Up in Lights
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Up in Lights: Chapter 3

E - Words: 3,349 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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The smirk hasn't gone from Blaine's face since he left the human's building. It's a telling sign that he will definitely keep his word to see him again. When Blaine went out to find a willing warm body to feed from, he had no clue that the boy could draw him in so fast. It was common practice when vampires fed from humans outside the designated donation bars to wipe all memory of their meeting from them. However, it hadn't crossed Blaine's mind. That boy, Kurt, he thinks as his smile shifts to one of fondness, had no idea at first what Blaine was. He said he was alright with it in the end though.

Blaine's mind entertained him with images of pale skin covered in sweat and the taste of sweet blood seeping down his throat. Enough that he didn't respond when his human associates try to gain his attention for their monthly meeting. His attention stayed on other things until he sat at his desk and came face to face with the other Elder vampire in the company. Sebastian sat on his desk, arms crossed and gave him a knowing look.

"What would have you so distracted? And can I even detect a bit of happiness in your demeanor?"

"It's not a what, Sebastian, it's a who. And yes. I'm extremely happy right now." Blaine looks at the cocky expression on his associate's face. "But that is slowly going away the longer you look at me like that."

Sebastian throws his head back in laughter as he gets off the desk. "About damn time you got that stick out of your ass and hooked up with someone. Who was it? That new fledgling down in accounting on the night crew? What was his name? He's been eye fucking you since his orientation... Eli! That's it! Please tell me you took advantage of that tight ass?"

Blaine raises a brow at how flippant Sebastian is. "No, it wasn't Eli. It was a human."

"Human? How boring! Those blood bags down at Blood Temp aren't even worth trying to bed. They're already too ready for it. No challenge in the bedding and they always taste so used."

"Never said I went to Blood Temp. Just said I met a human."

"And drank from him? A willing human?" Sebastian seems more interested now. "How does it feel? It's been a while since I've had more than blood bags from the store or a donor from Blood Temp."

"It feels amazing. He's still blissed out and thinking about me." Blaine gets his smile back, letting Kurt's emotions wash through him. It's a special side effect of drinking straight from a human, and one that isn't really talked about outside the hive. He jumps when he hears his office door slam and looks up just in time for the other vampire to be right in his face.

"Tell me you didn't leave him with memories."

"I did."

"Why the fuck would you do that!?" Sebastian shoves at Blaine's shoulders, causing him to roll back a bit in the office chair. "You know we aren't supposed to leave them with their memories if they're not donors! You're just going to get in trouble!"

"Not if I plan to see him again."

"What? One night and you want this cattle as your private donor? Please."

"Stop talking to me like you know better!" Blaine jumps out of his chair and forces Sebastian to look into his eyes, a slight hiss in his throat. "I felt something with him and I told him I'd see him again. I mean to do just that."

Sebastian's hands go up in surrender. "It's your funeral. Play with whoever you want, just don't break any more rules. Fill out the agreement papers before you feed from him again. Or at least get a written statement from him with a witness signature on it."

Rolling his eyes, Blaine moves towards his door. "I was planning on it tonight. Now let's go get this meeting done so that day and night are working as a unit, and I can get some sleep."

It's standard practice for most big companies to run with vampires and humans working together to create a single unit. That's just what this meeting at WBNS Inc., the hottest fashion design company on market today, was about. Blaine and Sebastian inform the day workers, humans, of their goals and expectations for the month, and what the night workers, vampires, would accomplish during their shift. It's how they keep vampires and humans looking their best no matter their age. Today the pair are talking about expanding into the Were community. They need to see if they can make a smaller branch dealing with the special clothing needs of the shifters. Of course, that would mean hiring on a group of shifter designers and their teams, something that would look phenomenal on paper. It would make them the first company in the world to unite the three main factions of beings.

It's only been forty years since the vampires openly admitted to being alive and functioning in the world alongside humans. The Elder vampires, ruling families, signed agreements with world governments about their feeding habits, quickly opening up Donor registrations. They also applied rules and regulations on inter-species relationships. This was to guarantee that the human in the relationship was actually choosing to feed the vampire. However, the Elder vampires kept from the humans their ability to wipe clean their memories of coming into contact with vampires. This left some, especially the older generation, the ability to continue to feed from strangers once in a while without getting caught. It was a choice between hiding their mind manipulation abilities, or that the oldest vampires, those born or with over 100 years of being turned, could start to tolerate sunlight.

The Elders chose to tell humans about the day walking ability. This allowed Elder vampires to hold key positions in government offices and in companies like WBNS. It also kept the humans on track with vampiric events without them all having to get night jobs. The other attributes are still kept quiet. For the most part humans don't really need to know about them, but it's also a way to keep both humans and vampires safe. Attributes like the healing abilities of vampire blood, which is highly addictive for the rush it gives you and the boost to your immune system. They also hide the fact that all the donor humans that hang out at blood bars like Blood Temp, or donate at the clinics that distribute bottled and bagged varieties of the blood, are treated with a certain enzyme. This is because the more a vampire drinks from a single host, the more that vampire can feel and connect with the human.

It starts with feelings.

While Sebastian talks about the new vampire clubbing line, Blaine sits with closed eyes and feels how happy and giddy Kurt is. How his emotions shift as he thinks about Blaine and what it could mean for him. He feels all the addicting feelings of the possibility of there being something between them. Blaine can feel all of that rushing through his human. There is just one downside.

Kurt had just returned to his apartment after going to work. He had explained that he needed a few days off to settle his life down now that Andrew had gone. He had no idea how the man would react to being told to leave. What he hadn't planned on though was walking straight into the man as he exited the kitchen after stacking the groceries he'd picked up on his way home. Kurt's heart stopped at the look of rage on Andrew's face.

"Well. Well. Well. If it isn't my fucking idiot boyfriend who thought he could leave me on our night out and sleep with another man." Andrew walks towards Kurt, causing him to back up in fear.

"What made you think that anyone else would ever want a worthless piece of shit slut like you? Huh?" He runs his fingers down Kurt's cheek once they reach the wall. Kurt can't escape his touch. He doesn't try to get away.

"You're so fucking weak." His hand runs across Kurt's neck, speaking quietly now.

"No one wants my sloppy seconds, and that's all you are Kurt. Used. Worthless. Insignificant." Andrew's fingers close around his throat as tears slip down Kurt's pale cheeks. He punctuates each harsh word by digging his fingers in to the soft skin.

"You're nothing but a stupid, pathetic fairy. You make me sick to look at you."

His eyes shift to look straight into Kurt's. "But you're mine. Only I can tell you when we're done. And trust me honey. You'll know when we're done."

Before Kurt can react, Andrew brings his other hand across, slapping him hard enough to split his lip. A broken scream leaves his mouth.

Across town, in the middle of a sentence, Blaine flinches as shooting pain and fear wrack through his body. The papers in his hand fall to the floor as he doubles over with the force of it. His nerves go on end as wave after wave of pain and fear torment him. Sebastian quickly excuses them both before hurrying his friend back into his office. The worst of the pain hits him then, and Blaine falls to the ground curled in a tight ball. Blood seeps out of his ears and his body shivers.

"Blaine! What the hell!" Sebastian runs to his mini-fridge, pulling out a bag of blood. He doesn't stop to warm it up before forcing Blaine onto his back and pouring the liquid into his throat. "Drink. You need to drink. It's fairy blood. It will help ease the pain and then you better fucking tell me what happened."

Blaine drinks slowly as pain echoes through his system and tears start to seep out the corner of his eyes, tinted pink with the mixed pain of him and his human. "It... It's Kurt. We need to get to him. He's getting weaker."

"Wha- you connected that much with him? You allowed yourself to feel this much?" Sebastian doesn't stop moving, getting Blaine up and supporting his weight until the other vampire can walk on his own. He sends a text to his driver to pull the car around front for them. "You're an idiot."

"It's so painful... Sebastian I didn't connect to him that much and I still feel this amount of pain." Blaine's voice is laced with fear at what they'll find when they get to the human's residence. "Just hurry."

"Yeah. We'll hurry."

They claim bad blood on the way out, something that strikes vampires now and then when a blood pack has unwelcome additive. Usually it's a taint of contamination from one of the other breeds that are still unknown by the humans, so they let the humans think it's like food poisoning. The human managers wish Blaine well and a speedy recovery as the two leave.

While they make their way towards Kurt's apartment, the human sees no light at the end of his tunnel. Laying in the middle of a pool of his own blood, Kurt forces his eyes to stay open as best he can under the bruising. He drifts in and out of consciousness as Andrew smashes his few possessions. Andrew continues to call him names and things he's never heard before. This is a darker side of the man he's pretty sure he'll never see again. It's getting hard for him to breathe.

"Worthless piece of shit." Andrew grabs Kurt by his blood soaked hair, pulling Kurt to the sofa. He dumps his broken and battered body face down before pulling the saturated jeans off his body. "Now do what you're best at, whore."

A broken whine is the only sound Kurt can make when Andrew thrusts into him with a grunt. As he fucks into him, Kurt finally starts to give up. There's no part of him that isn't cut, bruised, or broken now. He has no reason left to live. Kurt shudders as the final drive into his body brings a satisfied moan from above him. He feels the unwanted cum enter his body, stinging where he's split and raw. Thoughts of Blaine flit briefly through his mind as he starts to lose consciousness again. A vague feeling of regret at not being able to see him once more is the last thing Kurt feels before everything goes black.


They don't arrive at the building in time to catch Andrew. Blaine doesn't care to follow his scent either, when he smells the metallic tang of blood heavy in the air outside the apartment block. It's a smell he immediately recognizes as Kurt's. He rushes into the building with Sebastian close on his heels. They see signs of destruction as soon as they open the apartment door. Blood and glass litters the floor of the entranceway. There are holes in the wall where punches must have gone off their mark. Belongings that used to be displayed with care are now strewn across the living space and soaked with blood. Everything leads to the half-naked body barely breathing on the couch.

"Kurt!" The vampire hurries over, pulling the broken body up into his arms. Blaine carefully turns Kurt over and cradles him close. There are tears running down his face.

"I know what you want to do and I really don't advise it." Sebastian says softly to Blaine, trying to hide how affected he is by the sight before him.

"I have to. Please, he doesn't deserve this end. No one deserves this!"


That's all the permission Blaine needs as he bites into his own wrist and forces his darker than normal blood between Kurt's lips. "Drink. Please. Be with me enough to still be able to drink."

The other vampire rolls his eyes. He moves closer and caresses the skin on Kurt's neck, which is now bruised almost beyond recognition. The motion forces the human to swallow. A small smile creeps over Sebastian's lips as the muscles start to work on their own and the healing starts.

"Good boy. Such a good boy. That's it." Blaine has to re-open the wound in his arm twice more before the human starts breathing easier. "Let's get him to my place so he can heal and rest."

"Did you want to grab any of his things?"

Blaine nods slowly and as Kurt sleeps on the ruined couch the two vampires go about gathering what they can of his belongings. Sebastian calls for cleaning crews to pack the rest up for storage and clean the place. Meanwhile Blaine puts the stuff they chose into the car. He wraps Kurt's slowly healing body in the cleanest blanket he can find and carries him out to the car. Blaine ignores the curious looks he's getting from Sebastian's driver as he holds the bundle close. Blood tinted tears continue to streak his face.

He doesn't have to wait long before Sebastian gets into the back with them. "Charles, take us to Mr. Anderson's residence."

"Yes, sir. Are you sure a hospital isn't needed?"

"I didn't ask your opinion, just drive us to his home." The vampire snaps at his human driver, eyes narrowing dangerously. Turning his attention to Blaine, he wraps himself around the younger vampire's body to give him support. "He's going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine."

Blaine nods slowly as he caresses the blood smeared, swollen cheek. He cries a bit harder when he sees a deep gash that's starting to heal. "Why do humans call us monsters... when this is what they do to each other?"

"To hide their own insecurities. The few of our kind that are... monsters... stick out more in a fragile human mind than their own horrors."

They stay silent for the rest of the drive, Blaine's golden eyes trained on the healing process. He covers Kurt carefully so the driver can't see. Eventually they pull up to a beautiful house set on the outer edges of the hive territory. Neighbors are few, with great distances between them. It's just like it used to be when Blaine was growing up. He doesn't wait. The second the car stops, Blaine hurries out and up the path to the front door.

"Sebastian, can you bring the bags up to the first guest room please?" are his only words in parting.

"Sure thing." Sebastian watches his friend go before grabbing the bags. "Charles, I'll be right back down. No need to move the car just wait here."

"Yes Sir."

He hurries into the house, heading through the foyer and up the circular stairs. Running water can be heard from the master bathroom as he puts the bags down in the room closest to Blaine's. Before making his way towards the sound, Sebastian finds a piece of paper and a pen. He jots down a brief agreement between Kurt, the human, and Blaine, the vampire. It states simply that Kurt willingly goes into said agreement of his own free will, and will not release any information he may learn about vampire life that isn't already known by the government. He back dates it to the day before. As he carries the paper and pen towards his friend, he hears Kurt and Blaine talking. A tug of jealousy shoots through him.

"Shh. You're alright darling. No one will hurt you here." The sound of water dripping over skin and into the tub echoes in the vampire's sensitive ears. "That's it. It's alright Kurt. I've got you."

"B-Blaine? H-hurts."

"I know it hurts. Tomorrow you'll feel much better. I promise."


"I'll tell you tomorrow. Do you trust me?"


"Good. Let's get you cleaned up then." A caring smile goes across the tanned skin of Blaine's face, head turning when he hears a throat being cleared. His arm goes protectively around the shivering boy in the tub, who shrinks at the sound.

"Sebastian? Did you need something?"

"Yes." Sebastian holds the note up. "You both need to sign this and then I'll submit it to the authorities."

Golden eyes study the paper before relaxing.

"Thank you." His gaze turns towards Kurt.

"Can you sign this for me? It just says I haven't manipulated you in any way and never plan to in the future. And that you won't tell anyone about things I tell you."

Scared blue eyes peer up at him. As Sebastian looks on at their silent conversation, that bit of jealousy comes back to life. He knows the only reason Kurt is calm right now is because he can feel everything Blaine feels, and the Elder is just oozing calmness. "I... I will sign it."

"Such a good boy." Kurt is rewarded with a gentle kiss to his still red temple, the blood dripping off and tinting the water red.

"Then hurry it up. This smell is getting to me."

Looking up, Blaine sees his friend is telling the truth. Sebastian's teeth are elongated and his pupils are dilated at the scent of blood so thick in the air. He gives a warning hiss towards his friend, and snatches the pen. He signs, then passes the pen to a pale hand. Kurt manages to shakily sign his own name. "There. Now leave. I need to get him cleaned and tucked into bed."

"Call me. I'll cover for you at work. Let them know you have..." Sebastian eyes the boy as he folds and pockets the paper. "Personal business to attend to."

With that he leaves, hurrying out to his car before the need to taste that sweet smelling blood becomes uncontrollable.

The next few hours are spent washing Kurt, emptying and re-filling the tub twice to get him fully clean. He wraps the human in a fluffy towel and carries him into the master bedroom. Allowing Kurt to dry himself and dress in a pair of borrowed sweats and t-shirt, Blaine takes a quick shower. It's a simple agreement between them that they will share the queen sized bed instead of moving Kurt to his own bedroom. Both are drawn towards the other with the invisible connection of exchanged blood. Truthfully, Blaine doesn't mind one bit as he carefully wraps his arms around the boy. For the first time in nearly 400 years on this earth, he feels something. Something that both intrigues and scares him.


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