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Unconditionally: Chapter 4

E - Words: 3,280 - Last Updated: May 31, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
140 0 0 0 0

Kurt sat on the sofa halfway listening to everyone talking about the Brentons, how they need to be heading back home after their week stay, while he watches the odd dynamic between the four pups. Richard was in his new bouncy seat play toy, jumping and giggling as Timothy played peekaboo over the side. Elizabeth was playing with her baby doll, feeding it and rocking it as she sung some odd made up song about her baby dolls. Then there was Levi, who sat as far away from everyone as he could, back to a wall and eyes always watching the other three pups. He jumps whenever theres a large sound and immediately looks for his papa. The only sign that anyone actually made him open up just a little, is the small puppy Timothy gave him that is in his hands being held tight to his chest. Make things even more interesting, Kurt hasnt heard the boy do more than mumble a handful of words or cry. He doesnt make any sounds outside of those and it has Kurt a bit interested in why. Why would a pup that seems to be smart, act so peculiar.

"Its his hearing." Mr. Brenton sits down with the help of his cane. "He cant hear properly out of the one ear on the left, thats why he keeps turned the one way and has his back always protected."

"Huh?" Kurt turn to look at the man. "So he stays like that…"

"Because his uncles and aunts that are a bit older, but still fairly young, have a habit of sneaking up on him and scaring him." Mr. Brenton smiles as Levi tilts his head watching Timothy wipe the spittle from Richards chin. "He doesnt open up to people very easily."

"Is that because of his being an omega or more to do with the circumstances of his birth?"

"A mix of both. I wont deny that the first few months of his life were very hard on all of us or that maybe his dad leaving him like he did didnt take its toll on him. I will say, that your little boy was the first pup to get him to open up a little. He loves that little puppy."

"That would be my Timmy. Sweet, kind, caring, understanding, and an unwavering need to make sure everyone is alright." Kurt preens at hearing someone saying his son was doing something good. "Lizzy is a big helper, but she just doesnt have that draw to younger pups that her brother has."

"They are very special pups and I can see how much you all love every one of them. Im so happy to know that this is where my grandson will grow up." Mr. Brenton looks over all of the pups. "Though four in one house seems to be a lot for wolves of your ages. Do you plan to have more?"

"We have plenty of time to think about that yet." Kurt blushes as he imagines having another pup.

"I wouldnt be so sure about that."

"But its four years after the birth of your pup for a heat isnt it?"

"Not always. Its at most four years, but some wolves go into heat sooner. It all depends on the wolf."

"Excuse me." Kurt is up and hurrying from the room as his mind wanders over everything and anything it can come up with. His quick exit startles Levi enough to make him start crying.

"No. No cry!" Timmy hurries over to the little boy that is looking for his daddy as tears stream down his face. "No cry, please!"

Levi keeps cry but reaches his hands out towards Timmy, one holding the puppy tight and the other making grabby hands to show he wants to be hugged.

"Please no cry! Everything is ok! Papa just had to leave the room!" Timmy moves closer and hugs the smaller boy to his chest just as Sebastian comes running in to see whats happening. "See. All good Levi."

"Goo?" Levi mumbles out as he slowly stops his tears and just clings to Timmy, making Richard start fussing because Timmy is his cuddle buddy.

"Yes. All good."

"Is everything alright?" Sebastian watches his son slowly let go of Timmy and be lead over to where Richard is fussing so that Timmy can play with both of them.

Mr. Brenton grins as he watches his grandson slowly open up to Timmy and Richard. "Perfect. I think this is where you two were always meant to be." He slowly stands, putting a lot of weight on his cane. "This is what Phillip would have wanted for you both, you know that right son? Just remember that your future is so much brighter now and you should holding tight with both arms and keep going forward."

"Mr. Brenton…"

"Dont look back on us. Promise me you will keep going forward?"

"I promise, but you are more my family then my family ever was."

"And you gave us happiness, no matter how short of a time it was for, you gave us such wonderful joy and a future."


Kurt stays quiet and separated from everyone else the rest of the day until the Brentons left to go home. He doesnt talk to anyone past a brief "Ill go get us some take-out for dinner from the pizza place we like." And he remains ever quieter as they all sit down to eat, excusing himself before anyone else to scurry back to his room.

Blaine did notice that his mate was acting strange, but he let him have his space until after the kids were put to bed and everyone goes off on their own way to so whatever it is they wish to do for the night. When he finds him, Kurt is sitting on the edge of their bed with his back to the door.

"Love, did we do something wrong?" He slowly walks towards his mate.

"No. None of you did anything wrong. Ive just been… distracted." Kurt fidgets a bit on the bed, still keeping his back towards Blaine. "Have you thought about what my next heat would mean for us?"

"A bit. Wed have to decide if having another pup is what we both want and something we could handle with college." Blaine reaches a hand out to turn Kurt so that he can see his eyes.

"Do you want another pup?" Kurt looks straight into the golden eyes he loves so much.

"I think we could handle one, but thats over a year away."

Kurt shakes his head. "No. No it was just a couple months ago before school started when I thought you were just marking me because of your alpha insecurities." He moves his hands, handing Blaine a small white stick.

Without thinking, he looks down to find a stick with a very clear plus sign on it. "Kurt?"

"I thought maybe, but then no, and then Mr. Brenton said that 4 years is just the average and some wolves have theirs before or after and…"

"You volunteered to go get dinner and bought this while you were out." Blaine cant seem to take his eyes off of the plus sign. "So were are…"

"Yes. Yes we are." Its then that his voice cracks drawing Blaines eyes up to his. "Im pregnant."

"Is this what you want?"

"Yes. Yes it is. Yes its what I want and Im so scared it isnt the right time, but then Im happy because we get to have another pup. God, were having another pup." Kurt giggles as his hand goes to his stomach.


Levi was finding everything very interesting. Hes no longer at home, but this new place his papa calls home and is full of other pups. They seem to be ok with him, not jumping on him or pushing him around or even stealing his things like those other mean pups did before. None of them seem to mind that he cant talk to them the way he wants to sometimes. Timothy was the nicest one though. Always giving him time to respond when he wants too and nothing beats the puppy, his little Moochie.


Today though, things are a bit harder then he thought it would be. His papa is at someplace he called school and now hes left with just the pups and the strange big wolf called Nick or was it Kurt… he really needs to learn more names and face combinations.

"Levi are you playing hide-n-go-seek?"

That would mean he wants to be found. So no, he isnt playing hide-n-go-seek, hes playing hide till papa gets home. Though he does sort of hopes Timmy comes to find him.

"There you are!" Kurt smiles sweetly down at him. "I know youre scared because your papa is at school today, but I made some very yummy sandwiches that Timmy refuses to eat unless you come to the table."

Sandwiches? Such a tempting offer because this grown up makes the best sandwiches and Timmy is waiting for him.

"Please? I wont force you, but we would be very happy if youd join us." Kurt offers his arms to Levi, offering to pick him up.

"Yes. Ungry…" It takes a lot of mental pushing and debating with himself, but eventually Levi grips those hands and allows himself to be picked up by the strange wolf.

"See, Im not that bad am I?" Kurt carries him through the house towards where the other pups can be heard. "Timothy and Elizabeth sit in your chairs now so we can eat."

"Levi!" Timothy grins at the new wolf. "Good! Now we can all have papas yummy sandwiches!"

"Yummy." Hes trying. Really Levi is trying to become more like the older wolves and pups and open up.

"Very good Levi." Kurt praise has Levi puffing his chest up in pride. He finally got something right.

"Here, I have his plate ready papa." Elizabeth puts a kids plate on the high chair table that has a sandwich thats already in bite size pieces. "Just like you said papa, tiny so he can eat it without any trouble."

"Very good Lizzy! Now sit down and eat your food." Kurt watches his daughter sit down at the child size table with Timmy and start to eat her sandwich as he puts Levi in his high chair. "When you get a little bigger you can sit with them if you like."

Nodding his head slightly before he looks down at the food in front of him. It looks so good and he knows this big wolf makes great food, but he doesnt like being watched the way he is by Richard and the adult. He covers his eyes to hide from everyone.

"I get it. Youre shy, Ill just feed Richard his not so yummy mush while you work on your sandwich. If you need me, just call out." Kurt turns his back and coos at Richard who giggles before he gets fed some kind of baby food that says its chicken and carrots, but looks more like what fills a diaper instead.

He peeks between his fingers to make sure no one is watching before reaching down and picking up some pieces of sandwich and starting to eat as he watches everyone else to make sure no one is looking at him. Its when he reaches for his non-existent sippy cup that he realizes he has to ask for something and starts to whine. "Ippy! Ippy!"

"What is it sweetie?" Kurt turns towards him.

"Ippy! Ippy!" He tries to get what he wants across as the tears start to grow in his eyes. His hands make the motion of drinking over and over again. "Ippy!"

"Papa, you forgot his drink!" Timmy runs over and mimics the hand movements.

"Oh my go-gosh! Levi let me go get your sippy cup for you!" Kurt rushes out of the room into the kitchen leaving Timothy and Levi looking at each other.

"Papa will get you a drink I promise."

"Ank you." Pulling out the little puppy he holds it up to show Timmy. "Moochie."

"You named him Moochie? That a very good name." Timmy pulls a little bunny from his pocket. "This is Hops-a-lot."

Levi giggles as Kurt comes back with his sippy cup of juice. "Ank you Urt."

All three are looking at the smiling and laughing little boy that is nothing like how they first meet him. "You are very welcome Levi." He goes back to feeding Richard.

Yes life here is going to be ok. These pups and adults are nothing like living with his really old grandparents that could never play with him or the puppies that would beat him down and make fun of him.


Its been a long couple months on all of them. Nick was tending to the kids every other day alone, Kurt helping Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Alain whenever he didnt have something else. Which seemed to be daily now, including weekends. Photoshoots, interviews, studio time, and now they are trying to get a few music videos finalized and out. None of that includes the jobs that are being lined up for the summer and after Christmas. That might be why hes taking extreme pleasure with the brief stop at a motel on the way home with Nick and the fact Kurt told them to take their time after work because hell watch the kids.

It was the perfect gift for them. A day on set with Nick as an extra in his video, followed by a beautiful dinner and a romantic movie, and now crying out in pleasure as his mate knots inside of him thrusting harder as Nick wraps his arms tighter around his waist and growl happily into his ear.

"Nick…" Alain whines out. "I love you… so much…"

"Love you." Nick kisses his shoulder before biting down causing Alain to cry out in release as he slams in and fills him. A contented gruffling noise escaping his throat as they slide down to their sides and snuggle as they wait to cool down.

"Love? I have something to tell you." Alain clings to his mates arms.


"I started taking the pill last week. I know I should have talked it over with you before or told you sooner, but with Kurt getting pregnant again I kind of panicked."

Nick laughing isnt something he expected to hear. "I know you started taking them."

"Wait, really? How?"

"Timothy." Nick kisses the bite mart on Alains shoulder. "He told me to make sure you take your vitamins daily like he does."

"That little bugger! He caught me taking them a couple times and I didnt know what to tell him."

"Dont be mad at him, Im glad he told me. Means I didnt have to have the worry of you having another heat before were ready, on my mind."


To say Kurt was worried about this run would be an understatement. Its the first time they will have Levi with them, which wouldnt be a bad thing if Sebastian was in their pack instead of with those stupid college dickheads that are some of the rudest wolves he has ever met, and his morning sickness hadnt kicked in making the whole day as one giant horrible cycle of puke eat puke worry puke eat puke. Its probably why he is so irritated as they get the kids clothes off, Kurt helping Levi since hes the only adult the young boy has opened up around, Blaine and Alain have the twins, and Nick is taking care of Richard.

"Kurt you need to relax." Nick tries to sooth his friend.

"Cant. I have a really horrible feeling about all of this. He should have just joined our pack." Kurt huffs out as he folds Levis clothes and kisses the boys floppy hair. "You know how hard this will be on Levi? Knowing his dad is here but he cant go to him? Its stupid."

"It is stupid, but its his choice." Blaine kisses his mates neck. "Now lets get going. Timothy is already to play with some squirrels."

Kurt relaxes when he feels his kids tugging on his pants yipping and eager to go out with the rest of the wolves. "Ok. Ok. I get it." Kurt puts Levi down laughing as the boy squeals happily and turns into a fluffy brownish red and white ball of fur. "Lets go get social."

Their small group trots out at Richardss slower pace. Levi staying as close to Kurt as he can, ears turned down and body shrunk as small as he can get it when all those eyes turn on him. They all hive him encouraging licks and huffs, wanting him to just relax, but that all goes down the drain when his nose perks up as he catches his dads scent and starts calling out for him in his broken sounding yowling noises and takes off in the direction the scent leads him. Kurt follows as best he can, though its not as easy for a large wolf to get through the crowds as it is a puppy.

Sebastian only had seconds to react when he heard his sons distinct call before a couple of the others in his pack turn and snap at the pup and growl to keep the little guy back pulling a frightened cry from Levi as Kurt catches up and gets between them growling his threat at the wolves that dared to touch a hair on a pup that way. He didnt stand back and let his pack do that again, quickly snapping at them before hurrying to his son. Licking his face and nipped paw as other wolves turn to take sides in what seems to be a standoff about pup etiquette. He doesnt even know where the first warning growl came from, but he knows its the college pack that takes the first strike lunging after Kurt before an all-out rumble breaks out.

The McKay pack shoves their way in as they hear Sebastian calling out to them, Blaine hasnt felt fear like this since Kurt was sick with their twins. He knows his pregnant mate is in there with one of their pups. Alain and Nick are at his side with Duncan, the pups having been left with the other pregnant wolves of their pack being taken to a safe corner as far away from the fight as they can get them. A safety precaution all the packs have in place in case something like this happened, and it tended to from time to time. Hard to avoid flare ups with so many wolves mated and not in one area.

By the time they got to the center Kurt is down on the ground curled around as shivering Levi with Sebastian fighting off anyone who dares to come near them. The pack leaders that have made it to the center are trying to get their wolves to back off and calm down, except the college pack leader that tries to get closer to his beta with a determined look in his eyes. Duncan takes his place next to Sebastian with Alain and Nick and Blaine get Levi and Kurt up and moving. Duncan keeps the rear since these are the only members of his pack in the fray and makes sure they keep moving until theyre at their safe spot with the others.

When he sees the blood mating his sons fur, Sebastian turns to go back and snap the necks of those asses that thought hurting a pup was an okay thing to do, being stopped by Duncan with one sharp jaw clack and warning growl. Kurt curls up in a cuddle pile with Timothy, Elizabeth, and even Richard who toddles over to join in while Blaine sniffs him all over for damage. Mentally charting all the cuts and blood that is on his mate and who at school will be paying for each one. Not in a violent way like Sebastian wants to do, but through legal pack law retribution.


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