Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Story
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Unconditionally: Chapter 14

E - Words: 2,201 - Last Updated: May 31, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
151 0 0 0 0

Both of them sat there in silence while the rest of the house was buzzing with noise, but what were either of them going to say after everything that was already said? When Kurt had lead Jared to one of the back rooms away from everyone else and started talking about the trial and how the pack leaders of one of the oldest packs known about had come to see him about making a stand for all omega wolves, Jared found himself overwhelmed and a bit confused. Yes, omega wolves are really no different than their alpha counterparts besides the fact that they have a natural instinct for taking care of the young, but to stand up and face Hunter in the ring is just crazy.

Though if it was so crazy, why did he think it was a good idea and how come hes pretty sure Kurt could hold his own and best the criminal alpha.

"Youre serious about this?"

"I am. I want to show the wolf that we are no different than alphas. We need our rights and from what Mr. Thanos says, we use to have rights." Kurt reaches out and grabs his hand. "I understand if you dont want to be in the ring giving the punishment, but I want you to stand up with me and face them. Give our own testimony and hold our heads up high while our mates stand back and watch."

"Alright. Im not so sure about it, but Ill stand with you. Ill give my own justice." Jared startles when Kurt all of a sudden hugs around him. "K-kurt?"

"Thank you. I know its hard to go against everything youve been taught, but I know we can do this."

With a smile Jared hugs him back. He knows they can as well. He didnt last this long without a mate for nothing.


Later that night once all the pups were asleep and the sets of mates were all in their own rooms, Blaine sat on his bed and watched as his mate laid out the outfit he would be wearing for the trial the next day. His mind was so full of fear and pride that he didnt know what to say. How could he? He is so proud that his mate is going to show them all how strong he is and take his own vengeance, but he is still his mate. The father of their pups. If anything went wrong Blaine wouldnt be able to step in and defend him in any way.

"You know, you should probably just say what it is youre thinking about before smoke starts coming out your ears." Peeking over his shoulder Kurt watches as the different emotion flit over his mates face again. "Please, love, just say what is on your mind."

Taking a deep breath Blaine stands up and faces his mate. "Im scared about tomorrow."

"Babe I know you are and Ive told you its going to be fine. We both know I can beat that jerk six ways to Sunday if its on even ground. He had lackeys that jumped me in the forest."

"I know. I know I do, but it doesnt stop that Im scared about you getting hurt and me not being able to do anything about it." With a sigh he moves closer as Kurt turns to face him head on with a curious look. "But I am also so proud of you."

"Oh?" The smirk on his face gives away how much that really effected Kurt.

"Oh yeah. You. Are. The. Best. Mate." Blaine wraps his hands around that slim waist his hands were made to hold. "You hold your head up high and walk with a purpose and you are willing to risk yourself for the better of omegas that are being abused everywhere." With a soft kiss to his lips, they both melt into one another.

"Thank you. It means everything that you believe in me and what Im doing."

"Ill always believe in you and back you and be by your side no matter what. Just like when we were little pups running around the playground showing those bullies their place."

"Id rather have you show me my place right now." Kurt purrs into Blaines neck breathing deeply of his scent. "I need you. Pease."

"Oh god."

The growl coming out from his throat tells Kurt that he is going to get what he wants, mere seconds before his shirt is getting undone and lowered off of his shoulders and dropped to the floor. Soft lips kissing over his now exposed chest as hands caress over his sides and back. He doesnt even know how long they are standing there, caressing and kissing each other before their pants hit the floor and Kurt finds himself being lifted up and carried to their bed. His legs stay wrapped around his mate as they flop down on the bed and Kurt started huffing with want. His legs spreading wider when he feels Blaines need rut against him.


"Please what Kurt? What do you need love?" Blaine bites that creamy neck, making sure to leave a mark so that everyone tomorrow knows who Kurt belongs to.

"Fuck me. Fill me. I need you in me." The words fly from his throat as Kurt arches off the bed.

Thats all it takes for Blaine to lose control and push into his wanting mate. Thrusting into him as he moves to make another mark on the other side of his neck. They both lose control as their need to just be united takes over and their bodies move in hurried hard thrusts and their hands cling to whatever they can grip onto. Neither have any idea how long they go before the knot forms and is pushed into place mere moments before they are both crying out, Kurt from being stretched and filled, pushing him over the edge and Blaine from the spasm wracking through his mates body and pulling his orgasm from him. Its nearly an hour before either of them can do anything but kiss each other as their bodies slowly return to normal. Their hands caress across sweat slicked skin. Smiles grace their faces as their eyes watch each other.

"I love you, Kurt Hummel."

"You better since I love you too. Plus were kind of stuck with each other. Part of that whole mate thing." Kurt laughs when Blaine swats at him. "Hey! I didnt deserve that!"

"Yeah, saying you love me because were stuck together huh?"

"Fine! I love you because you are the single most idiotic alpha wolf Ive ever met and I fell in love with your foolishness when we were learning to walk." Kurt nuzzles against his neck. "Even if we wouldnt have been mates, which I would have been fully upset about it if you hadnt been mine, I would still love you. You mister are family and always have been."

"Ku~rt!" Blaine wont cry. He doesnt want to cry. Dammit hes crying. "No other wolf was meant for me. Just you."

Burt chuckles to himself as he hears the boys start round two, smiling down at Eric who has finally given in and decided that it was alright for grandpa to sooth him back to sleep with a bottle, though he keeps eyeing the older wolf suspiciously. He didnt hear Henry come in, but when Eric startles and starts growling he knows someone is there.

"Come to spy on our youngest grandpup?" Burt turns towards his friend. "Hes a feisty moody one."

"He gets that from his dad. Blaine was always a fussy little pup." Henry offers his hand so Eric can sniff it, chuckling when the little guy scrunches his nose up and seems confused why these two smell like his daddy and papa, but they arent his daddy and papa. "See, Im safe too Eric. Im your grandpa Henry."

Eric is very confused. Two grownups that smell like his parents, but dont look like his parents, though they sort of look like their parents, and why are they so fussy with him? He just wants to go back to his crib after finishing this bottle.

"Okay little fella stop the fussing. Your bottle is almost done and then its back to bed for you." Burt repositions his arms so that Eric is a bit more secure before giving him the bottle again. Both men laugh as the baby happily suckles on the bottle while still giving them the wary eye. "You need to work on your trust issues."

"With everything thats happened since the boys have moved to New York, I can see why he has trust issues." Henry goes to sit in the rocking chair near the crib. "I dont like that they have been through two large pack trials already. Theyve only been here a year and Blaine nearly gets raped after being slipped wolf roofies and now Kurt is going to be facing the panel to defend himself and this new guy…"

"Jared, his name is Jared."

"Yeah, so Jared and Kurt are going to give out the punishment? That is unheard of!"

"No, its just out of fashion and shouldnt be. If people didnt think omegas were so weak and sub-human then there wouldnt be these instances of forced matings, rape, or abuse that no one cares about because an omegas have no say in what happens after they are mated or even before they are mated." Burt smiles down at Eric as the boy is losing the fight with sleep. "You never had to raise an omega child Henry. You had two Alphas. You never had to sit at home and just know your son was going to come home and tell you he was teased or made fun of because he is an omega. You never had the fear of letting him go out of the house after turning of age and praying that no one tried to mate with him when he didnt what it. You never had to live through him having to tell you how scared he was to go to school after he was attacked and then tell him the only way around it is to keep him at home until he does mate. This. What he is doing now will make a difference so that maybe our grandkids dont have to go through that. Maybe Timmy wont have to stay home until he gets a mate he chooses."

"Burt Im sorry I said it that way." Henry watches as Burt lays Eric down in the crib, tucking the young pup in. "I should know how big of a step this is. Lillian is ecstatic about what that old couple was talking about and about Kurt and Jared taking a stand." He gestures for them to leave the room so the pup stays asleep. Waiting until they are down the stairs away from the sounds of their sons being busy in their room. "I just dont know if they will really make a difference."

"You never know until you try and if it doesnt happen this generation at least things will start heading in the right direction." Burt flops down in one of the chairs in the living room. "With our pack heading towards more equality, Coopers school starting a wave of equal opportunity educational programs for omegas, new York having all the equality going around between alpha and omegas, and other states showing more and more that they want everyone to be treated the same, this trial could start a chain reaction that will make things happen so that someday in the future omega pup can go to school or to the park without being afraid of every dark corner."

"You know, this is why you are my best friend and my beta." Henry nods his head from his seat on the couch. "You know just how to word things."

"Well if you thank anyone, thank Lizzy. Shes the one who taught me that Kurt was no different than any alpha and opened my eyes to how wrong the world is around us."

"She was a one in a million."

"She was. Shed be so proud of the boy if she was here. Just so proud."

"Not to mention spoiling those little pups."

Burt laughs "Especially Levi. Man she would have scooped him up and hugged him until he didnt know what way was up. She would have just loved that quirky little pup."

"She would have, just like Lillian coos all over that little guy. Along with Richard." Henry laughs to himself. "We seem to have gained a great set of kids huh? Sebastian, Nick, Alain, and now Jared? Quite a pack they have."

"True. Their own family unit. Should we take bets on which of the kids end up with which ones?"

"Really Burt? They toddlers!" Henry keeps chuckling.

"Yeah, but so were our boys when they started clinging to each other." Burt shakes his head. "Well I better get to bed. Long day tomorrow. We can revisit the talk about the pups having pairs already."

"You are really on about them already forming bond pairs. You sure youre alright?" Henry gets up as Burt stands and heads back towards the guest rooms.

"Just put it as Lizzy still being around with us and influencing what Im seeing, but mark my words, those pups are all growing really close bonds."


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