Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 12

E - Words: 5,988 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
155 0 0 0 0

Chapter 12

The next morning finds everyone waking up way to early for how late they stayed up. Groans are used instead of words as someone with more then one working brain cell starts making coffee over the fire to help motivate everyone to start packing up. Blaine couldn't be more unmotivated to get out of the tent. Let alone out of the sleeping bag that him and Kurt are snuggled into. Both bodies only wearing their underwear and Blaine wrapped around his beautiful sleeping mate. His smile grows as he opens his eyes. Mate. The warm feeling going through his chest as the word plays over and over again in his mind. His fingers moving to brush a strand of hair that is blocking his view of the beautiful angelic face of his true love.

A smile grows on his lips as he moves his down kissing around the deep purple bruises all over the neck of his mate, stopping and sucking on an unmarked piece of skin closer to the jaw that leads to those luscious lips. He receives a whine in response, as Kurt stirs slightly, shifting his head to expose more of his neck to the heavenly kisses and most definitely leading to more hickies and bruises being given by the warm body around him. On instinct his hips push back and start to rub against the quickly hardening member of his mate. Growling deep in his chest, Blaine moves a hand to turn the sweet face towards him as he covers those lips with his own. Claiming the still kissed raw flesh with his own chapped lips and allowing his hips to push forward in answer to his mates need. When they break the kiss, gasping in much needed air. Their eyes meet. Grins on both their faces as Blaine slides his hands down to slip off the only fabric covering up the body in front of him and Running his fingers back up the flesh once it is bared. Drawing a whimpering moan from deep inside Kurts chest.

"We don't have much time." Blaine rolls the pliant body below him, shuffling himself in between the pale legs as they open for him.

"Then hurry and make love to me." Kurt moves his hands to push the underwear Blaine is wearing down his hips and off of his body. Spreading his legs wider when he feels fingers probing his entrance, making sure he is wet and pliant enough to be entered.

"As you wish." Blaine claims his lips once more as he pushes into the body below him. Both of them huffing and groaning their approval. Their hands slide over each others bodies as the sleeping bag traps the heat permiateing off their flesh. Bodies move together in a slow dance, no care in the world for how little time they really have or the people walking around camp that can most definitely hear them and the wolves that can smell them. Mouths never having enough of the other. Eventually their movements pick up speed and their mouths part to suck in air. The movement of their hands turns into nails scraping down backs and over arms. Blaine reaches down, pulling those long legs up as high as the sleeping bag would let him, moving with more urgency as his knot grows. His angle changes to give Kurt even more pleasure. When he finally pushes and sets the Knot into his mate, Kurt cries out with pleasure. Both clinging tight to each other and ready when the wave of pleasure washes through them, Kurt covering Blaine and himself with his seed and Blaine making sure his is deep inside his mate. Filling Kurt with his essence and covering him with their mixed scent. They collapse together panting as they give each other loving kisses. Blaine moves a hand to brush the sweaty bangs from the overheated flesh of his mate.

"You are so beautiful." Blaine leans down and kisses Kurt again in a softly brushing lips.

Kurt laughs as they kiss and moves his head to the side. "Even covered in sweat and cum after having been camping for two nights?"

"Most definitely." Blaine nuzzles down into his neck, breathing his scent in deeply. "A bit sad we have to get up and leave soon."

"Not to mention catch fish for Rosie."

Blaines eyes widen when he realizes that he did promise fish to the old dog and moves to get up a bit to soon. Wincing when his knot refuses to budge and Kurt whines in pain, curling his legs tighter around the hips of his mate. "Sorry, oh god I am so sorry." He starts to sniff around all the skin he can reach without getting off of his mate, looking for a sign that Kurt is in fact ok.

"God that hurt." His eyes narrow as he glares at Blaine. "You sure you know what you're doing? I mean, if you can't remember to wait for your knot to shrink it makes me wonder if..." He gets cut off with a kiss.

"I'm so, so sorry." Blaine kisses him again and again. "Forgive me. Please baby? Love? My Diamond in the rough? Light of my life?"

Kurt just can't stop himself as the belly deep laugh escapes his throat and is muffled by repeated kisses. "Suck up." He wraps his arms around Blaine and wiggles his hips, feeling the knot start to shrink. "You're forgiven, but you owe me the most memorable pool party imaginable since you're going away for a month after."

"No I'm not." Blaine pulls back on his hips separating their bodies as his knot is finally small enough to come lose. "We have week of bonding and you should never separate mates for a long period of time for at least a year after they are mated." He grins when Kurt looks super happy to hear that. "Plus a house with no parents in it for a month sounds like heaven." He laughs when Kurt blushes a deep red at that knowledge. "Come on. Lets get dressed and I'll go catch those fish while you get the bags ready to go."

"Why can't I go catch the fish with you?"

"Really? Well, ok you can come with me." He hasn't seen Kurt go fishing since they were 5.

They both get up and dressed in simple jeans and T-shirts. No need to dress fancy when you're just headed to a pool party. When they finally step out of the tent they are met by Puck tossing them both Gatorades and laughing at their confused faces

"I think after that work out you both need the electrolytes." He hurries off when Kurt turns even redder then before and moves to hide his face in mortification.

He can still hear the snickering and the looks towards them. He peeks his eyes up to where Blaine is just eating up the attention, while his arm is snug around his mates body. His golden eyes slip down as he winks at Kurt. gesturing his head towards the lake. With a nod Kurt heads to the water as Blaine gets the gear. They don't even look back at the camp as they settle down and Blaine teaches Kurt how to fish. They laugh and joke with each other. Blaine taking joy in Kurt trying to get a fish off the hook and getting hit in the face with that same fish seconds later when it was finally freed. They stay at it until they have three fish and then wash up in the lake a little, of course to get the fish smell off their hands even though they spent more time entwined and kissing then washing. Eventually they head back up to the camp and find they are some of the last to leave.

Kurt packs the bags into the car while Blaine rushes to get the tent down. Thanking Wes for his help and the fact he waited around for the lovebirds just to make sure they made it to the party on time. They don't get to spend a lot of time with Grandpa Rob or old Rosie since they had left so late. Blaine hands over the fish as his mate runs over to hug the old dog that was sitting out wagging her tail at the sight of them. Kurt tells Rosie all about how Blaine and him are mates now, rubbing his head against hers in a show of love for the old girl. Blaine gives Rob the news and is happy to see the man grateful that they did mate, he admits to being worried they would end up with someone else. He promises to make a special dinner for the next time they come up his way.

Driving home was an adventure all on its own. This time Kurt stayed awake the whole way, singing and laughing with Blaine. Every now and then he would reach his hand out and run his fingers along what ever part was closest to him. Blaine would either pull over and kiss him into a stupor before grinning and chastising Kurt for distracting him while they are on the road or just pulling their linked hands up to his lips and leaving a gentle kiss on his skin before going putting all his attention on the road again.

When they pull up at the Anderson house there are cars parked all along both sides of the street and all through the drive. One spot was left open for Blaine close to the house, since everyone knew Blaine would be there eventually. Kurt hurries around to the back making sure he has his bag in hand before they head up to the front doors. Music wafting up over the fence from the back yard along with sounds of people talking and splashes in the pool.

Both of them freeze as soon as they open the door and are greeted by the combined force of Burt Hummel, Lillian, and Henry Anderson. Kurt puts his bag down as Henry gestures for them to head to the living room. The two boys head into the large family room and slowly sit down on the love seat, as close to each other as they can without being in each others laps. Burt and Henry take their seats in the recliners facing them. While Lillian goes to get everyone something to drink, a smile on her face. It is so adorable how the kids think they are in trouble.

"Dad, I.. what's going on?" Blaine looks towards Henry as his eyes go between the two dads.

"What do you mean son? I would think YOU had something to tell us and not the other way around." Henry tries hard to hid it, only letting a brief smile show in his eyes. He has been itching to get his son with Kurt since both families have always known they would be perfect mates and that they love each other.

The boys look at each other before smiling and linking hands, facing the dads again. "We do, though I think you already know." Kurt turns his eyes towards his dad and grinning as he sees the mans eyes are shinning in unshed tears of happiness.

"We mated yesterday afternoon out at the lake." Blaine raises their joint hands and kisses Kurts knuckles. "It was a mutual decision."

Burt laughs at that "I highly doubt it was initiated mutually." He points at Kurt. "That guy there has been plotting this ever since his birthday."

"I have not!" Kurt pouts and buries his face in his mates shoulder. "Just the past few months. Because it was summer."

"Kurt? Really you have been planning this?" He laughs as he leans in to kiss his mate. "I love you. My smart and perfect mate." They kiss again, losing themselves in the feel of their lips joined. Then there is a bright flash and they jump apart. Eyes searching for what ever that was and Blaine growling at the unknown threat. Both relaxing and starting to blush as they realize Lillian just took their picture.

Lillian is cooing over her new photo "Your first day as mates. I'll get it enlarged and framed for you."

"Oh god no! Wait until I'm showered and dressed in non-fishy clothes!" Kurt jumps up to look at the picture, expecting to see himself look like a mess and grinning when he sees how perfect the picture is. "Ok. THAT is adorable. Not enlargement quality, but so cute!" The two of them giggle over it and start planning out photos that should be taken until Henry loudly clears his throat.

"Alright. Enough of that. Kurt sit down please." He smiles up at his wife. "You too dear. We have some things to discuss."

Kurt and Lillian take their seats. Kurt as close to Blaine as possible and Lillian to their side. "Sorry."

"Its ok. Now, we have an agreement that we the parents have written out and signed. It isn't to bad or anything, just what each of us is going to provide for you two until you're old enough to be on your own." Henry brings out an envelop that looks a bit aged. The edges turning yellow and the glue that had sealed it crinkling and barely holding anymore. The paper looking just as aged as he pulls it out and unfolds it. A fond smile on his face as he remembers when they had written it. Burt looking away as sad memories flood his mind.

"Dad... How... this is so hard to say. How long have to guys planned this?"

"Answers later. Right now we are going to go over this and then you two are going to get cleaned up and out to that party." His eyes shift to Kurt "Since I have heard it is the 'Anderson Pool Party Extravaganza' it is now a mating reception party." He laughs a little as Kurt hides his face. Silly Carole and her telling everyone. "Alright. Well, firstly since you both will be living together we have set aside some money aside for the purchase of your home after you head to college. Until then we are offering you the pool house out back. It has a kitchen, bedroom, living room, full bathroom, and a basement. No rent needed as long as you both continue your education and keep your grades up."

"You will also be allowed to redecorate as you see fit. It will be your home, There is a fund set aside for redecorating it with in reason. Kurt we know you can get fairly elaborate with your decorating." Lillian adds.

"I'll try to keep with in budget." Kurt smiles as his mind fills immediately with ideas.

Burt nods his agreement. "And I'll do any painting or maintenance you boys need." He looks straight at Kurt. "That gives you a month to pick out and finalize your color scheme son." They all have a feeling that there will be a lot of Kurt-a-ventions in their future over how to decorate the new home.

"Now." Henry continues. "For school. You will both have to decide on what high school you wish to attend." He holds up a hand to silence Kurt. "Kurt, if you want to attend Dalton with Blaine, Burt and I are able to cover the costs. What matters is you both are together. Separation anxiety can be very harmful on new pairs. Your next year or two is going be hard on you when you spend extended amounts of time apart." He keeps eye contact with Kurt. "Or if you come home with bruises because some other wolf was picking on you. Even if the bruise isn't from that, the emotional build up Blaine will have at worrying over who is touching you could harm him."

Kurt nods and nuzzles his nose into Blaines neck, trying to calm the defensive growl in his mates chest at the thought of someone hurting what is his. "We will talk about it and get back to you both before school starts."

"Good." He looks down at the paper and sighs. "The rest of this I will leave for you to read after the party. It is just well wishes and about why we wrote this when we did."

"Now really, how long have you guys know?" Blaine looks at all the parents. "You said answers at the end so start talking."

They all look at each other, the parents closing their eyes to focus before Henry answers. "We knew for a fact you boys were in love when you were seven. Elizabeth knew it first and right before she was sick..." He holds up the pack of papers. "It's all in here. If you have any questions after reading it then come to us."

Burt looks down at his hands sucking in a calming breath before standing up. "So, congratulations boys. We will leave you to shower and get dressed." He pulls Blaine into a hug. "Because you really smell of fish." He turns and hugs his son tight as Blaine goes to his parents hugging his mom and shaking his dads hand. Burt whispers in his sons ear. "I am so proud of you."

"Thank you dad." He nuzzles closer until he feels Blaine step behind him and he slowly lets go. Smiling at his father and turning away. Heading towards the upstairs bathroom with his mate to get ready to face the rest of the guests. Blaine has his bag in hand as he follows Kurt up.

Their short shower turns into a bit longer affair when Blaine doesn't take the suggestion of showering separately. As Kurt put it 'So we actually get clean and to the party Blaine.' Everything started out innocent with them washing each other and then Kurt found himself pushed up against the wall of the shower, kissing and rutting against his over eager mate. Kurt changed his tune to 'Ugh, just be quick.' and a short agreement that they had no time to wait for the knot to shrink, so they would stick to rutting. Growling deep in his chest, Blaine drags Kurt out of the shower before they have reached their climax and carries him over to the bed, falling forwards so that they land in a heap. Kurt on the bottom groaning and whimpering in his need to cum. Eager to please his mate, Blaine lowers his hand and grasps both of their cocks in one fist. Jerking along with their thrusts until they both howl out their completion. A mischievous smirk crosses his face before he uses both hands to rub their mixed seed into every inch of Kurts skin that he can reach. Coating him in their mixed scents and following his hand with his nose flaring. Making sure that he can smell himself on every inch of his mate. Guaranteeing that until Kurt gets into the pool, all the wolves of the pack will know who he belongs to by scent alone.

Kurt chuckles and gets up. His wolf perfectly ok with the disgusting feeling, his human part feeling mortified and wanting a shower. He takes his swim attire out of the bag and puts it all on. Black Speedo under mesh trunks allowing dots of his skin to show, but leaving him embarrassed by how much skin is showing. His top is full of cutouts showing off mass amounts of his skin. His mate sets about pulling on his normal blue swim shorts and a lose button up that he plans to ditch once they are ready to swim. Blaine knowing he will never compare to Kurt and his addictive sense of fashion.

Two towels, a couple sets of sunglasses, a brief styling of the curly mop on top of one head, and the boys finally show their faces near 1pm. When they step out into the sun, all they both hear is cheering and clapping. Henry and Burt having announced the pairs mate status while they were showering. Blaine eats up all the praise of his choice in mate while Kurt clings to his arm the whole time. He huffs in acceptance when Blaine growls and nips at his neck, sniffing after every few people hug them or shake their hands just to make sure his scent was still strong. When everyone in the pack has finally congratulated them, Blaine grabs them some food and feeds Kurt the same way he did at the picnic. Making sure Kurt is between his legs and surrounded by as much of his mates body as possible while they eat.

Eventually Jeff talks Kurt into playing water volleyball with everyone. Blaine sitting on the side watching as his mate laughs and has fun with their pack mates. The winning team, not Kurts team, picks the next game and Kurt finds himself on a team with Blaine playing 2 on 2 backyard football against Nick and Jeff. Puck keeping score for them.

Wes gets called over to Henry with his parents seeing as they need to make sure the mate contract is finalized before Monday. Henry watching the young boy as he hands over the forms that are all signed. Once the kids parents leave Henry asks to talk with just Wes. "Son, are you alright with this? I've been through a forced pairing like this and I regretted it every single day."

"I wish they had agreed to run in the woods at least. Give Amy a chance to reject the mating attempt, but we've been talking and she really wants to finish high school and go to college. The nicest thing I can do is mate with her and spend every day of our lives trying to fall in love with her."

"You will love each other. Your instincts will make you." Henry stands up from his desk and pulls Wes into his arms as the boy starts to cry. "The best thing you can do is show her you care and treat her as an equal. Make sure you both learn what is your instincts and what are your real feelings and if you need anything at all, you are both welcome to come talk to Lillian and I."

"Thank you Mr. Anderson. I know Amy will feel better talking to someone who has been through this. I'm just happy my parents aren't being a cruel as the Sterlings."

Henry narrows his eyes. "What about the Sterlings?"

"You didn't hear? They plan to take Jeff to Chicago where one of them is from and have him do the mass mate thing that you don't allow here anymore. They are determined to have him mated by the time they get back."

"Thank you Wes. I wish I could stop them, but they have permission to spend that moon cycle in Chicago already. I can't take my signature back." He leads Wes back out to the party. "just keep an eye on him and if he comes back with a mate they will need help to get over what happened."

"I will." He smiles as best he can before going to take over score keeping from Puck.

All the older wolves present watch in awe as the teens play and a team of two Alphas being beaten by an Omega and Alpha set. Kurt holding nothing back now that he has Blaine and there is no reason not to show what he can really do and how strong an Omega can truly be. Before he leaves for the night, Burt places the envelop with the agreement between parents about the mating of the boys down on the table in the pool house for them to read when they are ready.

Water splashes around them as the two boys snuggle together on a pool float, entwined in each others arms as they look up at the stars. Their friends and pack mates have long since left and the backyard cleaned up, leaving only the hung strings of lights around them as decoration. The Andersons have retired to their house and the Hummel members have left to their own home. Leaving just these two boys alone and in a world all their own.

Tan fingers lightly skim over pale flesh leaving goose pimples in their wake. Blue eyes shift back towards where they know the perfect golden eyes will be waiting to look back. When both sets meet, his pale lips shift into a smile. This is pure happiness and no matter what else happens in their lives, he will always remember this day as theirs. He shifts up and connects their lips softly, with a bit of a hum in his throat at how contented he feels with that gesture before he snuggles back down into the warm chest of his mate. Eventually the light breeze that was keeping them cool in the hot sun of summer, brings a shiver up his spine. Kurt can't hide how his flesh prickles more from being cold then the feeling of Blaine running his fingers over him.

A chilled nose sniffs and his neck before lips move closer to his ear. "Ready to go inside?" Blaine whispers straight into his ear.

Kurt nods his head and bites his lip as his eyes peek up at his mate again. "Our new home?"

"Of course. Dad left it unlocked with the keys inside for us."

"Then lets go see our new home." He slips off the raft and into the pool water. Swimming gracefully over to the ladder. His mates eyes never leaving his body. When he steps out of the pool and sees that Blaine didn't even move from his spot yet, and mischievous smirk grows on his lips. "Enjoying the view love?"

"Most definitely." His eyes darken a bit, watching the hips of his mate sway while he walks towards the pool house.

Kurt doesn't turn around on his walk to the door. Slipping his top off and pushing the mesh shorts until they are sliding down to pool in the grass. When he reaches the door to the pool house, he peeks over his shoulder towards his mate and pushes the Speedo down and off, giving Blaine one quick glance at his perfect nude backside before he steps into the house and turns towards the door he left open. Leaning against the wall to wait for the other wolf to follow him in. It isn't a long wait before he sees the dripping wet body of his mate come in the door. The discarded swim wear that was left behind in his hands and a gleam in his eyes. The door is closed slowly and he watches as Blaine moves towards him, getting within inches of making body contact before he turns to the side and goes to put the swim wear in the dryer and taking his off as well. Blaine turns his head when he hears a noise behind him and sees his mate leaning against the door frame just watching him. Eyes a darker blue then he has ever remembered seeing them. Their smiles are meant to tease the other now that Kurt has caught onto the game being played. For the next week there is no need to rush or claim one another. It is just time for them to grow closer and be more then just mates. They will grow into a unit, a single being split into two bodies. With that knowledge in mind he turns from the door frame and walks to their small living room, turning the TV onto a random channel before sitting on the sofa.

Not long after sitting the cushions dip as a second body sits down beside him and reaches an arm around pale shoulders. Pulling him in against a strong chest and a blanket being wrapped around both of them. They snuggle into each other, savoring the warmth of their bodies and the blanket as they watch what ever random show is on the television. Making odd comments about something one of the characters are doing and just being together. They get through two shows of a length neither remembers before their lips meet and their hands caress each others bodies. Neither in a hurry to progress this further, neither wanting it to stop, and no need for it to stop. Kurt has no clue who makes the first move, but their tongue start to take turns probing each others mouths. Their bodies naturally moving to get even closer to each other.

Finally with heavy breaths and his legs wrapped around his mate, Kurt is being carried towards their bedroom. Strong arms holding under his butt to keep him in place as he is carried down the hall. Kurt reattaches their lips to each other, a needy whine in his throat that intensifies when he feels himself being lowered onto the bed. His body is shuffles up the mattress until his head reaches the pillows and the comforting weight of another body lowers on top of him. His legs open in an invitation for his mate to get closer. Fingers move down his body and slowly circle his entrance as lips suck and nibble at his neck and shoulders. His need to be filled grows as his body lets fluid flow freely out of his entrance and the fingers push in and out of his body.

Blaine moves down the body below him, his fingers teasing more then pleasuring, and puts his lips to a single nipple. Licking and suckling before biting it with a slight growl. The body below him arching up with a moan and hips rolling for friction into his side. He licks his way over to the lonely nipple and sucking and nibbling to get even more sounds from his mate before slipping lower. Licking and sucking his way down, no rush to his actions as he gets to the hard flesh between his mates legs. Burying his nose into the hip joint. His cheek pushing over to get a slight touch to the hard cock leaking for attention. His fingers still moving in and out, dragging the sweet scent of pheromones to his nose along with the heavy scent of Kurt. His tongue reaches out and licks at the sweet smelling flesh in front of his nose. The sensation making Kurt spread his legs wider, giving him more room to taste. Heavenly noises coming from deep inside his mates chest. His tongue makes a trail down the joint until his nose is overcome with nothing but the sweet smell of Kurts pheromones. His entrance dripping and glistening, just begging to be filled. Blaine gives into his desires and runs his tongue over the puckered flesh before burying his nose closer.

"Tell me what you want." His eyes never leave the sight of Kurts entrance in front of him. His tongue lapping up the leaking fluids being produced in his mates need.

A high pitched whines meets his ears before the raspy voice of his mate answers. "You. Please. I need you."

He gives in slightly, tightening his tongue and pushing it into his mate. Nose flaring at the overwhelming scents. Licking his lips after a few presses he looks up at the debauched face of his mate "How. How do you need me?" He pushes three fingers into his opening.

"Un, in me. Please. I need you in me." His hands reach down and grip tight to Blaines curls. Pulling to get him back up his body.

"How bad. Tell me how bad you want me." He pulls against Kurts fingers and buries his face back in, shoving his tongue along side his fingers as they fuck into the willing body below him.

"Oh god! So bad!" Tears prickle at Kurts eyes as his legs start to spasm. "Blaine, I'm... not going to last much longer." His body tightens up as his orgasm grows nearer.

Blaine grins at that knowledge, but instead of moving up and burying himself into his love he moves up just enough to take Kurt into his mouth. Hollowing his cheeks and bobbing his head as his free hand pumps at the part of Kurts cock he can't fit into his mouth. His other hand slamming three fingers into his opening. Kurt arches higher off the bed and his grip in his mates hair tightens and he pushes at him to get the movement on his cock to speed up. Then like a string breaking he howls out his pleasure as he releases into his mates mouth in multiple waves of pleasure.

Drinking down everything his can and only having a little dribble down his chin, Blaine removes his fingers from the abused opening and kisses his way back up Kurts body. Wrapping his shivering mate into his arms and holding him close. Kissing his lips and sharing his addictive taste with Kurt before nuzzling at his neck. "Are you ok?"

He nods a bit and snuggles closer. Pushing Blaine from his neck so that he can curl up against his chest. "Boneless. Happy." He licks Blaines neck. "Still wanting you though." His hand slips lower to until he finds a placid wet penis in his hand. His eyebrow raises as he makes eye contact with a overly blushing Blaine.

"What can I say? Your taste is my drug of choice. It just gets me going unlike anything else."

"And off apparently." he swipes his fingers through the sticky wet clinging to Blaines flesh and takes it to his mouth, sucking on the digits. "Umm next time I will return the favor."

Blaine growls and flips them back to having Kurt below him and attaches their lips in a heated kiss. Pulling back with a huffing groan. "I want you." He flops his forehead down against his mates shoulder. "But my body needs a rest first."

Kurt laughs slightly, taping his mate on the shoulder. "Then up. Lets get under the covers and get some sleep. We have a whole week to get more of each other."

Blaine gets up and helps turn down the covers with a pout. "But if we nap we will probably fall asleep and it will be hours before I get you again."

"Hum yes, hours asleep in my arms is such a horrible idea." Kurt gets under the blankets and turns his back on Blaine. "Not like you want me for anything but my body."

He hurries into the bed, dragging Kurt back against his chest. "Umm no I think this is much better then making love." He buries his nose into Kurts neck, just breathing him in as his mate pulls the covers over them both. "The love making is just a bonus."




"I resemble that."

"Oh honey I know. You and your fandoms."

"Don't pick on me and my fandoms. You're the one that has all the twilight movies."

"So what? Not like their versions of wolves and vampires are accurate." He closes his eyes and snuggles back into the warm body surrounding him. "Taylor is just smoking hot."

"Great so I have to compete with an actor for hotness?"

"umm no. You are much better then he is." Kurt rolls over and kisses Blaine. "You are my mate which means no one else compares." He leans into his ear and whispers "You have always been my number one."

"As you have been mine. Glad we finally got around to figure it out."

"Your welcome."

"Smart ass." Blaine laughs and kisses Kurt gently. "Umm thank you for pulling the blind fold off my eyes and being the best Omega a guy could ask for."

"More like it. Now sleep. I want to be completely ravished by you when we wake up."

"What if I wake up first?"

"Then make sure you are ready to ravish me by the time I wake up."

He starts to relaxed before Blaine finds himself laughing "Maybe I'll wake you up with me inside you."

Kurts blush covers just about his entire body as his mind imagines that happening. "I don't think I would complain." He nuzzles in and closes his eyes. "Now sleep."

"Yes my dear." Blaine yawns and closes his eyes. Drifting off to sleep with the soft breathing pattern the best lullaby a wolf could ask for.


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