Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Unconditionally: Chapter 13

E - Words: 3,374 - Last Updated: May 31, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
141 0 0 0 0

"Blaine." Kurt mumbles out. Hes way too tired to try anything else.


"Blaine... baby its your turn. Eric is crying." He gets no response past more mumbling, so he tries again. "I got up the last three times. You promised I could sleep. Now go check on our son or you wont be having any sex for the next month. At the least."

That gets a response as Blaine is up and slipping on his night pants faster than a blink of an eye. "Be right back."

The next thing Kurt is aware of the sun is shining in his eyes from the window and there is a herd of tiny feet and hands crawling up the bed with tinkling giggles and baby squeals as Blaine encourages them to wake up Papa. "M awake." His eyes open to see Eric snuggling under his arm, Levi sitting on his side, Timmy pulling at his arm, Elizabeth playing with his hair, and Richard sitting back watching as he chews on a piece of toast. "You brought the entire pack?"

"Why not? Its character building." Blaine leans down and kisses him softly. "Morning love."

"Morning and a very good morning to all of you!" He moves quickly to tickle and drag them all into a giant hug. Life is good.

It gets even better after all the kids have been fed and going outside playing with Nick and Blaine on the gift from all the grandparents, a rather impressive jungle gym that looks like a castle with all kinds of slides and ramps and ropes to climb. Kurt had no idea if the kids or the parents were having more fun as he sits with Elizabeth, Levi, and Eric having a tea party instead.

"Papa, why is daddy hanging upside down from that bar?" Lizzy tilts her head as she watches her daddy do some odd spins on a bar. "That is very dangerous."

"Because he doesnt know what not to show young pups so that they dont get a strange idea of what they should or shouldnt do." Kurt pours her some more tea before checking Erics bottle.

"Ouch!" Blaines pained whine can be heard as Timmy tries to kiss his booboo better.

"See. Told you he didnt know any better." Kurt rolls his eyes because his mate fall off the bar onto the ground and now has toddlers taking care of him while Nick laughs. "Daddy is a silly big baby."

Lizzy giggles before sharing her cookie with Levi. "Dont worry papa, I wont hang from a bar like that because its very dangerous. Though, it would be more dangerous if you didnt wake up now."

"Huh? Lizzy, what are you…?" Kurts world starts to shift and change around him.

"Wake up papa. You wont like what is coming next, you never do." Lizzy leans up and kisses Kurts cheek before disappearing.

"Elizabeth!" Kurt stands up realizing Eric is gone along with all the pups and just everyone. Hes alone in the woods. "Lizzy! Timmy! Eric! Blaine? Please… someone…" As he walks through the woods, arms wrapped around himself, he can hear voices yelling. Someone running. Jared. "Stop it!" He knows what is next. He can still feel the hands on him, the feet kicking him. He knows, but he still fights as the scene changes to Hunter and his pack holding Jared down to force him into mating and he doesnt think twice about running in the help his friend and getting the attack turned on him. Kicks. Punches. Bites. Hes screaming out for help, for Blaine but he isnt there.

"Kurt!" Blaine is trying frantically to wake his mate up from the night terror hes reliving. The same nightmares that have grasped his mate every night since he was beaten by Hunters pack. "Baby please wake up!" Hes kicking and screaming. Fighting off his attackers in his head and waking the kids with how loud he is. Eric is screaming out from his crib in the next room, cries that he can hear Burt trying to sooth. "Kurt please… please wake up…."

Kurt didnt know how to stop it, he should have known no one would come for him, but he swears he can hear Blaine. The voice getting louder as the world around him blurs again and changes to his bedroom.

"Kurt. Love its alright, Im here baby. Im here. Youre safe now."


"Yes love. Im here."

"Papa!" The joint cries of Timmy and Lizzy draw his attention next as the two young pups run into their room and crawl up into his bed, tears streaming down their faces.

"Papa you okay?" Elizabeth caresses her tiny hand over his face, wiping the tears away. "We heard you scream and grandpa said it was one of your bad dreams again. Please dont have bad dreams."

Timmy nuzzles against his papa, being careful of the bandages over his cracked ribs. "Please papa. You scared us."

"Sorry. I… I dont…"

Blaine kisses his forehead before looking towards their oldest. "Kids, you should go to grandpa and grandma."

"They need to see that hes alright, though I dont think he looks alright." Lillian huffs out at her son as she and Henry come in to scoop up the distraught toddlers. "Come on loves, Ill put on your cartoons and get you something sweet to drink."

Timmy reaches up and wraps around his grandmother, still upset over his papa being so scared. "Papa will be okay grandma?"

"Yes, papa will be okay. He just needs his medicine and you know how tired that makes him."

Lizzy hides her face against Henrys neck sniffling as he reaches a hand out to comfort his son. "Blaine, just be patient. If you need us well be down stairs with Nick and Alain settling down the pups."

"Burt has Eric?"

"Yes, Burt and Carole have Eric, the boy seems to like them the most." Henry chuckles at how they are the only two the littlest pup will let cuddle him. "You have a very peculiar boy son."

Kurt mumbles. "Not peculiar. Its safe only rusting a few people."


"Alright! Timmy and Lizzy lets go get that sweet chocolate milk!" Lillian covers for Kurts comment and they leave with the pups.

"That was mean Kurt."

"Its true. People hurt each other, wolves beat each other. At least he isnt some weak omega that has to fight for his freedom of choice."


"What? I got to choose you, but what would have happened if dad hadnt raised me strong huh? I would have been… someone elses. Better to know not to trust now then learn it later."

"Kurt please. Hunter and his pack were a collection of sickos and they have their trial coming up." Blaine tries to sooth his mates frayed nerves.

"What does that matter? I wont get to stand up to him and neither will Jared and we are the ones he hurt the most!" Kurt is growling in his frustration as he slowly gets up, letting the blankets fall from his battered body. "Look at me!"

"Please lay down…"

"No! Im tired of laying down and knowing that everyone thinks that Im nothing because Im just some stupid fucking omega wolf! That Jared had to have a mate even if he didnt want one! That one day our son is going to be chased down and raped if he isnt taught to be careful and how to fight back!" His anger is of course uncalled for. He hadnt been raped, he had wanted Blaine to be his mate but even he isnt stupid enough to realize the only reason he has Blaine now is because he was able to fight David off of him and that man from the amusement park off of him. If it wasnt for that he would have been someone elses mate and his true fear is that Timothy and Levi will never have a choice in their mates. "Whats to stop someone from taking our boy away from us the day he turns 16?"

"He wont be taken from us Kurt. Hes strong and smart." Blaine slowly makes his way towards Kurt only stopping when he sees his mate back away. "Please, just come back to bed. Youre still healing."

"People need to stop seeing omegas as toys to be played with and used."

"They will. You know that things are changing every day."

"Nothing is going to change overnight, but they are changing." Burt stands with his arms crossed, eyes glued to his son. "The council is allowing you and Jared to take place in the trial. Apparently you made the right connections to make a change. Theres someone here to see you Kurt."

"What?" Both Kurt and Blaine turn to stare at the older wolf.

"There is a pack leader from the oldest pack known about downstairs asking to talk too, and I quote, that perfect young wolf who worked so hard to protect his friends by asking my mate for information and his mate, a sweet lady is fidgeting with worry over your condition. They heard about what Hunter did. You should come down stairs." Burt only turns when Kurt nods slowly and moves to get dressed in sweats that wont harm his healing body, heading down stairs Burt smiles at the early morning visitors. "The boys are on their way."

"Thank you Burt, it means so much to us that you are allowing us to visit so early in the day." The older man rubs a hand over his mates back as she turns her eyes towards the stairs. "Madison has been so afraid about his welfare."

"Thats quite alright Mr. Thanos. We were up and I know your visit will help Kurt with his healing." Burt scoops Eric up when the little boy crawls over sniffling. "You want your bottle dont you son?" He laughs when Eric nods and squirms to put an emphasis behind his need for food. "Excuse me."

"Please, take care of his needs." Mr. Thanos smiles as he watches Burt head towards the kitchen with Eric where there is all kinds of noises coming from all the pups in there eating chocolate chip pancakes. "Such a lovely little wolf." He turns his eyes towards Henry. "You have both raised some extraordinary kids who have passed that special spark on too such adorable children."

"Ah, thank you, but most of that credit goes to Burts late wife. Shes the one that taught them and us how to be." He looks over when he hears Kurt and Blaine coming down the stairs, rushing over to help his sons mate when he sees Blaine struggling to help him down safely.

"Thanks dad." Blaine freezes when he sees the two old wolves watching him. "Good morning."

"Kurt!" Madison is up and rushing over to him caressing his bruised cheeks. "They hurt you. I heard they had hurt you. Did my information help your friend in time?"

To say they were all caught off-guard by how fast the old wolf could move would be an understatement. "Uh... yes. Yes it helped him. They are currently finishing up their bonding week." He tilts his head. "Mrs. Thanos? You were the one who sent me the email about all the ways mates can be formed."

"Yes I am dear. My mate and I got everything together and sent you what we could that would help you. It took a few days and we were worried it wouldnt get to you in time to help."

"How did you know…?" Kurt watches them as he is helped into a soft chair with Blaine wrapped around him.

"That… is... " Mr. Thanos sighs. "We have had the college pack under surveillance since the trial against the human who tried to rape your mate. Those drugs they had used could only have come from a wolf that knows old treatments." He lowers his head. "Hunter is from our pack line. His mother was one of our healers and she has books of ancient remedies and mixtures that would help our kind. Originally that certain drug was used to help young omegas fend off unwanted mates." He lifts his eyes.

"Wait... what?"

"Wolfs bane has a paralytic side effect when used against wolves. Unmated omegas would use it on the tips of daggers and usually had it on their person so that if an unwanted alpha tried to mate them, they would paralyze them without killing them. Showing their intent was a no. It has... grown out of favor when times changed and other packs became stronger. Forced matings and hunts. Barbaric."

Madison pats his hand soothingly. "Because we knew only someone with a connection to our pack history would know about it, the concoction had to of come from a wolf. We were just needing the final nail to pin it on him when we heard of his plans to go after revenge on Sebastian and Blaine. He seems to have no love of you boys." Her smile fades. "Im sorry you were hurt in the process, but you will get to stand up for yourself. We have talked with the council and they agree that the ones most hurt this time was Kurt and Jared, so they are going to allow you to pass judgment on them for yourselves."

Mr. Thanos holds his mate tight. "I would also like to know if you and your pack, would like to help us with our goal of bringing the old laws back. Not the ones you know, but the ones where omegas were just as equal as alphas. New York has done a wonderful job with making omegas even more equal than they were seen in recent history and that school your son has opened for educating omegas in a safe environment Mr. Anderson? Genius. I wish to get more people interested in opening places just like it."

"Wait wait wait. You want us to help you what?" Kurt narrows his eyes as he tries to figure out what they are really getting at.

"Help us prove that omegas are equal to alphas and that the only reason there are classifications is so that compatible mates can find each other and create young. I have had the honor of seeing a double alpha and double omega pairs and they are very happy and very much in love." He smiles at the shocked faces around him. "Usual pairs are Omega and Alpha, but you cant stop someone from falling in love with whomever they wish too."

"No you cant." Kurt holds Blaine as he thinks. "I think we would like to help, but Id like to sleep on it and talk it over with my family first."

"Understood. We just need to know before we head home so the council members can be updated that you are part of our movement." Mr. Thanos stands up, holding his hands up when Kurt goes to stand up as well. "You stay down. You need your rest. Here I will leave our personal numbers here."

"I have some medicine that could help with the soreness. Help you heal." Miranda is up and moving towards him again pulling out a pouch of herbs. "Turn this into a poultice and mix with distilled water. Then apply it to the ribs. It will help."

"Thank you." Blaine takes the pouch sniffing it out of habit. "Mint?"

"And wolf wood. The rest is special plants that have no names to the human tongue." She pats his shoulder. "I feel much better knowing you are alright. You are both alright. We will see you in a few days at the hearing. Get better for that. Use the herbs and take your justice. Show all the wolves that miss judged you that you are just the same as they are." She caresses his hair before heading towards the door.


Sebastian nuzzled up to the back of Jared neck causing his mate to snuffle a bit and shift closer to him. His mate. Its a strange word that he knew belonged to Philip when they had been together, but now hes just as sure that Jared is his. His wolf tells him hes his and his knot took hold their first time, but his mind tells him it shouldnt be possible. They are taught from a very young age that wolves only have one mate their entire life and once that mate is gone there is no other, but here he has a second one.

"Youre thinking awful loud." Jared has his head turned enough so that he can see his face, eyes full of worry. "Are you alright?"

"Im fine, just confused. I love you, I do, but I still feel like somehow Im betraying what Philip and I had."

"Oh sweetie. Maybe this was a mistake. I could have gone into hiding again until it had all blown over and…"

"No. No dont you say that! You are my mate. I love you, but I still love Philip and I just dont want you to ever feel like you could have done better because I have someone else in my heart as well."

Jared sits up, turning fully so that he can kiss Sebastian sweetly. "I am very happy that Philip is still part of you and Id be very upset if he wasnt. You fell in love with him as you were kids and he gave you Levi. He will always be a part of this family."

"You are so perfect, you know that?" Sebastian pulls him down into a deeper kiss chuckling a bit. "You ready to head home? Face the world again?"

"Umm yes I am. Do you think they will be alright with me moving in with you for now?" Jared leans their foreheads together. "You and your pack of odd Ohio wolves."

"Dont make fun of them, youre part of the pack now." He chuckles. "We could move in here. The faculty dorms seems to be big enough for the three of us."

"Ah, but they already called and left that wonderful message that Im not fired, but I am on suspension for mating with one of my students who by my contract is not allowed to live in the faculty dorms. Besides. I hate it here. Smells funny and Ill always be reminded of Hunter and his pack being on campus. I think I will take my suspension and use it as a time to find other employment."

"Other employment?"

"Yes. I was looking at going into teaching ASL down at the community center instead of on campus and maybe work with children who are born with hearing issues. Teach them and their parents sign and such. I dont know, it always seemed a bit… are you crying?"

"Yes." Sebastian rubs at his eyes. "I wish we would have someone like you who cared when Levi was born. We were never given the option of having someone teach us how to deal with his hearing issues. Especially how they affect him in wolf form."

"Thats why it is really important to me that I help others that went through what you did."

"I love you so much. Thank you Jared. Thank you so much for being mine."

"Hey Im not just yours. Remember I belong to you and Levi. Now lets get going so that I can see my new step-son."

A step son who takes off out the front door of the house faster than anyone can stop him to throw himself into his daddies arms and cling to him. "Daa-daa!"

"BabyBoy! My precious BabyBoy!" Jared doesnt try to come between father and son as he fidgets on the sidelines watching them. "Hey, Levi are you alright with Daddy having a new mate?"

"Ne mat is Jare an I like Jare" He turns and reaches out his arms towards the omega. "Hugs!"

"Hugs." Jared hurries over and joins the hug around the tiny wolf. Trying not to cry and show how much this means to him.

"About damn time you two made it home. You really had to have an extra day? Really?" Nick teases before the rest of the boys are out and grabbing bags and carrying them in and the pups start talking nonstop up at Jared and Sebastian about all the things they missed.

"Welcome home." Kurt stands at the top of the stairs, still slightly bruised but looking like hes in less pain.

"Its good to be home."

"I have something to talk with you about. Something that is going to change what you think is happening at the trial next weekend." Kurt smiles and opens his arms for the hug Jared offers him.


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