Up in Lights
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Up in Lights: Chapter 4

E - Words: 3,663 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
169 0 0 0 0

"Moot, I'm sorry that I didn't call you about my human before... yes I know you like to know these things and not hear them from Yet... or Sebastian. Alright I promise to bring him by when he's healed and able to leave the house..."

Kurt looks around the corner slowly, blue eyes studying the vampire as he talks on the phone to someone apparently about him. He's not really sure as he's only been awake for a few hours and really didn't want to let the man know he was scared to be alone. If it wasn't for the date being listed on the digital clock in the room he woke up in he wouldn't have even know he's been asleep for almost a week. A week that he didn't even know he'd have after what happened, though he really doesn't remember more then the pain he experienced at the hands of his ex. A small whimper escapes his lips when his stomach makes a very large growling sound and those golden eyes snap to his direction as a smile grows on the vampires face.

"I need to go Moot. Yes, he's awake finally and hungry is that noise is anything to go on." His smile falters a bit. "Moot I know how to cook human food. Yes I have food in the kitchen. Goodbye Moot." He puts the phone down keeping his eyes trained on the wide-eyed boy watching him. "I won't bite, you can come closer if you want."

It's slow but Kurt eventually comes out from behind the door frame, his hands fidgeting and his bottom lip between his teeth and his eyes wide as he gets steadily closer to the man.

"Are you hungry?" He gets a small nod. "Would you like me to make you something?" Shoulders shrug slowly. "How about we go down to the kitchen and I'll let you see what I have and then we'll make you something to eat before we talk."

"I don't want to talk about it." Tears start pouring out of the humans eyes, streaking his cheeks as fear flashes in his eyes as flashes of what happened dance behind his eyes.

"Oh sweet thing, no we wont talk about that. No darling." Blaine is up and holding the shivering body to his chest. "I mean talk about us. The agreement you signed and so forth."


"Plus my Moot, um my Mother, would like to meet you and find out what human could capture my attention enough to break the rules."

"R-rules?" Kurt blushes bright red when his stomach growls again and he wraps his arms about himself trying to make his body smaller.

Laughing Blaine leads him towards the spiral staircase and towards the kitchen. "Yes rules. We vampires have some very specific rules about relationships with humans, but we'll go into that once you've eaten."

They stay silent as Blaine pulls out different food items Sebastian helped him stock up on while Kurt had been healing. Eventually his fumbling with a recipe book, on purpose since he's known how to cook for quite some time now, got Kurt laughing and with a smile he sets about making some chicken soup with crackers and apple juice to drink. Getting everything set up and Kurt settled before Blaine moves to sit across from him, stopping when a hand flies out and grabs his arms.

"Stay." There's still fear set deep in those blue eyes that makes Blaine weak just seeing it. He wants to take all that pain and fear away, which would be easy if he took Kurt's memories but then he would have to give up the boy himself.

"I'm just going to grab my drink and sit down. I'd never leave you."

"A-are you going to eat?" Kurt takes his hand away and turns his eyes towards the soup. "C-can you eat human food?"

That has got to be the most adorable blush he's ever seen. "I can eat human food, but I don't need too. Would it make you feel better if I ate soup as well?" It didn't take him long to go and fill his own bowl of soup and grab his bottle of blood when Kurt nodded his head slowly and whispered out a meek little 'yes'. Settling down at the spot right next to the human who finally gave him a genuine smile when he did so. "Now eat. Your stomach is creating it's own language it's growling so much."

"Yes, Sir."

"Baby, you don't need to call me Sir, it's just Blaine."

"Sorry." He tries to eat without making any noise, slow sips and just nibbling on the bits of veggies and chicken he spoons up.

"Are you... Kurt you don't need to eat so careful around me. No ones going to judge you for how you eat or how much you eat." He sighs when those innocent eyes turn at him in curious wonder. "How long have you been with him that he turned you so meek and skittish even with just eating."

"I.." Kurt splays with his spoon, pushing a chunk of chicken around a bit. "I s-started going out with Andr...um, him, five years ago."

"So for five years you have taken what I found you like last week?" He can barely contain his hiss of anger at anyone being able to harm someone like Kurt.

"No." He drops his spoon and curls up as best he can in the chair, pulling his legs up to his chest and just looking lost and broken. "Just the past.. past f-few... but nothing this bad before." He starts to sniffle as his tears start to flow down his cheeks again. "I've never upset him this much before. N-never tried to leave... I just wanted to be free. I was going to look for a new place to live and make sure he couldn't find me..."

Blaine reaches over and pulls Kurt into his lap, holding him tight and trying to sooth his frayed nerves. "It's alright. You're free from him now. Fully free from him and he'll never touch you again." or anyone if he has anything o do with it. "Shh. I'm so sorry for bringing it up baby. So, so very sorry. Shh."

The next few days go the same way. Kurt sneaking around trying to be unseen and unheard until Blaine would find him and force him to eat something before they would try to talk again ending with Kurt in tears and worn out. By the end of the week all Blaine had learned was that he wished they didn't have laws about taking deliberate actions against humans because the man would be gutted and hung up by he intestines for everyone who wants to hurt someone as sweet as Kurt is to see and be afraid to ever act that way.

By the weekend Kurt started to come out in the open a bit more and talk a little more showing his true self piece by piece and Blaine even gets to talk to him a bit about himself when the boy sweetly asks.

"Well I was born in what is known today as Austria around 1624 in the middle of spring."

"Middle of spring? No date?" Kurt pulls off a bite of a muffin they made earlier.

"Well yes and no. It isn't really important for my kind to know our date of birth more then just the year of our birth."

"That makes sense because you live so long."

"You figured it out." He leans over and kisses his cheek as a reward. "Especially true when you're born to two pure blood Elders. You don't get birthday until your near a hundred and then it's just a walk in the park or something to make sure you get use to sunlight."

"Wait. You've never had a birthday?"

"No." Blaine raises a brow at the human. "No birthday in my nearly 400 years of life."

"You missed out on so much, not the presents because that's just an added bonus, but the care put into celebrating your life. I remember waking up and helping my mother mix batter for my cake that day and we would laugh and get flour everywhere so that by the time dad got home we were just covered in ingredients but I would be holding a cake out to him with the biggest grin on my face because I knew he would bring out a present and then we would all sit down and eat that years creation." Kurt looks over at the silence coming from the side Blaine is sitting on. "What?"

"I've never had that with my parents. They love me, but we've never bonded over cake. Maybe over a glass of blood, but never something we made together."

"Then it's settled. Tomorrow we will make a cake."

"Oh will we?"

"Yes, we will. Now tell me about that paper I signed."

Blaine is only caught off guard for a second by the topic change. "Are you sure you're ready? Every time we started talking about this before you couldn't handle it."

"That's because we would talk about..." He breaks off before he get's upset again. "but we wont now."

"Alright, well what you signed is an agreement stating that by dating me you will be exposed to some... secrets. Things we as a collective decided humans did not need to know in order to keep us safer. Like the blood effects. How we can tell what each other are feeling and that vampire blood can heal human wounds, though not scaring."He runs his fingers over some of the physical signs of abuse Kurt had received in prior beatings. "You just promise to not tell anyone about those secrets. You also agree that me feeding from you is of your own free will and I promise to never compel you or mess with your memories. Everything is free-choice and by your wishes."

"My wishes?"

"Yes. You're wishes."

Blaine is a bit surprised when Kurt drops his food on the side table and crawls up into his lap before he kisses him softly and then just snuggles up on his chest. "Thank you. That means more to me then... then you saving my life."

"Don't say that, you being alive is the only reason I can give you your freedom." with a soft kiss to his temple Blaine smiles. "Let's watch a movie."

Weeks went by in the same fashion of them snuggling and talking, Kurt finding comfort in being held by the vampire. It was near the end of the second week Blaine got the call he was dreading as his eyes focus on a smiling Kurt while the boy was making their lunch before he hands up.

"Baby, I need to go into the office for a little bit. You can either stay here or come with me." He rushes over to the boys side when his eyes start to get that fear in them again, so he pulls him close. "Would you rater stay here? I'll lock the door and no one can come in besides me. You'll be very safe here I promise."

"Thank you." He buries his face into that strong chest he's use to. "I'm not ready to go out there."

"I know now you finish your food and I'll go get showered and changed for work and maybe a drop by the store on the way home since I know you've been wanting some more variety in the ingredients here and a refill on some that we've run out of."

"you do.."

"I know I don't, but I'll pick up anything you want baby. Just make a list for me to take and I'll stop by on my way home."


With a kiss to the cheek, Blaine walks off to get ready for work upstairs while Kurt writes out a shopping list and finish up making his lunch while he tries to figure out what he'll do while Blaine is out at the office. His out at the office turns into nearly ten hours Kurt realizes as his eyes blurry look at the clock on the wall with the book he remembers having started now on the floor. His mind groggy as he tries to think about what woke him up before he hears the loud voices again coming from the kitchen, his face lighting up when he hears Blaine clearly and he gets up hurrying towards where the voices are until he hears a second male voice and he stops. Peeking around to see who it could be.

"Sebastian, I'm fine, really."

"No your not, man your pale your sluggish and I bet you're not sleeping normal all because of this human." He starts pulling out the bottled and bags of blood, putting them away while Blaine sets about putting the human food away. "You need to feed from a live body and regain your strength before it's to late. Come out and have fun with the guys again."

"I won't go out all night and leave him here and there's no proof that living on bottled blood is unhealthy." He knows he's wrong about that and can feel how sluggish he's become which is why his half day at work took so long and he only finished when Sebastian found him sleeping at his desk. "He's been sleeping better now, so I'll make sure to get a full days sleep today."


"Sebastian, enough alright? I'm going to be fine."

"I don't like this." he gestures at Blaine. "You have become... soft. Weak. Over a human you barely know? Why? Why him?" He moves closer to Blaine, running a hand possessively over the vampires neck. "Why can't we try again? It's been years and we've grown. We've changed."

Blaine shoves him away rolling his eyes with a bit of a laugh in his voice."Like you could stand being around me twenty-four hours a day. Working then coming home to what? Groom me to be on the council when my Yet gives up his seat? No thank you and you know that's why we didn't work out in the end. You want me to have ambitions and I just want to live and enjoy life."

"Psh. You're so wrong, since we have the fashion company there's no need to groom you for that spot." He winks at Blaine sending a wave of jealousy through Kurt when he sees them get closer and arms go around each other. "We had a pretty good hundred year run though. Some of the hottest nights of our lives and you know I'd be willing..." he laughs louder when he feels hands shove him away from Blaine before he sees the human wrapped protectively around Blaine. "Was wondering when you would make it more obvious you were spying on us little one."

Blaine grins as Kurt glares daggers at Sebastian before turning his blue eyes up at him. "Forgive me? He suggested we play a... prank on you and I'm just to worn out to say no."

"Stupid prank I thought you were going to leave me." His eyes shift back to Sebastian. "because I'm such a horrible boy."

"Baby, who said you're horrible?"

"You both did because I.. I haven't let you sleep during the day or eat enough blood."

"Not completely wrong, but not fully right." Sebastian puts the last of the blood away before folding up the reusable shopping bags. "he needs blood from a living host, like you, to give him the additives that die when the blood is bottled."

"Is that true?" He's looking back up at Blaine now, looking for something to show that the other vampire is lying.

"I am getting weaker, but I don't.."

"Then you can drink from me. It's the least I can do for you saving my life."

Sebastian grins, hiding down the feeling of want he has watching them as Blaine smiles brightly in response and kisses the human softly. True, they had been acting earlier but he really does miss having Blaine in his arms at night or there to kiss him when he does something to make the other vampire happy. "Well I should probably get going."

"No stay for dinner." Kurt looks at him with a fidgeting movement about him as if he's scared of asking without Blaine's permission. "I.. I want to thank you for saving me as well."


"I remember you, um, recognize you from my dreams. You were there when Blaine came to get me and here when he brought me home." He fidgets a bit more. "You were the one that had me sign that agreement too and.. thank you."

"I, um, wha?" Sebastian looks at Blaine's smug face before slowly smiling. "You're very welcome and um sure I'll stay though what's this about dinner?"

Blaine laughs and nods before helping Kurt to make something for dinner and letting his human hear stories from Sebastian's youth growing up in the Roman Empire starting in 33bc and Kurt eats it all up, even loves how he talks about being around when Blaine was born since their mothers are friends and how silly it was that the two women decided to unit their families by marrying the boys and how it backfired big time. Sebastian not wanting to be tied down to one person, let alone someone so much younger then he is and Blaine wanting to experience life before being married. Though Kurt can see the regret in Sebastian's eyes as he watches Blaine, so he changes the subject to their work. As Sebastian goes to leave, Kurt wishes him goodbye for now before going to finish up the dishes while Blaine walks him out.

"He's a keeper Blaine."

"Are you truly alright with him and I? I know how you.."

"I'm fine with it, who am I to get in the way of what you have at least for now. He's still human and we both know they don't live forever." He shakes his head before hugging Blaine. "If you need a shoulder after feeding from him, I'm here." Sebastian stops Blaine from responding. "He's hiding his nightmares and fears from you and you know when you drink from him and the more you drink the stronger you'll feel his emotions and eventually you'll see them too."

"I know, that's why I tried not to tell him about it, but thank you. See you at work Monday." Turning to head back inside Blaine freezes when he sees Kurt waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. "Baby?"

"Can we, maybe, sleep in the same bed and I... I want you to feed from me." His face blushes a deep red. "The same way you did it t-that first night. Please make me forget how he touched me and ruined that experience. Make me clean."

"Oh Baby, if that's what you want."

"Yes please."

It was mere seconds before Blaine rushed forward and was kissing him and lifting Kurt up to carry him up the stairs to the master bedroom. Their lips never parting until Kurt feels himself being lowered onto the bed with Blaine slowly starting to remove his clothes. "Are you sure, are you really sure you want this?"

"Yes I'm sure, make him go away completely. Please."

With that being said Blaine strips off the last of their clothing and kisses every inch he can of that pale skin below him, spending extra time on the old scars left on his body by Andrew. Wishing he could erase them and remove all taint that man did to this perfect boy. His hand reaching behind him so that he could push a finger at Kurt's entrance causing the boy to arch up off the bed before he starts to cry, memories of Andrew flashing in his head and how much it hurt making him afraid to be touch. Blaine moves up and pulls him into his arms, rocking him in a soothing manner.

"We can stop."

"No. Please make it go away."

he doesn't want to, he knows he'll regret this, but Blaine nods slowly reaching over to get the lube from his bedside table and coating his fingers. "It's alright, it's me." He pushes the first finger in slowly as he kisses reassuring kisses to his face trying to erase the tear tracks. Showing Kurt that it's him and no one else. "Sh Baby it's alright. It's just me."

"Just you. Just Blaine.." Kurt arches his back moaning when Blaine slips the second finger in. "D-daddy..."

"Daddy?" Blaine raises a brow at the boy, smirking a bit at how pleasure rushes through him hearing Kurt call him that. "Is that what you want to call me Baby? Humm?"

"Take care of me.. Daddy.." Kurt blushes as he slowly moves his hips down onto Blaine's fingers as a third one pushes into his body a bit to soon, but he doesn't care. "Need you Daddy!"

"Oh gods!" Blaine growls before flipping them around and kissing Kurt with a new fever, pulling his fingers out and pushing into his body fast. Growling the whole time as Kurt cries out in a mixed pleasure pain. "My Baby. So good baby!" He scrapes his teeth along that perfect pale neck. "Can I? Can Daddy drink from you?"

Kurt turns his head exposing more of his neck to the Vampire above him. "Please Daddy. Feed from me make baby feel good."

One final growl escapes his chest before Blaine sinks his teeth in and drinks greedily while his thrusts become harder and deeper, his hands gripping tight enough to bruise as Kurt whimpers in pure pleasure as he feels a euphoric feeling over come him before he arches up and cries out with his release. Blaine clinging to him tighter before releasing into the body below him, purring happily as he feels the blood flow through his body and he lazily licks all traces off of the neck of his 'Baby' before moving up to kiss his lips lazily.

"Sleep Baby."

"Um, but I want to taste more of me on your lips."

"Oh? You like the taste of your own blood?" Kurt nods making Blaine laugh softly. "Maybe tomorrow we'll explore that then. Now sleep."

Both of them snuggle up together as the sun starts to peek over the horizon and they sleep happy and content to be with each other.


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