Up in Lights
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Up in Lights: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,899 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
166 0 0 1 0

He didn't know why he fell for this again. He had sworn to himself that the next time it happened he would never forgive him and just slam the door in his face. Three days ago, when that chance came, Kurt opened the door with his arms wide open when his boyfriend cried about how stupid he'd been, sleeping with another man. How sorry he was for breaking the small bit of trust Kurt had in him. So what did the ever gullible Kurt do? He opened his door, opened his arms, and spread his legs. Again.

Now? Right now he's realizing how stupid he was in doing that for the fifth time. As he leans back against the bar at the random club he let his soon to be ex-boyfriend drag him to, he watches as said soon to be ex wraps his arms around yet another guy. Moving their bodies closer before they kiss and then head off to disappear behind the black curtain hiding the backroom from view, his third trip back there this evening. That, he takes as his queue and walks towards the curtain.

"He isn't worth it."

Kurt stops, his hand on the curtain. "What?"

"He isn't worth it." The stranger smiles, tilting his head as golden eyes studies him. "Sorry, I might be wrong about this, but you've been watching that guy from the bar and trust me, he isn't worth your time. I've seen him here at least four times this week and you look like the kind of guy that deserves better then a player like him."

"That player is my ex-boyfriend and I just think he needs to be told that update to our status." Kurt turns to go through the curtain when he feels arms wrap around him, his body being pulled back against a solid chest. "Let. Me. Go."

"Just listen to me." The silky voiced stranger whispers into his ear. "Why give a creep like that the time of day? I bet, if you go in there he will sweet talk you and you wont come (right) back out until he's talked you back into his arms again."

"Not this time."

"He isn't worth your time." The stranger runs his nose over Kurt's neck, breathing in his scent. "Dance with me."


"Because I'm asking." He turns Kurt around, locking eyes. "Because you want to. You know I can make you feel alive again. Trust me."

Having absolutely no clue why, Kurt nods. Letting the man lead him out onto the dance floor. Allowing the stranger to wrap his arms around his waist as their bodies get closer and move together. Arms holding each other as the stranger breathes in against his neck. A heady feeling flowing through his body as Kurt lets the man suck and kiss at his pulse point. Moaning when he feels teeth scrape against the sensitive skin on his neck before he moves, connecting their lips.

Intoxicating, that's the best word Kurt can think of to describe this kiss. All tongue and teeth. Carnal and wanting. Everything he's missed about being intimate with someone and didn't even realize he was missing. The strangers hands slide down, gripping his ass and pulling their bodies closer and Kurt is fairly sure he can hear a growl in his chest. He doesn't even realize it when their hips start moving together, rutting against each other, a deep moan coming from his throat.

"Take me home with you."

Kurt groans when the man moves back to kissing at his neck. "Y-" He doesn't get to answer before a hand grabs his shoulder and pulls him away from the man.

"What the fucking hell! Hands off my guy!" Andrew. Of course it would be Andrew.

"Go away Andrew! Were done!" Kurt pulls away, just to be pulled in face to face with Andrew. "Let go of me. I told you I wouldn't take you back if you did it again and I meant it."

"Like you can stay away from me. We got something good going on. You know that." He grips at Kurt's hips.

Kurt tries to push him off, neither of them seeing how the strangers eyes glow the rougher Andrew gets with Kurt. "Let go. Let GO!" Kurt tries to break away as Andrew drags him out of the club. "Stop! You're scaring me!"

"Shut up!" he gets him as far as the alley before there is movement around them. Andrew being pulled off of Kurt and thrown against the wall. "W-what the.."

"Leave him alone." The stranger growls at Andrew. "I don't want to ever see you near him again."

Kurt grabs around the mans shoulders. "Let him go. He isn't worth it."

Golden eyes look sideways at him. Studying Kurt intently before letting the terrified Andrew go. "You better feel lucky that he is a much better human being then you are." He turns to pull Kurt against him. Kissing his lips softly. "Stay away from what's mine." His eyes narrow as he glares at Andrew, the man gasping and running.

"Thank you. If you wouldn't have been here then..."

"Don't think like that. Now let me escort you home." His eyes shine as he smiles towards Kurt.

Kurt gives a small nod before he leads the man towards his apartment, his cheeks turning pink as they go. He's not even sure why he's taking this stranger home with him. One night stands really weren't his thing, even with that scumbag of an ex. There was just something about those eyes. The way the man moves. Just something drawing him in and drawing him to do things he normally wouldn't. The perfect example? Being pushed up against a random wall near his apartment building, the stranger rutting against him as his legs are wrapped around that slender waist. Both men moaning as their bodies try to become one, even through the many layers of clothes.

"How much farther?"

His mind is so foggy as the other man looks deep into his eyes, their hips still rolling against each other. "T-two blocks. Third floor."

"Good. Let's hurry." he lets Kurt down, eyes glancing towards the horizon as they keep moving.

Two blocks and a few flights of stairs and the two men find themselves in the apartment, Kurt pushed up against the wall again as clothes come off in a flurry of moving hands. "E-end of the hall.." Kurt arches as the man licks and bites at his neck. "Bedroom.."

"Hold on." The mans smile grows as he holds tight to Kurt's ass. Carrying him down the hall towards the bedroom. "You smell so good. So very good."

"Need you. Need you so bad." Kurt sucks at the mans neck, causing him to stumble. Luckily they are near enough to the bed that they land with a flop. Kurt laughing slightly as he starts to undo his pants and scooting up the bed when he's finally bared to the world. Freezing when he sees the stranger crawling up the bed towards him. "What is it about you that makes me want this so bad?"

"My charm." He licks and bites at one of Kurt's nipples before continuing up his body. "My hot body." He pushes at the pale legs, spreading them wider as he settles between them. "The thrill of something different and new, making you feel alive." One hand trails down, his finger teasing the puckered entrance. "It's working both ways. I've never been this drawn to someone before." The man attaches their lips as his finger pushes in.

His back arches at the intrusion. Kurt knows it's to dry, but he doesn't care. It feels way to good The kiss is broken when the second finger pushes into him. Crying out in a pained pleasure as the burn starts, his arms reaching out to get the lube and a condom out of the nightstand drawer. "H-here..." He slips both into the strangers hand.

"You're pretty smart." the man sniffs at his neck. "So good. So smart. Smells so good."

"Hurry up so I can make you feel good." Kurt arches higher when three slicked fingers push into him. "Oh god... please. Please. Please. Please."

The man grins, eyes starting to shine. Kurt is far to gone to realize when he doesn't put the condom on, just slicks himself up before kissing his way to that milky white throat. "Are you ready?"

"Yes. God yes." Kurt spreads his legs wider.

"Good." The man pushes into the willing body below him. Moaning into that throat. The throat that has the beating heart and rushing blood going through it. Music to his ears. His thrust start slow, not wanting to scare Kurt away. Not yet. Not until he feels him moving along to his pace, pushing back harder then he's moving. Then, at that moment his teeth poke out, scraping against that perfect neck. "Please don't hate me." He moans out as he picks up speed in his thrusts, gripping Kurt around the thighs as he sinks his fangs in. Blood rushing out to wet his throat. Kurt screaming silently below him as their bodies move faster while the man drinks from his partner. Heaven.

Kurt has never felt so good. He can feel his blood draining from his body, but all it does is enhance his pleasure as the blood slips from the strangers mouth and down his neck and shoulder. Leaving a wet spot under his head. When the man suctions on, licking the wound Kurt arches as his orgasm racks through his body. Back arching as his seed spills out between them. The man above him slamming in a few more times before he feels his release go into him. Both of them panting as Kurt turns his head looking at the man with his blood on his lips. He should be frightened. He should be scared, but something in the way the man tilts his head in curiosity as Kurt reaches a hand up, touching his own blood on those red lips has him feeling at ease. Slowly, Kurt pulls him down into a gentle kiss. Licking his own blood off those lips and moaning at how he finds it better then tasting his own cum after getting a blowjob.

Pulling away slightly, the man lets a slight blush cover his cheeks. "You're not scared?"

"No. I should be, but I'm not." Kurt smiles as the stranger shifts, pulling out of him, as he snuggles against his side. "I've never felt so good."

"Exhilarating isn't it?" They both laughs slightly. "Blaine."


"My name. Blaine. Blaine Anderson."

"Nice to meet you Blaine." Kurt wraps his arms around Blaine, leaning in. "My name�s Kurt Hummel." He kisses him gently.

Blaine purrs at the comfort he gets from the tender touch of lips. Groaning when he can sense sunrise nearing. "I need to go soon."

"No. Please stay."

"Kurt. Do you know what I am? I know you don't seem afraid of the blood or anything, but do you know?"

"Yes." Kurt closes his eyes. "Vampire. I've heard of your kind, but never meet one."

Blaine laughs softly. "You probably have and just never noticed. We tend to... make people forget they saw us."

Kurt sits up a bit to fast, head spinning with his loss of blood. Blaine moves to sit up and pull Kurt into his lap. "I don't want to forget..."

"I don't want you to forget either." Blaine sniffs at his neck. "I want to see you again." He kisses at the pulse point. "You taste way to good not to see again, but I do have to go."


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