Up in Lights
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Up in Lights: Chapter 8

E - Words: 5,166 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
150 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: HEED THE WARNINGS!! This is Trigger heavy!!
What feels like weeks are just days and Kurt isn't sure how many more of these drawn out, nail biting nights he can take. The hunger is easily sated by drinking from Blaine, though his boyfriend is stressing that eventually he'll have to drink from bottles, but the itching under his skin to hunt isn't easily squashed. His ears pick up every bird, mouse, and fox that crosses the yard and his blood sings to chance them down and stop that thump-thump of their heart. In a way he's very glad that there aren't any humans living in this part of the hive lands. He knows there would be no stopping him if he could smell and hear a living being nearby. Maybe it wasn't the itch to hunt that's making tonight royally suck, it might just be the fact Blaine was called into work for an emergency meeting and he's been left at home alone. The only thing keeping him from breaking out of the house is the constant feeling of soothing love he feels from Blaine and the fact he's started being able to hear him. In his attempt to ease his desire to hunt, Kurt has all the lights in the house off as he lies in bed on his back, eyes closed, as he lets Blaine fill his mind with comforting words.

Glowing blue eyes snap open, ears twitch at the sound of something or someone coming into the house. It's not Blaine, he can feel the other vampire getting closer and he let him know that the meeting was over and he'd be dropping by the store on the way home. Nose sniffing the air as a smile grows across his face before he rolls from the bed silently slipping through the house until he can see who it is that came to see him. If he can't play with the living at least least he can have some fun with a friend. Sebastian wont mind.

"Kurt?" looking around as he turns on some lights Sebastian keeps his ears open for the young vampire. "Blaine wanted me to check up on you while he's at the store. We thought it might be a good time to start getting you use to being around others." Silence meets his ears, though he's sure there was a slight thump of someone moving. Ah there he can hear feet padding on the floor coming closer. "Kurt please let me know you're here." A tinkling laugh hits his ears before he can hear the feet moving the you one to a new location. So he wants to play. What kind of friend would he be if he didn't indulge the boy a little. Flipping the light back off he slips into the dark hiding like a good little prey would.

Scent the air. Shift position as his prey has moved from this spot. Damn. He thought he had him this time, but no he's just to fast.

"Give up yet?" Sebastian's voice comes from everywhere. How the hell..

Wait he can feel where he's at. Close. So very close and he'll win. He crouches down in waiting as the perfect distraction is about to happen. His fangs slip out as his smile grows wider and he slinks off towards the entryway.

Completely unaware of what is going on in his home and itching to hold his baby again, Blaine walks into the frighteningly dark house. "Sebastian? I thought you'd be gone by now." Jumping with a start as he comes face to face with his friend. "What the fuck?"

"Just playing with the child. He's pretty good at..."

"Get down!" Blaine puts the bags into his friends hands before pushing him down in time to grab Kurt in a mid air jump aimed at the elders head.

Fighting against his hold with a hiss, Kurt glares daggers at Blaine. "I nearly had him! It was perfect!"

"Wait.. what?" Blaine looks from his hissing boyfriend to his rolling on the ground laughing friend. "Someone explain to me the situation I've walked into?"

Settling into being held and wrapping his legs around Blaine as he nuzzles into his neck. "I wanted to play. Sitting around all night is just a royal pain in the ass. Sebastian was letting me hunt him."

"Like I said, he's pretty good. Nearly caught me a few times." He wipes the tears from his eyes as he stands up looking at the glowing blue eyes the young fledgling has. "No wonder, I wasn't looking for blue. No wonder you're keeping him hidden, those eyes are just beautiful."

"Mine." Blaine growls towards his friend. "That isn't why. He hasn't started weening yet and it would be to risking taking him out into the public if he's unable to control his hunger."

"One headless bird and you're branding me dangerous."

"That bird innocently flew in the front door and instead of letting it go you ripped its head off."

"Not my fault that little heart of his was just calling to me 'Kurt. Kurt. Eat me. Kurt.' It was just begging to have it's head ripped off, though it tasted horrible."

Sebastian starts laughing again as Kurt scrunches up his nose at the taste from that one bird. "I don't blame you, Kurt we can't have you out there going after everything with a heart beat. You need to learn to control those urges." He leans in whispering directly into the young ones ear. "I did the same thing when I was little, except with a crow instead. Tasted horrid, but god was it fun to hunt it."

"I've been thinking about chasing a rabbit. That would be so much fun to hunt down!"

"No rabbits." Blaine glares between the two before putting Kurt down. "It's time to start weening you off of drinking from me."

"What? No! I like drinking from you." He might be whining, but he's carrying the bags Blaine brought in as Sebastian follows them. "I don't like the bottled stuff."

"You didn't like that certain bottled stuff, every vampire has their own tastes it's our body's way of letting you know hat it requires. The issue we'll come up against is usually a turned fledgling craves it's original blood type. Yours is impossible to provide as elves are in hiding and those with elven blood keep themselves to well blended into the human world."

"What happens if we don't find one I like?"

"Then we make you get use to the one you hate the least."

"I don't see any problem with drinking from you for the rest of eternity." He mumbles as he sits at the table when Blaine points before disappearing into the kitchen to fetch all the bloods they have.

Sebastian takes the bag and unloads the new blood types and starts putting out the disposable cups. "If you drink from him to long eventually he will weaken and you will end up starving as he wont be able to produce enough additives to fuel both his metabolism and yours." Turning towards Kurt to make sure the fledgling understands he isn't joking about what he's saying. "You would kill him and then you would starve do death or you would go rabid and kill anything that came near you looking for blood." He playfully bops his friends nose causing Kurt to scrunch up his face. "Just like every baby must be weened off it's mothers milk, you must be slowly transitioned from your daddy's blood to the same stuff we all eat. Bottled crap."

"How come you know so much?" Kurt wiggles his nose trying to ride himself of the feeling of being touched by his friend.

"Turning a human use to be a rite of passage for our kind, so I've turned a human or two in my few years on this earth." He closes his eyes with a smile. "My kids are fairly old now and doing quite well the last time they checked in, but you should also know that the rules of transitioning a human are part of a vampires education during those first 100 years of their life."

"Oh." He eyes the older vampire. "Can you still feel them? Your children?"

"Always. If they or I ever really needed each other we have a direct link between us all and we would be able to go and help."

"Why did you choose the humans you did? I know Blaine refused to choose someone that he couldn't love, I was just wondering if that's normal."

"Not really the norm, but then again Blaine has been a bit different his entire life. You're the first one he's ever changed and probably the last if I know him the way I think I know him. Me, well yeah the changing itself causes an increase in closeness and usually you end up having sex with your fledgling, but no. I've never changed someone I cared about. Really, I don't fall in love with humans. I stick with vampires and the occasional Fairy. Oh and elementals. God nothing gives a better fuck then a water elemental. There are things they can do to reach parts of your body you didn't even know could get you off."

"Fairy? Really? A tiny winged little thing?"

"You watch to much Disney, those are pixies. Fairies are human sizes bodies of furry. Temperamental and passionate. Their blood is like an aphrodisiac and ugh they are masters of the sexual kind. There was this one Blaine and I had both..."

"Sebastian!" Blaine groans as Kurt seems way to into what the other man is saying. "He doesn't need to know about the stupid things you talked me into while we were engaged."

"Aw! I wanna know what you both did!"

"Three bodies, one bed, and a lot of rope." His eyes darken when he looks back towards Blaine. "You have no idea how much he loves being tied up and the way he begs to be fucked." The hissing makes him stop before he feels Kurt jump on him baring his fangs, eyes glowing dangerously. "Blaine.."

"You had this coming getting all into telling him about us."

"Hands. Off. My. Blaine." His hiss get's louder when Blaine pulls him off of Sebastian and against his chest, cooing love and calmness through their link. "Mine. My daddy. Not yours."

"Your daddy always, baby." Kissing his boyfriend gently before backing away and having him sit down as he pours a little of each blood into a cup, making sure that cup is in front of the original bottle. "If you're going to stay Sebastian, I recommend you get a pen and paper so that was can keep track of which ones he likes and what mixes he prefers. Now love, these choices also include specialty bloods. Some dragon, fairy, pixie, elemental: fire, earth, and water, along with some troll and ogre. There is no shifter or elf blood on the market, for obvious reasons, and Air creatures tend not to have blood. Then the rest are just of no nutritional value. I don't see anyone wanting to really drink from a zombie or merfolk. Nymphs as well, you never know where they've been."

"That's a lot to take in." Kurt studies all the cups sniffing the air to see if any of them draw his attention.

"It is, but eventually you get use to the different effects the specialty blood has. It's like drinking alcohol, each one effects vampires differently and you don't tend to drink them in high volume, but what we need to find out is if the slight magic inside the specialty blood will give your body what it needs."

With that they walk Kurt through every blood type and which ones he absolutely hated compared to the few he could tolerate, but didn't like. The elders find it amusing that Kurt is drawn more towards positive bloods, as long as it isn't O. Its when they start mixing the bloods that they find the perfect blend of AB+ with a drop of Water element and two drops of pixie Surprisingly Fairy blood made him gag, though his cheeks flushed and their connection raged with desire proving that he is extremely sensitive to the effects of specialty bloods.

Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh
What about-what about love?

All eyes in the room turn towards Sebastian as he blushes and pulls his phone out of his pocket, typing a message out quickly.

"Really? You have that song as your ring tone?" Kurt leans towards him trying to peek at who he's messaging.

"Shut it. It just so happens to be Alain's favorite song AND I like it." His blush grows deeper as the song plays again.

"No, nothing wrong with Austin Mahone or a song called 'What about love.' But it makes us wonder..."

"Is the infamous player Sebastian in love?" Blaine finishes for Kurt with a grin as his boyfriend drinks the big glass of mixed blood and he cleans up the rest of the bottles.

"I don't know. Maybe? I've called him love and stuff, but I just haven't said those specific words."

"Why not? I'm sure he loves you." Blaine kisses Kurt's cheek in passing.

""I'm scared he wont say it back. We've been together such a short amount of time, there's no way what I'm feeling is true love."

Kurt reaches over taking his hand. "You have to be brave and just say it if you feel it. Trust me, he feels it and will tell you when he's ready."

"Maybe I'll tell him tonight then. He wants to go out clubbing and asked me along, it could be romantic if I tell him during a slow song."

"Then get going! I fully expect a report about how in love you both are tomorrow night." Kurt shoves at him with one hand, laughing as his eyes dart towards his boyfriend and oozing how much he just wants to be alone with him. Ropes. That's his big mental wish right now is lots and lots of ropes.

"You should listen to him. Kurt would know more about how Alain feels about you then I would, so go have fun and just admit your feelings." His speech is fast as he quickly guides his friend towards the front door, those ropes in their play room are begging to be used. "I'll call you tomorrow night to update you on how soon before Kurt can go outside and we can arrange a double date or something, but for now. Good evening."

"Blaine, if you want me to leave so you can get freaky with Kurt all you have to do is say so." A challenging brow is raised as Sebastian watches his friend turn all shades of red. "You can thank me for the rope idea later. Have a fun rest of your night!"

The second his door closes behind Sebastian, Blaine finds himself shoved against the wood by dominating hands and a solid body rolling its hips into his ass. "Want you." Is what he hears in his ear in Kurt's unique voice. Need and desire flood his senses as his boyfriend pictures being tied up. "Need you daddy."

"Then you should go upstairs to our play room. Wait for me on the bed like a good little boy." Moaning out when Kurt ruts against him particularly hard. God he just wants to be thrown down and taken. It's been so long since he's let someone dominate him, but not now. That's not what his baby needs. "Go now. I'll be up in a second."

"You better. Other wise I might be a bad baby and do things myself."

"You might just do that anyways." Blaine flips them around, pinning his lover to the wall. "You love being punished." Their lips meet in a bruising kiss as he digs his fingers into Kurt's wrists with bruising force. Pulling away all to soon and growling out. "Room. Now." He palms himself as Kurt slips out from underneath him and hurries up the stairs, feeding him non-stop lust through their connection. "Gods You're evil in such a good way."

It doesn't take him long to gather the items he wants to take upstairs. The only reason he's moving so slow is to rile Kurt up, the pull in their connection making it quite known that he's naked and craving his boyfriends body. God Blaine just wants him screaming below him as he pounds his body into the mattress. It's those wonderful images he feeds back to Kurt as he makes his way upstairs carrying a bottle of Kurt's mixture of blood stepping into their play room and perking up as he's meet with the image of Kurt with three fingers deep inside himself, obviously not following orders of to pleasuring himself.

"And what do we have here?"

"Um you were taking to long daddy, it hurt so bad without you here." Kurt looks back over his shoulder as he keeps his ass on display. "Baby was only making it feel better."

"Ah, but you were told this type of behavior would lead to punishment, yes?"

"But Daddy!!" He whines even though Blaine knows he wants to be punished.

He puts the blood down and goes into the closet, pulling a few things out of their box. "Daddy meant what he said. You're going to be punished, but first what do you say if it's to much and you don't like it?"

"Red." His breathing picks up as Kurt nibbles on his lip, rolling over onto his back to see what Blaine is bringing out that would require his safe word. "Yellow to slow down, but I've never used it."

"And I doubt you will now that you're turned. Your body can withstand a lot more then it use to love." Blaine lays the silk ropes down along with a paddle, clothes left in the closet so that he stands beautifully naked before Kurt's eyes before he starts to tie his lover up in a complicated set of knots the leave Kurt open wide. Ass on display with his hands tied together against his chest and rope going around his manhood. It's the most elaborate rope play they've ever done and all Kurt can do is moan as he tries to move and finds he can't. "Is it to tight love?"

"No Daddy. Perfect Daddy."

"Good. Now, for not listening to me and keeping your hands to yourself, daddy is going to give you twenty spankings with the paddle. I want you to count them out for me sweets. Count out so that I can hear you and if you mess up, I'll just have to start over again. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes daddy."

No warning before a loud thwack resounds through the room and Kurt cries out at the initial pain in his ass. Blaine watching him and keeping their link way open to make sure he doesn't push his lovers pleasure levels.

"One Daddy."

Thwack. One by one the spanks are alternated between the cheeks and from soft to hard. Kurt counting every last one out until tears are forming in his eyes near the end. So much pleasure mixing shooting through his body and the ropes wont let him move to relieve the pleasure building up.

"Last one Baby. You are doing so well for Daddy."

Thwack. "Twenty... twenty Daddy!" Kurt moans as he starts crying. "Need you daddy! Please!"

"Sh I know baby, I know." Tossing the paddle to the side Blaine wastes no time crawling up onto the bed and pushing into that perfectly red ass he loves so much. "Gods you feel so fucking good."

"Unn move daddy please!"

"Shh, not yet." He reaches over crabbing the bottle of blood and taking a deep drink before leaning over with a second mouthful and pushing the liquid into Kurt's mouth with his tongue. The young vampire gulping every drop down before moaning loudly against Blaine's lips as the older man starts pounding into him. Kurt cries harder as the ropes restrict his pleasure and he can't hold Blaine like he wants to.

He snaps as Blaine pounds into him harder. "Red!!" Kurt's boy shakes through his crying fit as all he wants to do is hold Blaine and make love so that they both feel pleasure. He hates the ropes keeping him from feeling the pleasure Blaine is giving him. "Red. Red. Please I want to hold you!"

It's seconds after Kurt screams red that Blaine is off of him and across the room gasping for breath as he calms his body down. He should have felt the panic building in Kurt at wanting to slow down. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I hurt you."

"Not hurt... just... I just want you in my arms." Kurt struggles against the ropes tears rolling down his face as Blaine rushes over untying him before pulling the boy into his arms. Clinging to his lover Kurt just snuggles in and cries. "I've ruined our night. I don't know why I was so scared. I don't know."

"It's ok. Sh. I should have know you were freaking out." Blaine kisses his head rocking them both as Kurt slowly calms down. "I love you so much Kurt, I can't, I can't forgive myself for hurting you." They both cry wrapped around each other, both trying to sooth the other.

"Make love to me?" Kurt is so timid as he asks.

"Of course love. Are you sure you're ready?"

"Yes. I love you." Kurt kisses him softly as Blaine lays him down pushing back inside his body. The spark of pain from the spanking causing him to moan as their body's move slowly together. The most intimate they've been since their first night together.

Across town Sebastian rolls the dark red liquid in his glass at the bar as his eyes are trained to his boyfriend dancing with a few model friends. Body's moving as one of them grabs him by the hips and pulls Alain in close. Hips moving together as his arms wrap around the other man. He's drunk, Sebastian's knows he is with the amount of drinks he's had laced with elemental blood before he showed up. Truthfully watching the man he's fairly certain he's in love with grinding up against another vampire hurts in ways he didn't know he could hurt.

"You know, if you are just going to sit here and watch him feeling sorry for yourself I'd say he's better off."

Sebastian turns to glare at the woman he knows belongs to that voice. "Fuck of Santana, what would a fairy know about how I feel right now?"

"Uhg, because your feelings are oozing off of your merekat like features in waves big enough to surf on." She rolls her eyes before purring at the Batista. "Hey sweet cheeks, how about a sex on the beach? I think Jersey would be a good place if you want to hit it on your next day off." She gets an eye roll in response and his drink order passed to her. "Your loss love."

"What? Fuck you bitch."

"So you confirm my accusation by cussing me out. Way to treat a friend."

"Like we're friends."

"True, you're way to old to be seen with some hot young fairy flesh like me." Santana bops his nose before turning to watch Alain as he leans back into the second guy grinding against him causing Sebastian to growl. "So attractive. You know, you could just go over there and claim what's yours."

"He's not mine. Not officially."

"Isn't he that boy-toy you've been all giddy about?" She watches him closely, his eyes never leaving Alain.

"Yeah he's the one I've told you about. Talented, smart, sexy, sweet as all shit, and just perfect for me. So perfect that I know he's to good for me." Downing the rest of his drink, hissing as the earth element mixed with dragons blood burns a bit as it goes down. "But I love him."

"Then why aren't you out there?" She's up out of her chair the second he blushes and looks down at the ground. "Oh My Goddess! You're scared! The oh so old and powerful vampire son of the strongest and oldest member of the council is scared shirtless to tell one young vampling how you actually feel? Or is it you're scared because you actually have feelings for someone other then that hot shit Blaine you let slip out of your fingers?"

"Shut the fuck up! Blaine has found the perfect guy for him and I'm happy for him."

"Then you move on too. Go out there and tell that sex on legs you want him by your side officially dumb ass."

His eyes shift towards her curiously. "Why do you care anyways?"

"Because in a weird way sunshine, I like you." She huffs when he starts laughing. "Not like that fat head, you're so not my gender of preference or species, but as friends. Yeah. I'd like to think of us as friends."

"Thank you Santana. You know, when Kurt is able to go outside and socialize I think you should meet him. You two would get along I think."

"Why do you say that huh?"

"You both told me to just suck it up and tell him how I feel." he laughs as she rolls her eyes. "Want to help me get those models off him? Work them up and then break their little hearts when you go home with that Batista?"

"Um that blonde behind the counter is fucking hot. Yeah, let's ruin their night."

The two slink through the crowd until the reach the three way pile with Alain whining between the other two body's One model having their teeth scraping against his neck while the other slips his hand down caressing over the hardness between his legs. Sebastian growls as he slides against Alain's side, hissing into his ear. "Mind if I cut in?"

"Um Sebastian." Alain turns away from the other two as he wraps his arms about his boyfriend. "Was missing you. So much." His body sways with Sebastian's movements to the music, pupils dilated far beyond what drunkenness should have them.

"What have you been drinking?"

"Dun know, but gods it makes me feel so good." he nuzzles against that sweet smelling neck. "You smell so good."

"Dammit! What the fuck did you assholes give him!" Sebastian doesn't let go of Alain as the man sways at the sudden movement when he turned to yell at the guys who were pleasantly distracted by Santana's charms.

"Bastian, what do you mean what did they give him?" Santana looks over at Alain and groans as she sniffs the air. "Fairy. You slipped him pure fairy blood at some point. Bet you think that's all cool to seduce him via drugging him."

"That's ridiculous! He just can't hold his dragons blood!"

Santana holds Sebastian back as she raises a brow at the one who spoke up. "So it was you and don't even try to deny it you stink like the cheap ass blood you slipped him."

"You can't smell it!"

"You can if you're a fairy and honey, I'm the biggest bitch fairy there is. Now we can do this all one of two ways, it will of course be your choice." She smiles as the second guy takes off. "One: You can admit to slipping him the drug even though you know he has a boyfriend that is a pretty fucking strong and old vampire with extremely high connections that could have your afterlife terminated with one word and then thoughtfully resign from your job at said boyfriends fashion company and then disappear without a trace. Two: You keep talking shit and my fairy ass will rip every drop of fairy blood you fed him out of you using a pair of tweezers and razor blades that I hide in my hair to deal with jack ass losers like you." She laughs as he takes off towards the exit. "Guess he went number three. Run like a chicken shit because he left him manhood at home."

"Santana, you are so awesome." Sebastian turn sand holds Alain more firmly.

"I know. Now take him home and get him pumped full of regular blood. It'll take the edge off." She lifts Alain's chin looking into his eyes. "Though I'm shocked it worked so well on him. Usually vamps that have a mystical parent aren't effected by our blood."

"What the hell are you talking about." They both help get Alain out the front door and headed towards his car since Sebastian told his driver he'd hitch a ride home with his boyfriend.

"His eyes are green, not just any green glowing green. He's got fairy in him."

"Fine!" Alain pulls away groaning at the slight headache from all the dragons blood. "I was faking it."

"What the fuck! I thought they drugged you!" Sebastian gets into his boyfriends face, irritated at how he feels relieved his boyfriend is fine and pissed that he was letting those asses touch him like that.

"They did, but like she said it doesn't work on someone who's mother was a fairy. I let them think it worked because you were ignoring me!"

"Oh this is good." Santana leans against the car to watch them with a smirk on her face.

"I thought you wanted them and not me! Plus I was scared!"

"Scared? Of what huh? Showing me something more then just affection when others are around and calling me your boyfriend? I want more you jack ass!" Alain growls at him.

"You want more huh? Well maybe I was scared because for the first time in two hundred years I'm in love! That's right I love you!"

They both go silent as their eyes study each other. Sebastian trying not to cry and show how weak Alain makes him and Alain slowly grinning. "I love you too jerk." hands reach out and grab Sebastian by the shirt pulling him into a sweet kiss as they both start to laugh.

"That was so stupid! What kind of fight ends in a kiss? Ugh! This is to sweet! Go home and fuck it off gaylings, this fairy has a blonde bartender in a mini skirt to woo!"

"By Santana!" Sebastian laughs as she flips him off as his hands reach up to caress Alains cheeks. "I love you. That's what I wanted to tell you tonight, but I was so scared. I haven't loved anyone since Blaine."

"I know and it's ok. That's why I was willing to wait, really all I wanted was for you to come over and make those jerks know I'm yours. Having your heart is just an added bonus."

"Well, then how about I take you home and we make this a little more official." Sebastian kisses over that perfect pale neck. "I want to exchange blood. I want a link with you, to feel you everywhere I go."

"I'd love that too. Your place?"

"I'll drive then." He reaches back and pulls the car keys out of Alains back pocket laughing as hands swat at him playfully. He really can't wait to tell Kurt he was right. No, wait he can wait. Right now he has a hot young vampire that's willing to start a connection with him because he loves him. Tomorrow night he'll let Kurt know.


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