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Unconditionally: Chapter 6

E - Words: 3,279 - Last Updated: May 31, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
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"No. No I wont cheer up and be cam and happy! How could I with him across the state at some stupid school required trip so close to Christmas?"

Alain cringes at the obvious hysterical out pouring of anger that Kurt is letting lose at them. Nick and Sebastian trying their best to show that the omega doesnt scare them, when he really does. "Were worried about you! If you keep this up it might affect your pup."

"Fuck!" Kurt throws the book he had in his hand before sliding down the wall covering his still flat stomach with both hands. It was a miracle when they saw the positive test after so many tries to get pregnant. "I just... I want him here. I want to be with him."

"I know." Alain slips down next to him with caution. "You knew he had this week long trip as part of his class and you know he tried everything he could to get excused from it without pulling favor for being a mated wolf."

"I know. I do know that. But I just feel so lost without him." Kurt leans his head over onto his friends shoulder. "Im scared. We just found out about this pup last week and now hes gone off without me and I dont know what would happen if something happened with this pup and he wasnt here."

"If anything happens, Nick and I will personally go and get him."


He didnt want to be here, so far away from Kurt and stuck in a room with Eli. Eli who just so happens to be one of the most annoying, full of himself, egotistical males of the human race that Blaine has ever meet and oddly hasnt noticed this about the frat boy before now. Within a couple hours of being stuck with him, Blaine realized everything that was pissing Kurt off about the guy was actually pretty true. Hes a playboy that doesnt care if youre taken or not, he wants in your pants. At least it seems to him that Eli is stupid enough to try and get in the pants of mated wolves if how hes acting is anything to go by.

"Come on. You know youre curious about what its like to be with a real man."

Yeah, scratch that. The idiot is dumb enough to try and get into his pants.

"Hell never know unless you want him too."

Like Kurt wouldnt be able to smell the fact theyve shared a room. Hell already be pissed that his mate is coming home smelling like a dickhead again. Though, a slight smile hits his face imagining how Eli would react if he ended up making the moves on an unmated wolf and accidentally found himself bit into submission. Would it take the cockiness out of him?

"Let me at least buy you a drink."

That gets his attention. "Huh?"

"A drink." Eli looks at least slightly embarrassed by his behavior. "To say how sorry I am for making you uncomfortable."

"Does that mean youll stop hitting on me? Because I think this week has been more stressful then it needs to be with you doing this." Blaine gestures at Eli leaning close with his hands touching random places on his body. "All the time."

"Yes. This means I give in and you are a happily mated wolf that will never give in to my charms."

Maybe there was a chortling laugh in response, because really? Charms? "Well as fun as you apologizing has been I have a call to make. 7pm means its my happily mated other half talk time since the professor guaranteed no activities after 7. You can buy me that drink next time."

Walking away as he pulls out his cell phone hitting the overly used number with a smile, Blaine doesnt see the glint in his roommates eyes or the bit of a smirk hes sporting as he watches him walk away. All Blaine can think about is calming his crying mate over the phone.


Sebastian ran a cooling cloth over Kurts forehead while his friend was curled up in bed after yet another round of crippling morning sickness. They had all promised Kurt that they wouldnt bed Blaine to come home early and lose credit for the entire trip, especially since hes due home in three days, but Sebastian was extremely worried. Especially after times like now when Kurt spent two hours doing nothing but emptying everything from his stomach that he attempted to force down until he just sort of fell asleep against the toilet with Timothy, Elizabeth, and Levi clinging to him attempting to make him feel better. Child logic being that hugs and cuddles always make them feel better so it should work in reverse.

"Sebastian?" Alain knocks softly trying not to disturb Kurt. "Can you come into the hall a second?"

"Yeah." He checks his friends forehead one last time before following Alain into the hall where Nick is waiting. "Whats up guys?"

"We called Burt." Nick snaps out before looking back towards Kurts door like he did something wrong.

"And he is coming in on the next flight with Lillian and Abigail. Henry will come in a few days as they had originally planned for Christmas, but he couldnt come sooner due to pack business." Alain fidgets. "He said not to call Blaine, but he needs someone and his dad is the best choice we could come up with."

"You really think theyll be able to help?"

"Yes. If anything they will help keep the kids calm. Timothy has been extra hard to get to sleep at nap time since his papa has been so sick." Nick checks his phone when it vibrates. "Im going to head to the airport. By the time I get there they should be landing. You two get the munchkins, they are all currently sleeping."

It takes about two hours for Nick to pick up their early guests and get home again, having used the drive home to update them on what is going on with Kurt. Its a secondary thought about warning them about Levi and how skittish he is and thats a choice he regrets as Burt rushes into the house making the door slam loudly and scare the poor little guy into scurrying to the closest hiding place he can cram himself in and crying out as he signs for his daddy.

"Granpa! That was mean!" Timmy huffs as Burt looks around for where his sons room could be, he should have thought about the fact theyve never visited the new house before.

"Timmy not now."

"But you scared Levi! He cant hear or talk very good and you scared him."

That gets Burts attention as he looks to where his grandson is trying to calm down whoever is making the wailing noise and signing as he talks. Sebastian has been teaching all the kids the simple signs his son uses. "Levi?"

"My son." Sebastian comes rushing by and over to where his son is crammed into a dark hiding place, "Babyboy, Ive got you." He scoops the little fuzzy headed boy into his arms and cuddles hi to his chest as he soothes his fears. "Its alright. I told you that Kurts papa was going to visit."


"Yes Kurt. This is his papa, Burt." Sebastian takes his son so that his good ear is facing the older wolf and he can get his scent while studying him with his eyes. "And this is Blaines mommy, Lillian and his little sister Abigail."


Lillian lets Abigail down so her daughter can run over and catch up with Elizabeth. "You are the sweetest thing!" She goes closer until the boy jerks away. "Its alright darling." She gives him a sign of friendship that Kurt sent them instructions on. "Im not a bad person."

Burt follows Alain to Kurts room while Levi peeks his head around more seeing that shes signing. "Ello…."

"Hello. Im Lillian."


"Levi? What a very sweet name. How old are you?" he holds up one finger. "One? Oh you are a big boy! You see that little girl over there, her name is Abigail and shes two." Levi peeks over at the new girl with dark black curly hair while Lillian talks with Sebastian.

"Kurt?" Burt slips into his sons room with Alain right behind him, hurrying over to the bathroom where he can hear the gut wrenching sound of his son being sick. "Here, let me help." Hes there with a cool cloth against the back of his sons neck.


"Thats me."

"Whare you doing here?"

"Well some little birds called and said they were worried about you because of the over emotional breakdowns you had that pushed your body into sick territory, which isnt good considering they said you were with pup again."

"Sounds about right." Kurt moves to snuggle against his dad the fever nearly burning Burt. "I feel so hot."

"Lets get you cooled down with a shower and then into bed. If that fever doesnt come down you know Im dragging you to the hospital and sending someone after Blaine, class credit or not."

He helps Kurt strip and get into the shower to start getting his temperature down while Sebastian and Lillian change out the sheets on the bed. By morning Burt was taking his son to the emergency room with Nick and Sebastian, depending on what the doctor says they would be the ones going to fetch Blaine. When lunch rolled around they were sitting around Kurts hospital bed listening to the doctor walk them through what treatments Kurt is going to need with his diagnosis of a chest infection. It didnt take long after that for Nick and Sebastian to head out the door and towards where Blaine was staying with his class, phone constantly on and trying to get ahold of him to warn him that they are coming.


Stupid class that finally finished, but wont let him go home until tomorrow. Not only that, but this morning he couldnt find his phone and now hes in the middle of the restaurant of the hotel grumbling about it with his classmates that forced him to come with them. Why is he even here? Dammit he wants his phone!

"Hey. I got you that drink since it seems like you need it right now." Eli slips some dark soda looking thing in front of him.

"Thanks. What is this?"

"Just a little coke since I know youre not really a drinker." Eli slips into the seat next to him. "Anything you want to talk about?"

"Not really. I just want to head home since the course is over and last I heard before my phone went missing is that Kurt was still sick." He takes a drink from the cup not even paying attention to the funny after taste. "I just want to go home and hold him or find my phone and hear his voice so that I know hes alright."

"How about this. You finish your drink and sandwich and Ill finish mine, then Ill help you tear our room apart to find your phone." Eli holds his hand out to shake. "Deal?"

Blaine smiles and shakes his hand. "Deal and thank you. This means a lot to me."

His head started to get foggy the more he drank and he just knew Eli did something to him, but he couldnt say anything. It was if his body was on autopilot even though he was aware of everything going on. He knew when Eli told the guys he was going to take Blaine back to their room since he doesnt look to good. He saw the knowing snickers and winks his roommate got from his frat buddies letting him know this was all a game. He could feel himself being helped up and lead towards the elevator and the dizzying feeling as they go up to their floor. The touch of the other mans lips on his neck and the feel of his hands all over his body making his inner wolf restless.

"This is going to be so good. So fucking good." Eli doesnt pay any mind to the growing growl that is the only sound Blaine is making. "Youve given me a run for my money. The others have already bagged themselves mated wolves. Silly and weak little omegas. But me? I had to take on a challenge. A mated alpha."

Hes going to be sick. Mated omegas? This is so wrong and his wolf is thinking about Kurt and how much this ass has known about scenting him and pushing a divide between him and Kurt and whos to say that one of these guys doesnt target Kurt and force his pregnant mate to do something he doesnt want to do. His mind is so clouded with these fears as hes dragged into the hotel room that he has no idea what his body is doing anymore.

Sebastian runs in as Nick tries to find a parking spot, a bit pissed that they havent gotten ahold of Blaine yet. "Excuse me. Im looking for someone with the cross-species law course?" The desk attendant smiles and points him towards the dining area where the professor is currently eating. "Thank you." He explains whats going on to the professor, who fully understands and since the course is over will let Blaine leave early. He guides Sebastian and Nick, who came up near the end of the explanation, to the room Blaine is sharing with Eli.

What hits their ears is warning growls, yelling, and things sounding like they are being broken. Sebastian and Nick perk up as their wolves push to answer the call for help from their friend as the professor calls the front desk to get someone to open the door for them. They both start pacing as they alternate howling answers back to Blaine, trying to get him to open the door and not being able to.

"Just stop! Itll be better if you just stop fighting!"

Thats the last words they hear as the manager gets the door open and the Professor holds the man back knowing it isnt a smart idea to get between three wolves and someone thats harming one of them. Especially when the scene that meet their eyes is Blaine crouched down with his back to the wall, clothes torn and hanging from his body, bloody nail marks on his skin, and what looks like bruises all over his neck, chest, and one big one across his face. His stance is very defensive with Eli half naked with his pants undone moving to tackle him as Sebastian and Nick get in front of him growling.

"What the fuck!" Eli looks at them knowing hes been caught. "That ass attacked me!"

"Like I believe that. Hes calling for help you asshat." Sebastian Stays there hunched over in an attack pose. "You want to explain why our friend is curled up in a beaten state calling for help?"

Eli pales as he watches Nick get down to Blaines level and lick his wounds as they clack and bark out a conversation as best as they can. "Theres something off. All Im getting is his wolf saying help and no stop and dont want but thats it." Nick pulls Blaine into his lap to hold him tight as his friend gives into the drugs, going lax now that he knows hes safe with his pack.

"Well? What did you do to him?" Sebastian moves closer to Eli, making sure he hears the angry growl and how different it is from the sound Blaine had been making. "What did you…?" His nose starts sniffing the air. "What did you give him?"

"How di- I didnt give him anything! It was all good until he snapped!"

"All good? Do you even know what a wolf thats of age is like? When they are mated all they can think about is their mate. How their mate is doing. Are they well. Are they happy? How can I go on without them? Their body becomes hardwired to that other person, wolf or human, which they have chosen to be with for all eternity. It kills them inside if someone else touches their mate in a way that they dont like or if they smell someone else on them, but you knew that. Youve been pushing a divide between them all semester." Eli falls on the bed, eyes wide as Sebastian stands over him. "How many wolves have you raped and killed?"

"I havent killed anyone!"

"Forcing yourself on a wolf is the same as killing them." Sebastian growls. "And it just might kill them. Now what the fucking hell did you give him?"

"I... I dont know its just some mix of stuff that the frat gives us to help pass our initiation." Eli shakily reaches in his pocket and pulls out a packet, passing it to Sebastian that huffs at the smell. "Please… I was just…"

"You!" Sebastian turns to the professor. "You know wolf law?"

"Yes sir." The man keeps his eyes down, showing that he has no wish to challenge the worked up wolf. "Contact pack leader Duncan McKay and tell him that this man is to be tried under wolf law and then have him taken into custody. I think there may be more to his story, but none of us are in a position to do anything about it right now."

"Agreed. The hotel manager and I have this under control. Ill bring his things to the hospital?"

"Thank you, were at the wolf medical facilities near Manhattan. Nick lets get going before we do something well regret."


Blaine groaned as he started to wake up, snuggling closer to the warm body in front of him. He doesnt remember anything clearly, but hes fairly sure Nick and Sebastian showed up and brought him to the hospital. That would explain the beeping noises and the smell of bleach and how hes pretty sure he could smell them on him.


No he doesnt want to open his eyes. Hes warm and comfy snuggled in that comforting scent of his mate. Kurt always makes everything better.

"Blaine, we need to know that youre alright and see what you remember."

Why? He wants to stay asleep and snuggled. That is until he hears the wheezing cough coming from the body in his arms and his eyes snap open to see a sweat covered Kurt coughing as Burt wipes his forehead and neck.

"Nice to see you awake Mr. Anderson." The doctor gets Blaine to turn towards him, checking his eyes with a light. "We were a bit worried you wouldnt wake up."

"Eli... he slipped me…" His voice sounds rough even to his own ears.

"We know. Sebastian brought enough substance for us to test and found that you were slipped a mixture of Rohypnol and Wolfsbane." He checks the rest of his vitals. "Weve had other wolves come in with the same symptoms you had and were working with your pack and the other effected packs to build a case against the person who did this to you."


"Nick and Sebastian went to get you after Kurt was admitted." Burt fills in thanking the doctor as the man goes to check on his other patience. "They found you in a defensive position with your wolf in control calling for help."

"Kurt!" Blaine groans as he tries to sit up to fast, Sebastian helping him lay back down. "Is he alright?" He turns his head to look at his mate who is looking back at him. "Are you alright?"

"Ill be fine. I just have a flu that got out of hand and gave me a chest infection." Kurt nuzzles into him. "How are you?"

"Head hurts. I feel groggy and a bit confused because I dont remember anything."

"Then sleep. We can deal with this when we feel better."

The boys fall asleep with Burt and Sebastian watching over them.


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