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Unconditionally: Chapter 12

E - Words: 3,486 - Last Updated: May 31, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
131 0 0 0 0

AN: YAY new chapter! I am really and truly sorry this took so long! Basically, my computer had a wonderful glitch where windows updated windows and made windows non-compatible with windows. Yeah. It was fun explaining it to the tech center on campus, but after a week at the computer doctor it was fixed. Which was right in time for my final homework assignments and my week of finals! Now my finals are done. School is done for summer and I have time to write, at least some time. Im actually working as a costume designer/makeup artist on a film and getting a part time job along side writing 3 scripts and starting a random acts of theatre group. I seem to like to stay busy.

That said, enjoy this chapter!

WARNINGS: Attempted rape and abuse. It isnt very descriptive, but it could trigger.


The sound of crunching leaves echo in the nearly silent night air as Jared ran through the brush, scratches all over his bare skin and sweat soaking what was left of his clothes. In the distance he can hear the other wolves that are chasing him, trying to force him into a mating that he doesnt want. Why would he want any of them when his entire being belongs to Sebastian? Its just wrong and his wolf knows it. He just has to get away and face whatever consequences come his way.

Earlier that month-

"Please stay. You always go home and then we sit on the phone for hours." Sebastian kisses along Jareds neck. "You could always just stay here, help me tuck Levi in for bed, and we can stay cuddled together in person instead."

"Umm that is so tempting, but we promised each other no sleepovers until the semester is over."


"Bastian, I cant."

"Pretty please?"

"You know we shouldnt…"

"What if Levi asks?"

"Ugh!" Rolling his eyes Jared shakes his head and turns to head towards his car. "No Bastian. We made a deal not to stay over at either of our places until the semester is over and you are no longer my student."


"Goodnight Bastian!"

"I dont even get a goodnight kiss?" His eyes are trying to show how sad he is that hes going back to bed alone. How much he wants that to change. Only perking up when Jared runs up and kisses him again.

Pulling back way to soon, Jared nuzzles their noses together. "Goodnight my love. Ill see you in class tomorrow."

"Maybe for dinner as well."

"Maybe for dinner as well."

Sebastian watches as Jared walks back to his car, watching as he gets in and drives away. His heart hurts watching the man of his dreams drive away, but he knows that soon they will be able to be together. Its only a couple months until the end of the semester. Hes so distracted by his thoughts of asking Jared to live with them, well maybe he should ask the others if its alright before asking his boyfriend, that he didnt heard the door open and close or someone walk up beside him.

"You know there is a small boy inside wondering if big foot has kidnapped his daddy because hes been gone so long." The melodious voice of Kurt fills the night air with Eric happily sucking down his nightly bottle. "Going to come in soon?"

"Yeah I just…"

"You love him."

"I do."

"Levi loves him."

"He does."

"Then whats the problem?"

He turns towards Kurt with a worried look on his face. "That something will go wrong since hes an unmated omega and Ive already had a mate. That you guys wont welcome him into our home or that he doesnt want Levi and I in his home…"

"Well I dont have an answer about the unmated part, but I know none of us will keep you two from living together if that is the step youre on. We have plenty of room here as long as he can stomach being around so many crazy pups. Come on, lets go inside and get all the little ones in bed."


Hunter raises a brow at the young wolf entering his room at the pack house. "Well?"

"I have what you asked for." The young man fidgets nervously as he holds out a manila envelope towards his pack leader.

"Finally!" Standing and quickly taking the packet from the mans hand, Hunter absent mindedly dismisses him when his beta walks in. "Lets see what we have here. 29 years old… son of no body of importance… member of the Black Skulls pack, Ive always respected members of the packs factions all over the country…"

"Anything of use to you sir?" Adam leans against the desk and looks down at all the files staring at him. Who would have thought that a young professor of sign language would have such a thick file?

"Yes. How would you feel about giving Mr. Labri a lesson in being a wolf?"

"What do you mean?"

Hunter passes one particular part of the file into Adams hands. "Hes never had a mate. I think its time we teach Sebastian a lesson in messing with our operations by taking something as precious to him as our financial income was to us."

"Ill make it happen."

Hunter watches Adam leave to go find unmated Alphas in their pack willing to mate with their target, or at least attempt too. There were no rules against starting a mating run and then over doing it, ending up with the omega dead or beyond the point of recovering. He might even take it upon himself to force the teacher into a mating run so that he could have the first hand pleasure of ruining whatever happiness his ex-beta had been having. There might even be a slight pang of sadness for what hes planning to do to the other wolf and that an innocent omega is being dragged into it as well, but then he remembers the money they had been making from the date-rape drug they were selling to the stupid human and his two right hand men rotting in captivity because they were stupid enough to get caught hurting that stupid pup that shouldnt even exit! Sebastian had been one of them! How could he lie about something like the fact he had lot hi mate so young? Its infuriating and enough to erase any pang of guilt Hunter has. Sebastian will pay and then they will find ways to get to the others. That stupid little pack of misfit wolves from nowhere.


Kurt was trying everything he could to help ease Sebastians mind about being with a wolf that has never had a mate before. Sending emails to any elder pack he could find, looking up old document, and searching online for anyone who has been in the same boat. So far hes been laughed at, asked if he was serious, and downright hung up on. Why is it so hard to find something like this?

"Love, the kids are down for their nap and my homework is all done, plus dinner is in the oven. Can we please get intimate today? Please? Hun? Sweetie? Sweet cheeks? Puppy factory?"

"Huh?" Kurt narrows his eyes as he glares towards his mate. "What the hell did you call me?"

"Love of my life, but you werent listening." Blaine slip behind his mate, peeking over his shoulder at the laptop screen. "Still not getting any information?"

"No and its frustrating! They dont believe that Sebastian mated with a wolf that was not going to live and they never had a run and they doubly dont believe there is a near 30 year old omega that has never been mated living in this area. Everyone just thinks its a joke."

"Well it is a bit of a unique situation."

"But they shouldnt laugh about it!"

"Kurt, please just calm down love. Put the computer away for a bit and cuddle with me. Afterwards Ill help you find whatever information we can about this situation. But now, we really need to work on our connection. We havent had sex since Eric was born and hes six months old."

"I know. Im sorry."

"No more sorries. Computer down and lets get snuggled." Blaine laughs when Kurt sends him a curious look. "Alright I mean naked and dirty, but still. Snuggling is part of the deal."

"Sounds like a very nice plan." Kurt slips his laptop onto the side table before turning and pinning his mate to the bed letting their lips and bodies reacquaint with each other. Holding, caressing, kissing, and moving with each other until they are happily snuggled together waiting for their bodies to relax enough to pull apart.

"Um, you know. I wonder if Sebastian can just... initiate a mating with Jarod…"

"Thats what I was thinking, but no ones said anything about that ever happening before." Kurt snuggles back against Blaine as a happy huff escapes his throat when he feels the knot move inside of him. "I was hoping someone would know if it would work or not otherwise I fear they will always live thinking someone is going to steal Jared away."


"Devin, please pay attention." Jared smiles as he goes over the new signs for his class and secretly counting down until his night later class with Sebastian in it. Its always refreshing to have his boyfriend in sight, not to mention someone who he knows is learning sign for more than just a reason to skip certain core classes. "Now everyone, turn towards me and repeat the signs and Ill come around correcting them."

There is also the sinking feeling that more wolves are dropping by his office between classes for odd reasons. Some dont even have a reason to come see him, they just show up. Needless to say, his nerves are on high alert the longer it goes on. "No Jasmin, like this. There thats better." Even now he can smell a wolf waiting outside. "Thats all the time we have for today, remember there is a test on Friday where you must give a speech using sign, the topic is up to you but please keep them tasteful. Have a good day." He smiles before going to collect his things to move to his next room.

"Seems you are well appreciated by all of your students."

Jared snaps around at the voice so close behind him. "What the hell are you doing sneaking up on my like that Hunter? Youre not in any of my classes and I am not a member of your pack."

"No, if you were a member of my pack you wouldnt be teaching while you are an unmated omega." Hunter leans closer to Jared, whispering in his ear. "Shall I change that status for you? Teach you where your duty actually lies?"

Shoving the younger wolf away while his jaw clacks and a growl emanates from deep within his chest, Jared turns on the alpha. "Like you are wolf enough to be my mate." He grabs his bag and heads towards the door. "I have a boyfriend, thats all I need."

"No. You need a mate."

"No I dont. Not every omega needs a mate." He stops at the door to glare at Hunter "Especially not a mate that is as self-centered and evil as you are."

"Hes already had a mate Jared. Hell never satisfy your wolf the way it needs."

"He might not, but both Sebastian and Levi together do. They are my family. My pack."

"Well just see about that." Hunters laugh echoes through the room as Jared takes off.

What he isnt expecting though is to be confronted with posters and flyers all over the place with a picture of his first kiss with Sebastian blown up with the words Freak of nature! Unmated omega wolf, Professor Jared Labri, messing around with a student and previously mated alpha, Sebastian Smyth! His heart sinks as students and faculty look at him. He can hear the whispers and accusation being made. Its all just too much for him and with a quick text on his phone he cancels the rest of his classes before heading towards away from campus. He didnt know where, he just had to get away.

Hunter smiles as he watches his prey rush off away from everyone else. "Let the game begin Adam."

"As you wish Hunter." Adams head nocks back and a loud howl escapes his throat signaling the start of the hunt before he moves to join the other wolves heading towards where Jared went.

Kurt couldnt contain his happiness when he had gotten a response back from an older wolf pack about his friends and the good news it held. Finally someone had believed him and told him that, although uncommon, it was something that did happen. A wolf that has lost his mate very early on in their life together can in fact mate again, though it depends on the wolfs choices. Sometimes the mating takes and sometimes it doesnt, but the elder pack mother had said that since Phillip had been sick and dying when they had mated there was a good chance it wasnt a fully complete bond. His joy grows even more as he pulls up and sees Jared heading across the park and he quickly rushes after him to tell him the news.

"Jared!" Kurt runs over towards him when he finally gets close, frowning at the fear in his friends eyes. "I have some great ne-"

"Are you parked close? Please say you are parked close." Jared looks around at the trees surrounding the both of them. He shouldnt have headed into the park dammit!

"Not really. I was coming to find you and Sebastian to tell you what I learned when I saw you here in the park. Whats going on?" Kurt startles when he hears growling surrounding them.

"The college pack. They… they found out Im unmated and now Hunter is sending all kinds of alphas after me." Cursing Jared grabs Kurt by the arm and drags him fast down the trail heading deeper into the woods. "I need you to find Sebastian. Tell him to come find me."

"What about you?" Kurt is pulling out his phone calling Sebastian as they quickly head down the trail.

"Im going to keep them running. I need Sebastian to get me first though."

"Smart idea seeing as I learned he can have become your mate. Most likely."

"Really?" Jared freezes as a happy feeling runs through his body. "Good. Then get him to join this hunt and … Ack!"

They both cry out as Jared is tackled to the ground and has an alpha tearing at his clothes while another holds Kurt down sniffing at him to see if he is mated or not.

"Get off us you asses!" Kurt growls out.

"Look here. We have two lonely omega wolves huh?" Hunter walks out from behind the bushes. "Which one should I play with first huh? The one who is mated to an annoying wolf that brought the end to my empire or the one whos boyfriend made me lose my two best men? Such a tough choice."

Sebastian freezes with his phone held to his ear as he listens to Hunter threaten Kurt and Jared. His blood is running cold knowing they are in danger and he has no idea if he can get there in time, but by god hes going to try. He keeps listening, hoping they say something that will tell him where hes going.

"You are so going to pay for this with your fucking life! Cornering us in the park! Holding us down!" Kurt snaps his teeth when one of the guys holding him gets his hand to close to his mouth, his eyes train on Jared who is fighting with all his might against the ones holding him down. "Lets just see if you are really strong enough to hold us down." In an effort to buy Jared some time while he hopes Sebastian had actually picked up that call, Kurt twists his body throwing his captor off of his body before barreling shoulder first into the ones holding Jared down, freeing his friend who takes off running into the woods.

"You dumb ass! Like that will help him any!" Hunter turn and back hands Kurt, sending him to the ground.

"It gave him time…" Kurt curls up when a booted foot connects with his ribs.

"Yes, time that I futile. Hes going to be mated by the end of this and you, my dear stupid boy, will be dead."

The next foot headed towards him gets grabbed before Kurt twist it drawing a pained scream from the owner of the leg and flooring the wolf. "Have to catch me first…" He runs towards where his phone landed, grabbing it and takes off in the opposite direction Jared had run. Looking for a place to hole up and call Blaine for help.

Running. He was running with the sounds of people chasing him and all Jared knew is that they couldnt catch him. None of them were who he wanted, who he loved, and who his wolf wants. Hes mind is screaming out for Sebastian to show up and save him. Mate with him and make this nightmare stop. He doesnt even care about the flyers about him being with a student or the backlash hell get from the school, though he knows they have rules about special circumstances if a teacher and student end up being mates. Anything besides being mated to some ass who works for Hunter or worse yet, Hunter himself.

"You need to stop running little dove! One of us I going to catch you! You wont be leaving these woods unmated!"

The voices keep calling out to him, but he ignores them. Concentrating on escape and sniffing the air to find Sebastian. He has to find him. He just has too.

Its when hes tackled to the ground in a minor clearing that Jared realizes how tired he is. The voice in his ear growling out. "Told you, you would be mine." Hunter. He was caught by hunter.

"Ill never be yours."

"Not in heart, but by wolf law you will be." Hunter pins him to the ground getting him into position to be taken as an even louder collection of noises starts up around them. More wolves. "Youre mine!"

Its sudden when the weight on top of him is dragged off and slammed into a tree causing Jared to curl up is fear.

"Keep. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. MY MATE!" Sebastian growls out as he slams his fist into Hunters face, shutting the man up. The noises around them get louder as black wolves track down and subdue any members of Hunters pack.

"Where the fuck…"

"Shut up!" Sebastian slams his fist into the mans stomach causing Hunter to sink to the ground in a ball of pain before he moves towards Jared. "Baby. Its okay, Im here."

"Bastian..?" he peeks through his hands to see Sebastians worried look.

"Im here baby. Im here." The second his arms are opened Jared is crawling into them and clinging to his shirt crying while the Black Skulls surround Hunter, teeth bared as they growl.

The pack leader slowly comes towards the two boys. "We have them all. The authorities are sending vehicles to take them all into custody to await a pack trial. Are you boys alright?"

Jared nods slowly. "Kurt… Kurt was with me. He... he fought them off so I could escape."

"We found him." The man gestures towards the trees where Kurt is being helped over to them by another Black Skull member. "He needs a doctor just to make sure hes alright, we think his rib are bruised. His mate is on the way with your pack leader Sebastian."

Kurt collapses against his two friends the second hes close enough and nuzzles against them. "Did you two mate yet?"

"You know I cant mate Kurt." Sebastian runs his fingers over the bruises forming on Kurts face.

"No. You can, most likely. Its rare, but in your case of losing your mate so young due to an illness he had before bonding and your lack of a run, you are open for another mating." Kurt wheezes as his side hurts. "I was coming to tell you what the pack mother sent me from one of the oldest pack known about."

"If it doesnt work, the worst that can happen that I can tell would be Jared seeing you as his mate, but you not returning the attachment." The Black Skull leader fills in. "Is that something you two wish to do? We could be witness to the mating taking place and make sure no one interrupts."

"Baby? Its up to you. I was… going to ask you to move in after the semester ended. This would just be another step towards that and sooner." Sebastian studies Jared bruised features and torn clothes, huffing at not being able to have stopped it sooner.

"Ive never wanted a mate, but I want you." With a happy smile and weak body Jared is up and moving towards the trees. "It wont take you long to catch me, but like hell we arent doing this right." And hes gone, Sebastian running after him.


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