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Unconditionally: Chapter 5

E - Words: 3,565 - Last Updated: May 31, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
145 0 0 0 0

Blaine was pissed that the college pack had thought it was okay to outright attack a pup they didnt know and a pregnant wolf that was just trying to protect the pup. He spent the weekend after going between Kurt who just wanted to stay in bed and let his various cuts and bruises heal, checking on Levi who was still recovering from the panic attack he suffered from being attacked and the large cut going up his right arm, and Duncan who was walking him through what was going to happen since there were two witnesses to how everything started.

Apparently once Duncan told the other pack leaders that this was all over two wolves that took it upon themselves to attack and injure a pup, none of them were willing to let it go. Yes tussles happen between two alphas who want the same omega or playful disputes that get out of hand, but no one touches a pup no matter what. The fact that this attack happened towards one handicap pup and one unborn, doubled their anger and by Monday it had been decided that the next weekend would find the packs holding court wolf style.

"I want to be the one to do it." Blaine clacks his jaw as Duncan eyes him. "Kurt is my mate and by right Im up for being given a chance to dole out their punishment."

"That goes the same for me, but doubly. My son is in his room with a fever and jumping at every movement he sees after all of this, plus Im their beta. They shouldnt have done anything without my say so." Sebastian growls out watching the video monitor that he has set up to keep an eye on his son.

"You both will have your chance to go before the gathering and give the reason you are up for retribution, but you have to remember to be mature and keep your emotions in check. If you go in there overly aggressive and riled up, youll do something youll regret." Duncan tries to sooth the two alphas.

"We wont kill them." Blaine groans as he tries to calm down again.

"Speak for yourself." Sebastian huffs, but relaxes with a shrug. "The biggest harm I can do to them is to leave the pack after telling them the truth. Make their guilt kill them."

"Are you sure youre ready to tell your story to them?" Blaine puts a comforting hand on his friends shoulder. "You dont have to. It doesnt matter who the pup was, they should never snap at a baby or attack a pregnant wolf that is in defense mode."

"I know and they will feel guilty over that, but if I let them know that they personally injured me their soon-to-be ex-beta, then they will have a larger slap of guilt. Plus its time. Levi is my son and he deserves to be seen as my son. I feel like hiding him tells him that Im ashamed of him."

"You are a very strong wolf for your age, son." Duncan nods his head slowly. "I think its a very noble thing to announce your loss and it will make their punishment from the council harsher knowing how personal an attack it was."

Sebastian opens his mouth to respond when he hears his sons crying coming through the monitor right before his alarm went off. "Well its time for his bandages to be changed and some Tylenol for the pain."

"Give that young man a hug from me." Duncan smiles.

"Of course." Sebastian takes off up the stairs to his sons room.


School on Monday morning was a very tough choice for all of them. Kurt was still feeling drained, Sebastian didnt feel right leaving his still jittery son with Alain and Nick even though they swear that Alain will be there all day having put off all his appointments until the end of the week, and Blaine just wanted to drag Kurt to the doctor again since hes still so disconnected and weak.

"Im fine. Trust me love." Kurt snuggles against Blaine in the backseat while Sebastian drives. "We have to be in class to get our assigned scene work."

"You know they would understand if you didnt come in. There isnt a wolf in New York that doesnt know what happened, especially with the gathering of pack leaders today." Sebastian looks back at them. To make sure Kurt isnt lying about feeling alright.

"True, but I feel fine."

"I want you to message me between each class though. Even with Sebastian in all your classes today, I want an update." Blaine nuzzles his neck.

"Alright. I promise daddy." Kurt rolls his eyes as they all laugh. Truthfully though, Kurt is worried about making it through the entire day but hes promised himself hell get through at least one class today before giving in and just going home.

The first class of the day went by just fine, though Kurt started feeling even more drained then he had since the run. During his second class things started to change. His head was starting to get foggy, his vision dimming, and a horrible sinking feeling in his stomach started. Kurt had no idea what was going on during the class as he tried centering himself by putting his head down and looking at his feet to drown out the light. Thats when he saw the puddle growing beneath him. Red liquid dripping out of his pant legs and gathering beneath him, pulling a scared whine from his throat.

"Kurt?" Sebastian whispers to his friend when he hears the whining. "Kurt?" His voice gets louder when Kurt doesnt initially respond to him.


"Wha-?" Sebastian startles when Kurt starts to tip over out of his chair, moving as fast as he can to soften his fall as he sits in the blood gripping a limp Kurt in his arms. "Call an Ambulance! Kurt! Wake up!" He hears movement and the teacher on the phone with 911 and students moving the desks out of the way.

Kurt groans as Sebastian keeps slapping his cheeks and calling his name as he feels his legs being tucked together and under him with something crammed between them. "..Blaine..?"


He can hear Sebastian on the phone explaining to Blaine whats going on and how much blood there is. That an ambulance is on the way and should be there soon. He can hear the whispered sadness of his classmates and the worried fear from the wolves in the class. Eventually he hears Blaine run in moments before the paramedics rush in, everything blurring together as people pull him and lifts him. Get him hooked to beeping machines and onto a gurney before wheeling him away while the voices just keep spinning together. Theres defiantly a moment when Blaine says hes his mate and Sebastian says hell call everyone else and meet them at the wolf specific hospital, but thats as far as he remembers.

The next moment he sees a blurry white ceiling that suddenly gets blocked by someone shining a bright light in his eyes.

"Kurt, take your time, but I need you to tell me if you know what day of the week it is."

Yeah thats defiantly a doctor. "M-Monday."

"Good. Do you know where you are?"

He can hear Blaine grumbling in the back somewhere with Sebastian and someone else, oh Duncan. "Hospital?"

"Yes. Very good." The doctor checks his eye again. "Do you know why youre here?"

"Blood. I was bleeding." He finally looks around at all the monitors, looking for the one he knows from his last pregnancy that will show him his pup. "Where… wheres the ultrasound?"

"Kurt, I need you to stay calm when I tell you this." He hears Blaine come closer when the doctor waives to him. "Im so very sorry, but your pup didnt make it."

He knows someone cries out, it takes Blaine wrapping around him in the hospital bed to realize its him. Nothing else the doctor says matters right now. Hell have Blaine explain it later along with where he went wrong. Would it have mattered if he had stayed home in bed instead or was the pup already gone? Hell ask those questions later, but no matter. When the doctor tells him there was nothing that could have been done and that the hits he took at the run were most likely when the pup lost hold, he doesnt care because he failed to protect the one person that depended on him the most. His unborn pup.


Duncan sits on the side, watching as he elected council of the state of New York Pack Law makes their way to their seats. A gathering that only happens when all the pack leaders in a state raises an issue that requires pack law to be enforced and its bigger then something that can be dealt with internally. Usually this is what happens when issues come up in areas that have a lot of packs that constantly deal with each other. The council members are all brought in from other states, none of them having any connection with any of the packs that are disputing the issue and are chosen the mere days before the trial. That way there is no chance of them being swayed one way or another. Its a practice that came into practice almost as soon as the first packs started to become organized units instead of just families.

"Attention everyone!"

The announcer goes through introducing all five members of the council while Duncan checks on Kurts condition. He wasnt very happy that the distraught boy had chosen to come to the trial only three days after being released from the hospital, but he had given them no choice in the matter. Sebastian sits on one side with Levi clinging to his chest and Blaine sits on the other side, both of them being overly protective of Kurt, which makes Duncan super proud to see how strong their pack bond it.

"Pack leader Duncan McKay! You are summoned before the council!"

He gets up and heads to stand in front of the five wolves seated on top of a large podium along the wall on one side of the giant arena. The other pack representatives are far in the back watching everything that happens. "Your honors, we are here today to settle a dispute between the College pack and my own pack. Our run last weekend ended up with a large fight that started when two members of the College pack attacked and injured a lone pup, of a year in age, and his guardian at the time a then with pup omega."

"Then with pup?" One of the members asked.

"Yes. He suffered the loss of his pup the Monday following the incident. You will hear from him in a moment as hes come to explain what happened."

"Let us get to his testimony then. No need to make him suffer any longer then he needs to." Another member states.

Kurt shakily walks over with a little assistance from Duncan. Going into detail about what he saw when Levi had run up on the wolves that attacked him and how after the initial attack he tried to protect the pup, but never did anything past warning growls and clacking his jaw while in the defensive posture when the wolves attacked him riling up the surrounding wolves and starting a larger fight. He also goes into detail about the doctors findings that the injuries he received from their hit caused the death of his pup.

The second Kurt sat back down, the attackers gave their story. How they thought anyone would buy that they thought the pup was attacking them and that it was all a misunderstanding was just laughable. Sebastian didnt hold back when they were done, going up with Levi to show them his skittish son that can hardly hear out of the one side causing his delayed speech and awkward calls. He then, after telling them that he was the beta for the wolves that attacked the child, explained his entire story of how Levi is his son and what happened with his mate.

Duncan then calls for a vote, and all five vote in favor of Kurt and Levi on the grounds that they didnt believe the story the young college wolves gave. The punishment is then set out, both of the attackers are stripped and taken to the center of the ring as everyone else other than Blaine and Sebastian go to the audience seating areas. Blaine and Sebastian stripped down before all four shift.

"As a result for your offence, attacking and injuring one pup and attacking a pregnant omega causing the loss of his pup, you will face off in battle with the chosen defends of the two victims." The council member announces. "Pack leader Duncan, who are the chosen?"

"Blaine Anderson, mate of the attacked Kurt who is not able to fight in his condition of recovery, and Sebastian Smythe, father of the pup that was injured." Duncan stands up taller.

"Accepted into the record." Another member says. "The punishment will be a five minute brawl on even ground. Two against two where anything is allowed. If there is a fatality, so be it since there was a loss of an innocent life already. After the five minutes is up, the two guilty wolves will be listed in the record of being dangerous around pups and will therefore be banned from public runs where any can wander near them. Instead they will spend their moons in captivity at the Long Island Wolf pens. If their pack decides to further their punishment, we leave it on their leader to decide. You may proceed."

Duncan bows to the council as he calls the fight to begin, staying close to make sure the guilty wolves dont try anything stupid.

Kurt cant watch the fight, the worry that Blaine will get hurt eating him up. Another side of that is keeping Levi from seeing his dad fight as well. Keeping him as far away from the fighting as he can and distracting him as best he can. Trying to keep himself from wondering who is squealing in pain and who is yelping.

However Duncan has to watch as the boys attack and tear at the guilty wolves. Fur flies each and every way from both sides as the timer clicks down. Sebastian and Blaine going in with more ease then aggression having taken to heart being in control during this whole ordeal. The timer is stopped when both of them end up with their mouths around the necks of the other wolves in what would be killing shots if they bite down harder and turn.

"Times up!" Duncan calls out relaxing when Sebastian and Blaine both let their captive wolves go.

Blaine and Sebastian let go, immediately going to either side of Duncan and keeping their eyes trained on the other two. Making sure they dont have any more stupid ideas.

"Pack Leader Hunter Clarington!" A council member calls out, waiting until the man in question comes forward. "You are to see to it that your pack members report to the holding pens each moon personally. We would now like to put on record any other punishment you deem appropriate, if any, on a pack level."

"They will both be spending the next two months in the holding pen, your honor." Hunter side eyes Sebastian. "We will have a pack meeting and my beta and I will decide if they will be allowed to remain in our pack or not, as this action of theirs effected said beta directly."

"Accepted as part of the record. In the future, sir, it would benefit you to make sure your pack members act in a more respectable manner, especially when it results in the loss of one pup and the injury of another. This case is closed!" The council member give out a final howl signaling the close of the case. All the gathered wolves answer in turn before everyone starts to go their separate ways.

"Well Sebastian, Im extremely sorry that your son and friend were injured. I will see you on campus Monday then. We do have a lot of things to discus." Hunter turns towards where Sebastian is getting his clothes back on.

"Fuck off Hunter. Like I believe any of that shit you just said." Sebastian clacks his jaw as Blaine puts a calming hand on his arm. "Are you really planning to take those two to the holding pens or are you just going to make them lay low for the next couple months?"

"I have no idea what you are insinuating. Theres no reason not to follow through with the punishment I said would happen, though seeing as a member of my pack has been lying to me for months that may negate anything thats happened here."

"Mr. Clarington, I hope I am not over hearing that a pack leader has just lied to an official council about how he was going to follow through with the appropriate punishment of his pack members." Duncan puffs up his chest in a threatening manner.

"Of course not sir. You over hear me questioning the integrity of my beta."

"Ex-beta. I officially resign from my position and formally withdrawal from your pack." Sebastian huffs out as Levi is brought over to him, immediately clinging to his papa while Kurt nuzzles up against Blaine. "There is nothing healthy about a temporary pack that has a leader who is just out for his own gain."

"Im glad you chose to leave us since we seem to be of differing opinions. Ill see you around campus Bastian." Hunter goes off with his pack.

"Da~da… Ome." Levi whimpers.

"Yes Babyboy, were going home. Youve been such a good boy for daddy. So brave." Sebastian looks over at Kurt. "How are you holding up?"

"Tired. Drained." Kurt nuzzles closer into Blaines hold.


It takes months for things to finally settle down and return to some form of normalcy. Levi went back to being only slightly nervous around people he doesnt know, though he still doesnt go anywhere without one of the adults. Sebastian settled in well with the McKay pack and only keeps half an ear on his old pack at runs after he notes that the two that shouldnt be there arent there. Alain is back to making music and filming his music videos, preparing for a tour that will start in January and go till mid-February. The only one that still crept around was Kurt and none of them knew how to bring his smile back.

He was driving Blaine crazy with the amount of doctors visits hes had, trying to figure out something that he wont tell his mate. Why would he tell him what was going on until he was sure.

"Afternoon love! Did the kids behave today?" Blaine comes into their bedroom after his day at school, tossing his bag on the desk and randomly going around putting things away.

"The kids were good, they really love going to Duncans to play with Lydia overnight so they were extra good."

"Overnight?" Blaine tilts his head. "I thought we had plans to head to the aquarium this weekend."

"Well, those plans are for everyone but us, unless you turn down my offer."

"Love, you are really confusing me right now." Blaine finally turns to look at his mate freezing when he sees him dressed in nothing but a giant bow around his neck. "Kurt?"

"My heat cycles are finally back and I thought maybe if you wanted to, we could decide in what direction we are going to go." Kurt runs his fingers over the silky ribbon. "We can either start on the pill treatments or we can actively try to have another pup."

"Ku~rt! This is so tempting, but starting so soon after… is it a good idea?"

"The doctor said it was perfectly fine. Ive had him monitoring everything to make sure there are no complications and that Im in the best health possible to conceive, if thats the way you want to go. So I asked Duncan if everyone can stay at his place this weekend, got them all tickets to the aquarium, and planned to either join them there if you said no to having a pup or stay in bed all weekend working on making a new bright eyes and curly haired angel."

"What if there isnt any curly hair and its just silky soft and perfect instead?" Blaine starts to strip off his clothes. "Are you sure this is what you want?"


You really want a pup? Now?"

"Yes." Kurt lays back when Blaine crawls over him, pulling off the ribbon slowly. "Ive talked with the school and I can do a bunch of core classes from home next semester that way I can keep my strength up in case there are any complications."

"You sneaky little wolf, planning all of this behind my back." Blaine runs his hands over the perfect pale skin of his mate below him. Burying his nose in his neck and groaning at how good he smells. "Last chance to say you dont want too."

Kurt leans into his mates ear, breathing in his mates intoxicating scent. "Take me. Make love to me. Fill me with your seed until I grow round with your pup and everyone can see Im yours in every way." He only has seconds before his mouth is covered with his loves lips and his body is being filled over and over again as they hungrily give and take from each other.


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