Up in Lights
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Up in Lights: Chapter 13

E - Words: 2,828 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
157 0 0 0 0

Time had no meaning for him anymore, as the one person who gave him a reason to live was gone. Kurt had no clue how long he had stayed curled up in the far corner of the rather large closet the guestroom at Sebastian place had. It's just the first place he'd found that first night when he'd woken up and found strangers coming and going as they tried to check on him and figure out what was wrong with Alain. Within minutes of him biting some random vampire that came to check on him, he had scurried into the safety of the enclosed space only peeking out when he heard someone coming towards his door so he knew if he knew them or not.

Knowing the person meant he would accept the bottle of blood he was being offered. Unknowns got a rather loud hiss sent their direction as a warning before he'd bite at them for getting to close to his space. When they would all leave him alone, he'd just sit and listen to whatever they talked about while his mind played through all his moments from the past years with Blaine.


"Sebastian you need to get Kurt to warm up to you." Amunet tried to pleaded with the vampire once again, an argument they have had weekly since her son had vanished from this earth three months ago.

"Why? He made it quite clear that he has no wish, need, or desire to have me as anything but a waiter that rations him blood every night." His hand strokes over the sweat slicked skin of his boyfriends face before huts a new cooling cloth to his fevered skin. The fever was just the newest reaction to the treatment attempt the last crackpot of a witchdoctor had tried.

"Because I know there is no way he is eating enough to stay in control. Eventually his instincts will take over and he'll either kill you while your back is turned or breaking out and killing someone else."

"He's eating plenty."

"How do you know that?"

Maybe because I'm the one here watching over him and my boyfriend all day and night! If there's someone who isn't eating enough, it's me!"


"Just shut the fuck up and get out of here. If you're that worried about the fledgling, take him with you."

"You know I can't. There is just not time to raise him..."

"Just like you were with Blaine. Always judging how he did things. Always too busy to teach him anything. You only betrothed him to me because it gave you someone else to raise him!"

The slap across his face followed by her deep threatening growl makes the room go silent while Sebastian calms down. "I will forgive you for that slanderous tongue of yours because you're grieving, but be warned now. Don't you ever accuse me of not raising my son properly or making up reasons not to take Kurt with me?" She glares at him. "I am leaving for London in the morning to explain to the Extreme High Council what happened with the witch and make sure we are truly safe. It wouldn't be a good thing if this bitch turned out to only be a minion to someone older and stronger."

"So you really can't take him."

"No, I really can't take him with me, but when I return Bes Amun and I will be glad to raise him." Placing her hand on his shoulder in a way to try and settle Sebastian down, Amunet smiles softly at him. "But I am hoping that by the time I get back, Alain will be awake and you will be raising Kurt in the way Blaine wanted you too."


It's been two weeks since anyone but Sebastian came to check on him. He's heard Santana talking in the room that he knows has Alain in it, but she's smart enough not to even try going into the room with a slowly going feral vampire fledgling in it. Because of all his new found alone time, Kurt decides that it's time to finally open the letter from Blaine. Opening it had crossed his mind daily, but some part of him had convinced him that if he didn't open it than Blaine being gone wouldn't be real. Now, he needs any part of his lover that he can get.

His movements are slow as he moves out of the closet, careful not to make any noise and draw attention to what he's doing. Creeping slowly across the floor to the dresser where Sebastian had put the letter that first night, reaching his hand up to take the envelope with the delicate penmanship that was all Blaine. Kurt is quicker with his retreat back into the closet where he snuggles back into the blankets of his makeshift bed, not daring to open the last thing Blaine ever made him until he knew he was safe.

It takes him a long time to even open the envelope, but he does after a deep calming breathe that rushes out the second he starts reading his boyfriends last words to him.

My dearest Kurt,

If you're reading this, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I lied to you when I told you that we would have all eternity together. There are so many things that I won't be able to see that make writing this letter the hardest thing I've ever done. Your first venture outside without the draw to hunt and kill everything that moves. Your father coming to visit and you complaining of the wet dog smell, trust me when I say werewolves smell horrible. The hardest one is missing your first sunrise after 100 years of night and talking with you about maybe having a little vampling baby, through surrogacy of course because a baby with your features would be so beautiful. Even the day we would talk of marriage, because it's a thought that's been on my mind since the first time I saw you at that club.

But aside from my regrets, love, there are so many things that I'm grateful for having experienced because of you. There isn't enough time in the world to write them all down, but I will write the best of them all: falling in love with you. All my years on this earth and the greatest part of my life was meeting you and learning what true love really is. You're my soul mate, there's no doubt in my mind about that. The other half of me that I hadn't known it was missing until you walked into my life.

Because I know you must be hurting, icon only imagine how broken I'd be if I'd ever lose you, there is something that you must promise me. Stay alive. Become strong. Live your dreams. I need to know that you will go on, because I don't want you sating away. I've left you everything and asked Sebastian to watch over you. Not because you need watching baby, but because he'll need someone there that knows the pain he's feeling and I trust you to take care of him love. Together you'll both get through this and I'll be able to rest happily knowing you're both safe and well.

Love you forever and always my perfect match. My love. My soul mate. My baby.


"You're wrong love. He doesn't need me, he needs Alain. No one needs me, but I need you." Kurt curls up crying with his hands holding the letter close. "I miss you so much..."


They were starting to run low on blood, namely the special mix Kurt drank and Sebastian found himself in a tight bind. According to Santana, Alain would wake up any day now which meant he didn't want to leave home and not be there to see those bright green eyes again, but a starving fledgling is very dangerous. He'd called all of his close friends, but none of them were willing to go pick up the blood he needed. To them it made sense to force Sebastian into becoming an active vampire again, but to him it felt like a stab in the back not just to him but to the memory of Blaine.

Not only way it hard to even think about leaving Alain, he knows that leaving the still unpredictable Kurt alone could be disastrous. There is a high chance of the young fledgling breaking out the second everyone has their backs turned. His parents understand his dilemma, but with them being in Europe with Amunet and Bes Amun, there is no way they can help him. They really need a system in place that allows blood rations to get delivered to a vampire's home.

"Bastian, I'm hungry..."

Well that's new. Kurt never comes out of the guestroom to talk to him. "I know. We're out of your special mixture and I can't leave Alain or you alone to get pick some up."


"Alain is supposed to wake up soon and you're unstable."

"Oh." Kurt fidgets as he bites at his lip. "I can drink whatever we have until Alain wakes up if that will help."


"Please, I want to make this easier on you. I have nowhere else to go and there is no way I'd drag you away from Alain." He slowly moves closer, obviously scared. "Can I wait with you?"

"Yes. Thank you Kurt, I'd love it if you'd stay here with me and I promise the second he's awake I'll run out and get us some new blood stock. It's just us against the world."

Not expecting it, Sebastian flinches at first when Kurt runs over to hug him and snuggles tight to the older vampire's chest, but he relaxes and wraps his arms around the fledgling. Both of them getting comfy as they watch Alain sleep, every now and then making a noise or moving, getting both of their hopes up.

It's only mere hours before sunrise, Kurt is drinking his dinner while Sebastian is in the bathroom when the bright green eyes open and a groan escapes dried lips. "Sebastian! He's awake!" he scurries over onto the bed as Sebastian runs in and gets on the other side.


"Umm... 'Bastion? 'urt?" his voice is raw from the weeks of no use.

"That's right love, we're both here waiting for you." Sebastian leans down, kissing his boyfriends cheek.

Kurt giggles and kisses his other cheek making Alain laugh. "I see. Hope you haven't waited that long."

"Not long enough." Sebastian laughs as Kurt yawns. "Now, why don't we get you to sleep young man and while you rest, I'll go restock our pantry."

"Ok." Kurt fidgets a bit. "Alain, will you be here tomorrow night?"

"Um. Yes I'll be here, probably be here for a while."

"You better be, we have a wonderful fledgling to raise." Sebastian hugs Kurt as he sets about getting ready to go out.

Alain smiles softly as he sits up, both Kurt and Sebastian rush to help him get comfortable sitting against the headboard. "Are you asking me to be...?"

"Something we will talk about when I get back. I made a promise to Kurt that the second you woke up that I'd restock our blood stores."

"Then go and hurry back."

By the time Sebastian is back, bags full of a healthy stock of blood, he finds Alain sitting up in bed still, looking healthier than before and running his fingers through a sleeping Kurt's hair. The sight pulls the breath from his body and puts a bright smile to his face. There's no hesitation when he opens his mouth and blurts out:

"Marry me."

"What?" Alain snaps his head up, blush forming deep on his cheeks.

"Alain, love of my life and holder of my heart, will you marry me?"

"Sebastian this is kind of sudden and..."

"I know. I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked, but it just hit me and felt right."

Laughing Alain slowly gets up and walks over, hugging Sebastian close. "If you'd just shut up you would hear me say yes. Yes I'll marry you."


"Sebastian, you don't know what you're doing!"

The shrill voice of the older vampire rung out through the home, making Kurt cringe. Who would have known that something so happy, like Sebastian and Alain getting engaged and both of them sitting down with Kurt to go over how much they would love to raise him until he was old enough in vampire years to live on his own, could turn so horrifying for the young fledgling. Not only had the Smyth's had hours' worth of complaining about their son raising an orphaned fledgling like he was their own, but the engagement seemed to anger them more than anything. Apparently a child of a turned vampire should never marry a turned vampire that was originally an earth fairy, no matter how in love they are.

Yes, in vampire years they hadn't been together long but what's the big deal? He doesn't see an issue with his two guardians marrying because he knows how much they love each other and he doubts Sebastian would even ask someone to marry him unless he truly loved them. Amunet seems to have the same beliefs Kurt does as her voice chimes in on the side of the two marrying.

It was all becoming too much. He needed out. He needed quiet. This is all interfering with his play time with his friends. Not to mention delaying his dinner. Unless, he chooses dinner on legs. Those pigeons outside have been teasing him lately and they would definitely give him the exercise he needs and fill his belly if he catches one. Now he just needs to slip away without anyone catching him.

"Mum, please, just shut the fuck up!" Sebastian snaps towards his parents, making everyone get quiet for only seconds.

"Don't you talk to me like that!"

"How dare you yell at your mother!"

"I don't care. You two have said enough, seeing as you never hesitated to betroth me to Blaine days after he was born, I see no reason you should be against me marrying my boyfriend of 3 years!" he groans in anger. "It doesn't matter, we're getting married and there is nothing you can do to stop us. I'm too old to let you run my life."

"Love, I need to feed Kurt." Alain smiles and squeezes his fianc�s hand. "I'll be right back." They kiss softly before Alain leaves.

Sebastian smiles until his parents dig back into him about all mage reasons he shouldn't marry Alain. Truthfully he's ready to just kick them out and get back to making sure Kurt is alright. Ever since he opened up to them and started to move on in his life, the fledgling has been a never ending bundle of energy. God knows how crazy he's going with all this delay in his play time.


Alain sends fear and panic through their reestablished connection sending Sebastian into a panic as he runs towards the rooms Kurt has claimed in the penthouse. "What's..." the front door at the end of the hall being wide open sends him running faster to the empty rooms where Alain is looking in every hiding place imaginable.

"He's gone!"


A quick run out the door as Alain tells Amunet and Bes that Kurt's gone tells him it's too late. The main door guard is all too happy to tell him that the young man left for a walk outside. He's failed as a parent.

They are all out trying to hunt him down, following reports Amunet is getting to figure out where he's headed. There's only one call that makes all their blood go cold, he'd bitten someone. Didn't kill them, but he did bite them before running off. The only good part about that call is it tells Sebastian exactly where he's going. Home.

They all get to the unused house where Blaine and Kurt had lived to find the door open and dead squirrels dotting the yard and their blood trailing into the house. They were all expecting to find Kurt having a fit when they got inside, but what they found made them all freeze.

Kurt was curled up crying as he clung to a perfectly fine and healthy looking Blaine.

"Sh Baby, I know. I've missed you too, but they wouldn't let me leave until I was fully healed."

"Son?" Amunet gasps.

His smile has them all crying when he turns towards them. "Moot. Yet. Sebastian. Alain. Took you long enough to find him."

"Took you long enough to come home! You didn't even call! We thought your ass was dead!" Sebastian snaps out.

Blaine nods slowly as he caresses his lovers back. "I can explain, but we need to get Kurt settled down first. I've already fed him, but he's too worked up."

"Maybe, I can explain." A heavily accented voice jolts all their attention to the hall where an elderly man is closing the front door. "It is all my fault they thought you were dead to begin with, I owe them an explanation." When he comes closer they all see it, the glowing blue eyes and pointy ears. A pure breed elf elder, something no one has seen in decades.


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