Up in Lights
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Up in Lights: Chapter 10

E - Words: 2,427 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 24, 2013 - Updated: Sep 01, 2013
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Up in Lights 9


If he would have thought about his plan a little more, Blaine would have realized that everything that's happening was going to happen. At least that's what he's telling himself as he walks into the house with blood from one end to the other following the feelings he's getting from a very scared Kurt. The same scared feelings he can see clearly in the shining blue eyes that look up at him when he walks into the basement beyond all the carnage to find his baby covered and blood with tears streaming down his face and whimpering. He should have known.


"Blaine, do you really think this is a good idea?" Sebastian questions his friend over the phone. "He's never been outside of your house since he's been changed, there are unknown creepers that car wound a vampire hunting him, and you have no back up to make sure he behaves on his way here."

"Bastian, he'll be fine. He's been so good and I promised him we would go out tonight." He smiles at Kurt while his baby makes his to-go blood bottle. "I can't go back on my promise."

"Yes you can." Groaning Sebastian shakes his head at Alain, sending his boyfriend the knowledge that Blaine is still coming their way. "Just remember, if you have to turn around because he can't handle it we will understand."

"Promise. First sign of difficulty and we'll head back home."

"You better. Even with how powerful you are and as connected as you two are, you could never hold him back if something happened."

"I know he'll be fine." Blaine says his goodbyes before wrapping his arms about that perfect waist and kissing that pale neck he loves so much. "You ready baby?"

"Yes daddy."

"You have enough blood for the trip?"

Kurt rolls his eyes. "You make me sound like a real baby."

"Well you are in a way love. " Blaine kisses him again. "You're going to be a baby until your at least fifty."

"Not bad, only thirty more ye-"

"No love, you started over again at 0 when you were turned."

"W-wait, so I'm?"

"Going to have your first birthday on the anniversary of your turning, in about seven months."

"Will I get presents?"

He can't help it, Blaine laughs at the serious look on his face. "Yes my love, you will get gifts. I might even get you some grown up toys."

"Long as their not pink, I'm good with that." Kurt sways his hips as he walks away heading towards the door. "Now let's go before there isn't enough time to enjoy my freedom before we have to come right back and hide from the sun."

He didn't think about the drive through town to get there. He hadn't thought about Kurt being over whelmed by all the sounds of hearts beating as the humans of the nightlife walked around with their human friends and counterparts. The new smells coming in from the cracked window or he sights he hasn't seen through his more sensitive vampire sight. The bright lights hurting his eyes. Blaine should have turned around when he first felt the tremor of control slipping from his boyfriend. He should have turned around when Kurt tried drinking from the bottle to calm himself down, but every time Blaine asked he said he was fine. By the time Blaine pulled over because he was becoming very worried as Kurt finished his first bottle of blood off, it was to late. Kurt was growling and fidgeting in the passengers seat, trying to stay controlled.

"Baby, you're not alright so stop saying you are." he reaches over to comfort Kurt when all he gets is a whine in response. He didn't expect Kurt to bit him, tearing a chunk out of his arm before hissing at him and running from the car into the night. "Fuck!" He takes off after him, but can't keep up with his boyfriends speed or head start.


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The only words coming out of Kurt's mouth as he huddles in the corner.

Blaine slowly moves towards him. "It's alright. Everything is alright love." He slowly kneels down before wrapping the shivering boy in his arms. "Just calm down and tell me what happened."

He breaks down crying into Blaine's chest their link opening wide with images of killing and maiming. How Kurt's mind just over flowed with the need to escape the car and run, but the need to run didn't come from his vampire instincts. A chant repeating over and over was there. His need to feed only took over when he neared the house they were in right now and could smell blood.

"They were dead already?" Blaine blurts out of no where. Getting a small nod in response. "Kurt, baby, it's alright. Did you drink from them?"

"N-no... I slipped in it when I tried to stop myself..."

"Good. Then there wont be that much of an issue. Let me call Moot and Sebastian." He kisses Kurt's temple before calling his mother, getting an earful before she hangs up saying that the team will be there to investigate and she'll be with them. Sebastian on the other hand...

"I Fucking told you to turn around and go home when he first showed signs of breaking down! I even told you to not fucking come because we don't know where on when he'd be attacked next! But NO! You had to not listen and now what? You find him in a house full of blood and it's all a big set up?" Sebastian growls in anger as Alain shushes him and shoos him to another room so he can get his job done. "Sorry sweets." He hurries into the office and slams the door. "So, what is going to happen now?"

"First, stop yelling at me. Kurt can hear you and he's getting even more upset" Blaine holds Kurt closer. "Second, I need you and Alain to watch Kurt for me because when the team figures out who the hell this is that did this, they are going and I'm going to be then one doing it."

Sebastian groans. "Fine. Yes. I don't even need to ask Alain, but I know he'll want to. I'll even clear all the work schedules for both of us so that we can be there non-stop until you actually have the person."

"Thank you Bastian." Blaine looks up when he hears the team rushing around the house before he sees his mother. "Come by tomorrow and I'll fill you in." he hangs up as soon as Sebastian confirms. "Moot, stay calm please."

"How can I stay calm! You took your fledgling out way to soon, though that is partially my fault for not teaching you to wait a year at least before you take them out near humans or this might happen, though I can see from the bodies that he didn't do this! There is also the known threat to his life and being in the open like this makes you both more vulnerable!"

"Please Moot, I know. I was stupid and should have listened to Sebastian and stayed home, but yelling at me isn't helping Kurt calm down any. So please just stop yelling and tell me I can take him home soon."

"Of course." She squats down to check Kurt over. "You'll be safe soon child."

"I'm scared... I can still hear them in my head."

She looks curiously at Blaine. "And you?"

"Nothing. Nothing like that is coming through the link. I only heard them when he played back what happened in the car and here."

Calling out an order in french Amunet moves to the side for the team member to check Kurt over. "Relax child, he's a specialist in the magical arts and he's just going to see if he can follow the spell path."

"Hurry." Kurt shudders as his eyes close. "I can hear the howling again and it really hurt last time."

"Be strong Kurt. We wont let the hounds get you this time." Amunet places her hand on his arm to try and sooth the boy down.

"I'm here baby." Blaine holds him tighter before Kurt starts screaming in pain causing him to cringe as that burning and tearing feeling rips through their connection. "Strong baby, my brave strong little boy."

"Got it." The man smiles as a soothing bright light goes around them and instantly Kurt stops screaming and just shivers with the pain from the new scratch marks down his back. The man and Amunet start talking in french, Amunet getting happier the longer they talk.

Blaine puts his wrist to Kurt's lips. "Drink baby, help your body heal before I take you home."

"Dun want your wrist.." Kurt shifts slowly sniffing around that gorgeous neck. "Please... here please...."

"Baby." His eyes close while his hand runs through Kurt's soft brown hair. Trying to hold his moan in when Kurt takes the hint and bites. His golden eyes only open when his mother clears her throat. "Yes Moot?"

"They are going to pinpoint the location of the witches while the sun is up. Why don't you take Kurt home for now. We will call you tomorrow night when we've confronted them."

"I'm going with you tomorrow." Blaine caresses the back of Kurt's neck to signal that he needs to stop drinking. "Sebastian and Alain agreed to watch Kurt for me for a few nights. These people will pay for making him suffer."

"Then I will send you the information when I get it. Now go get him cleaned up and relaxed at home and wait until he's older to take him out of the house again."

"Yes Moot."

"Thank you Amunet." Kurt licks up the last of the blood on Blaine's neck.

"Sweety, you are very welcome." She kisses his forehead before going to get a report from the rest of the team.

"... I'm still hungry..."

"I know. It's because of the new scratches draining you and the over powering smell of fresh blood." It's mere seconds before Blaine has Kurt wrapped around him as he carries his boyfriend out just like a toddler. He ignores the looks they get and the deep blush he knows is covering that soft pale skin. "Let's get you back to the car and home so that you can scrub up and feed until your full."

"Mmm... then maybe we will have time to snuggle before I pass out with the sun."

"I think the snuggles can be arranged."

Snuggles were the first thing on the list after the hectic drive home, Kurt curling up tighter into the passenger seat as he tries to shut out all the sounds and his hunger. The second they were in the driveway Blaine ran around the car and pulled Kurt out and into the tightest hug, "Shh. Shh. We're home now." Followed by Kurt being carried inside and up the stairs towards the bathroom where Blaine set him down gently before starting the shower and stripping them both. "Let's get you cleaned up, alright?"


"I know baby. As soon as we're in the shower you can feed." Blaine kisses his lips softly before taking the bandages off his wound from the other night. Voice catching in his throat when Kurt steps into the shower and he sees the new deep cuts down his loves back. "Be careful, the water is going to..." He doesn't get the word sting out before Kurt is hissing in pain and scratching at Blaine to try and get him to make it stop. "I know. Shh. I know. I need to clean it though and the water will help with that."

"Nnn... make it stop... make it all stop please...:

"Shh I will. I'll get them tomorrow night and they will never harm you or anyone else ever again." Blaine moves Kurt so he can nuzzle at his neck. "Drink love. It will help with the pain."

"No. Wash me and get me out of the water and then I'll drink." Kurt pushes away before passing his body wash to Blaine and starting to wash his own hair. "Hurry because it does hurt, so bad."

"Alright baby." Blaine helps get him clean faster and in no time has Kurt out of the water and wrapped in a fluffy hot towel being laid down in their bed. "Does it still hurt?"

"Not really. Just a dull ache." Ne moves from the towel to snuggle against Blaine and pull the blankets over top of them. "You were right that the water would help, but now.. baby hungry..."

Kurt gets a chuckle in response. "Well then, baby should eat." he tilts his head to the side to let Kurt drink from him, knowing that as soon as the sun comes up he'll be drinking double from the fridge to make up for it. When the bite doesn't come Blaine moves to watch Kurt kiss down his chest. One brow goes up when Kurt peeks up at him before latching onto one of his nipples and sinks his teeth in causing pure pleasure toe shoot through his body. He knew that this was how vampires feed their infants, yes only woman can give birth but both genders can feed them. He's just never thought of trying it. "baby... "

Those blue eyes stay looking up at him as they share images of a future where they would adopt or have a surrogate baby feeding from Blaine as Kurt is now. A happy future with matching rings. No their not ready to get married or even engaged yet, but they both picture their lives entwined in every way possible. It's those images that cause Kurt to eat his fill before curling up against Blaine with a happy purr in his throat as his eyes close before the sun comes up. It doesn't hurt Blaine's feelings that his love is sleeping early, he can feel the exhaustion that all the spell casting and the rest of the day has taken on the young fledgeling. So he just let's him sleep, holding him until the sun comes up before moving from the bed to drink his fill of the blood stock and call his mother about any new details and update Sebastian over when he should show up to watch Kurt.

There's also a bit of time that Blaine sets aside to write a letter to Kurt, just in case he doesn't come home from the hunt. A letter full of how much he loves the boy and telling him to be strong no matter what and enclosing a letter of guardianship with Sebastian's name on it. He wouldn't trust anyone else with his baby if something ever happened to him.


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