Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 19

E - Words: 3,944 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
150 0 0 0 0

Who Says Extended version Chapter 19/30

Warnings: Character Death, Werewolves, marking, Non-con, bare backing, knotting, A fight to claim (Force mate into submission), Other warnings to be added as I go

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee. The only thing I own in this story is the original characters I am adding.

Summary: Wolves mate for life once an Alpha claims their Omega mate, but the ways of choosing your mate are changing from the traditional meets where all non-mated wolves of age are thrown in together and you end up with a mate. Alphas still have to start a mating run, but what if the Omega has their eye on a certain Alpha? Follow the Anderson and Hummel families through these changes. A generational fic starting with Grandma Anderson and going through Kurt and Blaine's generation.

AN – YAY new chapter! So many things happening right now as well. My classes start in 23 days, winter is never ending here and it really needs to end, I finally get some answers about the tears in my foot, I finished the oddest outfit I've ever made, now everything is posted on a whole bunch of sites, and I have a beta! Thank you T.vo0810! :)

Thank you everyone for the reviews. Keep them coming! I'd also like to keep the offer open for suggestions/requests from you guys. They can be one-shots, what-ifs, something you would like to see in a more in-depth manner. Just ask away.


The next morning was one of the best that Blaine has ever had since their first night as mates. Kurt, however, was feeling very differently. Within moments of waking up, his stomach churns and sends him running for the bathroom with his hand firmly over his mouth. Blaine following close behind with a sheepish grin on his face. His smile never diminishing as he rubs his mates back to sooth him whiles he's sick and then huffs and nuzzles him when he's done. Even if his mate was livid at Not just at having morning sickness so soon in the pregnancy but also at his slowly expanding waistline. He couldn't even tone down his smile after Kurt hurled pair after pair of skinny jeans at him while ranting about the now uncomfortable fit of his favorite pants.

"Stop it! I see you, you know. Stop all your chuckling, your, good- for- nothing smirking right this instant, Blaine Anderson! This is your fault!" Kurt slams the bathroom door behind him. Taking a deep calming breath, he fixes his hair and mentally catalogs his wardrobe, searching for looser fitting items that he actually brought with him in the move.

Blaine takes the time to pull out a more generously cut pair of pants for his mate as a peace offering. A very happily accepted offering that Kurt thanks him with a sweet kiss. A joining of lips that slowly grows deeper and more heated as they lay down, Blaine thrusting into his willing body as their moans sound through out the house. Their time for breakfast before school disappears and both of them rush about getting dressed and hurrying to school without a bite, Kurt grabbing an apple as he passes the counter. Never getting the chance to eat it.

Once they are in school, Blaine is so happy that he tells all their friends about the pup as they greet them. The whole process of congratulations and hugs as well as answering questions about the pregnancy continues through out their first two classes. Overwhelmed with everyone's attention, Blaine doesn't notice as his mate starts to pale near the end of their second class. Kurt rubs his stomach uneasily and lets his eyes slip closed as the teacher drones on. Before he realizes it, he's fallen asleep, unaware that the teacher has dismissed the class.

With a bit of a frown, Blaine rubs his hands over his sleeping mate's back. "Kurt. Time to head to our third class."

"Hum?" Kurt lifts his head, blearily looking up as a yawn escapes him.

"You feeling alright, love?" He runs a hand over the back of Kurt's neck.

A slow nod is all he gets before his mate is up and heading out the door, a slight weave in his walk. When he catches up, slinging both their bags over his shoulder, he wraps an arm around Kurt's waist and is rewarded with a smile. "I should get a snack from the vending machines."

"Alright. Come on then." Blaine keeps a close eye on him, guiding his mate to lean against the wall while he gets the snacks. "Maybe you should go lay down in the nurse's office."

"No, I'm fine. Just tired and hungry." Kurt smiles as he snags the chocolate bar out of his mate's hands. He groans appreciatively as he digs in. "See? Better already. Now, let's get to class."

"You better tell me if you start feeling off.".

Rolling his eyes, Kurt sucks the chocolate remnants off his fingers. "Sure thing."

Of course, he doesn't keep that promise. Why make Blaine worry about his head hurting and that his stomach is rebelling? Besides, he's pretty certain that it's because he skipped breakfast after already getting sick this morning. He feels a bit better once he eats lunch, although he only lasts halfway through his next class before he's running to the bathroom. The teacher was very sympathetic to the young wolf when he apologizes and explains why.

When they all show up to Glee Club, everyone is vastly amused that , Rachel has no idea what's going on. She's heard the gossip about a wolf in their first year of mating being with pup, but she has no idea who it is. Kurt stares at her, mouth gaping as he hears her response to this week's assignment: Family.

"Really, I feel sorry for that poor wolf. Why would she think in today's society that it would be ok to have a pup while still in high school? So irresponsible!" Rachel shakes her head.

Blaine and Wes both turn to Kurt, eyes begging.

"Please. I want to tell her. Please!" Wes stops when Blaine growls at him.

"My mate. My pup. I get to tell her."

"Oh dear god! Why don't you both just do it! You're giving me a headache." Kurt rubs his temples as both boys jump up to the front of the room.

Blaine glares at Wes as the boy starts before he can. "We have a very special announcement for those who don't already know. My friend, Blaine, and..." He laughs as Blaine pushes him out of the way.

"Kurt and I are expecting our first pup, who is due in July." He grins as Rachel gasps and turns to look at Kurt, then back at him.

"No. It's you two? Kurt! Why didn't you tell me! How could you do this to me?" She jumps up, glaring at her friend.

Kurt raises a brow as she yells at him. "How would me having a pup do anything to you? I'm the one that's going to have morning sickness, swollen ankles, and odd food cravings that will cause weight gain and stretch marks."

Rachel huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. "And what about Glee? You really think in three months when you start to get round, you'll be able to keep up?"

"No, but then that's not your problem. Artie's in a wheelchair and still participates any way he can." Kurt stands up, glaring at her and growling a bit. "I'm fairly certain that if I can't dance, I can still be your back-up singer!"

"Fine. Then what about senior year, huh? What are you going to do with a pup in tow?"

"What does that matter to you? We're wolves. Within the first year of mating, 80% of wolves have a pup. Most are doing quite fine with their careers. I bet I even out do you in the future, Miss- High- and-Mighty." Kurt smirks as Rachel huffs and storms out of the room.

Wes watches with a huge smile on his face. "So, Mr. Schuester! I say we get working on our competition pieces!"

Blaine kisses Kurt on the cheek as they sit back down. "You are the greatest mate there ever was. That was epic! Think we can get her to storm out again?"

"Is this you wanting to subject your pregnant mate to un-due stress for your amusement?"

"No, this is me taking up the challenge to make her diva out and leave again. Look, Wes got Mr. Shue to listen finally, and now we are talking about competition pieces without her constant interruption. Double score." The boys laugh as the lesson continues, and almost everyone is happy with Wes's selections once the song debating is finished.

A few weeks later, Amy and Julia are face to face with the still irate half-breed. "Can we help you, Miss Rachel?" Julia tilts her head, studying the fidgety girl.

"I was just... is it true that most mates have a pup their first year?" Rachel watches as the two girls look at each other and then back at her.

Amy nods slowly. "That is true, but it depends a lot on when the wolf goes into heat. It can take up to a year for a wolf to have their first heat. Usually within that first year, they have a pup. Unless they use birth control."

"Though that isn't the typical choice for most mated couples. Most wolves are a bit old fashioned by human standards when it comes to starting a family. The instincts to have a pup are really strong. But Jeff an' I are using birth control. We want to get to know each other before having a pup." Julia adds.

"Wes and I are going to make that choice when I start my heat cycles."

Rachel nods slowly. "Everyone is ok with this? Having pups while still in school?"

Julia wraps an arm around her and leads her towards their next class, not wanting to be late because of Rachel's inane questions. "Aye. We're lucky to be in school at all. In the past, most omegas were kept home, away from any education. Kurt's goal to attend college is brave considering traditional omega roles, but then he's strong enough to actually do it."

"Why am I just now really learning any of this?"

Julia bites her tongue about Rachel being a self-centered half-breed. "Usually only omega wolves are taught this kind of stuff, sometimes alpha wolves too depending on the pack. You are only half pack, so I'm not surprised you dun know any of this."

"Oh." Rachel looks between the two wolves. "I still think he's making a big mistake. We could win this year, especially with his ability for dancing, but now..."

"His choice, not yours." Amy glares at Rachel. "Besides you have the top performers from Dalton this year. I know Jeff and Nick have moves. Wes has an ear for arrangements, and Blaine has a killer voice. Just leave Kurt be."

Rachel huffs and storms off. Julia laughing as she goes. "I think she wanted us to back up her opinions on Kurt."

"She's lucky I didn't pop her in the face for them instead." Amy growls.

Julia lets out a shocked giggle at sweet little Amy growling. "A little defensive about that?"

"Yes! She verbally bashes the poor boy every chance she gets. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it's starting to effect him. He's gotten paler, he barely gets two bites down before he's off to throw up.... He's stopped talking. Julia, I'm worried that she's adding to his stress. And all that will do is rile up an already agitated alpha into protecting his mate."

Julia grins bright and big. "That could be pretty awesome. I'd so watch Blaine rip her a new one."

"Julia! I doubt that would be pretty, amusing yes, but not pretty." The two girls laugh as they head into math class.

Kurt is definitely having the worst day of his pregnancy so far. He's spent most of his class time running back and forth to the bathroom. His teachers are losing tolerance for the constant interruptions, which tends to trigger Blaine into growling at them and wrapping protectively around him. He's just so tired, dragging himself into Glee and reassuring Blaine that he could make it through. After Rachel storms in, glaring at him judgmentally as she sits next to Finn, he knows how wrong he was. He should've went home to nap. As everyone gets in position to practice the competition piece, he joins them reluctantly, walking to his spot at the back of the group.

He struggles through the first two runs, closing his eyes when the room spins way too much. The third time, he can't stop the world from tilting, and his stomach rolling. Kurt staggers for the door, knocking Rachel to the side as he runs to the closest bathroom, with Blaine right on his heels.

Rachel turns red in anger as they leave. "What did I tell you? This is unacceptable!"

Nick glares at her. "What? That he's having horrible morning sickness all day long or that he broke your dance routine to get out of the room?"

Jeff shrugs. "I think you should be happy that he didn't spew all over you."

"Why are you both defending him? If he's this sick, he should stay home instead of ruining practice for the rest of us." Rachel paces back and forth.

"Truthfully, you're the one delaying practice for everyone." Wes watches her pace. "If you would get back in line and stop complaining, we could get some more practice in."

"What so they can interrupt us when they get back?" She narrows her eyes at Wes.

"So they can fall back in line when they return. I know Blaine would jump in and resume his part if we were already going again." Wes leans down into her face, growling defensively. "Kurt can sit out the rest of practice."

"Like we would get anywhere! Half the group is mumbling to each other about how he's doing!"

"No, I'm fairly certain they're all talking about how heartless you're acting when you should be worried about your friend," Nick groans.

When the door opens, Blaine is whispering soothing words to Kurt , who is tucked into his side. Dried tear tracks are plain on his face. Everyone stops talking and watches as Blaine leads him to sit down in a chair. Blaine kisses and nuzzles against him to keep him calm.

"Blaine, is everything all right?" Amy hurries over, pulling her hand back when Blaine growls at her. " How is he?"

Kurt caresses his neck, turning to smile at Amy. "I'm fine. Just tired."

Amy smiles back. "Are you sure you don't want to go home? Sleep a bit?"

Blaine frowns. "Kurt wants me to finish rehearsal. He'll rest here."

"Great! Then let's get to it!" Rachel chirps, and everyone takes their places.

Kurt kisses Blaine gently before pushing him away and watching them all practice. He rubs his stomach, trying to ease his discomfort. His head starts to spin the longer he watches everyone turn and dance. Eventually, he decides it's better to go home as his body shivers and his stomach turns over. "B-Blaine..?" No one hears him over the music and singing. He whines pitifully, wobbling up onto his feet. "Blaine. I... I don't feel good." Abruptly, his vision is filled with an irate Rachel. "I need Blaine. Please."

"No! He's practicing! You said you'd wait for him, so sit down while we finish!"

Unthinkingly, she pushes him lightly towards his seat. Already dizzy and unsteady on his feet, that small push sends him stumbling back before he falls. A loud whack echoes through the room as his head collides with his chair followed by a second thud as he hits the corner on the riser between the bottom two rows. Rachel stands there stunned until Jeff and Julia drag her out of the way as Blaine runs to Kurt. He turns murderous eyes on her as he cradles his mate into his arms.

Wes approached them to see if an ambulance is needed, but backed away when Blaine snarls loudly at him. "Blaine! You need to calm down!"

Shaking his head and crying, Blaine looks down at Kurt's unmoving face. "I think we can take him ourselves." His hand caresses his mate's hair gently, pushes it off his forehead. . "Someone needs to call Burt and my parents."

"Finn's calling Burt. Amy's calling your folks." Wes chucks his car keys to Nick. "Nick, pull the car up. Let's get moving."

Blaine scoops Kurt up with shaking arms, growling when Rachel moves towards him. "Blaine I... I didn't mean..."

Jeff pulls her back as the alpha growls louder. "Rachel, you need to stay back. Trust me. He's a really protective alpha, and the last one to touch his mate was you."

Wes keeps Blaine moving quickly so that he doesn't attack anyone, delaying their leaving. Then they are all running down the halls and jumping into their cars. Kurt is admitted swiftly, leaving Wes and Nick to keep Blaine under control as his mate is whisked away from his grasp.

"This is my fault."

"Blaine, no, it's not - it's no one's fault."

"Yes, it is. Rachel's fault and mine. I should have taken him home once I knew he wasn't feeling well."

"He said he'd be fine watching. You trust him to tell you what he needs."

"I should've known! His smell was off. He was walking oddly." Blaine stops his pacing, as all three parents come running in. "My fault... It's all my fault." he cries.

Lillian moves forward, pulling her son to her and moving him to sit down. "Shh... shh, baby."

Burt and Henry look expectantly at Wes and Nick. Henry decides to take charge of the situation once he notices Burt being reduced to growling and shaking his head. "What happened?"

Both boys hurry to tell them everything that happened today: from how sick Kurt was all the way to Rachel pushing him. Blaine snarls when he hears Rachel's name.

"She'll never get near him again." Blaine nuzzles into his mom as his tears dry. "She's had it out for him since she found out. She hates that we're having a pup. Why? Why would she be so mean when we are all so happy about it!"

Lillian soothes him, fingers stroking through his curls. "She just doesn't understand. Most half-wolfs don't." She smiles down at Blaine when he looks up. "What you should focus on is Kurt's health. He's barely a month into his pregnancy and has much worse morning sickness than most wolves. Did he see his doctor about it?"

Blaine shakes his head. "No. He kept saying he was fine, but...he's been so pale and sleeping more than eating. When I asked, he insisted nothing was wrong. I just.. I let him go..."

Burt snaps, "How could you? Knowing what Lizzie went through! What if those tests were wrong huh?" He starts to pace. "God... what if he... She lost so many pups before Kurt, and it killed her spirit."

"But the test said he was negative!" Blaine drops his head into his hands, trying to banish the images of Kurt wasting away and dying the way Elizabeth had.

"Because he doesn't have the same condition as his mother." Dr. Barnaby interrupts from behind the group. "What he does have is anemia. It happens quite commonly following a severe bout of morning sickness."

Blaine and Burt are both up and in front of the doctor in seconds. Henry holds Burt back as Wes restrains Blaine so that neither manhandle the doctor. Blaine calms a bit once his friend whispers that Kurt needs him to stay level headed. "The fall... how is he?"

Dr. Barnaby's smile falters. "He has a fair sized contusion as well as bruising around his ribs on his right side along with some bruising on his stomach." Dr. Barnaby checks the chart in his hands. "We suspect a concussion, swelling around his uterus, and bruised ribs." He looks up at everyone. "He has admitted to being extremely dizzy and we can't be sure what bruises are from collisions with chairs and other object or from the fall. We're also very worried about how weak he's gotten from being sick so often. We want to keep him here for a couple days, pump him full of vitamins and liquids to treat the anemia and keep an eye on the pup."

"Our pup... Is... how is our pup?" Blaine clings to Wes.

"For now, the pup is shaken, but stable." The doctor touches Blaine's shoulder. "We need to keep a close eye on his condition though. There's a chance his body will miscarry the pup. Sometimes the body has to choose between mending itself or saving the fetus. What he needs most right now is bed rest and absolutely no stress."

Blaine nods slowly. "C-can we see him? I need to see him."

"He needs to see you as well. I'd like it if you stay with him as much as possible while he's here. We've found that a mate's presence helps with the healing process, but it needs to be family and mate only. If he improves significantly by tomorrow, we can allow more visitors during the appropriate hours."

Lillian rubs a hand over her belly. "Is he awake?"

"Awake and whining. He wants his mate." Dr. Barnaby smiles. "He's in room 306."

Wes stops Blaine before the boy runs off. "Give us your keys. We'll get your car home and retrieve schoolwork for you both until you're back."

"Thank you. Both of you."

"No sweat. Just tell that boy of yours to get better soon. We'll miss him around school." Nick hugs Blaine tight before taking his keys and heading out with Wes.

Everyone is silent as they travel up the two floor to Kurt's room. Knocking softly, Blaine opens the door to find Kurt looking at him and smiling once he sees Blaine's grinning face. "Hey."

"Hi." Kurt holds his arms out, an invitation for Blaine to join him on the bed as he whines and huffs impatiently. He settles into a happy whine as Blaine moves in and wraps around him. "Sorry. I should've told you how sick I felt sooner."

"Hush. I should've known something was up." Blaine kisses his forehead, being careful not to touch any of the discolored spots of skin peeking through from his bangs.

Burt walks to his other side, reaching out and caressing his hand through his son's hair. "You promised you would tell people when you didn't feel good, Kurt."

"Sorry, Dad... I thought it was regular morning sickness, and with the headaches and dizzy spells, I wasn't thinking straight." Kurt yawns and points at a monitor. "But that says I'm fine."

Burt laughs. "Fine besides the lumps on your body."

Kurt joins in until Blaine growls unhappily. "Love, look there." He points behind Blaine at another screen.

"What?" Blaine doesn't want to look, too busy nuzzling his mate, but he does. A complex-looking computer has a picture frozen up on its screen.. "What is it?"

"Our pup. That small dot there. That thing that looks like some weird peanut, that's our pup."


"Really." Kurt nuzzles in, his eyes closing. "Tired..."

Blaine looks back at Kurt before peeking back at the little screen. Next to it, a smaller monitor sits beeping rapidly. Blaine realizes it's the heartbeat of their pup. He kisses Kurt softly. "Then sleep, love. I'll be here when you wake up."

"Mm. Good."

Blaine looks at his parents and points back at the screen. "Our pup."

Lillian laughs. "Your pup. Now sleep. Burt's going to stay with you tonight, your dad will be by in the morning, and he'll bring you some food and clothes."

"Thanks, Mom. Dad." Blaine sniffs and caresses Kurt as he fights his wolf instinct to reassert his scent over that of the hospital smells clinging to his mate. "Burt, thank you for staying."

"No where else I'd rather be."


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