Who Says
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Who Says: Chapter 10

E - Words: 3,760 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Apr 19, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
155 0 0 0 0

Chapter 10

It's just one of those days. The kind of day where you wake up at some ungodly hour in the morning when you know you don't have to, because your mind won't let you sleep. To busy thinking of what could happen, what you want to happen, how it could all go wrong, and then startling you into being awake because it was all so real. Then when you are awake and settle down from your mental overload, you can't get back to sleep. Even if the clock glares at you in the dark with an evil number on it like, 5am. That is just where Kurt is. He's been staring at the clock for a hour and the evil glowing numbers stare right back, 6am. Better just to give in because there is no way he can sleep. Kurt stumbles out of bed and heads for his bathroom. If his mind is waking him up this early, the least he can do is take an extended shower to wake his body up as well.

Blaine walks back into his bedroom, squeezing the water from his curls as he hums a happy tune. Today he gets to spend time with Kurt and that always makes him happy. Also makes him so nervous he just can't sleep, his mind fighting his wolf about telling Kurt how he feels. Truthfully, he doesn't recommend having an inner struggle with the two halves of your being, especially if both want the same thing, they just want to go about it in two different ways. Groaning he sets about getting dressed in simple khaki shorts and a T-shirt before eating a healthy breakfast and ignoring his parents digging at him for how his confession to Kurt is not progressing.

Around 10am Kurt makes his way downstairs. His first stealth attack outfit on, Low riding black Capri pants that tie at the knee, a skin tight black wife beater, and a mesh teal hoodie. He hides the top from his family with a baggy over shirt that zips in the front, looking like nothing more then someone who is ready to work out.

"Finn Hudson are you taking cookies? Cookies that are specifically in a container marked 'FINN DO NOT EAT' because they are for the after game picnic?"

"No. Why would I do that?" Finn quickly pushes the tub of cookies away from him, turning around and facing Kurt with crumbs all over his face.

He rolls his eyes. As Burt walks in to fill his thermos for work. "Maybe because every time Kurt makes something, you eat it." He chuckles at his stepson starting to freak out.

"Good thing I started to be prepared." Kurt pulls a second tin from the cupboard, sliding it towards the other teen. "These are for dad and you."

"Dude! You are the best brother ever!"

"I'll be an even better one if you stop calling me dude." He leans over kissing his dads cheek. "Want me to say hi to Blaine for you?"

"Of course. Tell him to get his furry butt over here for dinner sooner rather then later and that if he lets anything happen to you at this game, I wont forgive him."

His blue eyes roll as his smile grows wider. "I'll be fine dad. It's just baseball with the Warblers and then food after. Blaine, Wes, Nick, and Jeff wont let anyone get their hands on me and Blaine is picking me up so I wont even drive home alone."

"That does make me feel a bit better." Burt smiles. "Call me when you get home."

"Sure thing dad." He waives as Burt heads off to work.

Kurt finishes getting his sports bag packed with a spare shirt incase the one he's wearing gets to sweaty, a few bottles of water, and the tin of cookies. Double checking if he has his wallet and cell phone before whistling a random show tune and heading out the door just in time to come face to face with an ever dapper looking Blaine. "Talk about timing." Kurt smiles bright at his friend.

"As always. You look great Kurt." Blaine turns and heads for the car with Kurt. His mind happily entertained with the fact only Kurt can make clothes that are so simple so very hot.

"Thank you. I'm surprised Wes didn't make you all wear your blazers or school gym uniforms."

"Trust me it was a fight. Ever since he has become head Warbler he's been insane with his need to control everything."

"Oh really? You mean it's worse then the first time he came to one of our movie marathons?"

"Yes much worse." Blaine slips into the car laughing at his friends face. "This time he has a gavel."

"Oh. Sort of glad I just had to put up with him dictating the movies go in alphabetical order according to main actor or actress."

"At least we got some enjoyment when he told us we couldn't change the order he had them stacked in and we watched Harry Potter in reverse order."

"Made it an interesting story of a wizard that slowly gets younger and is eventually locked in a room under the stairs." They keep joking back and forth as Blaine drives.

Nick and Jeff watch as Wes scurries about telling people where to set the food so that it doesn't spoil in the sun and making sure there is a cooler with plenty of ice and water bottles near the field and that everyone knows what team they are on and that each team has their equipment.

"Wes I think you need to calm down and just enjoy today. Schools out for the summer." Jeff watches as Wes side eyes him before checking his cell phone for any messages.

Nick raises a bro at the odd behavior. "Expecting a call or counting the seconds it takes for people to do what you say? I bet it's a girl."

"A text not a call." He eyes the two boys. "How did you know?"

"You are acting like a" Nick takes in a dramatic gasp "normal teenager."

"He's right. Your pacing, nervose, extra views at your phone. Man did you meet a new girl?"

"Don't tell Blaine, but my parents arranged a mate for me." He checks his phone again. "We met for the first time a few weeks ago at her house since she just turned sixteen and I just..." Wes gets a dreamy look in his eyes. "She's perfect. So funny and beautiful."

"Man, why can't we tell Blaine! He's going to be happy you found someone." Jeff claps Wes on the back.

"Because we are mating in the same style his parents did. It's arranged and her parents don't want a run. They want us locked in a room with no escape." His eyes drop to the ground knowing Blaine wouldn't approve, but Wes comes from a traditional family and this was their way of compromising. He wouldn't have to do the mass meet and run after a random wolf, but he would be forced upon one of their choosing.

The two boys frown and nods. "No worries Wes. We wont tell him." Jeff hugs him tighter.

Nick hurrying over to join in and making a Wes sandwich. "When's the big day?"

"Next month. They are being nice and giving me until after the pool party to enjoy my life as a single man." he holds up his phone. "The bonus to technology today is it gives me a month to get to know her."

"Plus a month more of teasing Blaine about his inability to bag himself Kurt." Nick looks over seeing Blaines car pull into the parking lot. "Looks like they finally got here. Let the fun begin!"

Wes looks over and puts a grin on his face. Teasing Blaine has become one of his favorite hobbies. "Alright! Everyone is finally here. Let's get lined up and start this thing." he watches Kurt and Blaine walk towards the group as everyone else gets into teams. "Blaine. About time you got here. Hey Kurt."

"Not our fault. We hit every red light imaginable." Blaine rolls his eyes and takes Kurts hand. Leading him towards Jeffs team so they can play on the same side.

"Hey Wes. Thank you for letting me hang out with you guys."

"No problem. Now everyone was broken into teams, but I let the option for which team you want to play on up to you." Wes heads towards the center flipping a coin he pulled from his pocket.

Kurt lets his grin widen knowing he can choose any team. He pulls his hand from Blaines hold. Heading over to Nick and standing by him on the opposite team. "Hey Nick. Hope you don't mind if I'm over here."

"Don't mind at all. Welcome to Nicks Nightmares." Kurt isn't so sure about the teams name.

Blaine can't keep his eyes off of Kurt as his friend stands on the opposing team and laughs and talks with Nick. "Blaine, you need to relax. It was your idea for him to come and hang out with us. Now deal with him being on Nicks team." Jeff tries not to laugh at how his friends brow furrows and a growl slipping from his chest every time Nick touches Kurt.

"I thought he would be on my team. We've always been on the same team."

"Maybe he just wanted a change. A chance to get to know some other guys." he holds his hands up in peace as he gets a nice growl turned on him. "You wanted him to get to know your friends. He's getting to know your friends so calm down."

Wes calls the team captains, Jeff and Nick, out to him for the coin toss the results having Nicks Nightmares up to bat and Jeffs Jugglers out in the field. Blaine going to the pitchers mound to warm up with his eyes flicking between Wes as he throws and Kurt and Nick laughing and talking in the dugout. His pitch going wide as Nick puts his hand on Kurts shoulder.

"Blaine! How about you try NOT aiming at my head!" Wes throws the ball back.

"Huh? Sorry Wes. I was distracted by something."

Wes turns to look where Blaine was and smiles with a knowing look on his face. "Just stay focused. It might just be a game, but we don't need anyone getting hurt."

Eventually Nick calls for the game to start as he grabs a bat as Kurt gets ready to go second. Blaine winds back to pitch the first ball and it goes wide as his eyes land on pale glorious skin covered in a mesh. Kurt standing and practicing his swing after having taken off the cover shirt drawing half the fields eyes to him and grinning when he sees Jeff throw a rock at Blaine to get his attention. His smile grows and Jeff yells at Blaine getting them back on track, Nick hitting a single. Kurt walks to the plate as his hips sway and Wes cracks up laughing.

"Thank you for keeping the colors toned down." Wes keeps an eye on Blaine, his friends golden eyes shifting up and down the lean body as Kurt leans over to fix his laces.

"No problem Wes." His eyes shift over to Blaine watching him.

"If someone gets hurt I will hold you accountable. Distracting the other teams pitcher." He chuckles as Kurt gets into position with a knowing grin.

"I have no clue what you are talking about Mr. Montgomery." He keeps his eyes on Blaine, turning his hips and arching his back in an enticing way.

Wes gets into position chuckling. "Right. You two are just the highlight of my life." He peeks his eyes up. "Better then any drama on TV."

Kurt hit's a double and the game gets off to a bang. The Nightmares scoring repeated runs while Blaine is to distracted by how Kurt moves and every time Nick gets a bit to close and he sees them laughing. Jeff chucks a few more rocks on him before he gets his head in the game. Striking out the next three players and finding that he can ignore all that skin he sees. The next few innings Blaine has his head in the game and Kurt groaning with his attempts to distract falling short. He's tried drinking water and letting it drip down his neck, bending down and picking things up, and even brushing past him as they switch between field and bat.

The only thing that did get a rise was when he stretched his arms up, making sure his muscle shirt rose up and exposes the majority of his stomach. Then running his hands down his chest and caressing his exposed skin before pulling the shirt down. Golden eyes bore so heavily into his skin that the tension was only broken with Nicks scream as the ball smacked into his arm. The welt forming immediately as he walks his base. Jeff running to the pitchers mound and switching Blaine with the third baseman. Blaine giving into his team yelling at him to pay attention as he watches Kurt fuss over Nicks arm.

By the ninth inning rolls around, Kurt has given up trying to get Blaine after him and has invested himself fully into the game. His mesh shirt in his bag as sweat runs down his body. He's poised to run from first, Nick on third, two outs, two strikes, and the Nightmares are only down by one run. Everyone is cheering or hollering to get ready for the next hit. The ball flies and is hit way out to left field and everyone moves. The ball being passed to Blaine at third as Kurt rounds second. Blaine sets position to tap Kurt out, but is cut off guard when Kurt doesn't stop and runs into him. A clash of bodies as Blaine stumbles off balance as they both fall in a pile of limbs and he chucks the ball aside to cushion Kurts head from hitting the ground. Dust flying all around them as Jeff, Nick and Wes rush over to see if they are ok.

A pained whine is all Blaine can hear. Pained and scared. His eyes open, seeing Kurts blue ones with tears running out of them. His body shivering in fear as Blaine pulls him up and cradles him to his chest as a deep growl starts in his chest as his nose flairs and his hands search for what is causing Kurt to whine in pain.

"Is he alright?" Nick gets there first and stops dead in his tracks when Blaine bares his teeth at the other Alpha, growl getting louder in threat.

Wes pulls nick back. "Go get ice on your arm. Just go." He turns to the other guys as the growls get louder the more boys get closer. "games over, let's go eat!" he turns towards Jeff. "Stay close, but not to close. He needs to get calmed down." Jeff nods as Wes hurries away to get everyone off the field.

Kurt moves his nose into Blaines neck trying to calm down with his scent as blood trickles down his arm. His hands pulling at the other boys shirt. His whines increasing as his shivering slows down. The Alphas hands holding him, caressing him. The growls slowly dieing down as he registers everyone has backed away from them. Eventually Blaine noses at his cheek to get his attention. "Kurt. Look at me." He smiles when those shining blue eyes look up at him. "Good. Are you alright?"

He holds up his arm with the red streaks going down. "Hurts."

Blaine pulls the arm to him, turning it until he sees the gash in the soft skin. "Down side to being a wolf? My inner me wants to lick that clean while the human me knows better."

Kurt laughs slightly. "I would never forgive you for licking my blood up."

Their eyes meet as Blaine moves his hand to caress the slowly blushing cheeks in front of him. "Let's go get you cleaned up and then I think we should talk."His other hand pulls Kurt closer to him as a happy huff of air comes from his chest.

"That would be a good idea." His eyes shift down to Blaines lips. "A very good idea."

Blaine smiles and noses at him until Kurt stands up with him and they head towards the picnic area. "Hey Jeff?"

"Yeah?" He hurries to get closer until he hears Blaine growl in warning.

"Could you run ahead and get the first aid kit from Wes?"

"Sure thing." Jeff smiles.

Jeff takes off to get the kit and help Wes set a blanket down for the two wolves. Making sure no one else is near them. Blaine smiling his thanks as he sits and pulls Kurt into his arms again. He reaches over for a napkin they had left there, wiping the blood up and growling if anyone comes to close.

"Blaine." Kurt growls in pain when he pushes a little to hard. "You wanted to talk?"

"Hm. I do." He reaches for the first Aid kit, pulling out the Neosporin and applying it as gently as he can. "I just want to tell you that I am..." He closes his eyes as he applies the badge to Kurts arm, caressing his fingers over his flesh as he does. "Happy for you and Nick."

"Nick?" Kurt shifts his arm out of Blaines hand and lifts the other boys chin. "What are you talking about?"

His golden eyes study Kurts face as his eyes water even though he's smiling. "The whole day you have been trying to get his attention, you went straight to his team, and I saw you two smiling and laughing together so I guess it worked. I'm happy for you. That you got the guy you wanted."

Kurt laughs "You really are a fool."

"What do you mean?"

"I was definitely not after someone else." He puts his hands on Blaines cheeks making sure they have eye contact. "I was after you. I've always been after you." He touches their foreheads together. "I love you."

"Kurt.." he surges forward connecting their lips, pulling Kurts body closer to his own. Pulling back for air with a smile on his face. "I love you too."

Kurt leans in to connect their lips again, wrapping his arms around Blaine to hold him closer. Their mouths opening as they both deepen the kiss. Both wolves surging in to taste and touch. Staking their claim on what they know will fully be each others soon. Blaine noses and kisses across Kurts cheek before burring his nose in his neck making the other boy laughs slightly.

Wes is cheering in the back with just about everyone there. "About DAMN time!!"

They both laugh before kissing again. "So you really thought I was after Nick?" He runs his hands in the curls at the back of Blaines head.

With a bit of a growl at the mention of Nick. "I really thought with today and how you were always with him and smiling with him." He kisses Kurt softly. "I have wanted to tell you how much I love you since we were fourteen and we both came out to our families."

"Why didn't you?" Kurt moves to nuzzle at Blaines neck. Breathing in that calming perfect scent.

Blaine huffs at how happy his wolf is with Kurt tucked against him. "Everything kept going wrong and the timing was never right." He runs a hand up into that's soft blonde hair. "I also didn't want to ruin what we have."

"Our great chemistry?" Kurt kisses at his neck huffing as Blaine runs his hand through his hair.

Blaine flares his nose as he laughs. "Our friendship silly."

"Oh so that's what we have huh?" he pokes at Blaines chest as he pulls back to look into those gorgeous golden eyes. "I thought Jeff and Wes were your BFFs." He grins with Blaines eyes roll. "And Nick." He gets a growl as he mentions the others name. "Now this is going to be fun if you do that every time."

"Haha very funny." He pulls Kurt in for another deep kiss groaning in happiness as he tastes heaven again. "Now for the important part."

"Do we really want to do a mate run now?"

"Kurt. Look at me." Once their eyes meet he continues. "I don't want to rush into a mating with you. I want to take this slow and at our own pace."

He tries not to look hurt at that. "Then what do we do now?"

"Go on a date with me?" He kisses his nose. "Say you'll be my boyfriend."

Kurt screams and throws his arms around Blaine. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Of course I will be!"

"Now let me go and get my boyfriend some food." They kiss softly before Blaine gets up and runs over to the food table. Grinning with all the pats on the back and congrats he gets.

Wes, Jeff, and Nick slip over to a happily grinning Kurt. Nick plopping down next to the boy laughing. "You look like someone just handed you a Tony."

Kurt rolls his eyes. "He loves me and asked me to be his boyfriend."

"Not bad though from the look you had in your eyes earlier is that what you want?" Wes checks the bandage on Kurts arm to make sure lover boy did it right.

"Not fully, but it's a step in the right direction." Kurt growls, yanking his arm back.

"First step boyfriends next step mates. Didn't you know that's how Blaine works Wes?" Nick and Jeff laugh until there is a loud growling that startles them up and away from Kurt fast.

Blaine turns his eyes on Wes, growl getting louder again until the boy raises his hands and backs away. "come on Kurt. I think we will eat at my house instead."

"Good idea." Kurt offers his hand and lets Blaine assist him up. He leans closer to Nick as they walk. "By the way thank you. His jealousy over you sealed the deal."

"Wait what!?" Nick hurries away as Blaine pushes his way between the two of them. "Oh Hell. Blaine, I am NOT interested in Kurt!"

Blaine growls even louder. "Nothing personal. Just give me some space for a little. I'll get over this. I promise."

"You better. That camping trip is going to suck if you keep growling at me." Nick slips behind a shacking with laughs Jeff.

Kurt drags Blaine towards the car. "I don't know. I find this entertaining. Now come with me before I change my mind and NOT be your boyfriend." Kurt screams out a laugh as Blaine scoops him up over his shoulder.

"No chance of changing your mind now. I waited way to long to go on dates with you."


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