Up in Lights
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Up in Lights: Chapter 5

E - Words: 4,432 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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It's been months since Blaine had taken Kurt into his home and even though he's growing more fond of his Baby every day he can't help the growing feeling that he should be doing more to help his lover re-enter the normal world. At least get him to a point the boy could step outside the front door without having a panic attack and shivering for hours afterward. The day they had tried to go see his parents was a huge fiasco as they got as far as buckling their seat belts in the car and pulling to the end of the driveway, the furthest they had ever gotten and this was just two weeks ago, before Kurt was crying and wrapping his arms about himself as he fought his own body just to be able to breathe.

This was what he was working on instead of going over the stack of designs for the next season, Blaine was sitting with a pen and pad in front of him with a list.

"How to get Baby to step out of the house. One: Drag him out and tie him to a tree until he realizes nothing is... What the fucking hell! You wouldn't do that to him because I would so kick your ass!"

He jumps out of his seat as Sebastian growls his threat. "Where did you..."

"Don't even change the damn subject like that and admit to me that attaching Kurt to a tree until his panic attack either knocks him cold, he hates you for life, or he get's over his fear of that ass finding him is the stupidest thing you have EVER come up with." He challenges Blaine with arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. "Well, I don't hear you talking which means I have to kick your ass since I would give anything to have someone as devoted to me as he is to you 'Daddy' right? He calls you Daddy instead of Sir like the last one you had years ago?"

"What the hell are you talking about? What last one?"

"That human Zackary or what ever that you kept with you and he refused when you offered to change him to be together forever? I though he called you Sir."

"Only when he wanted too, like Kurt. They choose to it isn't my preference." Though his smirk gives away his internal pleasure at being in a dominating position with his humans.

"Yeah so that's why you want to tie your 'Baby' up. Get your rocks off because your sex life is oh so boring."

"Tch. Yeah, ok. Kurt satisfies me in every way and no, I don't think attaching him to a tree would be effective but how am I going to help him? He refuses to let me bring the stuff from his apartment by so that eh can sort through it, he can't step outside with out freaking out, and he couldn't even comprehend doing anything other then serving me. It's like he was brainwashed for those 5 years into the perfect submissive without any of the rewards."

"Didn't you two go have dinner with your parents?" Sebastian makes himself comfortable on top of Blaine's desk.

His eye roll is enough to answer the question. "I wish. Ended up calling Mut and having them come to my place the next night after Kurt had finally calmed enough to talk again, though we did make it to the end of the driveway that time."

"Blaine this might be a bit to simple, but have you talk about what's going on in his head? Figure out what he's afraid of? Maybe get some background on him and secretly pull someone from his past to come see him and make him feel better?"

"That wont go over well since everyone is pack or pack-friendly. You know what it's like bringing one into our territory, we've had a hard enough time getting representatives to work for our clothing line."

"True, but it might be worth it especially if you got someone who means everything to him."

"His dad."

"Not you ass."

"Fuck you."

"You wish."

"Psh. No his real dad that he hasn't seen since he graduated high school. Think you could run a search through our databases and find me one Burt Hummel, turned wolf?"

Sebastian hops off the desk and nods as he starts to whistle 'How much is that doggie in the window' with a bit of a laugh in his chest as Blaine throws the pad of paper towards him with his own laugh before picking up his actual work and starting to get it done, Kurt wouldn't be happy if he came home late again.

Which happily he doesn't as he files everything and passes the approved pieces off to the right sections and sends the denied ones back to the designers with notes on how to fix what he saw was wrong with them, dialing the house phone as he heads towards the elevator.

After just a few rings. "Anderson residence." Kurt's voice chirps out, still a bit nervous but Blaine smiles brightly that he answered so fast, that was an improvement.

"Hello Baby, I'm so proud of you picking up the phone."

He can tell theirs a smile on his lovers face as he feels the emotions flood through him. "Thank you Daddy! Are you going to be late again? I hope not I made your favorite blood pudding just like your mother taught me."

"Mut? When did she teach your her family recipe for blood pudding?"

"This evening while you were working. She called to see how I was doing and when I told her dinner was stumping me she came over and taught me how to make it."

"You answered the phone and spent time with her? Baby I am so very proud of you." He rolls his eyes as Sebastian makes a gagging motion as they both get on the elevator. "Did you go out to get the mail?"

"I.. I tried. I promise I tried. Still have my shoes on and everything, but it was just... to much."

"That's alright baby, but you really need to work on that."

"I will. I promise."

"Alright well I better go so I can drive home to you. Anything we need from the store?"

"Nope. See you soon daddy!"

The second he hangs up Sebastian is slipping something into his hand. "What's this?"

"You asked and I provided. That." he points to the paper. "Is one Burt Hummel, Ohio Pack member in Lima, Ohio and owner of an auto shop's phone number." He laughs as he walks off. "You can thank me later with that blood pudding your mut made. She always knows how to make it best."

"Deal. See you tomorrow Bastian, have a good sleep."

"Yeah yeah. Go talk with your pet and work out his issues leaving rope out of it!"

Laughing, Blaine get's into his car heading home, feeling Kurt become happier the longer he's driving as the boy knows he's on his way. He's mentally prepared to talk with Kurt about his fears of going outside and starting to work on facing those so that he could have a normal life, but that plan goes out the door the second he tastes Kurt's version of his mothers blood pudding, he used a mix of dragon, pixie, and his own blood that just made it so good he refused to save any of that batch for Sebastian and letting him have just the plain standard dragons blood version his mom had made. Three days of this distraction type behavior and Blaine finally gave in to the need to ask for help before he really did just tie Kurt to a tree.

While the boy was sleeping and the sun shown high in the sky, Blaine slipped out of bed and into his den pulling out the paper with Sebastian's writing sprawled on it and dialing the number as his nerves start to gnaw away at him.

"Hummel Tire and Lube, where we're running a special on tire rotations. Come in and rotate your tiers and get a free oil change. This is Austin speaking. How may I help you today?"

He can do this. He's faces worse things in the past then talking to his boyfriends dad who's a wolf. "Is Burt Hummel in?"

"Mr. H? Yeah he's in, hold on a second." He cab hear the phone move from the guys face making the buzzing and clinking of tools get louder. "Hey Burt! Phone call!"

"Yeah yeah. Here take over on Mr. Wilson's car, the check engine light keeps popping on, but I can't find a damned thing wrong with it. Stupid modern cars and their computer chips."

As the phone passes from hands he hears the guy, Austin, laugh as his voice moves further away. "That's why you have me around, modern young hip and knows all the in and out working of modern cars."

"Wise guy." The deep laugh, that sounds so much like Kurt's only deeper makes the breath catch in Blaine's throat. "Burt Hummel speaking."

"Mr. Hummel I was wondering if you have a moment to talk about your son."

"Finn? What the hell has he done now, trust me it's not you he's just not one for following directions and I'm really sorry for what ever trouble he's caused, but I promise he's a good pup at heart." Yeah that sounds like a very practiced speech.

"No, Mr. Hummel I need to talk to you about Kurt."

That was the magic word as he hears the catch in the mans voice and the hope thick as he hears his sons name "Hold on, let me take this outside alright? Austin! I'm going out back, run the shop while I'm out!"

"I run it while your here too!" the other mans laughter stops when he see's the serious look at Burt's face. "Yeah, ok take you're time."

Blaine waits as he hears doors open and close and feet move until all the background noise stops. "How is he? He ok? Tell me he's ok."

"Sir, right now he's alright but he's dealing with some issue from the past few years and I was wondering if you cold help me understand how to help him."

"Wish I could, but I haven't heard from my boy since he left Ohio and went to college."

"Five years ago?"

"Yeah... I don't know what help I can be, but tell me what's going on and I'll try."

So he does, he tells him everything he knows about Kurt and his abuser and how Blaine ended up in his life. It isn't hard for Burt to swallow like he thought it would be when he admits to being a vampire, as Burt pointed out "You saved his life by being what you are and he loves you enough to stay with you, why would I judge?"

"So, what do you think I can do? I need him to be the strong and find his life again, but I keep giving in and never follow through because he bats his eyes or changes the subject."

"At least I know he's still as stubborn as he used to be. Truthfully I use to lock him down in one place until he would shut up and listen, just push him into it to find out he's strong enough to move forward."

"I told Sebastian tying him to a tree outside would work!" they both laugh. "Without tying him up, yo think it's possible to help him heal?"

"Long as you're committed. Just drag him out and show him nothing will get him and that he's safe. Maybe have him drink your blood and feel that you're safe out there."

"You're a smart man Sir."

"You're the one who saved my sons life. Besides, I owe your mother for what she's done for my wife's people."

"Mut?" His smile widens. "You know who my mother is?"

"Unless there's some other Blaine Anderson, son of Amunet Anderson, high Elder of the hives and speaker to the house of men that stood up for just treatment of all races, not just humans, and helped pan out the way wolvesm vampires, and humans interact."

"You're the only wolf to speak so highly of one of our kind."

"I wasn't always a wolf and I'm not stupid. She stood up for all of us and eventually more wolves will know that. Now you go get some sleep and keep me updated on my boy."

Blaine worries his lower lip with his teeth grinning a bit mischievously. "Actually I was wondering if we could plan something..."

Two Months Later

Blaine had done just what Burt suggested, sitting Kurt down and telling him how it is and making him listen and even though it resulted in them fighting for a couple days and the silent treatment for a week, eventually Kurt meekly apologized and admitted to missing the outside world and having fears of what could possible go wrong. It was with tears in his eyes that he drank some of his lovers blood and for a couple weeks slowly made progress steeping out of the house when he could feel Blaine was safe and reassured him that everything was fine. Now two months later, you couldn't tell there had ever been a problem as Kurt's out doing the grocery shopping while talking with Blaine over the phone.

"Kurt, we've been over this. I'll be home on time and no we don't need anything that I can think of." He laughs as Sebastian eyes him.

Throwing some vegetables into his cart. "Fine! I just wanted your input on what I should get, but I guess I'll make it a surprise." Kurt groans as he tries to remember what they have at home.

Soothing emotions go through their link as Blaine smiles. "Anything you make will be fabulous, now I need to get these files done." Everything on his desk is already cleaned up, Sebastian rolling his eyes as his smile grows. "And I'll see you for dinner Baby."


He laughs as Kurt hangs up on him. "He's grown into a sassy human, think he's at the toddler stage."

"Ah the terrible two's that rear their head when someones boyfriend LIES to them! I can't believe you haven't told him!" Sebastian moves closer wrapping his arms around his friend. "I love how much like me you're becoming, able to sneak around and stand up for yourself! I am so proud of you." He wipes a fake tear from his eyes. "All grown up and being a man."

"Fuck off."

"Later friend, later." He winks and they get up to leave. "So the plan s still a go right? We go run the errands and meet back at your place in time for dinner?"

"That's still the plan."

"And Kurt has no clue?" Blaine shakes his head no. "Sweet! I love surprises!"

"No you don't." He hits the button on the elevator as he checks the time on his watch. "You hate surprises."

"ok, I hate it when this sexy minx of a guy I've been betrothed to for a hundred years stands me up at the alter, later telling me he's in love with a human, who by the way was an ass and later broke his heart. Yeah, I don't like those surprises. But something to make Kurt smile, I'm all down for that."

"Bastian... you know we would never have worked out.. You were to into playing with your food when I like commitment."

"Water under the bridge. I've moved on." Though he has trouble hiding the sadness from his voice. Sebastian and he may not have worked out romantically as their parents had intended, but their friendship has outlasted everything.

His golden eyes sparkle as Blaine pushes Sebastian into the elevator. "Speaking of moving on, when do I get to meet this mystery that has made you start blushing, wearing carnations, and singing love songs when you don't think anyone can hear?"

"Fine. Yes I'm seeing someone." His cheeks start to turn pink and Blaine has to look twice to believe that, yes, Sebastian is blushing. "You'll meet him tonight since you wouldn't stop dropping little hints that my invitation included 'someone else if there is in fact someone else.' Not very subtle there curly cue."

"Well then, see you both tonight.. wait it isn't Eli right? Please not him."

"What the fuck? He was a one time thing and not even worth repeating! Ugh! Just go or you'll miss the deadline ass!"

That's one thing Blaine didn't want to do, so he hurried into the car and headed towards the air port, sign all ready in the back seat and carefully keeping his emotions in check so that Kurt wouldn't get suspicious about his actions. Especially as he parks at the air port and get's out with his sign and waits in the baggage area for his surprise.

Kurt didn't know what was going on with Blaine lately, but he's pretty sure he's been up to something. The kitchen is stocked with extra food, he's been overly attentive to everything he's been saying, and his odd questions about his family and if he misses his old life from before Andrew. So odd, but he does miss it, his life that is. The ambition he had to do something with his life and the clothes he took such pride in. Maybe he could go shopping for some new clothes, something other then the baggy jeans and shirts he keeps throwing on from Blaine's wardrobe. The thought of going through everything from the apartment also crossed his mind, but then he'd run into things that belonged to Andrew and he'd get freaked out. Shopping would be the better option or maybe even sewing something, he'd have to talk with Blaine soon about it along with a way to pay him back for anything bought since he really doesn't like using someone else money for personal items.

All of that is rushing through his head when he hears the front door open, bringing a smile to his face as the warmth of Blaine being close flows through him. "Blaine! I hope you like dinner! I made your favorite recipes that your mother brought last time she was over!" He sets the plates down turning towards where he can feel Blaine. "Then I thought maybe we could snuggle up and watch a movie a..." He freezes when he sees the group of people as he turns the corner into the lobby. "Blaine?"

"Yes baby?" Blaine steps forward taking his loves hand and kissing his knuckle softly.

"W-what's going on? You should have told me your parents were going to be here." He smiles at everyone.

"Well love there here for a special surprise and to celebrate how well you've been doing with facing your fears and growing stronger."

Kurt tilts his head, studying Blaine's eyes. "They're here for me?"

"Yes, plus someone really special, that I hope you wont be mad about, is here." Blaine moves Kurt forward as Bes Amun and Amunet Anderson step aside to reveal Burt Hummel. "Your dad and I've been talking and we thought it would be good for you to have him here." He jumps in surprise when Kurt wraps around him and starts to cry. "You're mad? Please don't be mad baby."

"Not mad. Thank you." He kisses Blaine softly before running into his dads open arms and just bawling his eyes out. "Daddy..."

"Hey kiddo." Burt holds his son close, burying his nose in his hair. "So you alright with me being here?"

"Yes. God yes. I've missed you so much..."

Amunet wraps an arm around her son, giving him a loving smile. "Let us go into the dinning area and let them catch up." Her eyes light up. "That was a very sweet thing you did, though a warning that you were bringing a wolf into the hive would have been nice."

"Mut... I'm sorry I thought you would be ok with it."

"I am dear."

"Son you know your mother has no issue with wolves, she just means telling us his father was a wolf would have been nice since your dating a half breed." Bes shakes his head wondering how this will go over with the other council members.

"Yet, he is not a half-breed. Kurt is human and his dad is a bitten wolf ever since he married his second wife." Blaine makes sure to challenge his dad with a stare down.

"I still doubt he's pure human, he's way to... what word am I looking for dear?" He looks to his wife.

"Pretty? Gorgeous? Elf-like? I wouldn't doubt his family has something in it, though I doubt they would know about it." She pulls her long black hair up into a quick twist before setting about finishing the table settings. "Sebastian is coming yes?"

Blaine gets the silverware out, handing it over to his father as they work together to make everything more suitable to a large group. "Yes Mut along with his boyfriend? Not sure of their title, but he is very fond of whom ever it is."

"About time that boy moves on. E's still in love with you son."

"I know Yet, but we have an understanding that us being friends is better then we ever were as a couple. I want him happy in life and I know it isn't with me."

"This boy better be something though to have taken his heart off of my boy." Amunet grins as she winks towards Blaine. "You are quite the catch. My great looks and your fathers... more efficient size."

"Hey!" both men defend themselves.

"We are not short love." Bes crosses his arms over his chest.

"Right dear, that's why you were names 'Mysterious Dwarf God' my adorable, lovable Bes Amun." She wraps her arms around him from behind trying to placate his ruffled pride. "You are so perfect for me."

"Love you my goddess."

Blaine smiles as his parents kiss, turning his head when he hears the doorbell and deciding to try and beat Kurt to answering it, though there is no such luck as Kurt, red puffy eyes and all opens the door first.

Sebastian voice is loud and definitely angry. "What the hell did that fucktard do! You shouldn't be crying!" He hurries in the door wrapping Kurt up in a hug hissing towards Blaine. "What did you do to him?"

Hand up in defence as he briefly sees a much younger vampire looking nervous and out of place on the porch. "Nothing except give him a surprise party."

"I'm fine Bastian, I've been crying because I'm happy." Kurt doesn't try to escape, fighting his internal urge to push away and scurry to the safety of Blaine or his dad.

"Bastian. Let him go." Blaine shifts closer though he's so proud of Kurt for trying to fight his fears. "You know he's having quite the overload of change around him today."

One looks into those terrified blue eyes and Sebastian lets him go. "Um yeah, sorry I was afraid he'd tied you to a tree or something stupid, but anyways I'd like you both," He looks up seeing the Anderson have walked in to greet him and some other person he assumes is Kurt's father. "Well all of you, to meet my official, as of an hour ago, boyfriend."

When he reaches his hand out it's quickly taken by slender fingers as the blond boy steps into the house a blush heavy on his pale cheeks. "Hi..."

"Wait, you work for us!" Blaine narrows his eyes. "Modeling right?"

"Blaine, shut up." Sending him a challenging look as his friend wraps an arm around Kurt. "Everyone, I would like to introduce you too my boyfriend who is a photographer, model, and general artistic genius." he laughs when the other boy shoves at his shoulder. "Alain. Darling this is my pseudo family, Amunet and Bes Amun Anderson and jerk wad. The most awesomest human I've ever meet, Kurt, and I assume this is his dad?" He gets a nod in response. "Burt."

"I am NOT a jerk wad ass hat." Blaine grumbles as Kurt snuggles closer to him in embarrassment.

"So pleased to meet you! So you work for my son?" Bes side eyes Blaine with a warning look.

The blond boy smiles brighter as he nods reaching his hand out to shake when the older vampire greets him. "Yes sometimes. I'm more of a contracted worker instead of one of their set photographers." His green eyes shine as he smiles up at Sebastian. "This one kept pulling me in for really silly jobs the past few months so I've been around the office more lately."

"That is so romantic! Sebastian I didn't know you had it in you." Amanet moves closer to shake his hand. "What about modeling? I can tell you have the features. Tall, slender, and with those eyes. Did you start as a model before or after you became a photographer?"

"After actually, but enough about me! I heard we are here to congratulate the ever famous Kurt for his recovery?" He covered his mouth when Kurt turns away hiding his face deeper into Blaine's chest. "I'm sorry, Bastian just never stops talking about you and I have to admit I've been waiting for a chance to meet you."

His blue eyes peek around studying the vampire. "You wanted to meet me?"

"Of course!" He moves as close as he can without spooking Kurt. "Let's get to know each other since our boyfriends are so close and all, it might be nice to have someone to compare notes with and talk about them and all their little quirks."

"Okay. We can try." Taking a deep breath and soaking up the strength Blaine is feeding through their connection he offers his hand to Alain. "So, um, how old are you?"

Alain shakes his hand laughing as the whole group moves towards the dinning room to eat dinner. "100, though I stopped aging at 19, which sucks. Sebastian looks so sexy having aged into his late twenties and here I am looking like a baby!"

By the time everyone calls it a day, Blaine is bursting with happiness at how open and different Kurt is with everyone. He's even caught his boyfriend talking to Alain about fashion and new trends and even caught the boy sketching out somethings that really caught Sebastian and his eyes with how good they were. Burt brought out a snarky Kurt that he says use to be how he was before leaving Ohio and told everyone stories of his boy and how he was always the best dressed and even with the bullying, that he hadn't known the full extent of until recently when he confronted the pack boys, he always kept his head held high.

Blaine felt so proud of his boyfriend when Burt flew home a few weeks later and he turned to him and asked a few simple things to most people, but monumental in his recovery.

"I'm ready to go through my stuff and move on with my life."


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