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Unconditionally: Chapter 11

E - Words: 1,967 - Last Updated: May 31, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jan 31, 2014 - Updated: Jan 31, 2014
142 0 0 0 0

The meeting with his advisor went easier then he thought it would, but after explaining that he needs time with his family after all the stress of the past school year Blaine was able to get into online classes. So why is he currently finding a parking spot on the NYU campus a couple weeks into the semester? Well that has to do with the passenger in the back happily playing with his stuffed bunny and singing in his broken voiced way. Sebastian had gotten permission from his sign language professor to have his son join the class once a week and Blaine and Kurt offered to drive him, alternating who takes him and does the shopping on their way home from dropping him off with his dad.

"Dadaa!" Levi snaps his head up pointing out the window happily.

"It is your daddy, waiting to take you to class with him."

"Dada! Dada!"

"Seems he has someone with him." Blaine parks the van as he keeps an eye on Sebastian and the other man, who scoots in closer and wraps his arm around his shoulders. "Interesting."

"Dada!" Taking off the second his little feet hit the, Levi throws himself into his dads open arms. "Dada! Miss you!"

"I missed you too BabyBoy." Sebastian laughs when Levi notices the other man step closer.

"What about me Levi?" He signs while talking making the boy squeal even louder as Blaine walks up.

"JJ!" The little boy is reaching out for the man squealing again with delight when he dad passes him off.

"JJ?" Blaine raises a brow at Sebastian as he passes off the little boys day bag. "Now youre blushing."

"Yes. Um... well…" Sebastian gestures towards the man hugging and laughing with Levi. "Blaine, Id like you to meet Jared Jamison Monroe."

"Monroe... isnt that the name of your…" Blaine smiles as Jarod reaches a hand out to shake.

"Nice to meet you Blaine. Sebastian talks about you guys all the time after class."

"I wish I could say the same." Blaine studies the other man and how comfortable Levi is with him.

"He uh, probably didnt use my name since we are, sort of..."

"Hes my ASL professor!" Sebastian snaps out with the blush on his cheeks growing deeper. "I talk about him all the time, just... not this way… or even if we are anything then friends…"

Blaine puts a comforting hand on Sebastians shoulder while Jared places one on his other arm. "How about you go to class and then afterwards, bring Jared home for dinner so that we can get to know him more than the fact I can smell hes a wolf and I can see hes older."

"Id love to come to dinner, if Bastian would like me there." Jared smiles letting his hand linger.

"Yes!" Levi giggles out clapping his hands. "JJ eat! JJ eat wit us!"

"I… yes, please will you join us for dinner tonight?"

"It would be an honor."

Blaine can tell how Sebastian is drawn in by the continual blush on his cheeks and it makes him smile. If any of them deserved something happy in their lives it would be his fried. He shakes his head as they walk off, close together with Levi holding each of their hands as he pads along happily. If there is any way that he can make sure they will be able to explore what it is between them, Blaine will make sure it happens. Starting with the perfect dinner that he calls Kurt the second hes parked at the grocery store.

"If it isnt my down right sexy mate calling to see what perishable item we need at home." Kurt purrs out.

With a laugh Blaine gets a cart. "Something like that my dearest darling. Though I am adding to that a special dinner and I need your help knowing what it is we dont have at home."

"Special dinner huh? It isnt our anniversary."

"No, but it is the first time Sebastian is bringing a very special, at least I think hes special to him, to dinner tonight."

"Wait. What?"

"Sebastian has himself a wolf that he is bringing home for dinner tonight."

"And bringing this guy here for a date is his idea of a good choice? Really, we have five pups all under five years old running around. It isnt quite the romantic setting that most dates have."

"Love, they really have no choice. Its his teacher."

"His… what?

"Ill explain when I get home, now what kind of meal do you think we should have tonight?" Blaine chuckles as his mate goes on and on about different recipes that they should make. Once agree upon, Blaine buys what they need and some other necessities for home.

Its a joint effort between Kurt, Blaine, Alain, and Nick to get everything set and cleaned for their guest. The kids find it entertaining and help as much as they can, even if it is just Eric cooing from inside his baby swing and clapping when his daddies go past him. Each of them has their theories on how Sebastian will win over the professor, but the stop whispering about them when Levi comes running in the front door ahead of Sebastian and Jared.

"Home. I home! Ho is Eri?" He runs straight over to a giggling Eric in his swing.

"Eric is doing just fine, especially now that youre home Levi." Kurt ruffles the little boys hair before heading over to Sebastian and the new man. "Hello, Im Kurt."

"Jared, or JJ as Levi likes to call me."

Sebastian fidgets a bit nervous. "Hes my..."

"Professor. Yes Blaine filled us in, but that doesnt really matter because its just a title." Kurt wraps an arm around his friend. "Can you excuse us a second Jared? Everyone else is right down that hallway in the dining room."

"Sure thing." With a last comforting caress to Sebastians hand, Jared goes down the hall to the room full of people who happily great him and work to make him feel very welcomed.

"Well? Do you like him as more than a friend or teacher?" Kurt prods. Studying his face to see his facial reactions.

With a bit of his head lowering Sebastian mumbles out. "I do. We meet at the club when I went out with Alain and Nick before the semester started. We hit it off really well and then the first day of class I found out he was my teacher and we dont know what to do now. We cant date, but we both like each other."

"Ah, thats what Alain said was probably the situation." Guiding him over to the sofa, Kurt sits Sebastian down. "Do you want something more with him?"


"Is it something you both have talked about?"


"How about if we make it possible for you to have something more? You can just bring him here. We can make ourselves scarce."

Shaking his head Sebastian wraps his arms around Kurt. "Ill ask him, but its still not a good situation with him being my teacher and… an unmated omega."

"Wait. Hes unmated?" Standing up fast and starting to pace, Kurt tries thinking through what this could mean. "But hes…"

"Hes been well trained to hide his scent. Its, hes a relation to the McKay pack and got that ability from latent genes." Now Sebastian is curling in on himself. "I know it sounds weird, but Im so attracted to him. I just want him so badly its like hes my mate but I know I cant have another mate. Phillip was my one and only."

"This may sound weird, but have you thought about the possibility that you are responding to his hormones the way you get comfort from being around all of us?"

"Maybe." He fidgets a bit with his hands. "Do you think he really likes me… even though I cant give his wolf what it wants? I cant give him a mate."

"I think you can. I mean, a mate is more than someone that you desire physically. A mate gives you the security and love that you need to grow stronger. You might not be able to give his wolf pups, but you can give him the emotional support that it needs to stay strong."

"Maybe… What if eventually he finds his mate though?"

"I think that would be something you two need to talk about, but a wolf that has gone so long without a mate probably doesnt want one."

"Or he wants what he sees in a wolf that just randomly caught his eye at a party and then just happened to be a student in his class." Jared fills in from his spot leaning against the wall. "I never wanted a mate, what Ive wanted is someone who cares about me for more than being a wolf."

Sebastian is up and moving over to him "Is that really all you need? Nothing more, just love?"

"Yes. All I need is love." He laughs when Sebastian throw himself into a hug. And maybe a cute little toddler that is learning sign language and calls me JJ. Who wouldnt be happy to have a potential son as adorable as he is? Now are you alright with trying something that needs to be kept quiet and deals with an older wolf who is almost 30?"

"Its only 10 years." Sebastian leans in and kisses Jared on the cheek. "Lets take it one day at a time."


To everyones surprise, Jared seemed to fill a void that had been missing. Spending every other night with them for dinner, taking the kids to the park on the weekends with Alain and Nick. Slowly becoming part of their small pack and when asked, none of the adults had an explanation for why Sebastian is so drawn to an unmated omega. They all are just happy that hes found someone. They were doing a good job hiding their growing relationship until the next moon run.

The pack was given permission for mountainous hunting grounds which made everyone happy. There is only so much chasing squirrels and rabbits can please the inner wolf. Now they were out running the hills, the older pups sticking with Sebastian and Blaine while Eric and Richard hung back with Kurt and Alain. Nick was keeping pace ahead so that he can catch something for the pups to hunt. None of them had heard the other pack coming towards them. They only knew they were headed their way when the deer they had been hunting jumped out between the adults and the pups knocking Sebastian from the trail and sent him rolling down the hill while Blaine snatched up Levi before the pup could run after him.

Broken cries echoed out calling for help, nothing Alain could do calming him while the others try to figure out how to get down to where Sebastian was laying still. The other pack had stopped their hunt to try and help as well. It was all chaos as they had all sent out howls for help.

When a black wolf with bluish highlight breaks through the bush, Levi runs straight for him. Crying and nuzzling against Jared. The black wolfs pack, all various shades of black fur, show up in the gulley with Sebastian calling up when they find him alive but a bit shaken up with cuts all over. Its a slow progress, but Jared leads the rest to where the trail leads to the gulley to meet up with his pack that is helping Sebastian out.

None of them saw the glowing eyes watching them from the bushes as Jared and Levi rush over to lick their loved ones wounds. Both nuzzling him until the rest of both of their pack join in the comforting him. They never saw the wicked smile Hunter Clarington was sporting after they had all turned back to humans and his pack beta was taking his ordered pictures of the teacher with his student in a tight embrace sharing a kiss with whispered words of love.


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