Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 14

E - Words: 3,437 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Chapter 14

Kurt whines as his body shudders. Sweat dripping down his body, soaking into the bedding below him. By now he is certain the mattress has got to be soaked through with how much he has been sweating the past several hours. He eyes Blaine as his mate brings a cool cloth to his forehead. A happy huff coming from his chest as the sweat is swiped away for now.

"How long is this suppose to last?" Blaine runs the cloth over his mates cheeks, flushed with heat. Just one day left of their bonding week and now is when Kurts body decides to start his major changes and throwing his body into a fevered state.

"No clue, but I hate it. My stomach feels like it's burning and I hate it." his hazy blue eyes narrow towards Blaine. "This is your fault. Stupid Alpha with your stupid hormone changing knot."

Blaine laughs softly. "You love my knot."

"Some of the time." Kurt laughs as his mate frowns back at him. "Ok fine. I love your knot. I just don't like feeling my insides shift and change causing this stupid fever."

He keeps rubbing the cool cloth over Kurts face. "Does it hurt other then the burning?"

"No and the burning doesn't hurt, it's just annoying as all get out." Kurt inches closer to Blaine and that soothing cloth.

"How about you rest. I'll call your dad and see how long this is suppose to last alright?"

It's only a heartbeat later that Kurt is sleeping with his hands clinging to his pillow. Blaine tucking the blanket around him before heading to the couch to call Burt. Worrying his lip until the man picks up. "Hey Burt. Um I have a question?"

"No problem Blaine, what's up?" Burt smiles to himself wondering what the boys could want after their entertaining drop by earlier that week.

"Um yeah well you see Kurt has started his change, you know the internal one for the umm pup making." he has never felt less pulled together then stumbling through this conversation. "He's running a fever and complaining about it burning and well we needed to know if that was normal and how long it will last?"

Burt tries hard not to laugh or sputter his words, somewhere between finding it funny that Blaine isn't so dapper when he's asking about the sexual change inside of Kurts body and the fact that his son is changing from having sex, even if that sex was with a mate. "Um well, I'm not sure about how much different it will be with Kurt since he's a boy, but Elizabeth had the burning heat for about two days. She said it helped when we joined. It held back the burning feeling. I know Kurt has his body creating everything he would need to make a pup and not just starting his cycle, so it may take a little longer."

"Wait so sex would help him?" Blaine sits up straighter now.

"It helped Lizzie so I am assuming it would help Kurt. I know of other mate pairs that have said joining during the burning helps."

"So this is like he is going into heat? Wow. Thanks Burt! Once he's done napping we'll have to try it."

Burt groans a bit. "Son, I may know that you two are mates, but let's get some ground rules ok? No telling me what you do during your mating and no letting me ever walk in on you doing it. He maybe your mate and we knew when you were 7 and 8 that you both would be together, but its uncomfortable thinking about my little boy like that."

Blaine makes an undignified sound as his face heats up. "Oh my god, Sorry Burt! Ok. Ok. We wont talk about it or do it where you could walk in on us."

"Good now go."

"Thank you Burt."

Blaine hangs up before Burt can even say goodbye and hurries into the bedroom smiling at Kurt still sleeping. He quietly takes his clothes off before slipping into the bed. Moving closer to the sleeping wolf and sniffing his sweat slicked skin, a happy huff escaping his throat as he finds Kurts scent has changed. Both of their scents mingled into one and it is heaven. His nose flares as he sniffs his way down the pale skin, Kurt whining at the attention to his back. His blue eyes open slightly when he feels his sleep pants being lowered, his hips raising up to let them be slipped completely off.

"Um.. What are you doing?" Kurt draws in a quick breath as Blaine buries his nose between his cheeks. "B-Blaine..."

"You smell so good. So very good." Blaine shifts his body to be between Kurts legs and using his hands to spread his cheeks, burying his nose and inhaling deeper. Groaning with how strong his scent was before poking his tongue out and licking over the puckered hole. A growl starts up deep in his chest. "Taste so good too." His tongue licks over the sweat flesh repeatedly, causing Kurt to writhe and moan below him as he pushes his tongue past the outer ring groaning at the taste of his mates fluids now flowing freely making him ready for Blaine to enter and make them one again.

"B-Blaine... please... I need more please...." Kurt raises his hips and keeps his knees apart as he pushes back against the wet probing tongue. His hand gripping and pulling at the sheet below him. "Blaine please."

"Soon. God soon." His growl deepens as he bites Kurts left cheek. "Mine." Blaine pushes his tongue in again before suctioning his mouth around the entrance and sucks up the extra fluids before scrambling up his mates body and slamming himself in as his body wraps around Kurts. "Mine."

Kurt screams out in pleasure as Blaine thrusts in and out of him in a punishing pace. The growls of his Alpha ringing in his ears as his warm arms wrap around his chest, holding them together. The heat inside his belly waning with the new heat of their love making. "B-Blaine..." All he gets in response is a growl before his neck is bitten pushing him to relax and increase his pleasure. His own happy growl joining with Blaines. It isn't much longer before he feels the knot growing and working its way inside of his willing body. The heat inside his belly building before he whines long and loud as his orgasm rips through his body, coating the sheets with his seed as his muscles cling and milk Blaine into an orgasm. Filling him up and soothing that constant burn he's had for the past few hours.

Blaine slowly relaxes, kissing at the bite mark he's left on his mates neck. "Um. Feel better?" he slowly moved them to lay on their sides as his Knot stays firmly placed inside his mate.

"Yeah, how did you know that would help that damned burning?" Kurt snuggles back, wiggling his hips slightly with a happy huff as the knot rubs against all the right places inside.

"It seems your dad did know how to help you and that was it. He said it helped your mom when her system kicked in after the mating." Blaine chuckles softly as he sees Kurt turn red even up the back of his neck. "Love, it's ok. We didn't use to many descriptions because it was weird, but he got the point across."

"True though you talking to dad and him telling you to have sex with me is so new."

"New and odd. At least he didn't give us pointers or ask for details." They both laugh at the thought of how red Burt would be giving them sex tips. Kurt turning his head to attach their lips in a sweat kiss. "Love you/"

"Love you too." Kurt smiles so sweet. "Ready for round two." He rolls his hips back, shifting the knot inside and causing his body to shiver.

"Ku~rt.. I haven't even un-knotted." Though Blaine doesn't stop his mates movements and even starts rolling his hips forward as his shaft grows more interested in going again.

"I know. You were right earlier about me loving your knot. It feels so good baby."

Blaine growls as his hips move a bit sharper causing both of them to moan and melt into another round. The same cycle repeating for the last few days of their bonding week. On the last day of their bonding week both boys can feel their instincts die down. Their wolves being settled with the knowledge that they belong to each other and no one else. They even find the time to get ready to re-arrange their living space. Blaine packing his room in the main house to be brought over to the pool house as Kurt cooks dinner and cleans up the living room and bedroom. They have every piece of furniture marked whether it will stay or be put into storage and a chart for each room for color schemes and layouts. Both boys had decided to keep it simple since this is only their home for the next two years.

They have done everything to get ready for their life together and mated in every possible way imaginable. The only thing they have yet to do is switch positions. Blaine promising they could try it, but both of them finding their wolf instincts to high to let their human sides experiment a bit. Now though, their human instincts are back in full swing and Kurt can't get the image of Blaine below him out of his mind. His want to make love to Blaine and give him all the pleasure he has given Kurt, driving him to move before he can even rethink what he is doing. Kurt heads towards the bedroom to set things up with a smile on his face and a plan brewing in his mind.

When Blaine comes back to the pool house his eyes soften and his smile grows when he smells dinner is done. He follows the delicious scent to the dinning table, set beautifully with candles lit and food already dished out on two plates. Flowers from the garden in a vase just top the perfect romantic dinner, well almost. The site of Kurt standing behind a chair that he has pulled out for Blaine is top of the list of romantic settings.

"What's the occasion love?" He kisses Kurt on the cheek before sitting down and allowing his mate to push the chair in for him.

"It's the end of our bonding week. I wanted it to be... special." He sits in his own chair with a little pink high on his cheeks. "I made eggplant parmesan with garlic bread and buttered angel hair pasta."

Blaine tilts his head as he catches the separation in his mates sentence. "Dinner smells really good." When he takes a bite, Blaine can't hold in the moan at how good it tastes. "So good. Thank you baby."

"Your welcome love." Kurt sits up straighter having a rush of pleasure at his mate being so happy.

The two eat in relative silence, only talking about some plans they have for the following week. It isn't uncomfortable though, the silence is full of more emotions then uncomfortable feelings. When both plates are emptied of their meal and Kurt has cleared the plates to be washed later, he offers his hand to Blaine.

"Dance with me." Kurt pulls his mate to him starting to dance to a song in his head. The notes slowly starting to come out as a gentle hum.

Blaine blushes and laughs slightly as Kurt hums the old classic love song. Burying his face in the neck of his mate as Blaine turns a bright red at how sweet and romantic Kurt is being. "I love you so much Kurt."

"I love you too Blaine, with my whole being."

He slowly leads Blaine in a slow dance down the hall towards their bedroom. Reaching out for the door handle when they get to the end of the hall and not letting go of his mates hand. The room is filled with flower petals and lit candles, battery operated candles. Kurt would never risk burning down their house for a romantic setting. The covers are already turned down for the night and all Blaine can do with seeing all of this is cry tears of happiness. "Ku~rt.."

"I want to show you how much I love you Blaine." He moves to face his mate, cupping his cheek and swiping the tear tracks with his thumb. Smiling at how happy Blaine looks. "I want to make tonight so perfect and memorable. I want to make love to you. To show you everything I feel and how good you always make me feel."

Blaine leans forward and kisses his mate gently. "then by all means, make love to me."

As they join their lips again in a slow and loving kiss their fingers caress over each others arms and faces. Not rushing when they start to remove layers. No rush, no hurry, no desperate need to be one because their wolves are trying to prove they belong as one. Blaine giving all his trust to Kurt and making himself more vulnerable then anyone has ever seen him. Giving his mate the knowledge that his love is unconditional and he is willing to try anything if it is what his mate, his love wants.

When they finally lay together on the bed, no clothing on either body and Kurt on top of Blaine with their lips still moving together, they know that it is time. Kurt reaches his hand under the pillows pulling out the bottle of lube that they have been waiting to use, Blaine hums his approval and spreads his legs a little wider to show he is alright with this.

It isn't perfect, no ones first time is, but that doesn't matter to them. Kurt scared he will do something wrong even though and having Blaine try to settle his nerves and encouraging him and admitting to having fingered himself in experiment before they were mated. Blaine clings to his mate as the single finger changes to two and his lips part in a silent gasp as Kurt kisses his neck and moves his fingers around, scissoring them to stretch the skin and searching for that place inside that always makes himself feel so wonderful. He knows the second he finds the bundle of nerves as his mates body arches off of the bed and a huffing moan escaping his lips. Shortly after he adds the third finger, moving his hand a little faster as their bodies shiver with need.

Kurt gives in when he can just feel the need radiating from his mate, pulling his fingers out and slicking himself up. Moving between the parted legs that wrap around his waist as he lines up. Their eyes locking with each other, never breaking contact as he pushes in and causes them both to gasp and shiver. He pushes in a little to fast and causes his mate to cringe slightly in pain. Kurt kisses at his lips and neck in apology, hands caressing over the body below him. They know it wont last long. How could it when neither have ever felt this before? A slight nod is the permission he needs before Kurt pulls back and rolls his hips back in, their lips meeting after a few thrusts when they are both use to the feeling.

His arms shaking from holding his body up so he doesn't squish Blaine below him as they move. Giving and taking in their uncoordinated movements. Kurt trying to change his angle and find that pleasure point, that perfect spark inside to make this as pleasurable for Blaine as he can. When he does find it, they both moan loudly, Blaine from pure pleasure and Kurt from how his lover tightens around him from that spark. It doesn't take long after that before they are moving faster and harder. Kurt gripping on his mates body as he shudders his release into the arching body below him. Blaine, whining from his lack of orgasm until Kurt pulls out and shifts down. Taking his mate into his mouth and sucking and bobbing until he tastes Blaines seed, swallowing as much as he can. They both slowly drift to sleep as their lips caress each others skin and their arms hold each other close. Pure heaven.

A strange feeling wakes Blaine up sometime later. Whimpering at how good it feels, opening his eyes to see what it is that has awoken him from sleep. His eye widen in shock as a louder moan escapes his mouth when he feels the wet tongue poke into his opening. "K-kurt... baby what are you doing?"

The tongue firmly licks over his opening. "Cleaning you up." Kurt pushes his tongue in again, pulling back slightly. "You were dribbling my seed out all over my leg." He licks again and then seals his lips over the puckered hole, tongue pushing in as he sucks gently, pulling the cum out of his mate and swallowing it down with a please growl in his chest.

"Oh sweet Jesus!" Blaine cries out, spreading his legs wider as he is instantly hard.

Kurt licks and sucks ever bit of his seed as he can. Sitting up and grinning with his red lips covered in saliva and his own seed from inside his mates body. "All clean."

Blaine looks at him with dark lust filled eye. "You are... god I love you .."

Kurt purrs as he climbs over his mates body and shuffles around a bit before he sinks his body down onto the hardened cock he was craving. "I love you too.. So much." He rolls is hips and groans at how good it feels to be filled again. He rocks back and forth for a short time before raising up and dropping back down. Both boys crying out. Blaine moving his hands to grip the pale hips of his mate hard enough to leave marks as they both start to move in a hurried rush to feel the pleasure of their releases. It's everything their earlier time wasn't. Kurt riding Blaine as fast and hard as he can, pushing even harder when he feels his mates knot start to form and enter his body. When they finish Kurt arches back, almost touching his head to Blaines knees as a scream of pleasure comes out of his throat at how perfect it feels.

Blaine has to pull the pliant body of his mate back up towards his chest. Holding and kissing, licking and caressing the flushed skin as they wait for the knot to release. Lips meeting as he pulls out of Kurts pliant body and lays them both down to sleep again. Knowing when they wake up again will probably be morning and they will be starting to make the house their own.

Jeff stretches out on the bed, his eyes watching the sleeping form of his fake-mate. The whole week he has learned to like her, maybe even crush on her. He even likes her family seeing as they are ten times the parents his are. Happy and accepting of who he is as a person. He rolls over wrapping his arms around Julie, laughing as she smacks his hand playfully.

"Keep yer hands in decent places." She yawns as her had rubs the sleep from her eyes. "Why are ye still awake Jeff? We have a long drive in the morning'."

"I was just thinking about things." He nuzzles down into her neck, making sure his scent is strong on her body. "Worried that if we get caught I would lose a person who is quickly becoming my best friend."

"Awe ye flatter me." She snuggles back against his body. "though I feel the same. Ye are one special wolf Jeff Sterling."

"Suck up." Jeff laughs as she swats him again. "Abuse. I call abuse."

"Keep up yer horrible teasing an' abuse is the least of yer worries." She laughs as he tickles her side. "Leap ye big oaf! I need my beauty sleep. Have to seem like I am a besotted love sick mate to your friends and yer pack."

"Alright. You get away this time. Next time I wont stop until you are a pile of laughing goo." He snuggles to her back as they slowly drift off to sleep again. Knowing they are going to have a very stressful next week as the MacDougal family and Jeff move into their new home in Lima and Jeff has to convince his friends and pack members that he is now mated.


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