Up in Lights
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Up in Lights: Chapter 12

E - Words: 2,072 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
162 0 0 0 0

The plan seemed simple enough, a small group sneaking into the compound while the newly regrouped main force draws attention away from them with a more aggressive attack. Everyone was shocked when Santana was the first one to volunteer to be a part of the team first, her explanation being that she's the only one with the knowledge to identify and use the anti-venom that Kurt needs before his symptoms get worse. Kurt was the second one to volunteer, spurring the last of their group into action Blaine, Sebastian, and Alain not wanting to see to his safety. That's how they found their way here. A typical dark hall with no idea if they were headed in the right direction searching for the center of the covens power, something they have no knowledge of what it would look like.

"This is fucking ridiculous!"

"Santana, we told you before to be quiet..." Alain tries to reason with her.

"Who is going to hear me huh? We've been in here too long without seeing any sign of something living here."

"It's the ones we can't see that you should be worried about." Kurt grumbles as sweat rolls down his skin, shirt soaked through showing how his condition is worsening.

Santana doesn't know what to say, she wants to draw attention to them and find where they are hiding and speed up getting the cure for Kurt sooner, but she also knows a fight would lead to two of them falling as she sneaks a look at the paling skin and dimmed eyes of Alain. "Fine. Let's just hurry."

They hurry along, down more halls, into barren rooms, and still nothing. Their worries about not succeeding in their task grows when the building rocks from an explosion outside. They keep moving, not in any position to start worrying about what just happened outside to their friends and family.

Alain is the first to stop, staring with his head tilted sideways as he studies a random wall as everyone rushes past him. Everyone except Kurt who growls as he hunches down next to his friend and Santana whose face cracks into a very wicked grin. The two elder vampires stare confused until Alain pulls out his knife and jumps through the wall disappearing from their view as the sounds of a battle hit their ears and they move to follows Santana and Kurt through the wall.

"Well fuck me sideways and call me tinker bell." Sebastian grins as his eyes land on the huge room, all the walls falling away as the magic wielders that were holding the illusion in place are now distracted by the two half breeds tearing out there throats.

"Come on Tink, we have work to do." Blaine will kick himself later for not thinking about all the halls being an illusion, but for now he throws himself into the fight, Sebastian right behind him.

All four vampires were fighting with everything they have while Santana had slunk off into the corner of the room, offed a lone caster with a barrage of razor blades from her hair and infused with enough fire magic to make the unsuspecting warlock burst in an explosion of charred remains of meaty bits. Now she was elbow deep in herbs and ingredients that she won't tell Kurt he's about to drink, because who wants to know that monkey balls and the ooze out of the eyes of goblins are in their cure? All that matters is that it works. Not to mention she's mixing a second batch, not sure how Alain got poisoned too since fairy bloods are immune to chimeras, but whatever. He's getting his own juice.

The second she got it done her feet were moving, dodging flying body parts to get to Alain first since he was closer. "Superstar, got you something!"

His hand stops mere inches from slicing out her throat. "What the fu-"

"Just drink it fairy boy! I have no clue why you're being effected by that chimera bite, but you are and this will help stop it." She can see he's not really hesitant, as he quickly takes his cup and downs it, but he is worried. "Look, when we live through this night I'll look into what's happening to you alright? Now get back in there and kick some ass!" Her next target isn't hard to find as he's curled up on the ground with his back to a wall with Sebastian standing over him keeping him safe while Blaine is making his way towards the center where a huge glowing circle can be seen.

"Bout time you showed up."

"Fuck off tinker bell, yeah I heard you say that was a possible name for you." Both of their faces are smiling as she swoops in and forces the liquid into the mouth of the fledgling. "Good boy. Drink up and get in there and help us tear out their throats."

"You have the best pillow talk." Sebastian quips back at them before getting a grip on his next opponent, biting and tearing out her throat in an arch of blood and cut off curdling scream.

"Thank you 'Tana." Kurt smile is all it takes to crack her shell and she smirks at him, ruffling his hair as the color fills back into his eyes and his teeth lengthen.

"The best thanks you can give me, helping to tear out that birches throat."

All three of their eyes turn toward the glowing circle where a woman walks out of the center, eye glowing purple as she looks as her minions fall one by one.

"More than happy too." Kurt is up, growling towards the stranger. "You are about to go down."

"I doubt that very much child." Her hauntingly sweet voice coos out. "Many before you have tried, all have failed. Fallen at my feet to be turned into eternity for me."

"What the hell does that mean?" Sebastian growls out as Alain and Blaine slip to her other side the second the last minion had fallen.

"It means that elf blood, no matter how tainted it is with another species, is the main ingredient for immortality. The down side is that every so many years it needs to be redone and this just so happens to be the year and little Kurt here just so happens to not only be a meat bag full of elven blood, but a personal vendetta. Your mother did such a good job hiding you from me. Giving her life and making your dad hide you in that filthy wolf infested area so we couldn't sniff you out. Had to wait for you to mess up and get out of pack territory and confirm to us where you were."

"I don't want to die...." Kurt curls in on himself.

"Well child, you have no choice in the matter."

There's nearly no indication that anything was about to happen, just a brief change in stance on the witches part before everyone is moving. Dodging out of the way while someone else moves in to attack from the side, none of them doing anything more the small scratches that heal almost as fast as their dealt.

"This is insane." Alain stops to catch his breath as Sebastian goes in for another attack.

"We're never going to get any where with out a better plan." Blaine agrees.

Santana huffs out "we need more magic. I don't have enough fire to keep the damage going and Alain just doesn't have enough juice even if we team up."


Alain groans "It's the vampire blood that weakens the fairy part."

Falling back after another hit to the witch, Santana grumbles before eyeing the corner. "Keep the bitch busy, I'm getting something stronger."

They don't argue, the four of them just get back into the fight while she rushes about mixing things in a bowl.

"She better hurry her ass up." Blaine huffs out as he stumbles into another attack.

Kurt uses him as a spring board to try and bring the witch down. "It better work. Morning is coming."

That gets all of their attention as they know Kurt won't be able to help once the suns up and he falls asleep, let alone knowing if this place is light proof. In the middle of them trying to figure out what to do to keep Kurt safe while taking more shots at their enemy, they get a very quick. "Duck!" from Santana before a flaming flask flies through the air over their ducked bodies and explodes against the witch causing her to howl in pain as the damage doesn't heal this time.

"What the fuck!" Sebastian snaps out.

"You're welcome, don't mention it, and now kick her ass!" Santana runs past, taking a hit on the writhing enemy in the middle of the room. All of her hits sticking and taking chunks out of the woman.

None of them need any more of an invitation then that before their tearing at her from all sides. It's near the end, while she's down on the ground surrounded by her blood that Kurt stops eyes wide as she gets a hand on his arm and he finally sees that she has elf ears.


"Are taking you down with me." She snarled out before her skin gets a red glow to it, her hand searing his skin.

Kurt screamed in pain as he tried to get out of her grasp while Santana is screaming something about an explosion and needing to get undercover fast. Movement and yelling going on all around him, Kurt can barely comprehend when Blaine grabs the witch around the body and pulls her off of him, the smell of burning hits his nose as Sebastian grabs Kurt and pulls him undercover right before a bright light fills the room and the walls shake from the explosion. They all hear Kurt scream out his boyfriends name as he fights to get out of Sebastian grasp.

Sebastian running after him, grabbing Kurt by the waist as he looks and sees nothing but charred ground where Blaine and the witch had been. More movement happens around them as Amunet and a few others run in, her face telling Sebastian everything he needs to know. Blaine is gone.

"Sebastian?" She moves towards the vampire holding her sons fledgling, Kurt now limp in the elders' arms as the tears flow freely down his face. "I don't feel him anymore."

"She had a hold on Kurt." He clears his throat when his voice comes out strained as his heart breaks. "He held her while I took Kurt under cover..."

Santana wraps a comforting arm around her friend. "She had started a self-destruction spell. There was nothing we could do. He didn't get away. I'm sorry."

"My son..." When her eyes hit Kurt she rushes in and pulls the young vampire into her arms. "It's alright. Everything will be alright."

"I want daddy...."

Amunet looks up at Sebastian, but he cuts her off. "Blaine is daddy. It's sort of their thing, though I think there's more to it then they even knew."

Her head nods slowly. "Sunrise is coming. Take Kurt home and I'll check on him tomorrow night so we can all decide what to do now."

Their movements are slow as Sebastian and Alain scoop Kurt up and take him home to Sebastian place in town, since the house isn't light proof right now. They have just enough time to get Kurt into the guestroom before he's out for the day.

Sebastian then spends a few hours with Alain getting their bodies clean and trying to center his feelings. He just lost his first love, best friend, and pretty much his younger brother while gaining a son that will remind him of Blaine every second of everyday for the rest of eternity, but he'll do it. He'll take care of Kurt because he's part of Blaine and he's his friend, but it's going to hurt.

It wasn't until the next night when Amunet showed up and having to let herself into his place to find Sebastian clinging to Alain in his bed crying. "He won't wake up... I can't... I can't lose him too..."

"Sebastian I'll get help for him. We won't lose anyone else." She's on her phone calling for help as she turn towards a sniffling sound behind her. She moves fast to hold Kurt tight as he crumbles in the door crying. For the first time in all her decades alive, Amunet had no idea how they were going to get through this.

AN 2: He isn't dead. I swear he isn't dead, but you won't see Blaine again until chapter 13.


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