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Unconditionally: Chapter 8

E - Words: 2,854 - Last Updated: May 31, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
148 0 0 0 0

"Dad, I know I know. Call you when we know if Kurt will be able to travel so you can plan for us to be there for our yearly camping trip." Blaine rolls his eyes at Sebastian as Henry goes on another long speech; how a soon to be eight month along pregnant wolf shouldnt be traveling for something silly like a camping trip. "Well call you, but thats still a couple months away dad. Hes got his sixth month checkup coming up and Ill make sure to ask them. Love you too dad. Bye."

"Hes really pushing you for information about July isnt he?" Sebastian chuckles as his friend rolls his eyes.

"You have no idea. I think secretly they are hoping that we get there and Kurt goes into labor so that we have to stay longer than we originally planned too."

"And you?"

"Are hoping he has the pup a little early so that I wont be a nervous wreck the entire drive back to Ohio wondering if the next bump will be the one to break his water. If he even makes it to eight months."


"Its something we have to be prepared for. He had a really hard pregnancy last time and they have been warning us there is a really high chance of him giving birth before his due date."

"Explains why youve been getting extra clinging."

"I havent been extra clingy…" Blaine mumbles. Hes glad they dont talk about his unborn pup the rest of the drive home.

A home that they walk into and are only greeted with the sound of giggling from the kids as Levi runs over to welcome his daddy home.

"Daaa-da. Urt!" He points towards the living room and makes the hush gesture with his hands followed by sleep.

"Oh, Kurt is sleeping huh?" Sebastian kisses his sons cheek as he nods. "You came to tell us to be quiet?" Levi nods again with a huge grin on his face. "That was very good of you…oh my god."

Blaine stops walking the second he saw the finger paint containers and the two very colorful beings that seem to be his kids. Add that to all the handprints all over the couch and his sleeping mate with his shirt rolled up and pretty paint squibbles all over his round belly.

"Daddy…" Timmy freezes as his smile fade.

"We... we just wanted to play with our brother or sister." Elizabeth tries.

"Well you defiantly played with them and as sweet as that is, you two are in big trouble over the mess." Blaine says as he moves to gently wake Kurt up, wishing he didnt have to since his mate hasnt been sleeping very well lately. "Love."

"Ill get them all cleaned up." Sebastian waives for the twins to follow him to the bathroom. "Come on you little art masters, time for a shower." They dont fight, knowing theyre in some kind of trouble.

"Love… time to wake up." Blaine noses at his mates neck.

"Um... no. Let me sleep." Kurt mumbles as one of his hands moves to rub at the side of his baby bump. Cringing when his hand comes in contact with some cool and wet paint. "Tell me Im not bleeding."

"Youre not bleeding, though I wouldnt touch anything else with that hand." Blaine kisses that cute little nose he loves so much as Kurt slowly opens his eyes. "You fell asleep."

"I fell asleep and… oh god we were painting!" His eyes widen when he sees the paint all over the place. "They painted the living room?"

"They painted the living room." Blaine glances down at the paint covered belly. "And they decided that their new brother or sister really wanted to play as well."

"Wha..?" Kurt looks towards his belly and laughs at what he sees, so much paint with obvious handprints right where the pup had been kicking the most. "Well I must have been way out of it then for this to happen, but I do remember the pup kicking pretty hard right there." He points to where there is something that looks like a flower.

"I want a picture of this pretty art work before we get you all cleaned up and deal with their slight talking too." Blaine pulls out his cell phone.

"Only slight?" Kurt grins as he knows neither of them are really mad about the paint all over.

"Yes, slight. Their hearts were in the right place, but they should have known better then to get paint on everything and doing it while you were sleeping." He clicks a few pictures before putting the phone away and helping Kurt up off the couch. "Other than tired, how are you feeling?"

"Sore. My ankles are swelling. I have to go to the bathroom every twenty minutes. My back is killing me. You know, the standard I love being pregnant but really do I still have three more months to go? Im so ready for this pup to be born already."

"I do miss those few months were you were overly happy and horny." Blaine laughs when Kurt swats him as they go up the stairs.

"Never said I wasnt horny, just sore because you impregnated me with the worlds greatest soccer player."


The kids had convinced Sebastian to let them have bath time after a quick rinse off, Levi joining in with his play boats as the twins play with their fish and mermaids.

"Sebastian, do you think daddy and papa are mad at us?" Elizabeth zones out, playing with her mermaid dolls hair.

"I dont think so princess. They are probably a bit upset about the paint everywhere, that we will be cleaning up after your bath, but it was really sweet of you to try and play with the pup." He makes sure the wax ear plugs are secure in his sons ears so that water doesnt get trapped in them.

"Why do you put stuff in Levis ears?" Timothy blurts out. "Lizzie and me dont have stuff in our ears."

"Because he has unusual ear canals and if he gets water in them he is at a higher risk of having complications from it."

"What kind of complications?" Elizabeth scoots closer, making Levi nervous now.

"Infections or pressure build up that can give him really bad headaches. It can even make his walking off balance."

"Why?" Timmy seems to be thinking about everything the man is saying.

"Because everyone has a little bit of water in our ears to give us balance, like that measuring tool your grandpa used when he was hanging the shelves in the new pups room. If you add more water or it gets stuck inside you dont walk straight and have trouble standing up."

"But I always get water in my ear and I never get dizzy." Elizabeth points out.

"Thats because you have a normal ear canal. Levi doesnt." Sebastian rinses his sons hair before moving on to Elizabeths curls.

"Why is he different?" Timmy shifts closer to his friend to play with the silent boy.

"Because he was born that way. No one really knows why. Just like you two are born looking alike. It just makes you different and special."

"Like how some boys like boys and some like girls and some girls like girls?" Elizabeth nods as her mind uses that as a way to just accept that Levi has different ears.

"Thats right." Sebastian smiles at how adorable the kids are at this age. Asking questions and rationalizing them in unique ways.

"I dont know what I like." Elizabeth plays with her dolls hair as the soap is rinsed from her long curls.

"I like Richard." Timmy sprays a laying Levi with water from one of the fish.

"Oh really? You like Richard huh?" Sebastian thinks this is utterly adorable.

"Yes. He makes me feel safe and I make him feel safe. We are great friends. Like me and Levi."

"What about me?" Lizzy huffs.

"Youre my sister. I have to like you, but you dont need me to make you feel safe because youre brave. Levi needs us and so does Richard."

"Oh." She thinks about that. "I like that. I want to make you all feel safe. I love all of you!"

"We love you too Lizzy!" Timmy sprays her next before Sebastian starts to wash his hair.

"Just a few more minutes then you prunes should get out, dry up, and help me clean up before we start dinner."

"Can we have pizza?"

"Well see, but I think thats doable." Sebastian laughs as they both do a little happy dance.

Truthfully pizza would be the best bet since Alain, Nick, and Richard were due home tonight after their second trip around on tour and an easy dinner would be the best choice. Not to mention how Kurt has been wanting such weird food lately with all his cravings that a pizza is just what hes want.

"Blaine?" Kurt nearly purrs as he turns his face to nuzzle into his mates neck and keeping his eyes closed. This bath was the perfect thing to sooth his aches and pains while allowing him to snuggle in his loves arms while Blaine caresses soothing circles on his baby bump. "Youre making him kick."

"I know and its awesome." Blaine gruffs out a laugh when he gets an elbow in the gut for that comment. "I know he kicks too hard, but still I love it. Its like he knows its me." He pokes at a point on the belly laughing when his finger gets kicked.

"I think its more of an annoyance because youre poking in on his space." Kurt gets his turn to laugh when Blaine groans at hearing that. "What? Not all the pups have to love you as much as I do. Maybe this one will be my special little boy."

"You think were having a boy?" Blaine changes from poking to just laying his hands on the stretches skin and smiling when a part of their pup moves and settles where his hand is.

"I do. Its just a feeling I have."

"Lizzie will be upset if it is a boy." Blaine kisses his neck.

"Um yeah, but it isnt something that can be helped." Kurt shifts his head to expose more of his neck. "Do you think its a boy?"

"I think Ill trust you, but if it turns out to be a girl dont hate me when I tease you about it."

"Yeah well see who gets to tease who tomorrow."

"Speaking of... we need to ask the doctor if youll be ok to travel in July or not. Dad is stressing that we stay here, but I dont want to miss our first meet up with everyone since graduation."

"Baby, even if its just you who goes everyone will understand. I really dont want to travel if Im big and round and I know you can fly back if I go into labor."


"I know its our anniversary, but we can survive a weekend a part. Maybe my dad can come here that weekend and be with me. Well figure it out, I promise. Just relax and lets plan on you going to Ohio and me staying here and enjoy this pregnancy for what it is." Kurt turns as best he can to kiss his mate. "Im enjoying how much easier it is then last time."

"Alright. Come on, lets get dried off and Ill lotion your belly for you." Blaine winks when Kurt laughs at him. "You know I cant pass up an excuse to touch your belly. Thats our pup in there."

"Yeah I noticed." He lets Blaine help him up, groaning when the weightlessness of being in the water is replaced by gravity reminding him he looks like a puffy whale. "God three more months."

"Three glorious months of me pampering you."


Richard was fast asleep as the tour bus as his parents cuss and complain to the manager of the tour. They were supposed to be home by now, not on the way to yet another publicity gig in Florida. Not so far away from home where they know Kurt is struggling to watch the kids all on his own while getting through his pregnancy. Not celebrating their sons first birthday in some crummy, smelly, piece of shit tour bus that theyve been stuck in since January.

"No. No we did not agree to this! I didnt agree to this!" Alain snaps out.

"I know, but we really need to do this and youre tour is going so well!" the manager tries to calm down his client.

"Im 16! You cant push me like this there are laws you know!" He starts pacing. "If I do this fucking thing in Florida, we –will- be flying out the second its over!"

Nick jumps up and hurries back to where Richard was sleeping when he hears the first cries of their son being awake. "Alain, keep it down please."


The manager starts trying to plead with Alain to stay on the tour bus after Florida and what kind of opportunities they would have in the sunny stay.

"Oh my god! Just stop! Either you book us the flight out of where ever were going or we will."

The next thing they all know is there are screeching tires and the sound of metal scraping.


"Alright Mr. Hummel, Mr. Anderson. Are you ready to find out the gender of your pup?" The sweet doctor asked them now that all the other checks were done. Their pup was normal, healthy, strong heart rate, and excellent size. Now all they need to do is see if its a boy or a girl.

"Go for it! We have a bit of a bet going on." Kurt grins as she moves the wand to see what they can see. His face lighting up when he sees definite signs of it being a boy.

"Looks like you are having a very healthy baby boy."

"Told you!" Kurt laughs as Blaine blushes and grins at the little boy on the screen. "Fine. You win."

"Can we get a bunch of copies to send to family?" Kurt is glowing with how happy he is right now.

"Of course. Ill order those right up along with the other ones I took." She clicks a few buttons and then goes to get the pictures from the desk.

"What do you think Blaine? Our little Eric? Huh?"

"Yes. Ok. Our little Eric. Just like we agreed." Blaine kisses him softly.

Its only when they get home that they find out something is wrong as they are immediately met by a bawling Timothy and Elizabeth and a panicked Sebastian.

"Theres been an accident." Sebastian holds Levi as the boy is crying as well as Duncan comes out from the other room looking like a ghost.

"Duncan?" Blaine holds Elizabeth tight.

"The tour bus was caught in a multicar pile up and tipped over. I dont know how bad. I dont know who is hurt… Its on the news. Im flying out to be there for them and Ill call when I know anything I just was wondering if you could…" He gestures to where Lydia is asleep on the sofa curled around her favorite doll.

"Yeah. Yes well watch Lydia. Call us as soon as you get there and know anything." Kurt is barely holding it together, but he tries to not think about the fact Richard was on that bus. A one year old baby was on a bus that flipped with his parents in it as well. His mind stays in that never ending spin of worry and fear, not even fighting when Blaine makes him stay in bed after the third time he stumbled walking around.

It was hours before they got the call they were all hoping for and fearing at the same time. Only feeling relief when Duncan says one perfect sentence.

"Their alive and their coming home with me."

They were all impatient waiting for them to get back and nearly tackled the bruised and battered trio when they came in, until they saw the cast on Richards arm and noticed that Alain was in a wheel chair with his leg and arm in a cast and Nick was sporting a neck brace and couldnt talk, but refused to let his son go. Eventually when Nick and Richard were asleep with Timmy, Lizzy, and Levi curled up with them, Alain told them what happened. How he has been in the area with the table and everything when the bus started to tip.

He remembers hearing Richard scream from the back where he had been, luckily, in one of the pod beds instead of the back room and the bus tipped so he didnt fall out just into the wall with Nick over top of him, blocking their son from getting hit by anything and instead taking all the damage when the drawers and cupboard fell on them and blocking them both in. Alain shudders as he can still hear his son screaming for help as his daddy was unconscious on top of him and his arm was broken. The sound of the emergency personnel trying to get them out and him screaming at them to get his son and mate first. The best thing to come out of all this, his manager is being replaced after they figured out he was dragging him around the country and the agency knows now that it wasnt Alain agreeing to any of it.


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