Up in Lights
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Up in Lights: Chapter 7

E - Words: 5,712 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Sounds. Lights. Movement. It all blurs in and out of focus as time ticks by. Time. That's another thing he's unsure of. How much time between waking up screaming in pain then again in fear. Blurry shaped moving before his eyes as his head lolls about while his hands shove at the blankets. To hot. He's to hot. Then somewhere in the middle a soothing calmness settles over him making it all go away.

"It's alright baby. I'm here just rest." Blaine turns his eyes from the sweat covered body of his boyfriend curled up at his side. The fever was new and no matter how much blood he gave him, it didn't fight it like it should. "Bastian, please tell me you've found that jack ass."

The delayed response is all Blaine needs to know he has yet to be found. "I'm sorry. We're looking."

"They know to bring him back alive right?"

"Yes though I doubt everyone will keep to it." He throws his hands up in defense. "Not my fault if I accidentally snap his neck and drain the blood bag dry before dragging his body behind my car so that every stray dog out there can have a piece of him." That pulls a smile to his friends face. "Now how's the patient. I've been sent to check on him by just about everyone."

"Fevered. Weak. His wound has healed, but the tole it took on his body by the time we found him. I'm scared Bastian, I'm scared that this is the end and I just..."

"You could change him."

"Not without his permission."

Sitting down gently next to his friend and taking one of Kurt's hands, Sebastian smiles weakly. "He's strong and you know he'll take the transition and don't worry about the paperwork, our parents can be witness to the fact it's to save his life."

"But without his permission, how do I know that's what he wants?" His golden eyes search for some kind of answer in his friends eyes.

"Because he loves you idiot. You are what make his life worth living and brought him back from that pit of despair and servitude he was living in." The smirk on his face tells Blaine that he's telling the truth. "Anyways, he'll make a fabulous vampire. We both know you've been daydreaming about him having red eyes and sharp teeth while you sate his initial hunger."

"Shut up."

"Oh? I'm right huh? You've dreamed about his first week as a vamp. Well I'll go tell your parents the plan and you get to it before he get's weaker. I'll tell our parents they need to prepare for his change." Slowly Sebastian leans in and kisses the burning forehead of his friend. "Kurt, be strong. You need to get better for all of us and when we find that bastard that did this to you, we'll make him pay as your first meal."

The blurry shapes are talking again. He can't hear all of what their saying, but he knows it has to do with him. They keep touching him and moving him, if only everything made sense and his eyes could focus. Then he knows this would make everything better because he'd understand why the tall one leaves the room and three more people taking his place. Confusion and fear washes over him as the strong body beside him moves. Grayed eyes open to follow the figure that oozes comfort, watching him talk with the other blobs.

"Son, are you sure he's strong enough for this?" Amamut runs her hand through the curls that her son hasn't styled in the three days since the incident.

"Mut, there is no other way. I was going to ask him to spend eternity with me so this is something I was prepared for, just a little sooner and in different circumstances."

Caster Smyth studies the human on the bed with a sad smile, he's heard so much about the boy from his son and can see the hidden strength in him. "If this is happening it should be done soon. He's fading."

"He's right son. You have our permission to change him, we'll fill out the forms when we know he's stable." Bes checks Kurt's pulse and pushes the soaking bangs from his forehead. "Everything will be fine child. We will be here when you awaken anew."

"You're instincts will tell you when he's been drained enough to change and then you just have him drink your blood. It will take time, his heart will stop, body grow cold, but then when he gasps his last breath he'll start to come back. By then hopefully Sebastian will be back with something for him to feed on." Amamut smiles mischievously

"Mut, you know something?"

"Yes I do my son and it is a surprise." She kisses his temple before standing back with the other two elders.

Blaine crawls back up onto the bed, pulling Kurt to his chest as he lets some tears fall. "I wanted to tell you that night how I feel and ask you to join me for eternity." He smiles as Kurt opens his eyes, looking into his dulled blue eyes and getting a pang in his chest seeing how little of his Kurt is still there. "I love you so much Baby." He brings their lips together gently before turning his love until his neck is fully bared, placing a gentle kiss upon the fevered flesh before sinking his teeth in and draining his lovers human life away.

Bes makes sure the sun shades are down so that no sunlight comes into the room when Kurt awakens and sends a message to Sebastian to make sure he's securing the rest of the house from light and have him check on Alain's progress. He has mixed feelings watching his son turn a human, knowing that there will be trouble from the other council members over the way Blaine has proceeded from his unconventional relationship, to a man hunt for a crime done against said boyfriend, and then to change the same boy without pre-approval. It makes him happy to know he isn't the one who has to deal with the human side of the issue, but his wife might be a little more worked up after her time in the office. Looking back towards the bed as a soft whimper reaches his ears, Bes can't help but feel sadness for his son having to go through this as he sees tears streaming down his face.

The last drips of his boyfriends humanity seeps into his mouth as tears leak down his face, Blaine can feel everything Kurt feels and hear his thoughts. Fear. Loneliness. Love. Trust. The limp body in his arms growing cold as his heart doesn't have enough blood to pump to his extremities any longer. With one lick over the bite mark Blaine looks into the shadowed eyes, no sign of the crystal blue he's come to love, and then he bites his wrist. His blood flows as he puts his flesh to his loves pale lips. "Drink love. Drink and heal and become one with me."

Bright green eyes watch the movement out on the dance floor with an internal smirk every time that man turns his eyes towards him with a growing desire for the vampire. It took him three days of prowling and waiting to figure out where the snake had hidden himself. Three days worth of asking around and pretending that he's infatuated with the man, but had lost his number of course using a bit of compulsion to get the answers he wanted from everyone he's come across. His eyes slip down to his cell phone as it vibrates with a message that brings a wave of sadness through him. Kurt is being changed in order to save his life, his smile comes back reading that he is to provide a special treat for his friends first night living in darkness. Slipping his phone back into his pocket as he sees the sender stroll into the bar and start to flirt with a waitress as his cover, he moves in.

"Move it." He shoves the other man out of the way before wrapping his arm around the shoulder of his prey. "I want to dance and you seem to be the only one with rhythm here tonight."

Those eyes rake down his body, giving Alain a once over before the man pulls his body closer. "Then by all means dance away. I'm not one to disappoint, especially a hottie like you." What a snake. So cocky and nieve about the web he's just stepped into.

He doesn't roll his eyes or give into the desire to snap the mans neck right here and now, instead Alain moves his body seductively and gives the man needy looks with his eyes winding him up and making him play along. Lips ghost over flesh, hands slide over planes of each others bodies as Alain works the man up. Hiding his growing smirk when the man sucks on his neck and grabs his ass, kneading the flesh. "Not here." he whispers in his ear. His smile grow seductive when the man pulls back and takes him by the hand leading him towards the backdoor to the alley. To easy. Looking towards Sebastian as his boyfriend is still playing up his role as bar flirt, he allows the human to pull him outside.

"God your so fucking hot." The man flings him against the wall before plastering himself over the vampires body. "Gunna make you scream out my name as I fuck you all night."

"What name would that be sexy?"

"Andrew. Gonna make you fucking scream it until you pass out."

The man misses the flash of triumph as its confirmed that he has the right prey. "Is that what you had Kurt do? Scream your name as you pounded him." His voice is cold, dripping with the venom he has for the man. "Scream your name out while you fucked the life out of his body?" The man stops touching him, springing back from his body as if he was suddenly holding fire. "Tell me. Tell me how you made him scream until he had no fight in him. Bleed until he passed out. Stabbed him with something that made him sick and had him suffering till the moment he died."

"W-who the fuck are you?"

"A messenger. Sent to fetch you and find out what you did to a very dear friend of mine."

"Like hell you're taking me anywhere you bitch!" The flash of a knife in Andrews had doesn't even make the vampire flinch as another hand grabs his arm and snaps it back behind him, breaking the bones with ease and causing him to drop the knife and scream in pain.

Sebastian growls leaning into the scums ear. "I. Don't. Fucking. Think. So." He shrugs at his boyfriends glare. "Oops? Damaged the goods. Think they'll believe it was an accident?"

"No, but I don't think he needs that arm to talk." He looks up and down the alley. "Car in place?"

"Of course."

"Then lets go. No need to erase any more memories of us being here because we were stupid enough to get caught."

"Like we'd get caught. We're not like this dumb ass. Grab the knife, but don't touch it. No telling what he sold his soul to to get something that stopped Kurt from healing. What was it huh worm?" Sebastian starts dragging Andrew by his collar down the alley towards the waiting town car.

"Fuck if I'll tell you." Andrew screams as he's thrown against the side of the car hitting his limp arm.

"Oh you'll tell us." Sebastian gets spit in his face as an answer.

Alain slips by, slamming his fist into the mans stomach a grin on his face as he hears something break upon impact. "Be nice." He throws him into the trunk of the car before slipping into the passengers seat as Sebastian turns on the engine.

"You are so hot when you've vindictive."

"Oh? Is that a hint that I should pull out my box of toys next time you're over?"

"What box?" His mind is reeling with images of what could be in this box he's never seen.

"Gags, straps, chains, and such. I think the black leather would look so hot against your skin as I whip you raw."

An answering moan hits his ears before the car swerves with the drivers distracted mind. "Fuck! I'm driving!"

"Sorry." Alain leans over licking up his lovers neck. "I'll play nice until we deliver our present."

"Or you can be bad and I'll punish you later." He laughs as Alain smacks his shoulder before not so discreetly readjusting himself in his skin tight pants before distracting himself by texting Bas Amun that they have the package and there were no witnesses. He also sends a long that their on the way to the house.

It was done. His heart had stopped and Kurt Hummel the human was officially dead with a room with four sets of eyes watching the limp cold body closely.

"Son, it will be awhile. You should go see what we can get out of that human Sebastian and Alain have in the other room. You'll feel when he's starting to awaken." Amamut caresses her sons curls, studying his sadness at seeing the owner of his heart dead.

"Mut, come with me?"

"Of course dear. Bes darling watch over Kurt with Caster?" As soon as she gets a nod from her husband the two of them head down the hall to the room Blaine and Kurt use for playtime where Andrew is tied to a chair. "Oh he looks like he's broken." She looks over to the two vampires cuddled up in on the bed.

"Sorry. He wasn't playing nice." Alain shrugs snuggling into Sebastian's chest with a slight purr. "We have the knife for you as well, in case he doesn't talk and we need to test it for what ever it is he used."

"How thoughtful boys." her eyes turn to see her son growling and fangs bared. "Don't forget he needs to be alive. Cold food in never good for fledglings."

"Mut, he just has to be warm. Not alive." Glowing golden eyes bore into Andrew's frightened eyes. "So don't give me a reason to kill you. Early."

"You can't kill me! The human rights agreement you parasites signed doesn't allow you to harm any human!"

"That's where you are sorely mistaken." Sebastian stands from the bed running a soothing hand over Blaine's back to calm him. "We're not going to kill you. You, my friend, are going to have a horrible accident when your house catches on fire. Tragic accident with no survivors and a body that is to charred to prove anything else."

"They'll never see the gash in your neck from where my fledgling will tear out your throat and bleed you dry to satiate his first pangs of hunger." Blaine runs his fingers over the mans neck. "So why don't you be a good boy for once in your life and tell us why you killed my boyfriend and what the hell you poisoned him with?"

"I didn't poison no body!"

"That means that knife doesn't have anything special to it? Cursed? Tainted? Nothing?" Sebastian keeps his eyes trained on the man who is unnerved by all the glowing eyes trained on him.

"I got it from some guy. Said it would do the job I wanted it for so I bought it! Never wanted to stab him. I didn't. Just needed him back where he belonged!"

"Where he belonged? Fucking hell, he was a human NOT a possession!" Blaine shoves his chest, knocking both man and chair down onto his broken arm and drawing another scream of pain from his mouth.

Nodding slowly Sebastian moves closer to Amamut. "Must have been a witch. Maybe a pixie. He wouldn't have know it was a cursed blade."

"Still not a very good finding knowing there is someone out there selling weapons to people who have no idea what they are." She studies the man as Blaine slaps him around and tears at his skin while he yells at him about all the abuse Kurt has been through by his hands. "Can you do a search? See what your contacts can dig up." She puts a hand up to stop his complaint. "I know that isn't your job anymore, but you have a knack for information gathering and we need to know who is selling those things."

"Wes and Puck will not be happy about this. Blaine will be off to care for Kurt and I'll be doing your bidding."

"Let them bring it up with me themselves then. Council Elders tasks are priority in the hive."

"Yes ma'am." He looks over at the narrowed green of his boyfriend. "I'll be in contact when I find something out. Blaine! Alive. You need him alive."

"Fuck that! He deserves to die!"

"And he will in a much more satisfying way. Truthfully his face when he sees his killer is going to be epic."

"Ugh! Fine!" Blaine kicks the bloodied body and broken chair away from him. "I need to make sure there are blood bottles in the fridge. I need to load up so Baby can feed from me when he's done with that thing on the ground."

"I'll go!" Alain is up and moving out the door. "What's your favorite?"

"AB with a hint of B negative."

"Add a hit of fairy! He'll need the strength!" Amamut raises her brow challenging her son to disagree "Done playing with his dinner?"

"Yes Mut. I'm going to wait by his side now so that he doesn't awaken with strangers."

As the sun rises they know it will be a long wait for Kurt to re-awaken as fledglings can never stay awake during the day. Caster, Amamut, and Bes leave for the day to fill out the paperwork that will be needed to report Kurt's changing and leaving Sebastian as their representative to give them a call when the new vampire wakes and feeds. Alain stays in charge of making sure the fridge is stocked with as much blood as they can fit into it and keeping Andrew alive while Sebastian keeps Blaine sane. None of them feel good about the still unmoving body of their friend.

When the last rays of sunlight dip behind the horizon Blaine startles awake when a shooting feeling goes through his body. Pain. Hunger. Need. Fear. Thoughts and feelings flooding his system that aren't his. When he sits up from where he'd fallen asleep next to the bed, he sees glowing blue eyes, wide with fear, tears streaming down his cheeks. He knows the eyes are supposed to be red, but he's happy to see the blue instead.

"Kurt. Calm. I'm here." He hears Sebastian and Alain running into the room, but doesn't take his eyes off of his love. "Say something baby."


"Yes love."

"Hungry. So hungry." His eyes close as he arches his head back groaning with hunger pains, his fangs growing longer with need. "So hungry."

"Then let me take you to your food."

"Food?" he moves, crawling towards Blaine with a haunting smoothness to his movements. "Where?"

"This way." Blaine offers his hand, smiling wider when that familiar silky skin touches his and their hands slide together perfectly. He leads him past their friends and into the other bedroom showing his boyfriend the sleeping form of Andrew. Bloodied, bruised, and still tied up. "Here you go baby."

"Is... is that.. Blaine why did you bring my to Andrew? I thought we were going to eat."

Blaine can see the struggle in his lovers eyes. His new hunger wanting to dig in and drain the human dry, but the human side not understanding what is happening to him. "Darling, I had no choice." He turns the pale face towards his. "I've changed you, made you like me and that hunger you have is for blood."

"So, I'm a vampire?"

"Yes. Just let your instincts take over and feed." Both of them turn towards the sound of Andrew waking up with a groan.

Kurt can't resist moving closer, nose flaring as he smells the blood, warm and calling to him. He can hear the heartbeat, fast and scared. Feel the fear coursing through the mans body. The same man that took his life away from him and kept him as a slave for five years. The same man that is now babbling his name as he shivers in terror at seeing him alive and screaming when he sees the fangs. "Andrew."

"No. You're dead. They said you were dead."

He looks back at Blaine then shifts his gaze back to Andrew. "I was. I can feel that I was dead, but now I'm hungry. So very hungry and it hurts. Almost as much as when you beat the fucking shit out of me. Broke every bone in my body. Burned my clothes. Stole my life!"

"I'm sorry. SO sorry! Just let me go! I'll do anything, just please let me go!"

"Anything?" Kurt crawls into his lap, grinning as he screams in pain while he starts to untie him. "I have something I want you to do." He drops the ropes, leaning into his ear. "Run. I want you to run. If you escape, you'll be allowed to live. For now." He gets off the mans lap laughing when he starts to hobble towards the door with his good arm over his broken ribs.

"Baby. Playing with your food?" He gets a raised eyebrow, challenging him in response. "I'm very proud of you. Now go. Fetch your dinner and drink your fill and then we'll talk." Blaine caresses that perfect cheek before moving out of the way allowing his fledgling to walk in the direction Andrew had gone.

Sebastian and Alain sitting back and watching with pride as Kurt leaps from the top of the stairs onto his prey. Not a second is waited before his fangs sink into the flesh under Andrews chin tearing out the flesh with a groan of pleasure when he laps up the blood gurgling out of the gaping wound. He can feel the life draining under him as he drinks. Biting the and tearing into the body of his ex-boyfriend. Easing his pain with every swallow, sating his hunger with each bite. Blood pooling on the tile below them as he savagely tears open the veins he can get at and feeding until there is nothing left and the body gets cold. His hunger is still there. Thirsty. He's so hungry and thirsty and it wont stop. His tongue licks at the blood covering his hands as Blaine comes up to him offering a glass full of delicious smelling red.

"Drink. Sebastian and Alain will clean up the body." not even blinking when his blood covered boyfriend jumps up from what use to be a human body and snags the glass, drinking it down so fast excess pours out the sides of his mouth and joins the mess on his body that use to be Andrew. "More?"

"Yes~s... so hungry..."

"Come." he tilts his head, offering his neck. "But don't tear, you need to learn to bite clean and not bleed dry." He groans as the glass shatters on the floor where it's dropped as Kurt sinks his fangs into his neck drinking his fill with a purr. Ignoring Sebastian and Alain as they bag the remains of the body with grins of pride on their faces at how beautifully Kurt demolished the human scum. "Slow baby. You need to slow down so you don't harm me."

Slowly licking over the puncture marks as his hunger finally ebbs, Kurt purrs while his arms wrap about his lovers body. "Thank you. So much better."

"Lets get you cleaned up while we talk."

"Yes daddy." Licking his lips, Kurt turns and heads back up the stairs with an added sway in his hips that has Blaine staring with an added hunger as they can both feel the unwavering desire they have for each other.

"You are in for one hell of a night my friend." Sebastian swats Blaine on the shoulder. "go, enjoy the night and if you need anything call. I'll let Amamut know he's not only awake but is one hell of a vampire, after we dispose of this." He waives at the squishy bag of Andrew bits. "Slushy. So glad we went with the fire story."

"Thank you Bastian."

"Yeah yeah. You owe me!"

Sebastian heads out with Alain, carrying the goo bag at the same time Blaine feels an overwhelming depression as a scream rocks through the house. He doesn't wait, leaving Alain to lock the front door as he runs up the stairs towards his fledgling, wrapping himself around the huddled crying mound of Kurt on the bathroom floor.

"Shh. It's alright."

"W-what am I? What did you do to me! I killed him. I killed him."

"Shh. It had to be done love. It had to you needed to feed." His hands caress soothing circles into his boyfriends back, holding him to his chest. Blaine was helpless to sooth the pain Kurt is experiencing, all he can do is flood him with soothing calmness.

Hours go by where Kurt goes between screaming and crying about having killed someone before he just goes silent and stares off into nothingness. Refusing to eat even though Blaine can feel his overpowering hunger. Blaine does get him washed up between the fits and dressed in lose sweats before getting him settled in the media room with a movie playing quietly behind them.

Quietly Kurt asks "W-what did you do to me..." The first sign that he's finally calmed down.

"I did what needed to be done to save your life. You were dieing." Blaine turns towards him opening their connection fully so Kurt knows everything he says is the truth. "He stabbed you with a cursed blade and the wound wouldn't heal, your body became fevered and weak, and you were slipping away from me. I couldn't lose you."


"Because you are my heart and soul. This past, nearly a year now, has been the best times in my long life. You make me want to be alive. Make my heart feel again. Kurt, I love you."

"So you took my life away because you love me?"

"I gave you life because I love you."

Tears start slipping down his pale cheeks as his smile grows. "I love you too idiot. This.. I wasn't ready for this. I had just gotten my life back and now I've lost it again."

"No love." Blaine moves closer, pulling Kurt into his lap and holding him close. "You have an eternity to live now, with me."

"What would you do, if I said this isn't what I want? Would you let me die?" His tears and the flood of sadness and fear Kurt feels is answer enough, yes Blaine would end his life if that's what he truly wanted. Kurt knows that it would also be the end of his boyfriends life as he knows and feels that Blaine could never live without him. So he kisses him. Softly along the tear tracks, drying his lovers eyes with his lips. "Thank you. For proving to me you really do love me." Lifting the elders chin and connecting their lips briefly before he continues. "Tell me what my new life will be like. How long will this hunger last and when can I feel normal again."

"A week. You will have a never ending need to feed for a week and then you'll start to notice it dieing down, though it will depend on your strength and determination with how long it takes for you to control it. Regular feedings, not on humans!" He hurries in when those beautiful blue eyes grow wider. "Alain did a run and we have a fridge full of blood now, of all kinds so we can find your favorite mix. Once I know you can fully control it you are free to come and go alone. Until then you will always be with Alain, Sebastian, or me. We've been put in charge of your training."

"Make me sound like a puppy."

"In a ways." His laugh echos through the room when Kurt hisses at him, baring his fangs. "More like a kitten. No I'm sorry. You are called a fledgling, a child, and you need to learn how to control your growing strength, senses, and speed. What your weaknesses are. How to use your instincts to stay alive because your body will warn you when the sun is coming up. We'll introduce you to the others and show you the boundaries as you're not allowed out of the hive until you have matured in your abilities and the council deems you able to interact with humans."

"I really am your baby now then."

"In a way, yes. We are permanently connected since I am your maker. Eventually we'll be able to able to communicate through our bond, but for now it is all emotions and being able to know where each other is at all times. If you need me, I'll know and be able to get to you fast." Blaine licks his lips as he runs his hands down, gripping his lovers ass. "There is also the heightened need. A craving for each others bodies."

"D-daddy.." Kurt pushes back against the hands on his body. "I'm hungry." His teeth scrape along Blaine's neck drawing a needy moan from the vampire below him as he rolls their hips together. "Need you daddy. Please. So hungry for you." A surprised giggle escapes his throat as Blaine shifts their positions, putting the fledgling underneath him and tearing their pants off before attaching their lips with a growl.

His scenes over flow with want. Desire. Hunger to be united with his maker. Legs spread wide as Blaine settles between his legs, running a finger over his entrance as his mouth kisses down Kurt's neck. "Want to know the best thing, about being a vampire love?"

"That we can drink from each other?"

"Well, that is a good one, but no. Healing time." he pushes two dry fingers into his lovers body, flooding their connection with pleasure and want masking the pain Kurt knows should be there.

"Oh god... More." Back arching as he moans when a third finger pushes into his body and pure pleasure goes through his system. "You. Need you." Teeth lengthen as Blaine moves back up his body, replacing his fingers with himself.

"Drink." Blaine moves his hips slowly as his lovers body adjusts around him, baring his neck to the new vampire. "Drink please love."

His eyes glow brighter before he sinks his teeth in drinking from Blaine as their bodies movements speed up. Pleasure coursing through them as both hungers are fed. Hips moving together faster as the blood flows into the needy throat of the fledgling. Their link letting them both feel every bit of pleasure they both feel, over powering his system and causing Kurt to let go of his lovers neck as he cries out in release as Blaine bites into his neck to drink his pleasure as he speeds up his thrusts to fill the willing body below him. Bliss, pure bliss is what they feel as their bodies settle down and tongues lick over the fresh bites, hands caressing heated flesh.

"Think I like that new ability."

"Comes in handy when you're in a hurry to, get together." he laughs as Kurt growls at him, standing up and offering his hand to the young vampire. "Come. I need to drink before you drain me to much."

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I should stop biting you then, its just.. your neck and the draw to it."

"Is why I am drinking more. It is better for a fledgling to drink from their maker, like a baby feeding from it's mother you gain strength from drinking my blood that you need to grow stronger faster."

"Really? This gives a whole new meaning to my daddy kink."

Blaine laughs "That it does Baby." He opens the fridge, picking one of the blood bottles out and pupping it in the warmer before he looks into those beautiful blue eyes. "I think Mut was right, you have some elf in you."

"How'd you know!"

"Wait, you know you have... but how? Elves are very rare, nearly extinct. Anyways, your eyes. Fledglings have red unless they are not fully human."

"My mother." he hops up, sitting on the counter and starts to play with an apple, testing his new coordination. "She told me stories about my grandparents parents and how they descended from a group that escaped the sinking island, making a new homes in Scotland, Ireland, England, and Iceland. I think some went to Greenland too, not sure, but anyways she always told me they still live there hidden in the mountains and forests, but her great grandmother couldn't stand not knowing what was happening in the world so she and a few others left. She came here to America and meet her husband. So I guess that makes me, like an 8th Elf or something. I always thought it was nonsense until I saw a picture of her. She was so beautiful! Then when Vampires became known as real I just knew mom had been telling me the truth."

"My little minx. You knew and didn't tell me?" he moves closer, running his hands up those perfect thighs.

"She always told me never to talk about it. I guess if they still live, they don't want to be found."

"no they wouldn't want to be. Such an angelic race, but with a major flaw. Greed. Their greed became their downfall and by the time they learned their lesson Atlantis sank."

"Wait, those stories were about Atlantis?"

"Of course. The floating island of the elves, Sebastian knows more and I suspect Mut and Yet know as well." he kisses those perfect lips softly before grabbing his now warmed bottle of blood and taking a deep drink, smirking as Kurt swallows hard licking his lips and sniffing the air as the warmed red liquid goes down his throat. Taking pity on the young one he puts the bottle to his mouth. "Here, try this. It's a non-synthetic brand. A positive with a hint of B."

Kurt takes a sip before gagging. "Tastes funny."

"How so love?"

"It isn't as good as drinking from you."

"Um, then it isn't your preferred mix. We'll find it, until then." he holds his wrist to Kurt's mouth instead, moaning when his teeth sink in and he starts to drink hungrily. "I'll feed you."


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