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Unconditionally: Chapter 9

E - Words: 2,921 - Last Updated: May 31, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
137 0 0 0 0

"Umm…" Kurt groans, not wanting to really wake up yet since Blaine had the brilliant idea to keep him awake most of the night with sexy times, which kept the unborn baby awake and kicking well past any decent hour. Now, hes fairly certain the baby is kicking again because someone is poking at him. "You certainly forgot the doctor said that sleep makes me less likely to snap your head off."

"But it also means we have less time to convince this little guy to come out faster."

"Im not an oven you know. You cant just turn the heat up to cook the bread faster." He opens one eye to see Blaine nuzzled up against his bared 36 weeks baby bump.

"I can still try to convince him to come out and meet daddy." Blaine kisses the rounded flesh, grinning when he feels the kick from his son answering him. "See! He wants to come out for daddy!"

Kurt cringes at the pain from their son kicking his back and pulling his skin. "Only if hes become one of those aliens that pop through the skin."


"Im fine, just sore when he really gets going."

"Would you like me to rub your back for you?" Blaine kisses his way up his mates rounded belly heading towards his lips. "Or make you feel better in another way?"

"What about picking up my dad from the airport?"

"He isnt due for another four hours. Plenty of time." Blaine pushes their pants out of the way before kissing his mate. Groaning when he feels Kurt get more forceful, the smell of his need pushing them beyond the point of stopping. "Need you." In answer, Kurt rolls to his side and bends his leg to present himself to Blaine who is happy enough to take that offering in ne swift movement.

Sebastian laughs as Nick makes a face as he comes down the stairs where he had gone to see if Kurt and Blaine wanted some food before heading out to the airport to pick up Burt. "I told you not to go up there!"

"Like Id know they would be at it again." Nick still sounds a bit gruff when he talks, his throat taking its time to heal properly. "I mean, come on Kurt is at 36 weeks! How can they still be…. Doing it?"

"Easy." Sebastian laughs harder when Nick glares at him. "Look, how about I head out to pick up Burt in an hour and let them have this time. You know how hard it is to spend time away from your mate, especially when they are pregnant and so close to giving birth."

"Thats true, but still. They were at it all night. Not to mention the kids. What would they do if Lizzy and Timmy chose to leave Richards side and go look for them?"

"Nick I think you have some pent up issues showing their head." Sebastian moves closer to the obviously upset wolf. "This have anything to do with Alain still being sore and in his casts?"


"Really? I know you havent been able to be intimate since the accident."

"Fine! Yes Im a bit worked up and itching to get closer to my mate." Nick flops down on the couch as Sebastian comes over to nuzzle him. "Ive tried to get him to open up and relax, but he just…"

"Its all right." Sebastian holds him as he cries. "Is it because hes in pain?"

"I dont know. I know he cries at night after Richard goes to bed. He… Ive heard him blame himself for our sons broken arm and my voice." Sniffling Nick cuddles closer to Sebastian. "But it isnt his fault, it was an accident."

"And accident that wouldnt have happened if you guys had come back when you were supposed to." He puts a hand up to stop the complaint Nick starts. "That is probably what hes thinking. So just talk to him. Make him open up and if that doesnt work well have Burt or Duncan talk to him alright?"


"Now, you going to be alright while I go see how the little pups are? Theyve been way to quiet for my liking." Both men laugh as Sebastian slips off the couch to make his way to the playroom.

"Richard cant do that Lizzy!" Timmy pushes his sister away from a wobbly lipped Richard. "Hes trying to learn how to walk since crawling with a cast is too hard."

"Which is why he should play ball with us. Playing ball helps you walk."

"No." Richard kicks the ball away before using a chair to help him stand up. "Walk."

Levi is at his side while the twins keep bickering. He really doesnt want Richard to fall over and land on his cast. No reason for the little guy to get hurt more then he already was. "Careful Ichard."

"Whats going on in here?" Sebastian leans against the door frame as four sets of eyes fly over to him.

"Richard is trying to walk and Lizzy thinks he should play ball to make it easier, but I dont think he should because you need two hands to play ball and he only has one right now." Timmy blurts out.

"It would too help him! It helped you learn to walk doodoo head!"

"I am not a doodoo head meanie face!"

"Crabby pants!"

"Fart face!"

"Hold on, hold on a second!" He goes in and scoops Timmy up before they start hitting each other, tiny growls resonating from both pups. "Hey… none of that or Ill tell your grandpa he has to go back to Ohio."

"But she started it!" Timmy growls more. "Telling me Im wrong."

"Because you are! Richard is an Alpha and needs to be trained by an alpha, not you!" Lizzy huffs out.

Richard looks between the two of them and starts to pad his way slowly towards Sebastian. "Immy! Immy!"

"No! Richard my way is better!" Lizzy tries to get the little boy to change to her direction.

"No." Richard sticks his tongue out at her before reaching up with his cast towards Timmy. "Immy! Walk! Walk!" He starts padding around, Levi helping him when he loses balance.

"NICK! ALAIN!" Sebastian puts Timmy down as the boy is giggling and clapping for his friend. "NICK!" He goes out to get the other two who are heading his way, Alain being pushed in his wheel chair by Nick. "Hurry up! Hes walking!" Sebastian picks Alain up out of his chair to speed them up. All of them going into the room to see Timmy and Levi cheering Richard on while Lizzy pouts. Richard sees his daddies and pads his way over to them giggling happily.

"My little boy is walking now?" Alain is not going to cry. Nope not going to... ok. Hes crying. "I am so proud of you!"

"Dada! Papa! Walk!" he clings to Nicks legs before his daddy picks him up and Sebastian puts Alain back in his wheelchair. "No! Down Dada!"

"Down? You want to run around now that you can huh?" Nick kisses his giggling sons cheek before putting him down and watching him toddle around following everywhere Timmy goes. "I think our son is smitten."

"Hes 1 Nick."

"Hes still all about Timmy."

"Hes 1. When hes 10 and still doing this then we will talk."


Burt wasnt really surprised that he had been picked up at the airport by Sebastian, knowing that the boys would be too wrapped up in each other to make it. He also wasnt surprised to find a depressed Alain needing to talk to him about how he feels so guilty he just cant open himself up to Nick. That would be why, Burt currently finds himself at the part with the pups and Sebastian, while Blaine is out getting some things for his trip to Ohio, and Nick is at the doctors office with Alain before going on a big date four days after Burt had gotten there and three days before everyone except Burt and Kurt are due to leave for Ohio.

"Hey." Sebastian pants out as he flops on the bench beside him.

"Those kids gave you a run for your money huh?"

"Oh yeah. Now that Richard is walking, seems to be no sign of him slowing down any time soon."

He laughs pretty hard. "That tends to be how it goes. Hey, you be alright here while I run back to the house? Kurt hasnt checked in and Im getting a bit nervous."

"Yeah no problem. Well be here." Sebastian gets up to go play with the kids again as Burt heads towards the house.

Its only when he gets to the front door and hears the panicked cries for help that Burt knows his instincts were right. "Kurt?" He gets the door open finger Kurt kneeling on the stairs with a pool of water below him, crying out through another contraction.

"Dad! Oh god… I…"

"Its alright. Everything will be alright Ill get an ambulance and get you to the hospital." Burt pulls out his phone as he goes to his son, helping him up and to the couch as best he can.

"I… I slipped. Going back up. I slipped….then my water broke…"

"Itll be alright Kurt. Yes, I have a wolf who just entered his 37th week of pregnancy, slipped on the stairs, and has gone into labor. Second pregnancy." Hes giving the address when the front door opens again.

"Im home!" Blaine sing-songs as he comes in going silent at the mess on the stairs. "Ku-"

"Blaine!" Kurt screams through another contractions. Making Burt worry with how fast their coming.

"Kurt!" Dropping all his things, Blaine rushes over caressing Kurts face and cooing at him. "Its ok… its ok."

"Blaine, they need someone to see if the head is showing."

"Ok." Blaine moves to get his mates pants off, trying not to freak out at the pink slime that is inside waiting for him before he looks, Kurt crying out with another contraction. "It is. The head... I can see his head. God he isnt due yet!"

"D-dont have a choice about that NOW!" is Kurts screeching answer. "God! I need... need to push!"

"They say do it. Push Kurt. Blaine you need to get between his legs and Ill walk you through guiding the pup out."

"I… I dont..."

"Itll be alright Blaine. Youve been through your twins being born, you can get through this. Second times are easier."

Somewhere between a few pushes and Burt giving instructions everyone else came in the door laughing and happy, Alain got his leg cast off and his arm put in a brace and the kids were talking a mile a minute about all the fun they had. They all went silent when Kurt screamed out as he pushed.

Burt coming over to them "Get the kids upstairs. I need one of you looking out for the ambulance."

Thats all they needed. Alain went to look for the ambulance as Sebastian and Nick get the kids upstairs.

"Burt! I-its..."

The next sound they all hear is a newborn babys wail of life and time moves faster around them as the medical personnel rushes in with Alain and take over. Cutting the chord and checking both Kurt, who is laughing and smiling at their new son being perfect, and the pup, who is cranky and makes sure everyone knows that its cold out in the world. Then they take them both along with Blaine to the hospital. Burt takes the van to follow them leaving the others at home when the medic said there shouldnt be any problem with father and son coming home by the morning.

So instead of going to the hospital, Nick was calling all their friends while Sebastian called the family. All night they made sure the kids were alright with what happened and got the nursery all dressed for the little boy that will be sleeping in it soon. Within the first hours of the next morning, Kurt and Eric, the name they agreed on for their little blonde haired baby boy that made no secret that he had lungs and everyone should know it, were released from the hospital and on their way home.

"Hes so quiet in the car." Attempting to hide his yawn, Kurt snuggles closer to Blaine as they both watch the sleeping baby in his car seat.

"Thats because he was up all night telling us how angry he was with being out so soon." Nuzzling at his mates perfect hair, Blaine chuckles when Kurt elbows him.

"Told you he didnt want out."

"But he still came out."

"Maybe he was screaming at you all night then. Something along the lines of Look Dad, I listened now stop poking at me! or maybe about your keeping me awake in other ways."

"You know he could always have just been making sure I dont go to Ohio without you both."

"Oh… your trip. Baby Im so sorry." Kurt kisses Blaine softly.

"Doesnt matter. I didnt want to go anyways. What kind of mate would I be if I left you and our kids on our anniversary?"

"Blaine… I love you so much."

Silently listening to them, and yes maybe spying a little, Burt couldnt be happier.


The one thing none of them saw coming was no one going to Ohio for the yearly camping trip. Instead everyone came to New York for the weekend, including Henry, Lilian, Cooper and his family. They all came in waves. Family first, oohing and aweing over how adorable Little Eric was and whenever he would cry Levi would get upset and with Elizabeths help, get them to leave the baby be until he calmed down.

Then randomly Wes and Amy showed up, telling them it wouldnt be the same camping without them. Then Jeff and Julia with an armful of a buddle up baby boy with the curliest, reddest hair any of them had ever seen. One by one all their friends showed up, even Santana and Britney with their little half breed girl. Tents go up in their backyard and a fire pit gets lit.

Wes goes over to where Blaine is sitting with Kurt, soothing his mates tears. "This was alright wasnt it?"

"Yes. This is… this is just perfect. You guys are our family and friends and I cant believe you came here when you found out about the pup." Kurt sniffles.

"Actually…" Wes blushes. "We had planned this before you had the pup. Blaine kind of set all this up. The plan was to meet in Ohio and then drive here and surprise you the day the camping trip was supposed to start."

"You... Blaine?"

"Yes baby?"

"Did you actually plan this?"

"Yes." He quickly kisses his gaping mates cheek. "You were so upset that you couldnt come with us and that we would be apart for our anniversary. So Wes and I talked, then we brought in everyone else. Mom and Dad helped. Burt was in on it as well."

"You were all… I love you all so much."

"And we all love… Blaine dont growl at me, okay?" Eyebrow raised, Wes clacks his jaw at Blaine. "We love you too. Were family. Even the new guy." He gestures to where Levi and Sebastian are being fawned over by Julia and Amy. "We approve. He can stay."

"You didnt get a say in that." Blaine mumbles laughing when Levi runs over to them.

"Urt! Ady said I cute."

Kurt blinks at how clear his words came out. "Because you are cute sweaty."


"Really. Right guys?" Blaine and Wes both agree.

"Goo. My Birfday soon." He crawls up into Kurts lap and snuggles.

"I know. Can you tell Wes how old youll be?"

Levi holds up two fingers. "Two. Daada sad on my birfday. He miss paapa."

"You think he would be okay with us making this your birthday party?" Wes leans in, making sure to talk towards the boys good ear. "I can ask him for you."

"Weally? Fo me?"

"Just for you." Wes pokes the boys nose, making him giggle while Blaine excuses himself to go and get a fussing Eric from Tina.

"Yes pwease!"

It doesnt take long for Sebastian to agree and the next night a few gifts are presented to the little boy, who didnt want anything but wont give back the cars he was given, and a cake Lillian and Carol made. A happy ending to a perfect weekend as they all sing happy birthday to Levi as all the kids, including Lydia who came for the party with Duncan, huddle around him and make him finally feel safe.

Kurt watched all the pups play with the new toys as Eric sucks down his bottle.

"You seem to be thinking son." Burt kisses his grandsons head before looking at his son.

"I am. Its been a really hard year dad." He shakes his head when his dad goes to say something. "But other than changing a few things, I wouldnt switch it for anything. We gained Levi and Sebastian. Eric. Lydia and Duncan. Our family grew and the five of us in this house have become something more."

"You became a pack."


"Back before packs were determined by where you lived and such, they were units of closely knit family groups. Not necessarily blood family, but wolves that trusted each other so much that they would become a unit. You guys have become a family unit and I think it started the day you and Blaine helped Nick and Alain survive their separation sickness. Same with Sebastian. You all filled a gap that he had from losing his mate. Thinking about it, you probably saved both him and Levis lives this year."

"You really think so?"

"I do and because of how far you went to help them, I am so proud of you."

"Thank you dad." Kurt nuzzles with his dad until Blaine comes over to pull him over to their friends.


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