hands together while she giggles slightly "Then it's a set plan!" She looks at the calendar. "That gives us two days to get the cars packed."

"Unless we head out sooner." Burt grins at his mates cheerful manner. "We could always leave tomorrow, since we've never been out there before. Take our time on the drive and see the area."

"Not a bad plan to make a full trip of it. Maybe stop at a motel on the way?" Henry moves closer to his wife, so glad to see her happy and not afraid to ask for something she wants finally.

"Well get to making it happen! Lillian and I will start making sandwiches and getting the food ready for a road trip. Oh and a list of stuff we will need to buy on our way, like ice for the coolers." Elizabeth hops up, kisses her mates cheek before hurrying towards the kitchen.

Lillian watches her friend with a fond smile, she's really starting to like the hyper wolf. She turns her eyes back to her mate "This is really happening then?"

"Hum, it is." he leans forward, kissing her gently. "Go have fun in the kitchen. Make sure she doesn't catch anything on fire this time and Burt and I will make sure the pack leader knows where we will be for the run."

"She only burned the curtains twice that I've been around." Lillian turns her head towards the kitchen where a high pitched eep sound escapes. Her eye widen. "I will make sure the kitchen comes out in one piece." She hurries to check on her friend to make sure she isn't really going to burn down the house.

Burt chuckles. "Have to admit, I am getting used to burned chicken flavor."

"Should see if Lillian will teach her how to cook in exchange for piano lessons."

"Think she would be up for that?" Burt seems a bit to happy about the prospect of his mate learning to cook something other then charred food.

"Lillian talks for hours about what she has learned on the piano." He peeks around "I am thinking about buying her one for Christmas, so I can see her smile more at home."

"Still having issues with her acting to much like your slave then your wife?"

"Yeah, but that's because of her mothers influence. Her mom, from what Lillian has described to me, viewed her mating as more like rape then a joining of two meant to be souls."

"So glad we didn't have to go through that." Burt looks at Henrys sad face. "Well almost. I know your claiming was traumatic for her, but she cares about you."

"I just wish I knew if we would have been mated if it wasn't for being in a locked room where she couldn't escape me."

"You were meant to be bud. Trust me. She's opening up more and more everyday. Now, you call the pack leader, I'll go make sure the camp gear is ready to be loaded." He stands up thinking. "Your car or mine?"

"Probably yours. That SUV of yours will do better then my small sports car."

"True. No call." He heads out towards the driveway to clean out the SUV and make room for all the gear they will need.

Henry picks up the phone and calls the pack leader, informing them that the four new mates are going to spend the full moon out in a camp ground and where that campground is located. He is very formal with everything said, you should never be rude to the pack master. Especially when he is centered in Columbus where you are going to attend college in the fall.

While Henry makes nice with the pack master, Lillian hurries to put out the fire on the stove. "Elizabeth! You're suppose to be watching the stove!"

"Sorry! Oh god I'm sorry! I only turned my back for a second to get peanut butter from the pantry!" She hurries over with the jar in hand. "I thought PB&J would be the perfect driving food."

Lillian pulls her friend into a hug. "Its ok. That was a very smart idea, but please don't do that when you are already cooking bacon for a BLT."

"Noted. Finish one food before moving onto another."

"How about we start it again? I will make the PB&J and stand by you while you cook the bacon."

"Less chance I will burn it that way."

"That's right."

The girls laugh as Elizabeth gets out a new, less burned pan and heats it up. Following Lillians instructions on how to cook the bacon the right way. Her blue eyes sparkling when the first batch comes out of the pan without her signature charring. Lillian makes a bunch of PB&J sandwiches and stacks them in a pile to the side to be bagged when they are done. Once she had made the BLTs, Elizabeth giddily takes two of them out to the guys packing the car. "Lunch!"

"Why thank you love." Burt kisses her on the cheek. Peeking under the bread to see what it is as henry takes his plate.

"Burt stop peeking. I didn't burn it and I didn't cut my fingers slicing the tomato." She holds up her hands to show that they are still in one piece. "Lillian walked me through it and now I can make BLT sandwiches!"

"I am very proud of you." He puts the plate onto of the SUV before wrapping her in a hug. "Maybe you should ask her if she will teach you to cook more. Henry tells me she really likes when you teach her piano, so see if she will trade lesson for a lesson."

"Is this your way of saying you don't like my cooking?"

"Oh no no no. This is my way of saying.. Um well.. A little variety from fully cooked chicken would be nice."

She eyes him a bit before nodding. "Good thing we had already talked about that." She pokes his stomach. "because I know my cooking is a bit.. Burned. I never sat still long enough for mom to show me how to do it right."

"You are the perfect mate." Burt kisses her gently. "Even though you can't cook." He laughs when she hits him again and storms off to the house. He's fairly sure he was a comment away from being flipped off.

"Remind me again why you fell in love with her?" Henry eats his sandwich as he watches his love struck friend.

"That smile she gets when she's really happy and it goes up into her eyes? Yeah. That sparkle just seemed to have my name on it."

"Oh, here I was thinking there was a rock in that mud pie she hit you with and it knocked your brains lose."

"Hush you. I could comment about you falling in love with a woman you only met once at a business party your parents attended."

"Ah, but she is perfect."

"Henry, lets just agree that we are two foolish love sick puppies that got lucky with those two."

"Agreed. Now eat and lets pack. Lillian and I still need to run home and get our clothes."

The two men laugh and get back to securing the tents and everything that was being kept at the Hummel house in the SUV before they all part for the night. Elizabeth happily hugging Lillian before rushing into the house to pack her bag and get Burt to pack his own. Lillian and Henry get home and she gently asks her husband what she should pack. Henry lovingly walks her through the types of clothes she may need and helping her by showing his wife what he is packing.

The next morning finds a yawning Elizabeth rubbing at her eyes as she opens the door for the Anderson pair. "To early."

"Did that big meanie of a mate of yours keep you up to late?" Henry jokes, not even noticing his wifes eyes grow large at how forward he was with that comment.

"Um, you're just jealous of how long we can go at it, dirty dog." She takes Lillians hand. "come on. Lets go get coffee while that perv puts the bags in the car."

"Who's a perv?" Burt comes out of the kitchen eyeing the women.

"Apparently I am because I accused you of keeping your mate up to late sating you lust for her."

"Oh. you are a perv." Burt laughs though. "come on lets get your things in the vehicle and park your car in the garage." Both men head out the door to get everything moved around and the car in a safe place.

Lillian blushes as she sis her coffee. "Are you two.. Trying for a pup so soon?"

Elizabeths eyes land on her friend as she finishes pouring her own cup of coffee. "Huh? Oh no. At least not actively." She hops up on one of the bar stools. "We agreed that if it happens it happens, but we wont actively try for a pup until I am done with high school." Her eyes light up. "Are you and Henry trying?"

She nods slowly. "We are, I think. I don't have any plans for college or anything so having a pup to raise would give me something to do." She looks down. "Plus mother always told me that it is my duty to have his pups and raise them to be strong if they are Alphas and gentle if they are Omegas."

"You know you don't have to."

"Don't have to what?"

"Raise them so differently. Why restrict the natural being of your pups? Especially an Omega pup. I would never let an Omega of mine be raise gentle, I would want them to be able to fight off all Alphas except the one that is truly meant for them."

Lillian smiles. "You know Elizabeth, I wish my mom had been like you. Minus the cooking."

"Why thank you Lilly. I wish she would have been like me too. Maybe then you could admit how much you are falling in love with your husband."

"Am not."

"Are so. I bet by the time your one year anniversary comes around, you will be madly in love with Henry. I bet you will even rival Burt and I in cuteness factor."

Her smile grows as she tries to hid her blushing cheeks. "Elizabeth, you have to much faith in my heart."

"I have faith in knowing you don't act like a forced mate." She gets up, putting their empty cups in the sink. "You act like a love match."

She doesn't dispute that, she knows there is something different between her and Henry then her parents had. Lillian just wont accept that it's love so soon. "come on. Lets go see if the guys are ready to go."

"Good idea. Burt put the coolers in the car this morning so all we have to do is drop by a shopping plaza and hit the road for the long drive."

The two women wash the cups and head out to the men with the car. Elizabeth kisses her mate gently before getting into the back seat with Lillian so they can gossip and talk on the drive to the store. Both women giggling at certain comments and when ever Elizabeth teases about the new ugly hat her mate is wearing. Henry watches his wife in the rearview mirror and smiles at how happy and relaxed she seems. When they park Burt goes over what they need and who will go find it. Giving the girls the task of Hot dogs, buns, ketchup and mustard while Henry and him will get the oatmeal, breakfast bars, bottled water, and ice. Lillian picks up some apples and Elizabeth adds chips to what they were suppose to get. They give their best pleading eyes, Lillian having picked up the trait from Elizabeth and the guys give in letting them add what ever the two of them want to the carts.

Once they get back on the road the girls stay in back laughing and nibbling on a bag of chips and sipping their water as they comment about things passing by. The group pulls over for lunch at a random roadside diner and sample each others meals to see which one they like more. Burt happy that his choice of the meat of the day, which of course none of them ask what it really is, turns out to be every ones favorite.

Back on the road again, Henry checks the map and grins. "Should be there before the hour is up. Keep your eyes peeled for a camping sign."

"We could just pull over at the next gas station and ask." Burt checks the rearview noting that Lillian is getting a little pale. "Hey, you two alright?"

"Just a bit tired of being in a car. Lilly how are you?"

"Fine." She says it so quiet as she puts a hand to her stomach.

Elizabeth keeps her eyes on Lillian for a bit before she notices her friend putting a hand to her mouth. "Burt! Pull over, first place you can, just soon." She tries to scoot closer. "Are you alright Lilly?"

She shakes her head and leans into her friends touch, Eyes watering as it gets harder to hold her lunch in. Burt pulls into a small gas station with a shack looking building and stops the car, Lillian not waiting for the vehicle to stop moving before she hops out and looses all the contents of her stomach. Henry rushing out to be at his wife's side and Elizabeth on the other.

"She ok?" Burt looks on a bit worried, not noticing the man a little older then he is walk out of the shack to see what the commotion is.

Elizabeth leaves her friends side to snuggle into her mates chest, fighting her own bout of upset stomach at watching her friend lose it like that. "I don't know. I hope it was just being in the car to long." She peeks under Burts arm to see the man. "Why don't you go check with the guy over there. See if there is a bathroom she can freshen up in?"

"Good idea Lizzie."

He takes her hand and heads towards the man that was coming over towards them, his dog at his side and a bottle of water in his hands. "You folks alright?"

"Sort of sir." Burt looks back at where Lillian is snuggling into Henrys chest, hand still over her stomach. "We were wondering if you have a bathroom she could use to clean up a bit?" He turns back towards the man.

"Oh sure, just bring her back towards the shop."He holds out the water bottle "I brought this for her, didn't want to get to close seeing as you're wolves and all."

Elizabeth peeks at the man from behind Burt. "How could you tell?"

"Well little Nani here is a wolf, she just showed up one day as a pup and never left. Her ears always perk up when your kind comes by. Good way for a human like me to not over step a boundary."

Elizabeth shifts her eyes to the wolf that's studying her with a raised nose. "She is so cute!" She moves down to pet and scratch at the wolfs back.

"Well let me go tell Henry his wife can clean up." Burt jogs over passing on the news. The three head back towards Elizabeth and the man right after.

"Let me just show you how to get in there and if you need a break, you're more then welcome to stick around here. I'm the last stop before you hit woods and lakes and folks summer houses."

"Thank you sir." Henry guides his wife to follow the man.

"Stop al this sir business. Names Robbie, most people call me Rob though. Nani, you behave with our guests!" He shows the couple into the shack and through a backdoor to the bathroom.

Nani huffs in response to his request and licks at Elizabeths face.

"You sure have a good heart there Nani. Staying with him out here on his own." Burt pats her head. "My Lizzie sure does like you."

"Of course I do. She's fluffy and has beautifully vibrant eyes and is staying with this nice man helping him out." She giggles and nuzzles into the wolfs neck.

Burt smiles down at her, imagining his little Lizzie snuggling with their own pup, until a voice pops up behind him. "How bout you folks come on inside. I have fresh coffee just done brewing and it will give you all a chance to stretch out and get your bearings."

They look at each other before heading to follow Rob into the shack. Looking around at the pretty small shop that has basic travel and camping supplies along with fresh bait. "Nice place you have here." Burt looks into the bait fridge to see what kind of worms he has in stock.

"It's not bad. My pa left it to me before he headed back into pack life. He wasn't able to take me since Ma was human and I seemed to have no wolf traits, sides maybe attracting dogs and wolfs to my land." Rob pulls the coffee pot over to some cups, pouring out three cups leaving two empty until the others get back.

"You're half wolf then?" Burt thanks Rob as he takes his cup.

"Yes'em." He smiles as he hands Elizabeth her coffee and the sugar she asks for. "Proud to be a half breed too. Though I know it's a bit frowned upon, its why I stay out here. Run my shop, give directions, stay away from most of the members of the pack."

"Well I don't see why you would be frowned upon. Your parents must have loved each other." Elizabeth sips her coffee.

"They did. My Pa couldn't stand being around here without her. He always said she was his mate, held his heart and soul and always knew what his wolf needed."

"That is so romantic!" She reaches out for Burts hand. "We're new mates and our friends are new mates as well."

"Then congratulations to you all." He smiles bright as Henry comes out from the back. Lillian at his side blushing. "She be alright son?"

"I think so. We think it might have been the lunch we had mixed with being in the car a bit to long just added up to it." He moves to let her sit down. "Thank you Rob, for use of the bathroom."

"No problem, long as your mate is doing well now." He offers them coffee. Lillian shakes her head and turns it down. "Water instead miss?"

"Please." She smiles slowly. Shaking her head to reassure Elizabeth she's alright.

"Well, Rob here was telling us how he is half wolf and knows some campsites around here." She grins brightly.

"Really?" Henry smiles as he drinks the coffee. "We're looking for a place that should be close, right on the lake."

Rob passes a bottle of cold water to Lillian. "You talking about Lake Watsu?"

"Yeah I think so."

"Well, the best place to camp and fish there is the next turn off the road. It isn't a marked camp site, but its on the back side of my land so you wouldn't have to fight with families and their kids for a place."

Burt looks at Henry. "Would be better with our run if there is less chance of humans being there."

"True. Rob, you sure it's ok?"

"No problems from me. I just use it for weekend fishin' and sometimes for afternoon fishin." He pulls out a piece of paper writing down the directions. "If you plan to catch anything I'd take the fresh night crawlers I got there. Raise them myself out back the house. Fish love em."

"Thank you Rob." Burt studies the directions. "Is there anything we can give you to cover us using your place?"

"I could always use some fish fer me an Nani, but otherwise I'd be glad for havin you nice folks use the place."

Elizabeth jumps up and hugs him. "Thank you!" She smiles brightly.

Rob laughs and hugs her back, the whole group stays up talking for a few hours. Just trading stories with Rob and getting to know what the land has. Lillian stays quiet the whole time, deep in thought. Henry staying at her side and nuzzling to her, trying to sooth his mate into an ease again. They eventually all make their way back to the car, Elizabeth giving a loving farewell to Nani before taking the front seat, letting Henry switch to the back to hold Lillian for the rest of the drive. Turns out it wasn't that far, just like Rob said. Burt parks and gets out. Looking around and the campgrounds with a fire pit area off to one side with a picnic table, trees all around, and a road that you can see the lake at the end of it. The perfect place for their first run as mates.

The other three get out of the car and look around. Henry and Burt start bringing out the gear to set up the tents while Elizabeth and Lillian get the coolers out and then start to gather wood for a fire. Elizabeth keeping an eye on her friend to make sure she's really alright.

"Stop watching me like that Elizabeth." She smiles while she bends over and picks up another stick.

"I'm just worried is all. If you're sick maybe we shouldn't be out here."

She laughs a bit. "Elizabeth, I'm not sick. I'm pregnant."

"What!?!" She drops all the wood she was carrying and rushes over to her friend. "Really? Why didn't you tell me!"

"Because we wanted to wait to tell you both this weekend." Lillian drops the stick as she's enveloped in a tight hug. "Elizabeth!" she laughs and hugs her friend back. "come on, we need to get the wood back to camp."

She nods and goes about picking up all the sticks. "I'll carry it, you just make sure I don't trip over anything."

"I can carry things you know."

"I don't care. Now move."

Henry laughs when Elizabeth comes stumbling out of the trees with all the wood. "Why are you carrying all that?"

"Because Lilly shouldn't be carrying anything in her condition."

"You told her?"

"Had no choice. It was tell her or put up with the Spanish inquisition."

Burt looks at the group "Tell her what?" He takes the wood from Elizabeths arms starting to build up the fire.

Elizabeth giggles "That she's.." Her mouth gets covered by Lillians hand.

"I will tell him." Lillian looks at her friends face until she nods. "Burt, Henry and I would like to tell you, we are expecting our first pup."

"Well congratulations!" He goes over and hugs Lillian and the Henry. "You should have told me sooner! We could have made a few more stops."

"Its alright. Really, I didn't know I'd get so sick from that food." Lillian goes and snuggles under Henrys chin. "Now lets get the fire started so we can eat and enjoy our first night out camping."

"As you wish madam!" Burt ducks when Lillian throws a rock at him and they all laugh and set about spending the evening enjoying their surroundings.


Elizabeth stands facing out over the lake water as the sun starts to set on their second day. Their first run as mates is about to happen and she doesn't know what to think. She's always run with her family as an under aged pup. This time she will be an adult running with her mate and her friends and hunting.

"You ready Lizzie?" An all to familiar voice says behind her before the comforting arms wrap around her and a comforting chin on her shoulder.

"I think so." She turns her head and nuzzles into his neck. "You'll make sure I'm safe and that Lilly doesn't get hurt right?"

His deep chuckle shakes her body a bit. "Of course. Henry and I both will make sure you are both safe." One of his hands lowers to her stomach. "How are you taking Lillian being with pup?"

"I am so happy for her and.." She peeks her eyes up "Maybe I can't wait to carry our own pup."

"When we're ready, it will happen." He kisses her softly. "come on. Henry and Lillian are waiting for us." Burt takes her by the hand and they head back towards the camp.

"About time." Henry starts to hop on the balls of his feet. "I am so ready to hunt! I know I smelled a deer and definitely saw rabbit tracks."

Lillian watches her mate with a fond smile. "Just don't run to fast. I've never been out for a run before."

"We will make sure its not to hard on you Lillian. You and Lizzie here are new to this." Burt nuzzles his mate and chuckles. "come on. Lets get this thing started." He kisses her before moving to the side grinning at his friend before they all start to shift.

Rustling clothes and snuffing noses before four wolves move about the camp site. Two black wolves huddled together, Lillian laying down adjusting to being a pregnant wolf and Henry nuzzling at her to make sure she is alright. Burt scratches behind his grey and tan ear, his eyes following his bright white mate with her shinning blue eyes. Eventually when Lillian has gotten up on all four, Henry lifts his head in a howl calling their small pack to the hunt and takes off towards the woods. The three others following him, Burt at the rear to make sure the girls are keeping up fine.

It isn't long before Elizabeth scented a deer and changed her posture, growling then howling to signal she found something. Burt sniffs the trail, signaling to Henry that she was right about the trail. They switch directions in a group. Burt and Henry breaking off to either side of the scent and taking their mates with them to surround the deer. Once both sets have it in sight they use huffs and snuffs, signaling each other and slipping down wind. Lillian holding back and just watching as the other three surround and pounce. Elizabeth hopping out behind the deer and startling it into a run towards Henry and Burt. The Alphas charging in for the kill. Bringing the animal down fast with Burts teeth sunk into its neck. Elizabeth goes over and pushes Lillian towards the deer.

After their meal the two couples lay around in patch of grass, Alphas licking their mates clean. Omegas rolling around and letting their mates know they are theirs. Playing around until right before sun up when they make their way back towards camp. The pairs curling up around each other, falling asleep. Their first run together ending and signaling the start of their new lives.


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